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Could a sexier crafting motif be made?

  • Maverick827
    Thalmar wrote: »
    As everyone who contribute in this discussion will realise some people like while others dislike skimpy or full body covered clkothes. People have different opinions about many subjects, the good thing is we do not need to agree with everything, this makes life a little more exciting and not boring. "Option" and "tolerance " are the keywords. No one have to do somehing in a computer game if they don't want to, but not to let others do what they want to is just cruel. You don't need to like everything, let others like what you don't.
    The problem is that the reason why people don't like it extends to seeing it at all, not simply wearing it, so these "options" need to include a way to hide seeing that armor even on other characters, which is a fairly unreasonable thing to ask of the developers.
    Edited by Maverick827 on May 20, 2014 3:47PM
  • simontheriault1b16_ESO
    Neverwinter MMO had a part of a solution, you could wear some clothing underneath the armor that covered skin if you wanted to. I agree with most people over here: I don't like a small chainmail bikini either. There is some middle ground that could be acceptable. Like I posted earlier, early level medium bosmer or argonian armor, skyrim's forsworn armor, savior's hide or ancient nord armor.
    I just love chaos!
  • Arreyanne
    Wow, opened yourself up for the Lore *** with that question

    I'd love to have a set of Witch Elf armor, nothing was more fun than killing heavy armored tanks with my Bikini Clad Witch Elf in Warhammer'
    Edited by Arreyanne on May 20, 2014 4:58PM
  • Isibis
    For people that want to show their body markings, go Naked Nord I say. Hardcore tats go well with hardcore play styles.
  • Kyubi_3002b16_ESO
    Run dark seducer and golden saint youl have all the nakedness you ever wished for :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
    One bow to darken the sun
    One bow to unite the clans
    One bow to conquer the world and in darkness drown it...

    - Prophecy of the tyranny of the sun
  • Artemiisia
    I like the vampire kiss crafting set
  • Maverick827
    Arreyanne wrote: »
    Wow, opened yourself up for the Lore *** with that question
    As opposed to the actual ***.
  • Kulrig
    ArRashid wrote: »
    There are a LOT of possible motifs for the future:

    - Thieves Guild uniforms
    - Mages Guild uniforms
    - Fighters Guild uniforms
    - Dark Brotherhood Uniforms

    Faction Specific:
    - Covenant Army uniform
    - Pact Army uniform
    - Dominion Army uniform

    I dig the idea of guild and faction uniforms. Something I would really, truly love to see is costumes in the crafting professions. Some armor sets are super cool and I would love to rock them, but I can't wear Heavy Armor if I want to use the Light Armor perks, nor can I use lower level sets at higher levels and vice versa.

    As for the sexy motifs, as long as they're equal between genders I'm down. It's a shame that so many games leave revealing outfits to only female characters, and only have thick bulky-looking badass armor for male characters. Let my male chars run around in a loincloth showing off their extensive tattoos and body paint! Let my female toons look like they actually belong on the front lines taking the hits for the squishier party members!
  • simontheriault1b16_ESO
    That's what I'm talking about, just to have the freedom of choice
    I just love chaos!
  • Enkil
    Lupinemw wrote: »
    Enkil wrote: »
    I think a lot of us would like this as well. Light and medium armors that cover up every inch of skin are not even practical.. especially in the tropics. Argonian, Khajiit, Wood Elf and High Elf especially should have more skin bare.

    Would we really...I doubt it. TBH some of us actually play the sex we are in RL. We've moved past the adolescent need to pretend to be female when MMO'ing.

    Some of us role-play when we are playing a role-playing game. I have never had a need to play a particular sex in an MMO.. Nor do I feel the need to model my character after my real life persona.

  • Curwen
    Soul Shriven
    Dekkameron wrote: »
    Just thought i'd leave these here...

    This. Nothing more to say. Please don't add stupid armor.
  • ThePonzzz
    I think a great middle ground would be allowing for a whole "adornment" equipment section. Sort of like a disguise, but definitely more complex than a single item. Toss in a toggle into the settings -> gameplay section to turn it on and off.

    I don't want to reveal more skin (fur/scales), but I'd really like to have a cloak over my armor.
  • Isibis
    What @Kulrig‌ said. More revealing male armor has the same place in this game as female, for role play purposes among other things. Especially since most styles are currently more covering for males than females at any level.
  • NoMoreChillies
    Issue: low level argonian chest armor is sleeveless
    high level now has sleeves for some weird reason.

    Problem : it covers my arm tattoos that i loved to show off, in fact no high level armor is sleeveless. Makes tattoos a waste of time

    Solution: Dont change armor just because it gets higher level. Racial style should change armor.
    Insulting people on the internet is cowardly.
  • jbfroik
    I think the Dark Seducer type armor would be a lore friendly motif that would satisfy female and male players alike :) that is if it doesn't exist already?
  • GinGurGurl
    Soul Shriven
    Ok will hit a few points here. Long back it was pointed out some people play there actual sex. Well because of this I DO NOT WANT TO LOOK LIKE A MALE. I am female, and light/Med Armor is meant to be just that. There is a reason it is not as effective as heavy, Not just the weight but also the coverage. Lighter armor would be used as it left set areas more exposed to allow movement and dexterity for set attack styles. For Instance a single arm exposed tents to be meant for archers.

    I am female by birth and while am not a fan of running around in the buff would like to be able to see a bit of femininity in my toon. A wider selection of crafted materials would be a blessing in my opinion.

    For those that say they do not want to see it, It goes back to personal rights, your rights end where mine begin, you have the right to wear what you want within to rules as I do. You also have the right to leave an area if it is bombarded with outfits you do not like. Though lets face it you see your own outfit for much longer then a strangers. So it makes more sense to make your set look the way you want within reason.

    If you are worried about the skimp factor I Say make detractor for less clothing. along the lines of the % of skin covers is the %of protection. i never see it happening but otherwise the majority are being controlled by the wants of a few people that are more worried about seeing Bikinis as thought they are not in a MMO world, then the game play.
  • Locke_ESO
    Personally I think a lot of people would just be happier with more stylish armours and some variety. Without being overly critical the VR10 legendary designs are in the majority more than a little disappointing and even the "work your ass off to get" dungeon sets are interesting looking but very bland when it comes to colour (washed out dark green). I'd be perfectly happy to never see a "chain mail bikini" type armour but wouldn't be at all opposed to something like this:

  • Frinkles
    No sorry but I do not like the puritan ways of some been imposed on others. There are numerous historical examples of men and women charging into battle naked or close to naked against fully armored opponents. If you want "realism" it has happened in the "real" world.

    But this is a fantasy world, and the use of bikinis as armor is already in game and in lore in the form of Almalexia, etc. There is absolutely no valid reason to oppose this, apart from you been a puritan and trying to distort reality and history to conform to your puritan believes.

    EDIT* That said. I really do like the armor above...

    BTW Big question the armor the high elf was using on the trailers... I take it its not ingame?
    Edited by Frinkles on May 22, 2014 2:25PM
  • Cathrin
    Frinkles wrote: »
    BTW Big question the armor the high elf was using on the trailers... I take it its not ingame?

    No, and that is the kind of armor I would like to have. But not like only medium armor is like that and heavy armor is a full body armor. Some variation through all the armors would be nice.
    I don't like the dresses that light armors are, not at all.

    The picture above is nice, too. And I don't see a reason, why you should have an option, so disable the uncovered areas. If I want, i can go around in this game in underwear as it is in the game. No one complains about that or the so often mentioned Almalexia.

    Of course it would be a nice feature, if you can click on an "adult" option, that all uncovered areas are showing some kind of leather or chain texture (depending on armor class), but I doubt that something like this will ever come.
  • Reinmard
    Please stop jacking off at a game character, for *** sake.
    Ill never understand that thing of making a female character, without any reason.
    The only reason I ve heard is " Coz in these days been a male is a sin so I prefer to be a female" and the other reason is "I prefer to see a female butt than a male butt" Oh wait, they are not butts, they are game characters!!
    I simply dont want to think about sex while Im playing a game, calm your *** ***, watch *** or have sex with your girlfriend, way more logical...
    Edited by Reinmard on May 23, 2014 1:42PM
  • Maverick827
    [quoteT]here are numerous historical examples of men and women charging into battle naked or close to naked against fully armored opponents. If you want "realism" it has happened in the "real" world.[/quote]And they did so at a great danger to themselves, whereas people are expecting full armor benefits while not wearing full armor.
  • Frinkles
    There are numerous historical examples of men and women charging into battle naked or close to naked against fully armored opponents. If you want "realism" it has happened in the "real" world.
    And they did so at a great danger to themselves, whereas people are expecting full armor benefits while not wearing full armor.

    Want to go full realism and give naked people a chance to make their enemies run away in fear then xD?

    And bummer to the no trailer armor :disappointed: I was really hoping I was missing something.

    (BTW I just found some invicible pants! Im happy for :smiley:
    Edited by Frinkles on May 23, 2014 2:23PM
  • Halrloprillalar
    Curwen wrote: »
    Dekkameron wrote: »
    Just thought i'd leave these here...

    This. Nothing more to say. Please don't add stupid armor.

    made my day
  • simontheriault1b16_ESO
    Reinmard wrote: »
    Please stop jacking off at a game character, for *** sake.
    Ill never understand that thing of making a female character, without any reason.
    The only reason I ve heard is " Coz in these days been a male is a sin so I prefer to be a female" and the other reason is "I prefer to see a female butt than a male butt" Oh wait, they are not butts, they are game characters!!
    I simply dont want to think about sex while Im playing a game, calm your *** ***, watch *** or have sex with your girlfriend, way more logical...

    I'm not sure I follow the reasoning. I think videogames are a form of art. Does that mean that every work of art (movies, paintings, sculptures, etc), which are appreciated while showing skin, not mentionned the amount, is used to jack off by the ones who appreciates it??

    I hope not because we live in a really strange world then.
    I just love chaos!
  • simontheriault1b16_ESO
    Curwen wrote: »
    Dekkameron wrote: »
    Just thought i'd leave these here...

    This. Nothing more to say. Please don't add stupid armor.

    Agree I don't want stupid armor netheir.
    How do you define stupid armor?
    I just love chaos!
  • Zorrashi
    As much as I respect your opinion (especially since you specifically said "not skimpy or a near nude armor", points to you). I have to draw the line here.

    Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. Mildly exposed armor designs can easily herald the coming of skimpy, barely-clad armors. Or at least, that's the fear.

    But if I were to give your idea a chance...I'd say that the armor better have a decreased defense rating and either a faster dodge rate or higher agility or...something.
  • Draaconis
    I'm assuming this is the thread for the last three people on earth that don't know how to find p0rn on the internet?
    Edited by Draaconis on May 23, 2014 8:28PM
  • AureateRN
    Carnage2K4 wrote: »
    I mean...
    Normally it's the argument, that the baring more skin, while *** inspiring, is not a logical choice of armour... or lack there of...

    But I see here that the opposite argument is attempting to be made...

    So while I like your initiative... you are wrong..

    Wow, so I can't say Bone with an 'r'?
    How those bots doing ZOS? At least you got the auto-censor at a good place o.O

    Was reading this as a crafter, but must (necro) comment as a Second Amendment (US) supporter.

    1. It's not our, as in adult players', fault ZOS has decided to allow tiny tykes and moppets to play this game with mature themes legitimately at 13 years old. They are fully cognizant of the fact that with 13 as the "legal" age many "parents" will be buying it for their darling little cherubs years earlier than that, due to the "MY child is superior" syndrome most parents seem to have, and the inability to resist any form of electronic babysitter from cradle onward. They will also fully expect the adult community, here legitimately, to tailor our text to their superior ten year old's tender widdle eyes too. Therefore, no "bone with an r" shall be seen here, but very young children can freely play a game this is all about slaughtering humanoids and even cute little deer and bunnies. No problem. By Bethesda standards I know it's tame, but the hypocrisy at play here is quite ...GLARING!
    2. It is not our fault that parents of said children think (oh so very mistakenly) their precious babies don't hear words and see things on their phones, tablets or laptops (or irl) every day that are far worse than "bone with an r" ...things that would have made Mommy and/or Daddy at the same age either faint or ...wellllll ...something that rhymes with faint, has three syllables and starts with "mast".
    3. SO much worse is seen continually in zone chat anyway, so this censorship is just senseless. Puritanical parents aren't letting their children near electronic media and good parents are there supervising what their kids are doing. I know, what a concept! Parents--parenting??
    4. Yes, parents should be playing this game WITH their children at the low end of the allowable scale anyway (can you imagine how much less annoying zone chat would be?) and be available to field questions that come up. At least that way it would be a learning experience for the child when the big words show up ...and the kids could teach the parents all about the ess eee exx terms.

    Sardonically Yours:

    ~Wordy Nurse~

    "...people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed."
    ~Friedrich Nietzsche~

  • Milanna
    I so agree! I would like my character to wear nothing but a loincloth, maybe a bit of oil on those muscles, cause you know, he is nothing but a sexual object to me.
    Mila the True (Aldmeri Dominion)
    Milanna the Cold-hearted (Aldmeri Dominion)
    Raphael the Cunning (Ebonheart Pact)

    Cassius Tanicius (Daggerfall Covenant)

    I just found garlic, you blood-suckers better stay clear
  • I_killed_Vivec
    at VR6 you get the seducer costume which is pretty good for what you are looking

    And at VR2 the Golden Saint costume provides a heaving bosom.

    If you're a woman, that is ;)
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