Do you want Scrolling/Floating Combat text, and chat bubbles in ESO?

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
  • Ryiah
    I want the option to enable/disable them.
    Minimal UI is part of the game design. I don't want this to be World of Warcraft.
    This is an Elder Scrolls game. The developers implement a very minimalist system and then "allow" add-on developers to do the actual work of making it useful.

    We're not asking for a complex UI, we're asking for basic improvements to the existing UI to make it better. Or do you consider basic concepts like being able to search in the Guild Store a "WoW-like feature"?
    Edited by Ryiah on May 5, 2014 7:05PM
  • nzblustone
    The floating text is done via addons, this is how Zenimax have chosen to deal with things like this. If you have a bias against addons then that is your own issue to deal with, but addons are a part of ESO intentionally. Either use them or don't, but don't expect Zenimax to add something they intentionally made possible in the API.

    If anything, request they open up the API in whatever way is needed for someone to make a chat bubble addon for you.
    Founder of Imperial Traders Guild [NA] [PC-mac] • Guild WebsiteESO Forum Thread

    Auron Lightblaze [Templar Heals] • Auron-khul [DK Tank] • Auronair [Sorc DPS] • Auronkha [NB DPS] • Brother Auron [Warden TBD]
  • wafffllesss
    I want the option to enable/disable them.
    My Idea for this is:
    1. Configurable distance for fade of bubbles
    2. Area of focus on the center of the screen, bubbles in there would be less opaque and smaller.
    3. Distant bubbles would be less opaque and even smaller.
    4. Target focus: Bubbles from your target would be more opaque and highlighted.
    5. Text should continue showing on current chat box.

    Something like this:

  • Lovely
    I want the option to enable/disable them.
    I won't use them, but why not, for the people that want them. I might want them in the future, who knows.
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    I want the option to enable/disable them.
    dietlime wrote: »
    This post is garbage, and the poster is trash: because it ties two totally unrelated things together; the ancient-relic practice of plastering pen and paper numbers on a video game (which only studios so jaded as to fart ghosts should ever do) and "chat bubbles" an unassuming option.

    Perfect example of how to make a garbage poll.

    Do you want abortion banned and better gun control? See how that doesn't work?

    All I got from this was garbage

    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    I want the option to enable/disable them.
    For those who have been looking forward to optional chat bubbles - great news!! Zenimax confirmed at today's AMA session that they're currently working on optional chat bubbles internally, and are testing them at the moment and hope to enable them soon!!

    YAAAAY ZENIMAX, YOU GO ZENIMAX *throws copious amounts of moneys*

    Way to go Zeni !

    and for all the haters, don't want it > turn it off !

    now for optional name plates and guild names. i'm fed up with not knowing who anyone is and ignoring guildmates. its like Botland out there.
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • nalimoleb14_ESO
    Yes I want them!
    My Idea for this is:
    1. Configurable distance for fade of bubbles
    2. Area of focus on the center of the screen, bubbles in there would be less opaque and smaller.
    3. Distant bubbles would be less opaque and even smaller.
    4. Target focus: Bubbles from your target would be more opaque and highlighted.
    5. Text should continue showing on current chat box.

    Something like this:


    Wow, I love this!!
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