Bloodmage build (the MAIN nightblade healer) Updated

  • Kyubi_3002b16_ESO
    lvl 34 you say... at this lvl my advice is that due to the lack of actual aoe spell you will end up using invigorating drain a lot. if you aint got it yet use staff heavy attack to restore magicka and funnel health to deal the damage. Sap essance true potential becomes obvious once you got the ultimate gain on siphon damage since it will proc 2 ultimate per target up to 12
    One bow to darken the sun
    One bow to unite the clans
    One bow to conquer the world and in darkness drown it...

    - Prophecy of the tyranny of the sun
  • Ketis
    Soul Shriven
    Thank you a lot . I think I'm getting the hang of it now because it is going better.
  • williams226
    Currently level 36, looking for a bit of advice on this.

    Do we have to be a vampire or is it ok without, using other skills?

    Currently I am using this,

    Solo Pve level build

    Funnel Health, Crippling grasp, ( slot 3 open to choices ) , Siphoning attacks, Mutagen, -> Ult Veil of Blades

    Funnel Health I think is out best DD spell, which returns small regen but crippling grasp is best DPS + stun. I start with Funnel, then cripple, then either heavy staff or Funnel to kill. If low mana add siphon attacks or taking damage drop mutagen.

    Slot 3 - options are shadow cloak, aspect of terror, blur or additional damage like Silver Shards or Degeneration, or magelight for crit bonus.

    Damage wise Funnel is better so no point adding a damage spell, as I cant find one better than funnel and cripple combo. Only damage spell worth adding situationally is silver shards when fighting daedra for knockdown and banish. Any thoughts on that.

    Shadow Cloak with the morph to remove dot and help when in trouble to escape?

    Or add in aoe, twisting path or drain power?

    What would you put in slot 3 or change in other slots. I am yet to get into high levels so would like to keep the build in the right direction.

    Next is heal spec,

    Pve 4 man dungeons

    Funnel Health, Healing Springs, ( slot 3 open to choice ) , Siphoning attacks, Mutagen --> Soul Siphon

    Slot 3- Blessing of protection, steadfast ward, circle of protection

    Reading above you mentioned morph steadfast ward to healing ward, would that complete my healing build or would you change something else.

    I have healed a few dungeons, had some good and bad times. I think generally when people run round and spread out individually it makes healing very hard.

    Don't know about anyone else maybe just me but I hate switching weapons mid fight, confuses me. I end up getting lost and dieing.

    Edited by williams226 on May 19, 2014 2:41PM
  • Sleepwalker
    I'm not a fan of Cripple anymore. If the foe is snare immune, the damage component is resisted as well. It's best to put points elsewhere.

    I'd add Ambush to your build. It increases "next attack" damage. If that next attack happens to be a Funnel Health, that will mean more healing output for you and/or your group as well. Ambush is also a great opener from stealth for the blood mage. (Ambush -> Funnel Health -> Killer's Blade is 2100 damage in a couple of seconds for me at V2.)

    Also, when you're group healing (i.e. carrying a resto staff), Siphoning Strikes isn't going to be of much use to you. Healing Springs and the staff heavy attack will out-perform it.
    Edited by Sleepwalker on May 20, 2014 1:20PM
    "QUIT CRYIN'! Do some pushups or something!"

    Grayfield - V2 Breton Nightblade
    Windspike - 40 Bosmer Sorceror
  • williams226
    I will be honest I have not specked much into other lines, always thought playing my bloodmage more like a mage trying to keep distance using siphoning tree.

    Siphoning Strikes and resto staff I never run out of mana and when needed I can spam Funnel to kill fast. Its a bit boring though.

    I am all for mixing it up though keeps things interesting, I already specked Impale so might need to switch that to close combat and heal...

    Also means taking advantage of other class abilities giving more options.

    Also, getting in closer I was using all Light, but I now doing 5 light, 1 hvy, 1 med to level some points in there. Many others comment on the benefit of Immovable. What are you wearing...
    Edited by williams226 on May 20, 2014 9:27AM
  • williams226
    I'm not a fan of Cripple anymore. If the foe is snare immune, the damage component is resisted as well.

    That's interesting I think it was asked on another forum post but I didn't see an answer was gonna try and check but havnt had chance. As cripple is such high cost it is a pain if no damage is caused.

  • Jaxom
    I'm not a fan of Cripple anymore. If the foe is snare immune, the damage component is resisted as well.

    That's interesting I think it was asked on another forum post but I didn't see an answer was gonna try and check but havnt had chance. As cripple is such high cost it is a pain if no damage is caused.

    Confirmed last night through an add-on that the damage still takes effect. Another fun fact is that the Mass Hysteria debuff still takes effect on boss mobs even though they don't fear. Confirmed that as well in a VR dungeon.
  • Travail
    I'd be interested to know how much single-target dps you are dealing on bosses with this build. I run Backlash on boss fights with my healing Templar, so I'm wondering how the damage of Backlash compares to the siphoning of a build like this.

  • williams226
    Whats a good addon for showing your dps?
  • Warlordgreebo
    Ring of preservation: Gives base regen percentage not health per second technicaly this spell doesnt heal at all
    Blessing of restoration: Cost a lot of mana and heals little, its only realy good when it comes to a need for armor and spell resist but watch out because raising those value to high cause diminishing returns. The main thing i got against that spell is the fact your target must be in FRONT of you wich since most player like to circle around me instead of in front of me can be a serious problem. I cant just stay idle either.

    Grand Healing main purpose is an actual aoe Healing hot but i agree that for a Healing zone its duration is quite short, as a result i do most of my Healing from Healing shield siphons and fast regeneration,

    The Healing shield is a must have to any decent party healer because it technicaly heals by close to 100% of the target health (shielded amount that is not spent is recovered as Heath at the end of the duration) and allows for a intensive Healing when a player is bursted

    I have to agree; Grand healing is my baby for keeping tank alive. That plus the regen.

    Just those two make us effective.

    Siphon strikes makes us.. never run out.

    Funnel Health = another regen

    I even got to where I use Cripple just to make us an extra dps dealer.

    Yes, Grand Healing is my Spike heal. If the tank needs more than that in a fight, they doing something wrong in the first place.

    Just in the last 3 days I have healed EVERY dungeon 43 on. NEVER FAILED ONE.

    I cannot deny that I wish we had access to a 'class healing line.' We are a regen heals. But I have seen where tanks who thought I 'wasnt a healer' turned around thanking me for the go.

    IF your tank is on the ball, then everything is fine. If the tank is a gimp, you are gimped whether you are a NB OR TEMPLAR MUAHAHAHAH!
  • Warlordgreebo
    The biggest fault I see with this build (and I encounter it on my bow wielding Templar healer) is that when you deal damage as well as heal, you draw insane amounts of aggro from mobs/bosses. Which means you need a really good tank in your group. Even with all these heals and regens you will die if a boss decides to focus on you for too long.

    I swear, there are some fights with some tanks... I would rather have the boss on me. I can sprint and regen like a madman... while they dps it down. There are some fights that actually kinda require this tactic:)

    And punks thought I was bragging about soloing bosses. Just last night, party died. Im last alive. I knew greebly los tricks and ways to solo the boss. At first the party probably wanted me just to die and get it over with.

    After they saw my tricky ways.... switch to resto heal up, cripple dot, switch to bow, Venom arrow.... run off LOS boss to keep alive.

    He double dotted. 70% health boss dead in about 7 mins.

    They started to cheer me on.

    And REALLY started to cheer when i got him to 25%, he almost killed me a couple times. But when The Grobble is your guide, you cannot be greebled!
    Edited by Warlordgreebo on May 22, 2014 1:24PM
  • Warlordgreebo
    Shaun98ca2 wrote: »
    Phenomen wrote: »
    Blessing of restoration: Cost a lot of mana and heals little
    Healing Ward cost more than Blessing of Restoration, heal less (in most situations) and it's single target. The only use I see for HW is to help noob tanks who can't roll \ block oneshot hits. BoR range and frontal AoE is huge, it easy to hit 2 or even 3 group members (and don't forget self heal).

    I still believe with the proper set up Healing Ward can be a very useful ability its shows it wards for the same damage as most instant abilities + a heal and the ward and be increased up to 300% based health. Now if the Ward % is applied BEFORE the ability's heal is applied then the heal and when the ability wears off another heal for whats left that can be very strong if used properly.

    Your main goal would be to slow down the damage everybody take + a slow steady increase in health. Then Healing Ward comes into play when all that ISNT enough and Shields them from damage so they can gain back the HP.

    Definitely worth giving a try. May make up some for our lack of burst.

    Since with a morph that is a triple banger on the low health team mate... 1 immediate heal 2 shield 3 heal on shield expire.

    Dont you ... ever say die....

    Never never... NEVER SAY DIE... AGAIN!!!
  • Warlordgreebo
    I have died so much with this toon more so than my mage or templar. The siphon skill hardly does any damage. I can almost 1 shot you with my mage but siphon you can use a whole bar of energy and not kill a boss. Im level 17 and could not kill the level 12 Sargent not even the boss in the rift dungeon. This is horrible and disheartening to level.

    I don't solo running around as a healer.


    1 shot 1 kill!
    Edited by Warlordgreebo on May 22, 2014 12:56PM
  • Zanxeh
    Soul Shriven
    Is there anyway you could have a bar for dps like running around with daggers or something and another bar for resto staff for the healing?
  • Kyubi_3002b16_ESO
    While dagger is not a bad idea there main reason why this build does not run dagger is because its entirely magicka focused and as such having a pair of dagger would be detrimental. You would be better of with a destruction staff. If you wanna run a more dps focused spec as an alternate to the main healing bar you should try the shadow cloak the invis stun spell and funnel health in your bar for an offensive focused stance this is what i currently run at vet 7.

    If i can be honest about it i dont run my healing bar when i go around to solo thing in veteran i run my offensive bar wich use funnel health (main heal along with vampirism) and shadow spells along with a restoration staff (always the + as all my spell gains bonus damage from my health percentage) and when i go dungeon i run my healing bar. Overhealing isnt as necesary in veteran as damage is but regardless of wich build you run 1 shoting things is somewhat impossible its more about stunlocking the mob to no end while killing casters as quickly as possible and dispatching the melee afterward.

    Regardless dont run this with daggers... youl just end up wasting a slot in a build that has somewhat 0 point in stamina
    Edited by Kyubi_3002b16_ESO on May 27, 2014 2:27PM
    One bow to darken the sun
    One bow to unite the clans
    One bow to conquer the world and in darkness drown it...

    - Prophecy of the tyranny of the sun
  • Jaxom
    While dagger is not a bad idea there main reason why this build does not run dagger is because its entirely magicka focused and as such having a pair of dagger would be detrimental. You would be better of with a destruction staff. If you wanna run a more dps focused spec as an alternate to the main healing bar you should try the shadow cloak the invis stun spell and funnel health in your bar for an offensive focused stance this is what i currently run at vet 7.

    If i can be honest about it i dont run my healing bar when i go around to solo thing in veteran i run my offensive bar wich use funnel health (main heal along with vampirism) and shadow spells along with a restoration staff (always the + as all my spell gains bonus damage from my health percentage) and when i go dungeon i run my healing bar. Overhealing isnt as necesary in veteran as damage is but regardless of wich build you run 1 shoting things is somewhat impossible its more about stunlocking the mob to no end while killing casters as quickly as possible and dispatching the melee afterward.

    Regardless dont run this with daggers... youl just end up wasting a slot in a build that has somewhat 0 point in stamina

    Agree 100% The second I dropped Dagger and Bow and swapped to Dual Resto, 7/7 light, my life because much easier. It's pretty sad really. I was reading a post by a guildmate who was testing out 2H. Apparently Wrecking Blow and Execute does more damage than Concealed Weapon and Impale. I haven't tested this out myself yet, but curious to know how viable it is. My guess is that in a short burst, it's superior. The problem is that in longer fights, I can use concealed weapon like 6 times in a row before I'm out of Magicka due to the 7/7 light.
  • Kyubi_3002b16_ESO
    wrecking blow has a HUGE animation time... its not worth using no mather how much damage it deals not to mention concealed strike is nearly instant cast. Also using a 2h sword gimp yourself hard on the magicka recovery as well.
    One bow to darken the sun
    One bow to unite the clans
    One bow to conquer the world and in darkness drown it...

    - Prophecy of the tyranny of the sun
  • Jaxom
    wrecking blow has a HUGE animation time... its not worth using no mather how much damage it deals not to mention concealed strike is nearly instant cast. Also using a 2h sword gimp yourself hard on the magicka recovery as well.

    That was my concern. Figured it was worth a look.
  • Tamanous
    Too bad this entirely hinges upon being a vamp.

    Basically this isn't a NB build. It is a vampire build.

    Play a real NB as a healer and get back to us.
  • Kyubi_3002b16_ESO
    vampire only serve as a mean to heal trought stealth and while we at it Vampiric swarm simply put is more effective then veil of blade not that i dont use veil at time in dungeon but as a rule i prefer to use swarm as it deals damage faster and heal me. Veil is only good for dungeon and at best if anything only for very damaging boss spike time.
    Edited by Kyubi_3002b16_ESO on May 28, 2014 1:00AM
    One bow to darken the sun
    One bow to unite the clans
    One bow to conquer the world and in darkness drown it...

    - Prophecy of the tyranny of the sun
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