Rift is basically a WoW clone, but I agree it's very polished. Though one could argue that Rift is actually a big improvement over WoW. One thing is certain, if Rift and WoW would have launched on the same day, Blizzard would had been shutting down pretty fast.
gonzoliving wrote: »Hey all,
As I was playing today I realised that the game (so far) hasn't felt team orientated at all.
I see other players running around and such and yet there seems to be little to none teamwork.
I only mention this as I used to play Guild Wars which was known for encouraging working in teams and groups to complete quests and the like. People used to try talk people into joining their guilds and would help their guild members and yet I have not received a single guild invite. Is this normal?
This feels more like a single player game than a MMORPG, it's like I'm playing Skyrim all over again.
IronMaiden_burnout wrote: »This is old news! its a mega crap shoot server with nothing but bots all over so don't waist your time!
Guilds are a joke, people join 5 guilds to simply benefit themselves and nothing else.
Tons of players are buying gold online from these bots so economy is down the shitter.
This game is nothing but a hack-able mess. It needs to be shut down and fixed.
Sorry if I come by as blunt but I say it like it is!
As for Wildstar, I'll admit I've never even tried it. I just looked a few videos on youtube and meh, I'm sorry but I can't stand such art style. It might play very well, but I want some more active combat like ESO, and less like WoW.
As for Wildstar, I'll admit I've never even tried it. I just looked a few videos on youtube and meh, I'm sorry but I can't stand such art style.
It might play very well, but I want some more active combat like ESO, and less like WoW. Though comparing it to how bugged ESO is (considering you are being honest), it's not really hard to realize that Wildstar is pretty basic, they certainly aren't developing the game that much phased as ESO is.
Such topics will always bring bashing, some will defend some will criticize, there certainly isn't enough people to just swallow their pride and sometimes agree.
Yes MMO genre is miserable at the moment, and I can't go past WoW, I can't just go through it and say Blizzard is not to blame. Brilliantly they've created an army of raging teens that just spread hate all over internet. To their misfortune the same teens destroyed the game aswell.
So to end this discussion, no MMO is perfect. ESO has a long way to go, right now there are many things that need improvement. To say the game is broken and mediocre MMO is however not correct. ESO took a step in right direction, if they manage to get on with their plan, it's going to be a fresh breath in MMO genre .
Wildstar open beta closed yesterday. I've been playing that beta like a maniac and went through a ton of areas. I tried all the classes. There was an issue with nameplates. And then there was . . . nothing else. That's it. No bugged quests, no spells or abilities not working properly, zero problems with terrain, no endless loading screens, no game crashes, no npc's glitching out . . . nothing. And this is a BETA.
I know WS quite good as well, my experience however does not fit yours.
WS has quite a few serious issue´s, but they are mostly based on content later in the game and specific classes.
Nameplates, graphic & sound glitches are quite common right now and those you should had noticed as well.
Besides that some boss mechanics bug out which leads to some DE sync in the telegraph system. PvP stats are not tracked properly, the Elder AMP system doesn't work (similar to passives here), some abilities don't charge correctly, some area´s have huge memory leaks, AMD CPU´s suffer badly as well due the duo threading mechanism, but also intel system struggle due the poor optimization, we have clipping head pieces ...
As you can see, WS is facing the same issue´s as ESO does. People complain about FPS all day, about non working quest´s and spells - loads of work for Carbine and WS has much less demanding graphics and still runs worse which makes you wonder what went wrong over there.
I know WS quite good as well, my experience however does not fit yours.
WS has quite a few serious issue´s, but they are mostly based on content later in the game and specific classes.
Nameplates, graphic & sound glitches are quite common right now and those you should had noticed as well.
Besides that some boss mechanics bug out which leads to some DE sync in the telegraph system. PvP stats are not tracked properly, the Elder AMP system doesn't work (similar to passives here), some abilities don't charge correctly, some area´s have huge memory leaks, AMD CPU´s suffer badly as well due the duo threading mechanism, but also intel system struggle due the poor optimization, we have clipping head pieces ...
As you can see, WS is facing the same issue´s as ESO does. People complain about FPS all day, about non working quest´s and spells - loads of work for Carbine and WS has much less demanding graphics and still runs worse which makes you wonder what went wrong over there.
True WoW released 10 years ago, yet there were still many bugged quests in Wrath area half year ago when I still played!! The PvP there has been totally unbalanced and broken for 10 years and counting!! WoW might be more polished, but it's certainly not by a far stretch despite their 10 years of development!
Rift is basically a WoW clone, but I agree it's very polished. Though one could argue that Rift is actually a big improvement over WoW. One thing is certain, if Rift and WoW would have launched on the same day, Blizzard would had been shutting down pretty fast.
As for Wildstar, I'll admit I've never even tried it. I just looked a few videos on youtube and meh, I'm sorry but I can't stand such art style. It might play very well, but I want some more active combat like ESO, and less like WoW. Though comparing it to how bugged ESO is (considering you are being honest), it's not really hard to realize that Wildstar is pretty basic, they certainly aren't developing the game that much phased as ESO is.
Such topics will always bring bashing, some will defend some will criticize, there certainly isn't enough people to just swallow their pride and sometimes agree.
Yes MMO genre is miserable at the moment, and I can't go past WoW, I can't just go through it and say Blizzard is not to blame. Brilliantly they've created an army of raging teens that just spread hate all over internet. To their misfortune the same teens destroyed the game aswell.
So to end this discussion, no MMO is perfect. ESO has a long way to go, right now there are many things that need improvement. To say the game is broken and mediocre MMO is however not correct. ESO took a step in right direction, if they manage to get on with their plan, it's going to be a fresh breath in MMO genre .
Must be your computer because my experience is the same as the other poster, only very minor issues then nothing. Everything was fine, no clipping, lag, boss or world boss or dungeon issues at all.
Didn't see that either. Have you played recently?
Wildstar combat is very action oriented, perhaps even more so than ESO. Certainly the combat in that game is nothing like WoW.
Kyubi_3002b16_ESO wrote: »Why use a flawed pve system that *** off everyone and make people feel like ragequiting when someone before you done it right. Just do the same already there's no shame to that.
I can only say it again. The reason for the lack of socializing in the open world is the absence of nameplates.
Without seeing that this thing running around is an actual human, with an actual name, a guild and a title, he is just another automaton.
Kyubi_3002b16_ESO wrote: »Simple truth in this game... ALL the other player are your enemy including those in your own faction and if you don't constantly steal cheat or ninja you going to end up a very frustrated player.
Of course doing the above will earn you the hatred of those player as well and they will end up also trying to ninja or steal you later. A guy steal my chest in front of me while I was in a battle next thing I do I jump on my horse and steal ALL the resource node 10 feet before he even touch them so to have him know how angry I am about him.
And you really must like Mickey Mouse style ...
I only can speak for my self but those comic like games are terrible. Worst visual style ever. Even blizzard is trying to patch kid and asian styles. I hate this kind of development in games.
No one cares if you hate the graphics. The graphics are a matter of preference but the game play totally blows ESO out of the water.
Unless, of course, you enjoy strafing around for 20 minutes chipping away at solo quest mob, dodging, more white damage, dodge, white damage, dodge, blah, blah, blah. It amuses me that some people think this is super epic or something along those lines. The only time I died to a solo quest mob was when I fell asleep.