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Movement hack, or class skill?

I know some class skills give you bonuses to your movement speed (and, um medium armor passives, too, I think) but last night and this morning in Bangkorai I've been seeing people moving around ridiculously fast--what's more, they're sliding (i.e., not moving their legs, moving around as if they were chess pieces).

A few examples last night were obviously exploits of some kind, because they could sink into the earth like mudcrabs and occasionally hover over the battlefield. I didn't see any of that today, but the people were moving just as fast as the obvious exploiters last night.

My question: are there class skills that can reproduce those visual effects? I mean, I was inclined to report them because I'm pretty sure those kinds of exploits were against the TOS, BUT there were a few mitigating factors:

- last night there were a few situations where I found my character knee-deep in environment (i.e., I would be standing in rocks and low walls that were sticking out of the map) instead of being stopped by it. Also, there have been situations where, when my character is on horseback and galloping, he'll wind up going through parts of the environment, mostly stairs. So, if the speed boosts were legitimately achievable through class skills, I couldn't discount the possibility that a) they were suffering the same wierdness I was, and b) it was compounded by their increased movement rate

- I couldn't swear that it wasn't a display problem on my end. Sometimes my character will get stuck in a position, visually, and I'll have to relog to fix it. Everything works--I can fight, block, etc--but visually it looks like I'm in the crouched fighting position, not moving.

So I didn't report them because I'm not familiar enough with the other classes (I usually play a sorceror) to know if those speed boosts were legit, and I couldn't swear that it wasn't just a problem with my display.

They were going really fast, though.
  • nerevarine1138
    Well, it could be a speed hack, or it could be a display problem on your end. Sometimes you'll see people who are mounted as though they are gliding along the ground. Did their speed seem to be about what you'd expect from a mounted player? If it did, that's probably it, because speed hacks make characters move like The Flash, not like a guy on a horse.
  • RylukShouja
    Glitchy movement can happen if the other person is sneaking. I see that on a regular basis. You look normal to yourself when sneaking, but other PCs will appear to "slide"
  • Phadin
    That sounds like a hack. I saw that a week or two into the game as well. Hackers were using something to move at hyper speeds between gathering nodes in Bal Foyen, even to the point of hovering off the ground or seemingly 'teleporting' to the nodes. A couple of times I actually caught sight of them not teleporting though, but just moving ultra fast that you could barely catch sight of them.
  • TheBull
    I think what you saw lastnight was latency lag... Sometimes you don't know you're lagging until the rest of the world whizzes by in fast forward. A lot of that was going on.

    Zen fix your servers!!
    Edited by TheBull on May 15, 2014 3:55PM
  • nerevarine1138
    TheBull wrote: »
    I think what you saw lastnight was latency lag... Sometimes you don't know you're lagging until the rest of the world whizzes by in fast forward. A lot of that was going on.

    Zen fix your servers!!

    That's not what he described. At all.

    If players are gliding by, that's a display issue, which can be related to latency. However, that's usually related to clientside latency only.
  • EramTheLiar
    Well, it could be a speed hack, or it could be a display problem on your end. Sometimes you'll see people who are mounted as though they are gliding along the ground. Did their speed seem to be about what you'd expect from a mounted player? If it did, that's probably it, because speed hacks make characters move like The Flash, not like a guy on a horse.

    Well they were gliding, but mostly along the ground. Also I doubt they were mounted because they were in combat. We were all fighting Imperials outside the Hall of Heroes. And yeah, now that you mention it, it was less like a horse and more like the Flash.

    The other thing that made me hesitate was that it wasn't what I *usually* see. I've seen the porting bots from time to time, but they're usually level 2 or 3 and harvesting nodes. These folks were level-appropriate, not wearing sackcloth, and fighting stuff. They also had coherent character names. So they weren't part of the "usual problem" that I've seen, but man, were they moving fast. They'd glide away much faster than I'd be able to sprint, and were apparently unaffected by being hit (any time my character gets hit in combat, movement speed goes way down).
    Edited by EramTheLiar on May 15, 2014 4:12PM
  • Sarenia
    Well, herky-jerky movements can be caused by "desync" from server-client communication lag. If you see a lot of normal players warping around several feet at a time, that's probably the case.

    Sinking into the ground/floating while running around could be caused by the collision field around a mesh being too large or small, thus resulting in clipping with, or hovering above said mesh.

    Having said that, _most likely_ if you see somebody flying or running underground with any regularity, it's not a coincidence. Report it. Either they're legit players and nothing happens, or best case scenario you help to bust an exploiter.

    Likewise, if you see somebody vanishing and appearing elsewhere (more than a few feet away -- particularly if they appear on something like a harvest node or lore book), there is a fairly good chance they're cheating. Unless something changed very recently, there is still a means to abuse the API for free teleports to desired coordinates.

    As an aside, when you get "stuck" and can't fight or anything, and you know you're not stunned by an attack, type /reloadui -- that usually fixes it.
    Edited by Sarenia on May 15, 2014 7:23PM
  • Glurin
    I suppose it could be a hack, but more likely it was a latency issue. Unless their names were something like vmnfgxs. Then I'd say much more likely to be a hack of some kind, and also probably a bot.
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."
  • Khastle
    There was bug that gave you permanent sprint speed as normal walking speed. Pair it with The Steed mundus stone, and you could outrun any horse..not sprinting. Get on a horse and it adds to horse speed also. Cliff sides were very dangerous... Was supposed to be fixed a few patches ago.
    Edited by Khastle on May 15, 2014 8:54PM
  • EramTheLiar
    yeah, I saw some of 'em again today and I'm pretty sure it's not a speed hack at this point. They actually had little speed effects streaming out behind them as they moved around, which makes me think it's a deliberate in-game effect. I figure my computer just can't update fast enough to show the animation.
  • reggielee
    other than the occassional lag issues causing others to seem to slide, most are using speed hacks
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
  • SadisticSavior
    When I see this it is just a rendering issue. The people are actually mounted on horses, but the game might not be rendering the horses yet (it has to catch up). So the player models appear to be sliding at horse-speeds.

    I see this all the time in Daggerfall. If you watch them, eventually you will see the horses appear and animate normally.
  • Danarchist
    My nightblade buddy looks like that sometimes when he mounts right after using that cloak skill that turns him invisible and wipes dots etc, usually out in pvp but I have seen it in stonefalls as well. It sounds the same as you mentioned they were floating in the air and their legs were not moving, thats pretty much what it looks like, kinda like he is standing on the back of an invisible horse.
    Honestly never seen him sink into the ground, but it does look like he is moving forward very quickly while standing still.
  • shiva7663
    It would be interesting to see how fast you could run with The Steed buff and all armor slots augmented with the Mundus Stone percentage buff. heh.
  • Csub
    Not sure about harvesting bots but farming ones are always templars. Of course, you cannot decide this if they are simply gliding/flying and not engaging in combat.
    "The Divines gave you a nose for a reason, Tharn. So you can keep your mouth shut and still keep breathing. - Lyris Titanborn
  • Hypertionb14_ESO
    My Night Blade can out run most horses. Steed + maxed out Medium armor stats including 2/2 of the last trait which boosts sprint speed.

    i combo that with Sprint cost reduction armor.
    I play every class in every situation. I love them all.
  • Lynx7386
    It's a hack. If you see them 'sliding', at least. You'll also notice that this only occurs in starter zones, and the people who are moving this fast have oddball names and are blazing from one resource node to the next as quick as they spawn.

    Just another botting issue that ZOS needs to resolve.

    That said, My khajiit can out-run horses, but I stack paths, medium armor, and the steed stone's movement speed bonus.
    PS4 / NA
    M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
    Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
    Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
    Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
    Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • tplink3r1
    maybe its the mount bug, happened to me like 4 times.
    VR16 Templar
    VR3 Sorcerer
  • EramTheLiar
    Again, this is during combat -- no harvesting. And everyone involved had names that were actually names, instead of kthzkbbk and pptkslls. And it was in Bangkorai, not a starting zone. So I guess that puts it more solidly in the "legit" column...
  • trahe
    I have a fast connection and a fast computer and I saw some things last night also that seemed strange. Several times I saw a single character slide sideways to and away from a quest giver. He was sliding really fast and everyone else was moving at normal speed.

    Another guy's pet, I guess a Sorcerer because it was the flying pet, kept popping into existence at a quest giver, then disappearing to appear at the quest objective, then disappearing to reappear at the quest giver. What made it strange is that all I could see was the pet.

    (shrug) What do you think those examples are about?
    Edited by trahe on May 15, 2014 11:51PM
  • Thunder
    I was standing in one spot today while talking on skype and I saw this guy in starter rags run by me at incredible speed. That's not even the weirdest part, he ran straight through a hill and under the terrain and just kept on booking out of sight with only his head sticking out of the ground.
  • ExiledKhallisi
    Its a common speed/no clip hack. Report them. Probably a bot too
    >>>>>>>>(DC)Guild Master of Biestas 250+ Active Members<<<<<<<<
    ||||||Vr14 Sorc: Darkened Soul vr14 Templar: Tiffaney||||||
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
    ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  • wallyandwinky_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    A group of us saw all of it.....they were speed hacking....
    Edited by wallyandwinky_ESO on May 20, 2014 8:24PM
  • Elirienne
    Sounds like you are looking at mounted people with display problems, as @nerevarine1138 said. I've seen this many times.
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    This isn't at all what you saw but i thought it was sort of funny so i thought i would share.

    The gf and i are playing together, we enter a new town. At which point my gf gracefully floats up into the air and continues on her way. While i remain stuck at the bottom of what appears to be a mud wall of some sort. As i spend my time trying to jump up this mud wall player after player floats by. Since i know my gf Is not. A hacker, i ask her how she got up there. Potion? Spell? Magic boots? No she replies, she walked up the stairs. She says on her screen i just ran into the stairs and disappeared until i started jumping, when my head was popping up out of them.

    A quick jaunt to a local house in and out to force a load and i had stairs too! Well until we came out of the castle.
    Edited by vyndral13preub18_ESO on May 21, 2014 11:59AM
  • SadisticSavior
    I saw this yesterday...it is definitely not lag. It's an exploit of some kind.

    I also found out I can kill mobs much faster than the bots can, so I had fun killing everything ahead of them.
  • zhevon
    Some of its hacking; but I have seen some people running around sortofffast with a little trail of feathers. What is causing that?

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