As the first two Skill Styles affecting pet abilities, Slate-Gray Summoned Bear (which predated the Skill Styling system) has some noticeable inconsistencies with Summoned Winged Twilight, Warrior.

Firstly, I'll argue that the pack in which Slate-Gray Summoned Bear is obtained from should also be listed in the Skill Styles section of the Crown Store for visibility. Currently, this Skill Style is located in the Morrowind Collector's Pack bundle, so anyone wanting to collect Skill Styles for Feral Guardian must already know about the existence of Slate-Gray Summoned Bear, because a search for "skill style" will not show Slate-Gray Summoned Bear.
Here's what the Skill Styles section of the Crown Store looks like on the PTS:
Here's Slate-Gray Summoned Bear listed in the Morrowind Collector's Pack in the Crown Store:
It might also be worth listing other DLCs in which Skill Styles may be obtained, like Gold Road when it eventually hits the Crown Store. If Slate-Gray Summoned Bear were to be placed in the Skill Styles section of the Crown Store, it might require a subcategory like "Class" or "Warden", the way the "Weapon" and "Guild" subcategories exist.
Further, you cannot see Slate-Gray Summoned Bear in the Collections Menu at all if you don't own the Morrowind Collector's Pack, whereas you
can see Summon Winged Twilight, Warrior. For clarity, this account has not yet unlocked any Skill Styles, so there is nothing in the "Collected" section; everything is in the "Not Collected" section.
Here's Summon Winged Twilight, Warrior in the Collections Menu:
"Slate-Gray Summoned Bear" should be listed after "Silver Bolts, Vibrant Yellow" because the list is in alphabetical order, but an account which does not own the pack cannot see it. Even checking the alphabetical position for "Feral Guardian, Slate Gray" reveals nothing.
Then, after buying the Morrowind Collector's Pack, Slate-Gray Summoned Bear shows up in the Skill Styles tab of the Collections Menu, but there's even more inconsistencies:

- We cannot preview Slate-Gray Summoned Bear the way we can preview Summon Winged Twilight, Warrior. Hopefully this functionality is applied to other Skill Styles in the future, including Feral Guardian's Skill Styles. Though, I'm not entirely sure how this previewing system could apply to Werewolf Skill Styles such as Roar, Verdant Green, unless the player was already in Werewolf form.
- The most obvious inconsistency is how different the icon and the text for Slate-Gray Summoned Bear are compared to the icon and text for other Skill Styles. That may be updated in the future, though.
- Summon Winged Twilight, Warrior does not tell me which Class I must be to use that Skill Style, whereas Slate-Gray Summoned Bear does. The text for Summon Winged Twilight, Warrior (and any other Class Skill Styles) should be updated to tell the player which Class they must be to use those skills, since "You do not have the skill for this skill style" also applies to skills which any Class may learn — this can lead to confusion for players who could be lead to believe that they could somehow unlock Sorcerer skills on a non-Sorcerer character.
PC/NA — Lone Werewolf, the Templar Khajiit Werewolf
Werewolf Should be Allowed to Sneak
Please give us Werewolf
Skill Styles (for customizing our fur color),
Grimoires/Scribing skills (to fill in the holes in our builds), and
Companions (to transform with).