Major_Mangle wrote: »As much as I agree that the set should affect shields, the set as a whole is problematic and shouldn´t exist in the first place. One of the biggest issues with the set is that it completely hardcounters skills like templar cleanse since each instance of Jerall is considered a separate negative effect (so good luck trying to get rid of any debuff with 35+ negative effects on you). Same goes for sets like Relequen (which honestly should only work against monsters with how poor counterplay the set has in PvP).
I´d rather see Jerall work similar to how Warrior´s Fury works, where after reaching a certain amount of stacks the debuff remain for X amount of time. After that time expires on the affected target they can´t be affected by it again for some time. Also the amount of healdebuff should be the same for the target and the user, make the set a true "kiss/curse" design.
BixenteN7Akantor wrote: »As a big user of this set in PvP, it is strong only when you're against very few enemies as it can apply only one stack to only one enemy once every 0,5s. When you are in big fights, you hardly can focus a single target so you basically get perma -15% healing strength just to debuff 3-4 enemies by 2%
I’m going to have to disagree with you here. Jerall is supposed to be powerful, and the fact that it counters abilities like Templar cleanse is exactly what makes it interesting. Not every set needs to have a straightforward counterplay. PvP is about adapting and finding new strategies, not making sure every set has a safe, predictable workaround. Limiting Jerall with timers and cooldowns would just make it another bland, easily ignored set. The whole point is that it brings complexity to the battlefield, and honestly, that's a good thing for PvP.
SkaraMinoc wrote: »Actually I think this set needs a buff from 35% -> 50% heal debuff. Even with Major and Minor Defile, Major and Minor Cowardice, and Minor Mangle against Wardens, there still often isn't enough heal debuff to kill players. It's a bit ridiculous.