Ragnar_Lodbrok wrote: »I dont get the thing with chat bubbles. I dont want to see white clouds floating everywhere I look. Its tacky and does not add to immersion.
Ragnar_Lodbrok wrote: »I dont get the thing with chat bubbles. I dont want to see white clouds floating everywhere I look. Its tacky and does not add to immersion.
But I don't RP! Why should I support something that doesn't effect me?
reagen_lionel wrote: »Why is the vote yes or no for both and not individually? I want to see chat bubble as an option. Floating combat text is already fully functional with addons so i dont see the point in that.
butthurtlocker wrote: »Minimal UI is part of the game design. I don't want this to be World of Warcraft.
Haltus_Kain wrote: »butthurtlocker wrote: »Minimal UI is part of the game design. I don't want this to be World of Warcraft.
Then toggle it off.
butthurtlocker wrote: »Minimal UI is part of the game design. I don't want this to be World of Warcraft.
This post is garbage, and the poster is trash: because it ties two totally unrelated things together; the ancient-relic practice of plastering pen and paper numbers on a video game (which only studios so jaded as to fart ghosts should ever do) and "chat bubbles" an unassuming option.
Perfect example of how to make a garbage poll.
Do you want abortion banned and better gun control? See how that doesn't work?
nalimoleb14_ESO wrote: »For those who have been looking forward to optional chat bubbles - great news!! Zenimax confirmed at today's AMA session that they're currently working on optional chat bubbles internally, and are testing them at the moment and hope to enable them soon!!
YAAAAY ZENIMAX, YOU GO ZENIMAX *throws copious amounts of moneys*