Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Who is your favorite character in the main story?

  • Azzuria
    Twas a toss-up between the ever-chipper, slightly cracked Sir Cadwell ( so lovingly voiced by Mr. John Cleese ) and the dry, snarky and ever-so-smug and haughty Abnur.
    Brunhilda Icehammer - Nord Dragonknight, 'Smith & Enchantress 'What is 'ranged? I need to hit something!!'
    Laehl Direthorn - Bosmer Nightblade, Purveyor of fine Clothes, Bows and Staves
    Reeza gra-Zuni - Orc Templar 'War Shaman' and Apothecary
    Noemi Snowpaw - Kajiit Dragon Knight - I laugh... or I'd have to kill you.
    Kitera Dreamon - Breton of The Dominion: Because those Daggers don't appreciate a great Mage.
    Lysara Shadowcroft - Dunmer Bloodmage: This will only hurt a lot.
  • jesterstear
    Queen Ayrenn is just lovely OFC. However, I'm quickly taking a liking to King Emeric from what little I saw of him in "Messages Across Tamriel". That Nord guy's a bit of a tool though, and he's got an outrageous accent.

    Sheogorath is a bit over the top for my taste, but I'd love to see more of his assistant Haskill. Delivers his gags dry as a bone, what a boss!


    Oh and that Cariel has a seriously hot voice actress too.

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