IronMaiden_burnout wrote: »This is old news! its a mega crap shoot server with nothing but bots all over so don't waist your time!
Guilds are a joke, people join 5 guilds to simply benefit themselves and nothing else.
Tons of players are buying gold online from these bots so economy is down the shitter.
This game is nothing but a hack-able mess. It needs to be shut down and fixed.
Sorry if I come by as blunt but I say it like it is!
Catflinger wrote: »I am OK with the system as it stands now. I come from World of Warcraft where people join gigantic mega zerg guilds for the benefits and don't ever talk to each other. The exception is if you're an elite raider; or if you're lucky enough to have a group of family and friends to have a guild with. The guilds I've found here consist of a small social guild and two trading guilds; one of which has a good social component and the other is set up strictly for trading. It's been a good experience.
As far as grouping up -- I never played GW2, but again I am finding it preferable to WoW. WoW does not have open tap, and your gold and xp is reduced if you're partied up, so people compete viciously over mob spawns rather than work together when questing out in the world. In this game, I've found that group play is spontaneous, organic and informal; and doesn't rely on an invite. This is something I enjoy.
That's not to say that things are perfect, but IMO, they are far from terrible.
Agree^ESO is one of those games where you can choose to be social or antisocial if you so choose. You can complete most of the quests without the help of anyone if you so desire (minus the group dungeons and anchors of course).
IronMaiden_burnout wrote: »This is old news! its a mega crap shoot server with nothing but bots all over so don't waist your time!
Guilds are a joke, people join 5 guilds to simply benefit themselves and nothing else.
Tons of players are buying gold online from these bots so economy is down the shitter.
This game is nothing but a hack-able mess. It needs to be shut down and fixed.
Sorry if I come by as blunt but I say it like it is!
Akuydab14_ESO wrote: »
Guilds are functioning exactly as intended. If you want to be in a small social guild, nothing is stopping you... you can be in five guilds. Like you said. Many MMO's are like this anyways...
Seeing as you have more gold than you know what to do with late game, (I have redone my talents five times, and attributes once) and I have almost 70k gold, and I have bought some crafting mats as I leveled, also bought motifs and such shortly after launch. I've barely sold anything to other people.
Economy is right where it should be with supply and demand.
IronMaiden_burnout wrote: »This is old news! its a mega crap shoot server with nothing but bots all over so don't waist your time!
Guilds are a joke, people join 5 guilds to simply benefit themselves and nothing else.
Tons of players are buying gold online from these bots so economy is down the shitter.
This game is nothing but a hack-able mess. It needs to be shut down and fixed.
Sorry if I come by as blunt but I say it like it is!
frwinters_ESO wrote: »
JosephChip wrote: »I am really clueless when it comes down to discuss the bot issue. Seems like some people report millions of bots everywhere. Other have never seen them. I have leveled a character from 1 to VR8, played through 14 zones, 20 if we count the little islands, and have rarely seen any bots. One in Coldharbor I believe. If the presence of bots is really your only argument, I'll just gladly keep enjoying my time in this game, thank you. Really just a minor nuisance.
It's all good and you didn't start an argumentgonzoliving wrote: »Sorry if by starting this thread that I caused an argument, it wasn't my intention.
So I understand, thanks to you guys, that the social side of guilds is completely up to the guild itself. In saying this, can any of you suggest any good guilds to join who work as a close-knit team?
Thank you once again.
ZOS_TristanK wrote: »We'd like to pop in and remind everyone to please keep the conversation civil, on-topic, and constructive. We'd love to continue reading your feedback in regards to the group/team environment in ESO.
I have a great guild with mumble and we talk while we quest, instance, or AvA. Too many people want a polished game from the start. You may all claim to be x-WoW, etc but if you were then you would know that WoW released FAR from perfect and had tons of bugs. I remember many times getting pissed at how man days in a row the servers went offline for this bug or that. Getting game time because they took so long. Guess what, WoW is still broken and you hear the same QQ in every forum. I am happy with this game and though it has bugs, I am sure they will be worked and reworked in time.