ESO vs other MMORPG

  • wafcatb14_ESO
    Hmmm where to start . almost all MMO offer more than 1 way to lvl your character and off more than 1 zone per lvl range in which to quest/exp etc . Take Eq , or wow , or Rift , DAOC and Warhammer as examples at lvl 5 you could choose to go to 3 or 4 completly diff zones desgined for lvl 5 - 15 content , each with completly diff quest etc to do . so if you wanted to see something diff you could .

    Enter ESO competly story driven quest lvling treadmill , that only has 1 zone per lvl range ie 5-15 etc as example and best way to lvl is by quest grinding and doing the personal story which if you don`t do gimps your toon . And the personal story is the same regardless of race or faction haha sad .

    So basicly the game has little to no replay value wtf reroll a alt on the same faction only to go through the same personal story and to grind the same zones and redo all the same quests you already did .

    the only option is to reroll a diff faction but you still have the same personal story to do /yawn

    Terrible user interface , clunky, almost useless guild store , can`t even search by item name lol . chat /grouping options not much better , LFG while you don`t really need one is pretty bad as well , map is very annoying press M and every time you need to scroll out and 90 % of the time even after scrolling you need to click on the map pin and select the zone you are in to actualy see the whole map haha .

    It`s like they had a bunch on interns do their user interface as a summer project for school but none of them had ever played a MMO . lol .

    No guild tags , .. really nothing more annoying than to be standing next to a guild mate and not even know they are a guild mate . they should have added guild tags etc and given the option to turn them on and off for those that didn`t want to see tags .
  • Snowstrider
    I think one of the things eso lacks is cuztomisation. An MMO needs that,Its fun and no player would actually hate it.
    Hopefully zos add more cuztomisation to the game,More mounts,more armor styles,Sadly the armors currently is just reskinned when you reach higher levels,Well they get a bit cooler,But once you hit vr the armors are just dull :/

    But they got improved with the craglorn update :) A step in the right direction,Still need more cuztomisation.

    even small things like being able to learn other races dance style would be fun.
    Edited by Snowstrider on May 24, 2014 7:17PM
  • Cogo
    NordJitsu wrote: »
    Why would a guild invite random people to join...? Wouldn't make for a very good guild.

    If you want a community to play with, search one out. If they don't have an application and some what discerning admissions process, it probably isn't a very good guild.

    I always have the same question

    Ok, maybe not a need for a written application on the forums, even though I perfer that. But at least get to know, group some with a possible recruit before you invite?

    Not a single guild in Any game (And Ive been in almost em all) who invites anyone without a single question....turns out to be any type of worthy guild.

    You dont have a guild. you have 500 members with your own zone chat, lol.

    I am in a great trading guild. They are very restricted about who gets to join. I got recommended, by a friend, and one of the TRADE guilds officers interviews me about my trading. How much. Sell, buy. what do I sell. How ofter do I play, etc. They make an effort to get active trade guild members and tries to keep a balance between buyers and sellers. I think I sell every single day in that guild!
    Edited by Cogo on May 25, 2014 3:16AM
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Cogo

    As much as I hate to say it, I think the lack of socialization out in the world has more to do with the lack of conversation bubbles or some other means of notification.

    I've tried to drum up conversation with the people I'm running around with before and gotten no answer, and on the other side, I've glanced down at my text box and noticed that five minutes ago someone asked me a question I didn't even notice.

    When you're paying attention to the game world, it's really easy to miss someone trying to talk to you.

    WoW has the conversation bubbles which i think would be terrible for ESO, but you can't argue they're effectiveness. In WoW if some random decided to talk to you you noticed right away as long as they were in view. Some sort of prompt that let you know the person was talking would be handy.

    No chat bubbles. I chat to people all the time. For all kinds of reasons, and I end up in a group every now and then. Maybe someone need help to take out a few mobs for a quest. Dolmen and Achors (though finaly ALL people get something from it. I try to group there as well.....

    I like hunting for rare things and the top is skyshards, so I ask every now and then if someone wanna hunt skyshards with me.

    Some people I think have put me on ignore cause I talk to much. Blame my mother. She is a hairdresser. Not my fault I am chatty!
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Cogo
    Audigy wrote: »

    I know WS quite good as well, my experience however does not fit yours.

    WS has quite a few serious issue´s, but they are mostly based on content later in the game and specific classes.

    Nameplates, graphic & sound glitches are quite common right now and those you should had noticed as well.

    Besides that some boss mechanics bug out which leads to some DE sync in the telegraph system. PvP stats are not tracked properly, the Elder AMP system doesn't work (similar to passives here), some abilities don't charge correctly, some area´s have huge memory leaks, AMD CPU´s suffer badly as well due the duo threading mechanism, but also intel system struggle due the poor optimization, we have clipping head pieces ...

    As you can see, WS is facing the same issue´s as ESO does. People complain about FPS all day, about non working quest´s and spells - loads of work for Carbine and WS has much less demanding graphics and still runs worse which makes you wonder what went wrong over there.

    um, why is Wildstar even mentioned here? I know all the fantastic press the game has got. But from when I look at the DEVS videos on youtube and read on their site + sites about Wildstar...

    2 things really confuses me.

    1. They dont say it with these words, but their target market is WoW players.
    Even though wild horses couldnt drag me back to WoW cause its become everything I dont like in an MMO.

    WoW is still the giant in MMO and the BEST at its type of MMO.

    To go and hope/imagine to "take" wow players.....either you have to wait a few more years since WoW does seams to be a long lived bugger! They simply had the WAY wrong strategy there.

    2. Everyone likes different things, but Wildstar is a cartoon for kids! Everything is very easy, fast. Even dont have to listen cause there is no voice in the quests. And ALL quests are done fast (what Ive read)

    And what makes Wildstar different from WoW, other then different classes?

    It seams more like a mobile phone game you have if you play wow regulary and wants to play some on your phone at work.

    I simply lack the intelligence to understand why LOADS of magazines and events and what not is praising Wildstar to become the new big MMO.

    I am sorry, but have everyone gone complete bananas?

    There are a lot I do not know about that game, but when I see the gameplay, it reminds me of 80ies cartoon kiddies show. But sure, there are a lot of players who wants easy games where you get a lot, fast.

    I even think Ive read a DEV PROMISE that levels wouldnt need grinding. You would get exp so fast anyway. Eeeehhh?

    Unless I am missing something gigantic, I dont see a single player who even just HALFLY enjoy ESO to even consider Wildstar.

    This is a first for me. I rather dislike when other says a thing like this, but everything has a first time right?

    Wildstar goes Free to play....I dont see any other future there.
    Edited by Cogo on May 25, 2014 2:44AM
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Cogo
    Demonruler wrote: »
    I Propably have to agree to this OP complains
    I play most of the time alone now almost all my friends left the game.

    And ESO just does not support grouping in a positive way!
    It's a hassle and i rather feel like playing this game alone.

    So i guess i will be waiting for some updates and fall back to GW2 for now

    Its a hassle to get a group? Asking your guild/friends or even in zone is hard eh?
    There is a dungeon tool but I dont trust that much. Still players who signs up as healers when they isnt one.

    But groups are not hard to just have to make em :-p
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Cogo
    for PvE i need hardcore raids to keep me in the game, and im sorry but a 12 man raid is just not hardcore for me, yes they can be hard to complete, but a 20 or even 40 can offer so much more, and many more boss mechanic then a mere 12 man raid can.

    Craglorn is way to easy, we saw that on live stream, and after iv been in them they are just to easy, yea they have a top 100 ladder and that is nice, but thats not why i raid.

    and to the Angry joe remarks, everyone know who he is, or more of us know him, and he are most of the time spot on, when its single player game.
    When it comes to he's review of ESO he did't get past lvl 20, that a joke, he did't play PvP more then a few hours and that again is a joke, in fact he only took a sample of the game and judge the whole game on that, that is in no way a valid review!

    anyway im off to Wildstar for they have what i need (20 and 40 man raids) better combat system :) , but crappy cartoon ish looks :(

    i might come back in a few month time if Zenimax wakes up!

    PS, i spend 80$ on this and i dont feel its a waste! same goes for Swtor, i did't feel i wasted my money on any of the two games, but please learn from this, we need solid PvP and/or PvE endgame! if you want us to play your game after we hit max level!

    Oh, a live one!

    This a serious question. I am not trolling ok. Just trying to understand.

    If anything is of interest for you in ESO, what possible interest can there be in Wildstar? They are 2 different planets!

    I dont think a single thing in ESO and Wildstar have anything in common. Not one thing. Correct me if I am wrong.

    You acctually bought ESO and played it......and now you are looking forward to Wildstar?

    Would you be kind and tell me what I have missed. Whats the attraction with Wildstar (People can like it, its not that, just people who even sets foot in Tamriel for more then a few days......what possible interest can they have in Wildstar?)

    I mean no offence either. I am just curious.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Cogo
    What will determine ESO's fate now is if they can show a solid end game or not. If the end game is there it is likely that enough people will stay to play if, if not; well, its over.

    Nope, you are wrong. My base for this is people in ESO I talk to. asking what they enjoy. The most common answer is "the game"!

    There isnt an end game in ESO yet! The first 12 man raid has been released. And you can raid in Cyro I guess.

    What determine ESO is how it keeps evolving, balancing, when and what they released, add next. The long and short term plan.

    So far ESO blows everything away. For me at least.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Apricot
    Cogo wrote: »
    Would you be kind and tell me what I have missed. Whats the attraction with Wildstar (People can like it, its not that, just people who even sets foot in Tamriel for more then a few days......what possible interest can they have in Wildstar?)

    I mean no offence either. I am just curious.

    I had absolutely no interest in WS and couldn't get past the cartoonish graphics. Didn't even know the first thing about the game and didn't care. A friend finally convinced me to try WS beta and here's what I found out first hand:

    Wildstar is not a faceroll game. You better move, you better dodge and you better pay attention or you're dead.

    The combat is amazing. And by amazing I don't mean cheesy or gimmicky. It's active, it's thoughtful and it's engaging.

    There's plenty of PvP options. There are arenas, BG's, warplots and owpvp.

    The community is very positive and friendly. Granted this is beta, and that very well may change. But I've never experienced a player base so excited about playing a game - beta or live. Everyone was eager to help each other out. Not even once did I hear "Google is your friend" when someone asked a question.

    Raiding is hardcore. This I like. It's not for everyone but that's ok because there are a lot of other things to do. By no means are "casuals" shut out of the game.

    Wildstar is not an endless treadmill. There's progression and a purpose to leveling. You know when you cap the game is going to open up.

    It's fun. And there are alternatives. PvP and dungeons open up early on if you feel like switching things up. That being said, the humor, the community, the combat and the sense of meaningful progression made leveling a lot of fun. I felt good playing. Killing bosses is incredibly satisfying. It's an "OMG YESSS!" feeling instead of "Ok I just strafed around for twenty minutes dealing white damage. That was . . . dumb."

    There is transparency between the devs and the players. If you visit the forums you will see devs answering questions, explaining things and interacting with the players. I really hope they continue to do so.

    Other things worth mentioning are a UI that makes sense, an AH and CX, attainable mounts, devs that take pride in their product, a lack of bugs and a polished feel.

    I never thought I could get over the graphics, but I did. Along with the humor it adds some lightheartedness to the game. I'm still not a huge fan of the art style but I'll definitely be playing this game. It's just too good not to.

  • yelloweyedemon

    that funny for Rift 20 man had the world hardest boss in Hammerknell!
    And i find it even more funny that you think a 40 have to be more forgiving then a 12 man raid - with that logic 4 man groups should be harder then 12 man raids and solo content should bring the hardest content in the game.

    i think we are done here!

    Was talking for huge numbers like 40 people not 20. You can't have the same communication with 40 people than that you can have with 12 or 20...
  • AngryWolf
    I've only ever play Age of Conan before. It was the only MMO with a theme I liked and decent graphics. I always build my own gaming rig from the ground up, so graphics better rock! :) I tried a WOW trail, but I felt like was watching Saturday Morning cartoons. I'm sure there is a good game beneath the graphics, lots seem to have liked it, but GAH..the graphics.

    I kind of like the grouping in this game more. You aren't always forced into it, and when you are, it's easy to scramble up a few people to tackle that content. In Age of Conan, it was really better to get in a guild that knew what they were doing if you wanted elite gear. Their group dungeons where intense and you needed minimum 12 people. They were more like the new Craglorn content(intense and if you didn't know the right strategy, you were dead meat), and every consecutive dungeon got harder and the gear got better. That's fun for awhile, but sure enough the guild master or the guild itself implodes and you get tired of the nonsense. So scrambling up a few people on the fly works better for me. I'm hoping Bethesda/Zenimax keep the game balanced so when I get into veteran rank that I can still level, enjoy the game, and get into groups when it works best for me.
  • Mikado048
    Soul Shriven
    My first mmo was Wow three years ago. A few months ago I played Rift because it went ftp and now Eso.

    Wow: no bugs no problems except grind and more grind eg: need 20 ears but lo and behold not everyone has ears meaning kill 100 to get 20 ears. Senseless killing gets monotonous after a while.
    Player interaction is me myself and I in pve. It's also obvious that their subscribers don't mean much although support is easily accessible a contradiction. An auction house yes!!!!

    Rift is still subscriber based and ftp with a very large store that you can buy whatever. The game was fun player wise more like Eso with public dungeons etc. The marketing is genius, subscription based, optional ftp with a store designed to make you spend money and you will eventually. And little gifts every time you log on, a small attention that is charming. I played a few months and I was impressed.

    Eso: Since Morrowind I'm a fan of Bethseda or Zenimax whatever. It has that Elder scrolls feel, player collaboration is really nice. The other day a big yellow annoncement Gm "Bot hunter" will be hunting bots, that was a nice touch we should have way more encouragement from gm's. Eso is still a baby so I'm not expecting miracles just yet, it's obvious they are not sitting on their thumbs. And yes I have complaints which I might voice after a few months. All in all I'm happy for now. Oh I'll indulge a wee bit, quick slot was a poor idea for potions and for interacting.
    A very general and condensed evaluation from a soloer
  • aleister
    Apricot wrote: »

    I had absolutely no interest in WS and couldn't get past the cartoonish graphics. Didn't even know the first thing about the game and didn't care. A friend finally convinced me to try WS beta and here's what I found out first hand:

    Wildstar is not a faceroll game. You better move, you better dodge and you better pay attention or you're dead.

    The combat is amazing. And by amazing I don't mean cheesy or gimmicky. It's active, it's thoughtful and it's engaging.

    There's plenty of PvP options. There are arenas, BG's, warplots and owpvp.

    The community is very positive and friendly. Granted this is beta, and that very well may change. But I've never experienced a player base so excited about playing a game - beta or live. Everyone was eager to help each other out. Not even once did I hear "Google is your friend" when someone asked a question.

    Raiding is hardcore. This I like. It's not for everyone but that's ok because there are a lot of other things to do. By no means are "casuals" shut out of the game.

    Wildstar is not an endless treadmill. There's progression and a purpose to leveling. You know when you cap the game is going to open up.

    It's fun. And there are alternatives. PvP and dungeons open up early on if you feel like switching things up. That being said, the humor, the community, the combat and the sense of meaningful progression made leveling a lot of fun. I felt good playing. Killing bosses is incredibly satisfying. It's an "OMG YESSS!" feeling instead of "Ok I just strafed around for twenty minutes dealing white damage. That was . . . dumb."

    There is transparency between the devs and the players. If you visit the forums you will see devs answering questions, explaining things and interacting with the players. I really hope they continue to do so.

    Other things worth mentioning are a UI that makes sense, an AH and CX, attainable mounts, devs that take pride in their product, a lack of bugs and a polished feel.

    I never thought I could get over the graphics, but I did. Along with the humor it adds some lightheartedness to the game. I'm still not a huge fan of the art style but I'll definitely be playing this game. It's just too good not to.

    I've heard a lot of good things about WS. If they had chosen a different graphics style, they'd have me in a heartbeat.

    If only we could have WS gameplay with ESO's graphics...
  • drogon1
    Apricot wrote: »

    I had absolutely no interest in WS and couldn't get past the cartoonish graphics. Didn't even know the first thing about the game and didn't care. A friend finally convinced me to try WS beta and here's what I found out first hand:

    Wildstar is not a faceroll game. You better move, you better dodge and you better pay attention or you're dead.

    The combat is amazing. And by amazing I don't mean cheesy or gimmicky. It's active, it's thoughtful and it's engaging.

    There's plenty of PvP options. There are arenas, BG's, warplots and owpvp.

    The community is very positive and friendly. Granted this is beta, and that very well may change. But I've never experienced a player base so excited about playing a game - beta or live. Everyone was eager to help each other out. Not even once did I hear "Google is your friend" when someone asked a question.

    Raiding is hardcore. This I like. It's not for everyone but that's ok because there are a lot of other things to do. By no means are "casuals" shut out of the game.

    Wildstar is not an endless treadmill. There's progression and a purpose to leveling. You know when you cap the game is going to open up.

    It's fun. And there are alternatives. PvP and dungeons open up early on if you feel like switching things up. That being said, the humor, the community, the combat and the sense of meaningful progression made leveling a lot of fun. I felt good playing. Killing bosses is incredibly satisfying. It's an "OMG YESSS!" feeling instead of "Ok I just strafed around for twenty minutes dealing white damage. That was . . . dumb."

    There is transparency between the devs and the players. If you visit the forums you will see devs answering questions, explaining things and interacting with the players. I really hope they continue to do so.

    Other things worth mentioning are a UI that makes sense, an AH and CX, attainable mounts, devs that take pride in their product, a lack of bugs and a polished feel.

    I never thought I could get over the graphics, but I did. Along with the humor it adds some lightheartedness to the game. I'm still not a huge fan of the art style but I'll definitely be playing this game. It's just too good not to.

    If this is true about WS, maybe I'll give it another try. I played 2 hours of the BETA and was bored hardcore (never reached level 10). Never did an MMO feel more like WoW 2.0 than WS to me. The quests were literally, "Go kill 10 rats." LoL.

  • Cogo
    Apricot wrote: »

    I had absolutely no interest in WS and couldn't get past the cartoonish graphics. Didn't even know the first thing about the game and didn't care. A friend finally convinced me to try WS beta and here's what I found out first hand:

    Wildstar is not a faceroll game. You better move, you better dodge and you better pay attention or you're dead.

    The combat is amazing. And by amazing I don't mean cheesy or gimmicky. It's active, it's thoughtful and it's engaging.

    There's plenty of PvP options. There are arenas, BG's, warplots and owpvp.

    The community is very positive and friendly. Granted this is beta, and that very well may change. But I've never experienced a player base so excited about playing a game - beta or live. Everyone was eager to help each other out. Not even once did I hear "Google is your friend" when someone asked a question.

    Raiding is hardcore. This I like. It's not for everyone but that's ok because there are a lot of other things to do. By no means are "casuals" shut out of the game.

    Wildstar is not an endless treadmill. There's progression and a purpose to leveling. You know when you cap the game is going to open up.

    It's fun. And there are alternatives. PvP and dungeons open up early on if you feel like switching things up. That being said, the humor, the community, the combat and the sense of meaningful progression made leveling a lot of fun. I felt good playing. Killing bosses is incredibly satisfying. It's an "OMG YESSS!" feeling instead of "Ok I just strafed around for twenty minutes dealing white damage. That was . . . dumb."

    There is transparency between the devs and the players. If you visit the forums you will see devs answering questions, explaining things and interacting with the players. I really hope they continue to do so.

    Other things worth mentioning are a UI that makes sense, an AH and CX, attainable mounts, devs that take pride in their product, a lack of bugs and a polished feel.

    I never thought I could get over the graphics, but I did. Along with the humor it adds some lightheartedness to the game. I'm still not a huge fan of the art style but I'll definitely be playing this game. It's just too good not to.

    This proves that Wildstar is a complete different game to ESO.
    If someone finds this attractive, I understand why they dont like ESO.

    This sounds like a WoW based game with a new type of graphics.
    And since the game just opened, and you speak of raiding already, then what I read about leveling is not a problem, is true. far away from ESO you can get.

    I think this has been the main problem from the start of ESO release. People simply assumed it was Wildstar with good graphics?

    Since this discussion is actually not allowed in the rules, lets end it here.
    Think what you will about other games, but ESO is NOTHING like a fast, combat paces, easy quest, fast leveling etc.

    Wrong universe even.

    So we when keep talking about ESO, both good and bad, maybe this is something to keep in mind eh?
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Cogo
    So, now when we all know how "bad" ESO is. Howcome people still play it?

    I am bullheaded and simply think this is a new genra of MMO, with a story based driven world, connected to everything. Also, the choices all almost ALL up to players. Which is something I really like.

    There are problems, but Zenimax are fixing, adressing them. That alone shows promise for any game with a gamemaker who gives a damn.

    Zenimax is taking a risk by going on this road. I happen to like it a lot. Question is, how many others like it? Or so far, how many have understood what type of game it is?

    I still say wait and see. Zenimax have communicated the next fixes in detail. They confirmed what needs to be fixed/changed and claim it is in the works.
    Meanwhile the "Overall" team that looks at the game as a whole, have several releases of what to expect next - in coming bigger additions - and my favorite, the long term plan, which include an ever evolving world, where LORE, whatever goes on in Tamriel is connected.

    Sure, there are annoying part that many people wants fixed right now, but I think Zenimax does the right thing by prioritise game stability, overall balance and a working environment for most players, not just me.

    When they have this, then accievements, guild features etc, which all been confirmed they will adress and release just like they say.

    The communication to us players wasnt very good at the start, but improved so much, you have a direct site where you can read in detail whats next. And they have proven to listen to us.

    I am more then happy to give them time to work and get this very promising game rolling.

    I seam to the best master of writing big posts and got quite a few comments about it, fair enough. I'll sum up what I think is needed and what they are actually doing.

    1. Make the game stable
    2. Fix issues that effects a lot of people and they have good feedback on
    3. Be brave and continue with this type or MMO
    4. Keep the long term plan, change/add/remove whats needed, but think not just about today, but how Tamriel evolves.
    Edited by Cogo on June 2, 2014 3:12AM
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
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