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Do you want Scrolling/Floating Combat text, and chat bubbles in ESO?

Soul Shriven
Edited by Reggyecherieub17_ESO on April 25, 2014 1:57PM

Do you want Scrolling/Floating Combat text, and chat bubbles in ESO? 361 votes

Yes I want them!
TwoScaleSkinThe_Drexilldomenick.decarlo_ESOSvashjEthariandaveben007b14a_ESORaidenz258b14a_ESOKryptorchideric.kb14_ESOk.ellison92b14_ESOsmckeannalimoleb14_ESOSariiasSeliquefaithzb16_ESOsascha_koenen1981b16_ESOzorniTaonnorFourOneikalylivedubb16_ESO 93 votes
No I don't want them!
nobodyCiedocmanyrabidratsBlencathraAuldjohnGraldurlink428jmmonnat_ESOcolter.ninjab14a_ESOAstroCatdannymcgr81b14_ESODirigibleJade_Knightblazerb14_ESOHakokedietlimeMercyKillingAngersRevengerlymeb14_ESOChairGraveyardIceberg936 87 votes
I want the option to enable/disable them.
Maximis_ESOLywenDuckmoonsugar66VanathiEvolpeac_ESOPVT_PartsSpyfox007_ESOWillowc.winchell1975_ESOccurtis913Chatoyancycolumbineb14_ESODragonMotherdeath_ofgodsb14_ESOAnelliumSyndyLiambicb14_ESOmechengr7ottobot 181 votes
  • reagen_lionel
    Why is the vote yes or no for both and not individually? I want to see chat bubble as an option. Floating combat text is already fully functional with addons so i dont see the point in that.
  • Reggyecherieub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I want the option to enable/disable them.
    This is to see if the developers will add the function to the game, eliminating external addons, for such a simple feature. They have to hear it from us.
  • Vantor
    Why would they get in the trouble of developing something an addon already does well enough (scrolling combat text)? There are still more important issues to tackle.
    Invictus EU Guild Officer
  • Reggyecherieub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I want the option to enable/disable them.
    There may be more important issues, however we pay them to play, and we should have such options.
  • columbineb14_ESO
    I want the option to enable/disable them.
    I don't care if they put them in as long as they give me the option to disable them.
    I have just told you more than I know.
  • NorieleMG
    I want the option to enable/disable them.
    I want real, proper chat bubbles so badly. It makes it really difficult to RP without them. Spending the entire time looking at the chat, and not the beautiful game we're playing.
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    No I don't want them!
    I dont get the thing with chat bubbles. I dont want to see white clouds floating everywhere I look. Its tacky and does not add to immersion.
  • NorieleMG
    I want the option to enable/disable them.
    I dont get the thing with chat bubbles. I dont want to see white clouds floating everywhere I look. Its tacky and does not add to immersion.

    So use the option to disable them? It's not fair that we shouldn't have an option that's badly needed because some people don't want to click a button to turn them off.

  • Nox_Aeterna
    I want the option to enable/disable them.
    There is an addon for the combat text , i already use it.

    Not the chat bubbles would come in handy , just like the nametags.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • ShinChuck
    I want the option to enable/disable them.
    I dont get the thing with chat bubbles. I dont want to see white clouds floating everywhere I look. Its tacky and does not add to immersion.

    I never understood the "does not add to immersion" thing. All the text of every single person in the world zipping into a text box in the bottom left corner of your screen is *more* immersive than actually connecting the text in some way to the person and their location? It's *more* immersive to look away from the people talking to an arbitrarily placed chat box?

    If immersion is your goal, for a lot of people chat bubbles should be ideal.

    Regardless, everyone should vote for the *option*! I'm all for a lot of things I wouldn't personally use, just to accommodate those who would.

    (Found the image I was looking for: a mock-up of subdued, tasteful, and immersive chat bubbles someone posted a few weeks back:
    Edited by ShinChuck on April 25, 2014 5:47PM
    "It's morally wrong to suggest gameplay changes for an MMO."
    ...seriously, someone told me that once here. The things people will do to win their internet arguments!
  • Remag_Div
    I want the option to enable/disable them.
    I'd really like if they added the option for chat bubbles. Other similar games like Guild Wars 2 and ArcheAge have them and it makes it much easier to communicate with people and see who's exactly talking to you at a glance.
  • Reggyecherieub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I want the option to enable/disable them.
    Glad to see this poll has sparked conversation. :)
  • Haltus_Kain
    Yes I want them!
    Alright, to those of you saying that chat bubbles would stop you from enjoying the game's environmental detail: Please take a moment to watch this video (it's only 1 minute and 41 seconds long)

    When you have finished watching, please click the spoiler tag and continue reading.
    So... what did you see? Or more importantly, what didn't you?

    The ball you were tracking was a fast moving target that required your constant attention, which likely caused you to miss other important goings on.

    Well, throw 20 RP'ers in a tavern, and track the conversation happening between the three individuals sitting at the table in the center of the establishment. That chat box will be moving at light-speed; if you look away for even a second, you will probably miss something. The chat box happens to be tucked away in the corner of the screen... if your attention is spent scouring it for bits of the conversation you're participating in, what are you going to miss that's happening in the other 80% of your screen? Molag Bal himself could take a seat at the table next to you, and you'd have no freaking clue.

    The conclusion is that focusing on a chat box is actually far more disruptive to the game environment than chat bubbles are.

    Chat bubbles pop up right next to the person speaking; if you're invested in that person's speech in any way (i.e., engaged in conversation with them) then you know that when a chat bubble pops up in that specific location, it's something you'll want to take half-a-second to read. What about the 6 people at the table on the other side of the room? Are you following their conversation? No? Then don't bother reading it! The visual noise coming from their table IS the audible noise that you experience at a real restaurant; you can tell that people are talking, but all you hear is "blah da blah blah da blah" because your mind doesn't care about their conversations.

    With a chat box, you are FORCED to pay attention to their conversation enough to accurately gauge whether or not the text is something that pertains to you.

    Back to the RL restaurant scenario - imagine trying to have a conversation with the few people next to you if...
    • Every voice in the room was identical.
    • Every voice came to your ears at the exact same volume.
    • There were on visual indications (mouths moving, etc) to reveal who was speaking at any given time.

    ^That's a chat box.

    But I don't RP! Why should I support something that doesn't effect me?

    Whether or not you would have chat bubbles toggled on or off, the inclusion of that feature WOULD effect you indirectly. Whether or not you RP with RPers, I can guarantee that you do other things with them. And something about the RP community: they're awesome people to be around. RPers account for the most mature, welcoming, friendly group of gamers out there. YOU WANT RP'ERS IN ESO. You want MORE RPers in ESO. Community is hands-down the most important thing in an MMO - to improve the community is to improve the game itself. When a suggestion pops up that would improve the community, you should be drooling at the tantalizing though of its implementation, whether or not the feature in question is something you specifically will utilize.

    So, you think chat bubbles will ruin ESO's beautiful scenery for you? Fine - turn them off. None of us will judge you on whether or not you use chat bubbles. But fighting against the implementation of a feature that would strengthen the ESO community? That is destructive to everyone invested in ESO - the RP'ers, the non-RP'ers, the developers, your guild, YOURSELF.

    This isn't an "us vs them" thing. If optional chat bubbles are implemented, everyone wins; if they're not, everyone loses.

    Please, whether you intend to toggle chat bubbles on or off, help make ESO a better game by supporting their implementation.


    - Hal
    Edited by Haltus_Kain on April 27, 2014 10:45AM
    Hey, YOU,
    Petition to include chat bubbles to ESO -

    /sign it^^
  • murklor007neb18_ESO
    I want the option to enable/disable them.
    Combining two completely different things into one poll is... not good. Its only going to lead to confusion.

    This doesnt help either argument, it is only going hurt it.
  • Maximis_ESO
    I want the option to enable/disable them.
    Why is the vote yes or no for both and not individually? I want to see chat bubble as an option. Floating combat text is already fully functional with addons so i dont see the point in that.

    The Floating combat text addon is not very good. It would be much better if ZOS put it back in. They originally had it fully functional and in the game but the addon is just a UI addon so if you are hitting multiple mobs it doesn't appear over each NPC's head but right on your screen. This means you don't know what mob you are hitting for how hard etc. ZOS should have just never taken the option out of the game.
  • Armoril
    No I don't want them!
    Minimal UI is part of the game design. I don't want this to be World of Warcraft.
  • Haltus_Kain
    Yes I want them!
    Minimal UI is part of the game design. I don't want this to be World of Warcraft.

    Then toggle it off.


    Hey, YOU,
    Petition to include chat bubbles to ESO -

    /sign it^^
  • nalimoleb14_ESO
    Yes I want them!
    Minimal UI is part of the game design. I don't want this to be World of Warcraft.

    Then toggle it off.


    But Haltus, that would require logic!
  • Lain
    Soul Shriven
    I want the option to enable/disable them.
    Minimal UI is part of the game design. I don't want this to be World of Warcraft.

    I think we are way past World of Warcraft.. for me, having the chat bubbles is more like a way to get into the game socially, at least I know who is talking in a crowd. I dislike MMO that in a crowd make you have to read a chat and dismiss all the in-game character interactions like emotes.
  • Harva
    I want the option to enable/disable them.
    Well at least there are 115 people for Chat bubbles, they would be optional regardless seeing as most major mom's allow players to turn them on and off.

    Those voting for the option are also voting for having them if you think about it, so lumping them in with the solid yes voters just adds to the majority that are pleading for these to be added!

    There is no justifiable argument for anyone saying no, it really just make the nay sayers look like bad sports and we don't need more of them.

    I appreciate the players that say they don't use chat bubbles BUT they also don't think it's fair to leave them out completely for those that would use them. You guys rock, thank you for being selfless!
  • Diakos
    Soul Shriven
    No I don't want them!
    It's included in Wykkyds mod suite allready.
    So, No.
  • nalimoleb14_ESO
    Yes I want them!
    For those who want subtitles, there's Wykkd's Framework which includes subtitles; I actually haven't downloaded it since I don't want/plan on having subtitles in my game, but it might be worth checking out! And if it doesn't, then please rage on, and don't let the naysayers discourage you because they obviously have nothing better to do than fight against optional features.

    And of course, I'm 1000% on board with having Zenimax officially implement optional speech bubbles in game, since it's already been addressed that the current API restrictions do not allow for a user-made addon to do the job efficiently.
  • Reggyecherieub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I want the option to enable/disable them.
    Perfect example of how to be a troll. If you don't like it good, you are allowed to have an opinion, however bashing me and calling me garbage is not what this is about. Did someone steal your sweet roll?
    dietlime wrote: »
    This post is garbage, and the poster is trash: because it ties two totally unrelated things together; the ancient-relic practice of plastering pen and paper numbers on a video game (which only studios so jaded as to fart ghosts should ever do) and "chat bubbles" an unassuming option.

    Perfect example of how to make a garbage poll.

    Do you want abortion banned and better gun control? See how that doesn't work?

    Edited by Reggyecherieub17_ESO on May 1, 2014 5:32PM
  • Loxy37
    I want the option to enable/disable them.
    Personally I would never use them because I don't want to play The Elder Spreadsheet online but Im not against people that do and I'm all for choice.
  • NetViperX
    I want the option to enable/disable them.
    I don't care so much either way about the floating text, but chat bubbles is something I very much desire, and having them would actually add immersion for me by being able to tell who is speaking nearby easily. Nameplates above characters heads I would also love to see.
  • nalimoleb14_ESO
    Yes I want them!
    For those who have been looking forward to optional chat bubbles - great news!! Zenimax confirmed at today's AMA session that they're currently working on optional chat bubbles internally, and are testing them at the moment and hope to enable them soon!!

    YAAAAY ZENIMAX, YOU GO ZENIMAX *throws copious amounts of moneys*
  • Harva
    I want the option to enable/disable them.
    For those who have been looking forward to optional chat bubbles - great news!! Zenimax confirmed at today's AMA session that they're currently working on optional chat bubbles internally, and are testing them at the moment and hope to enable them soon!!

    YAAAAY ZENIMAX, YOU GO ZENIMAX *throws copious amounts of moneys*

    All is right in the world! I am sooooooo happy to hear this! I flipped *** at work when I read that!
  • NetViperX
    I want the option to enable/disable them.
    Excellent news, can't wait to see the bubbles in game. Kudos to ZOS for listening to us!

    Now if they would just add a Frog vanity pet I would be happy as a pig in ... dookie.
  • ChairGraveyard
    No I don't want them!
    Don't try to sneakily bundle in garbage WoW-style floating damage number spam with an actual useful feature like chat bubbles.

    If you want your UI plastered over in useless numbers, there are plenty of addons that you can use to ruin your UI and make it look like Disney Horse Adventure.
    Edited by ChairGraveyard on May 2, 2014 11:42PM
  • RatsnevE
    I want the option to enable/disable them.
    NEVER force something when you can program an _option_ to turn something on or leave it off! Why in this day and age isn't this obvious?
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