Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Nightblade Update

  • curlyqloub14_ESO
    iDoseDMT wrote: »
    Threatening to unsubscribe from a product that you are unhappy with is not a tantrum.

    Uh, ya it is. In fact, "threatening" to do pretty much anything unless Soandso does XYZ is pretty much the grown-up version of the kid in the store refusing to move from the candy aisle and screaming until mommy buys him a lollipop.

    Fortunately Zenimax is not mommy, and doesn't have to be embarrassed for their crying brat in the store - instead they can just walk away, ignore you, and leave you to wallow in your own giant pools of tears.

    All this "you better do this right now ZoS, or else!" is just ridiculous. If you buy a pair of shoes that hurt your feet, do you keep wearing them, and call up the shoe maker every week and threaten to stop buying from them unless they make better shoes?? (If you do, I'd love to know their response.) No, more likely you stop using those shoes, and go find new ones that fit better.
    iDoseDMT wrote: »
    Any rational adult (which you claim to be) would not continue to pay for a product that they are dissatisfied with.

    You are right there. A rational adult wouldn't pay, they would stop paying, and find something else that makes them happy (if that's possible). An irrational adult, on the other hand, would prefer to stay angry, keep paying, and keep complaining, b/c deep down that's really what they thrive on.
    Edited by curlyqloub14_ESO on May 23, 2014 4:12AM
  • Enkil
    I do not play nightblade but I do think that having so many broken things on 1 class out of just 4 (potentially 25%ish of players) means that most of the Dev resources should be devoted to this problem and a patch be prioritized and put out ASAP. Quest bugs, environment stuff and all that needs to take a back seat.
    Edited by Enkil on May 23, 2014 4:07AM
  • One Two
    One Two
    iDoseDMT wrote: »
    Threatening to unsubscribe from a product that you are unhappy with is not a tantrum.

    Uh, ya it is. In fact, "threatening" to do pretty much anything unless Soandso does XYZ is pretty much the grown-up version of the kid in the store refusing to move from the candy aisle and screaming until mommy buys him a lollipop.

    Fortunately Zenimax is not mommy, and doesn't have to be embarrassed for their crying brat in the store - instead they can just walk away, ignore you, and leave you to wallow in your own giant pools of tears.

    All this "you better do this right now ZoS, or else!" is just ridiculous. If you buy a pair of shoes that hurt your feet, do you keep wearing them, and call up the shoe maker every week and threaten to stop buying from them unless they make better shoes?? (If you do, I'd love to know their response.) No, more likely you stop using those shoes, and go find new ones that fit better.
    iDoseDMT wrote: »
    Any rational adult (which you claim to be) would not continue to pay for a product that they are dissatisfied with.

    You are right there. A rational adult wouldn't pay, they would stop paying, and find something else that makes them happy (if that's possible). An irrational adult, on the other hand, would prefer to stay angry, keep paying, and keep complaining, b/c deep down that's really what they thrive on.

    Whats your point? OFF TOPIC!
    go start your own thread, you are off topic and have no place here.
    Two tears in a Mother!@$&ing Bucket, !@$& it.
    - CT Fletcher
  • Jade_Knightblazerb14_ESO
    Angua wrote: »
    Thank god I'm not wasting my money waiting on my NB WW to be fixed.

    How pitiful my character is... I am a
    1. Nightblade
    2. Werewolf
    3. 2HD Sword User
    4. 5 Heavy Armor, 1 Light, 1 Medium

    I currently have kept my Crazy Pendent from Grahtwood that tells me how bad I am... "They would be better off with out you" it tells me all the time... Sometimes I think the group I am with thinks the same...
  • Gilvoth
    please fix the duel wield damage output (it's simply to slow and does not do enough damage), and also my nightshades now are disapiered and i cannot see them when i summon them. also, when i now use the extremely limited 2.5 second invisibility i can no longer see my character (as aposed to before i could see myself and my summoned night shades), also the sound of the horse is now very loud and disturbing. i am experiancing alot of extreme lagg as never before and i have been playing eso since about may of 2013 so i know this bad lagg im seeing is not something i had before. you spoke about being able to switch weapons for us now and also about skills now being able to work in combat instead of freezing up my character but, it's true that i can switch weapons and use skills, however there is a very noticable delay when it happens. i switch weapons and use a certain skill but i then see nothing happen and i wait about 3 seconds and then see the mobb or person was hit and i did switch weeapons but i was in a frozen screen so it's true it does now work but i am struggling with soo much lagg that i did not even see the even happen or i see it happen a few secoinds later and is upon a extreme action speed scale catching up to the event that happened. theres fixes and im very thankfull for the work on the fixes but it's still broken and im still strugling. also noteworthy is the very good thing that now i do not have to reload to regain my sneak speed from the vampire passive (which i am very happy about) but i still die too easily during really easy fights and i have alot of health and power during really hard fights which is very confusing but in both cases i still die due to the buggs i mentioned above.
  • Truno
    Idk about pve but with the "dead bodies can no longer detect you" fix being a nightblade is much much better in pvp. I will definitely be awaiting the next updates for them, I'm glad stealthing actually works now.
  • Mablung
    Thank you for today's content update. I look forward to the changes to my preferred class. As much of a killer as I am now, I can only imagine what it will be like in full effect. It was a difficult to adjust to the broken abilities, but it has still been fun to play. I don't know enough about what it takes to make these changes to complain about the timeline. I also won't pretend to know the profit margins and budget of the company making this game.

    I'm so tired of listening to all these disgruntled people complain about every god damned thing. Their phones are too slow, their games are too hard, their *** shower faucet gets clogged, their subway sandwich has too much sauce on it. Fret over every little thing like the world truly owes it to you because you worked sooooooo hard for the money. Make your own cellphone, make your own game. You build a plane that can fly and make it land on time for your *** life that doesn't even matter. Find something to be happy about, or shut the *** up. You're quitting because you're little character is broke? Great. Do that. Do yourself a favor though, and stop being spoiled little ***. Find something that makes you happy, and focus on that instead. You're a paying customer. If the money you "lost" by investing in this game has caused you this much distress, you didn't need to be spending it on a game in the first place. Take the money you spent on this game, and buy one nice article of clothing to wear to a job interview. Just change your attitude first, and maybe your cheap clothes will be overlooked.

    Thanks Dad.

    P.S. This is the internet, people vent in childish ways because they can. It's a lot like you coming here and talking down to people for doing so. Not very mature either way.
  • One Two
    One Two
    DW is not the problem, OFF TOPIC.
    id mod the hell out of this thread just to get the NB fixed, for free, without insults, without flaming.

    Jesus H Christ couldn't fix the NB if he wanted to, what makes you think ZOS will in under 1 month?

    The class needs a delete and ppl should be given the chance to pick a new class, at the same level their NB was, with same traits unlocked etc. maybe even until it IS FIXED. (if ever)

    I was lead to believe the NB was a working class, played it for months, now i have to re-roll? to enjoy craglorn content that i payed for?

    Edited by One Two on May 23, 2014 4:36AM
    Two tears in a Mother!@$&ing Bucket, !@$& it.
    - CT Fletcher
  • Ser Lobo
    Ser Lobo
    Angua wrote: »
    Thank god I'm not wasting my money waiting on my NB WW to be fixed.

    How pitiful my character is... I am a
    1. Nightblade
    2. Werewolf
    3. 2HD Sword User
    4. 5 Heavy Armor, 1 Light, 1 Medium

    I currently have kept my Crazy Pendent from Grahtwood that tells me how bad I am... "They would be better off with out you" it tells me all the time... Sometimes I think the group I am with thinks the same...

    You could only be better off if you were a vampire ultimate-generating sword and board bash spamming DK whose skill rotation focused on talons and bats.

    This was someone in my guild yesterday. Today he quit. I was laughing the whole time he was ranting on vent, because we warned him this would happen. Rewind the tape three weeks, and hear him talking about how awesome he is, how he can solo veteran dungeons and his leet PvP skills.

    Some people really do it to themselves, I swear.
    Ruze Aulus. Mayor of Dhalmora. Archer, hunter, assassin. Nightblade.
    Gral. Mountain Terror. Barbarian, marauder, murderer. Nightblade.
    Na'Djin. Knight-Blade. Knight, vanguard, defender. Nightblade.

    Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.

    He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.

    This is an multiplayer game. I should be able to log in, join a dungeon, join a battleground, queue for a dolmen or world boss or delve, teleport in, play for 20 minutes, and not worry about getting kicked, failing to join, having perfect voice coms, or being unable to complete content because someone's lagging behind. Group Finder and matchmaking is broken. Take a note from Destiny and build a system that allows from drop-in/drop-out functionality and quick play.
  • vicNBitis
    Samadhi wrote: »
    How pitiful my character is... I am a
    1. Nightblade
    2. Werewolf
    3. 2HD Sword User
    4. 5 Heavy Armor, 1 Light, 1 Medium

    I currently have kept my Crazy Pendent from Grahtwood that tells me how bad I am... "They would be better off with out you" it tells me all the time... Sometimes I think the group I am with thinks the same...

    Right there with you! Have an NB, werewolf, S&B, 7 heavies. Still love the little guy though.

    Is that what causes that voice?! That was a mind-f....
  • Axewaffle
    Angua wrote: »
    Thank god I'm not wasting my money waiting on my NB WW to be fixed.

    Dear god man... Nightblade AND WW? Please tell me you arent a bow or dw user....

  • Knootewoot
    Thanks for the update. Currently i am VR4 NB and i can still manage. Can't wait for the update. Looking forward to it.
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • Jade_Knightblazerb14_ESO
    Samadhi wrote: »
    Right there with you! Have an NB, werewolf, S&B, 7 heavies. Still love the little guy though.

    Is that what causes that voice?! That was a mind-f....

    I would of kept my talking skull too, if he would of continued talking outside the Boneyard XD
    Edited by Jade_Knightblazerb14_ESO on May 23, 2014 4:44AM
  • Valerien
    While it is great to see the Nightblade getting some attention, from what I have read here it is far far far too little.

    In many ways the ESO is great. The combat is dynamic and you will often find yourself fighting multiple mobs, dodging, blocking, avoiding red circles of death etc.

    Unfortunately NB as the dps/assassin class will find such combat very difficult, our non stealth dps is very low when considered how squishy we are. It turns the NB into a one trick pony where you have to be stealthed and have to get the drop on an opponent cause you have little chance to dps anyone toe to toe. Only most hard fights you end up having to toe to toe with people.

    If we take the Assassination skill line, of the 5 base abilities only 2 are an attack. One does relatively low damage unless the target is almost dead and the other is a teleportation strike. Sadly neither offer much in the way of burst damage when I being wailed on by 3 mobs. The rest of the abilities are buffs which given my limited number of options I'm not overly sure I can take. So as dps skill lines go I'm not sure how much dps it offers. As opposed to the DK flame line which offers 5 dps options depending on my particular preference. So what is the solution, Assassination needs a high dps burst attack that does not require me to be in stealth to use it.

    The shadow line I fairly enjoy, though aspect of terror and shades never really lived up to the promise. 2 enemies running off may even the fight up but if they are ranged all you really have done is made it so they are further away when they attack you and possibly standing close to another group. Thats not really much help at all. And shades I see very little benefit, it should be a debuffing dot but either the damage isn't very good or its a very deceptive skill cause they don't seem to help much at ll. That said I think the easiest way to fix shadow would be to increase the length shadow cloak lasts, as the stealth/assassin class our ability to move unseen is very limited.

    Then our heal line Siphoning, though it really offers very little healing. I can buff in multiple ways all of which requires a target. This obviously causes some issue if I want my first attack to be from stealth. While the healing offered is very low, I get it damage + healing will never be as high as healing or damage. But it does seriously reduce the NB survivability, while things like cripple just seem like a waste of a slot when I could have teleportation strike. As for siphoning strike, I really don't think my dps is high enough to allow a 25% reduction to damage. We don't have the survivability or the healing and reducing what little dps we have seems crazy. As for catalyst this must be the worst possible passive. I'll drink a potion as much as anyone but I can get this from the alchemy skill tree line if I want. The easiest fix here would be increase the healing and improve Siphoning strike so its not nerfing a dps classes primary role while offering so very little.

    Ultimately the Nightbalde needs more DPS when not able to sneak up on a target or if that target happens to be tough and barely scratched by your first assault as you jump out of the shadows. There are a number of possible builds in ESO but as a medium armour wearing, melee dps build (i.e. an assassin) your ability to DPS after the first attack or at all if you can't sneak up on people is seriously limited.
  • Solnai
    iDoseDMT wrote: »
    Threatening to unsubscribe from a product that you are unhappy with is not a tantrum.

    Uh, ya it is. In fact, "threatening" to do pretty much anything unless Soandso does XYZ is pretty much the grown-up version of the kid in the store refusing to move from the candy aisle and screaming until mommy buys him a lollipop.

    Fortunately Zenimax is not mommy, and doesn't have to be embarrassed for their crying brat in the store - instead they can just walk away, ignore you, and leave you to wallow in your own giant pools of tears.

    All this "you better do this right now ZoS, or else!" is just ridiculous. If you buy a pair of shoes that hurt your feet, do you keep wearing them, and call up the shoe maker every week and threaten to stop buying from them unless they make better shoes?? (If you do, I'd love to know their response.) No, more likely you stop using those shoes, and go find new ones that fit better.
    iDoseDMT wrote: »
    Any rational adult (which you claim to be) would not continue to pay for a product that they are dissatisfied with.

    You are right there. A rational adult wouldn't pay, they would stop paying, and find something else that makes them happy (if that's possible). An irrational adult, on the other hand, would prefer to stay angry, keep paying, and keep complaining, b/c deep down that's really what they thrive on.

    Then I suppose, using your rationale every business/customer in the world is a kid. If your internet is down or running slow you contact your ISP and complain and ask them to fix your issue. If you have hosted servers or your own private servers and the data center promises you 99% uptime and you are unable to access said servers, you contact the data center and voice a complaint, and they either address the issue or you will take your business elsewhere for your hosting/colocation needs.

    Let me guess we are talking apple and oranges here right. Since I referring to servers and internet connection, and this thread is about a video game, but to honest I really don't see much difference seeing the internet is simply a luxury that makes life a bit easier.

    I guess, I am a bit long in the tooth, but I remember this old concept that was called customer service, where it was the rule of thumb to make your customer happy. I also remember another concept, called job security and if the company I worked for was unable to keep their clients/customers happy I most likely would not have a job since the profit a company makes are from their customers.

    Also your shoe analogy kind of misses the point, you see most people when they buy shoes normally try on the shoes to make sure they fits before they leave the store.
    Edited by Solnai on May 23, 2014 5:14AM
  • Svann
    Thats a thing though. When you call your isp you dont say "if you dont fix it im leaving". That never works. You say "i want it fixed" and then if they dont you leave. No threats.
  • Cogo
    I dont understand....they fixing loads of bugs with night blades...and people whine about that? Um....should they broken the class...would that make you happy?

    I group every day and I am a DK tank. Even as "broken" class, night blades does more damage to 1 mob then I do in the entire instance almost :-)
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • fiachsidhe
    Uh, ya it is. In fact, "threatening" to do pretty much anything unless Soandso does XYZ is pretty much the grown-up version of the kid in the store refusing to move from the candy aisle and screaming until mommy buys him a lollipop.

    Uh NO, it really isn't. Telling a service provider what it will take to earn your money is NOT whining. What an insipid, naive notion. The only reason you're so forgiving is because it's about a game you happen to like. If anything else you bought failed to work properly, and the only thing the manufacturer did was replace with with an even worse version, you'd be PISSED!

    But here you are, acting self righteous and hypocritical over this, simply because games get a free pass from fanboys. Give me a break!

    What, you think you're mature? You think your posts here are even remotely the opposite of what you're accusing others of? Let me guess, in your mind, you're not sitting here whining about criticism. In your mind its ok when you do it.

    People do it in every service industry. The difference is, other industries don't have people like you running defense for them and those industries strive for customer satisfaction. Unlike gaming, where they get a free pass from people like you.

    WE are paying THEM. Not the other way around. They expect us to give them money. Lots of it. For a service. Its our *** god given right as consumers to take a stand against bad service.

    You're right, they aren't "mommy". They are a BUSINESS. So stop defending them as if your "mommy" has been insulted.
    Edited by fiachsidhe on May 23, 2014 6:09AM
    Don't have an intelligent argument? Just LOL a post!

    Dire Crow - Ebonheart Pact - Dunmer Nightblade
  • Axewaffle
    Angua wrote: »
    Thank god I'm not wasting my money waiting on my NB WW to be fixed.

    Dear god man... Nightblade AND WW? Please tell me you arent a bow or dw user....

  • mpattarozziub17_ESO
    I'm no longer able to use Summon Shade / Dark Shades as an aggro holder while I cycle through groups of enemies. I draw the attention of the group as soon as I attack. Maybe that's how it was always intended.
    Edited by mpattarozziub17_ESO on May 23, 2014 5:31AM
  • Lord_Hev

    Don`t over buff them...

    Easy there... sshhhh... Any more "buffs," and the Nightblade will be utterly unplayable...
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
    Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame
    PC NA
  • Solnai
    Thats a thing though. When you call your isp you dont say "if you dont fix it im leaving". That never works. You say "i want it fixed" and then if they dont you leave. No threats.

    A majority of the post I have read have stated that the turnaround time to have the class fixed was unacceptable. Yes there have been some people stating that they have unsubscribed, which they have every right to do. They also have every right to tell ZOS the reason why they will no longer paying for said subscription.

    Any business, at least the ones who want to be successful, will want to know why they are losing their customer base so they can adjust and make the necessary changes that are needed so they don't lose more customers. Negative feedback is not necessarily a bad thing regardless of what most of you people think. Negative feedback provides businesses the necessary insight to identify issues so they can adjust and grow. That's why most companies that deal with a customer base have a retention department, so they receive the necessary feedback as to why the customer is leaving and to also see what they can do to retain that customer.

    Also as someone who has worked for a couple different ISPs, people do call in and threaten to switch to a different provider if they are unsatisfied with the service.
    Edited by Solnai on May 23, 2014 5:39AM
  • Lord_Hev
    Grim13 wrote: »
    I am absolutely loving the situational irony of how there are people bashing NBs for discussing their broken class in Zenimax's 'Official Nightblades Are Broken' thread.


    Seriously! The audacity of some of these white-knighters, defending the game to it's friggin grave. The Nightblade has become so damaged, that we have an OFFICIAL THREAD DEDICATED to this very issue.

    I don't if some people are just being oblivious or what, but lol!
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
    Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame
    PC NA
  • Arsenic_Touch
    Thats a thing though. When you call your isp you dont say "if you dont fix it im leaving". That never works. You say "i want it fixed" and then if they dont you leave. No threats.

    Works all the time with comcast.
    Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

    ╔═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗
    "Hope can drown lost in thunderous sound."
    "Fear can claim what little faith remains."
    "Death will take those who fight alone."
    "But united we can break a fate once set in stone."

    ╚═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝

    NA // Ebonheart Pact // Leader of CORE Legion // Namira Beta Tester // VR11 NB
  • tuntuns
    I though I will stay in ESO at least 3months (peak of the life cycle of current mmo). Thanks for surprising me and proving me wrong :)
    Edited by tuntuns on May 23, 2014 5:57AM
  • Cogo
    Master Assassin will increase spell power in addition to weapon power.

    Just woke up, with this you made my day ! \o/

    So you just one thing that they said over and over. And you are one of the few who dont cry a river how broken night blades are and competing about how many times per month they can quit?

    Either you are very smart, or a lot of posts here are bollox.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Mablung
    Cogo wrote: »
    Master Assassin will increase spell power in addition to weapon power.

    Just woke up, with this you made my day ! \o/

    So you just one thing that they said over and over. And you are one of the few who dont cry a river how broken night blades are and competing about how many times per month they can quit?

    Either you are very smart, or a lot of posts here are bollox.

    Pot meet kettle.
  • Mablung
    Cogo wrote: »
    I dont understand....they fixing loads of bugs with night blades...and people whine about that? Um....should they broken the class...would that make you happy?

    I group every day and I am a DK tank. Even as "broken" class, night blades does more damage to 1 mob then I do in the entire instance almost :-)

    Why are you even posting in the NB update thread? You said you are a DK, why come here and grief people who are venting with your unhelpful remarks about people complaining.
  • fiachsidhe
    Yeah my friend unsubbed. I'm doing so as well.
    Zenimax is just ridiculous. It isn't just the nightblades either. Its the entirety of their ignorance, lack of foresight, the constant avoidable mistakes, the never learning from their mistakes, the lack of communication, their messed up priorities, the incompetence of their fixes, lack of effort in dealing with bots, bugs that last for months, endless bad ideas/designs. Its like they want the game to fail at this point.

    They lowered everyone's stats across the board, made enemies harder.
    They ruined so many builds, made so many sweeping changes, and these *** couldn't even bother giving out free respecs.

    Zenimax Online doesn't deserve my money. They simply don't.
    Thats a thing though. When you call your isp you dont say "if you dont fix it im leaving". That never works. You say "i want it fixed" and then if they dont you leave. No threats.

    Yeah actually, a lot of people do. That's the way you get results. They are a service. You tell them what it will take to earn your money, or you will go to their competitor. Or you can say nothing, and get nothing. Your choice.

    I can't tell you how many deals you've missed out on by thinking that your silent doormat policy makes you a better customer.
    Edited by fiachsidhe on May 23, 2014 6:14AM
    Don't have an intelligent argument? Just LOL a post!

    Dire Crow - Ebonheart Pact - Dunmer Nightblade
  • Cogo
    Mablung wrote: »
    Cogo wrote: »
    I dont understand....they fixing loads of bugs with night blades...and people whine about that? Um....should they broken the class...would that make you happy?

    I group every day and I am a DK tank. Even as "broken" class, night blades does more damage to 1 mob then I do in the entire instance almost :-)

    Why are you even posting in the NB update thread? You said you are a DK, why come here and grief people who are venting with your unhelpful remarks about people complaining.

    I am not griefing anyone. I am just confused. The Night blades I have teamed with does just fine...and thats before all this good fixes the class gets.

    I just do not understand.

    Yes, I am a dk, do you see me whine about not being able to AE root 50 people in Cyro with chocking talons? Thats a FIX! And dont get me started on the silly block discussion.

    Maybe I am just not understand this. This isnt real complaints...its just rants and the game is fine?
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
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