Maintenance for the week of June 24:
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Could a sexier crafting motif be made?

  • simontheriault1b16_ESO
    Based on those costumes, why not make Seducer and/or Golden saints crafting motif? There is already a Daedric one. That would allows to add a sexier crafting motif without breaking the lore.
    I just love chaos!
  • andrantos
    This has in some way been requested before.... letting us craft higher tier gear using the lower level skins/models. Someone even did a mock-up of the interface.

    Simply, I hope it happens, because some of the motifs change quite a bit from tier to tier.

    I also want to point out that some of the lower tier skins are "skimpy" and show quite a bit of skin.
    Edited by andrantos on November 24, 2014 11:03PM
  • Rodario
    Lupinemw wrote: »
    Enkil wrote: »
    I think a lot of us would like this as well. Light and medium armors that cover up every inch of skin are not even practical.. especially in the tropics. Argonian, Khajiit, Wood Elf and High Elf especially should have more skin bare.

    Would we really...I doubt it. TBH some of us actually play the sex we are in RL. We've moved past the adolescent need to pretend to be female when MMO'ing.

    I don't know about you, but if I'm gonna be staring at an ass for hours...
    Victoria Lux - Templar Tank
  • Promise
    Soul Shriven
    This is the biggest thing I dislike about this game! Where the hell is the fantasy armor at?

    I've said it once and I'll say it again. The armor designer's puritanical approach to armor design in this game has resulted in most armor looking fugly. You know this game showcases less skin on the female (there are outfits where the male is barechested) than what is typically shown in movies/TV/real life.

    It's funny how some of you equate "wanting something sexy/skimpy/revealing in a fantasy world" to equate to being without a sexual partner/in the throes of hormone development/ or a sexual deviant...Grow up people, stop trying to oppress other individual's with your views, and realize everyone here is asking for more choices. If you can have your "puritan clad nun" wielding a 2 handed sword then we should be allowed to have our "barely there" assassin where the biggest piece of clothing is the quiver that holds our arrows!

    For those of you saying you'd be fine with revealing/sexy/skimpy armor as long as this = less stats/AC because this breaks your "realism/immersion" then realize this is a fantasy world with Magic and fantasy creatures. There is no realism in ESO. If you wanted realism go play Life is Feudal for your realism. Those of us wanting to play in a fantasy world where it doesn't matter how strong your man or woman is (they can carry anything!), and where we can wear revealing/sexy/skimpy armor's while using magic to afford us the same stats/armor rating as that plate wearer then that fit's perfectly into a "fantasy" setting.

  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    Promise wrote: »
    It's funny how some of you equate "wanting something sexy/skimpy/revealing in a fantasy world" to equate to being without a sexual partner/in the throes of hormone development/ or a sexual deviant.
    Accurate observations trouble you?

  • Promise
    Soul Shriven
    Promise wrote: »
    It's funny how some of you equate "wanting something sexy/skimpy/revealing in a fantasy world" to equate to being without a sexual partner/in the throes of hormone development/ or a sexual deviant.
    Accurate observations trouble you?

    Childish observations trouble me, grow up.
  • Cody
    The invisible clothes motif.

    Edited by Cody on January 28, 2015 10:15PM
  • DeLindsay
    They should just make it like Rift's system where you can place ANY Armor type of ANY level on ANY spot on your Character when on the Costume tab. You can dye them however you want and then swap between "sets" as you please. This would give us true customization of our Characters. Your actual Armor doesn't change in any way, just the look you choose to display. Since it can be done with individual armor items it makes customization hugely varied.
  • bellatrixed
    What I'll never understand is how everyone still assumes that women don't play videogames and the only people who want to dress their female character in more revealing armor are men. I mean, seriously, there was a comment saying to go spend time with your girlfriend if you want revealing armor. WOMEN PLAY VIDEO GAMES TOO.

    Because you know, it's not like some women like to show skin in real life or anything.

    As a female I would love to see more attractive, sexy robes and armors. NO, I don't mean bikinis or impractical stuff. But low cut dresses, a bit of midriff, a short skirt that shows the legs... why not?

    I appreciate this game for not having the standard offensive and objectifying armor that many MMOs have (looking at you Tera) but come on, there are ways to make armor sexy and feminine that do not involve a bikini in any way.

    Please give us more armor variety.
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