The cheapest way to get all the available DLC permanently is to purchase the Collection: Gold Road™ bundle from the web site. This will likely be available at a ridiculously cheap knock-down price towards the end of the year, following previous sale schedules.
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »
Does that include DLC? I was under the impression that the "Collections" only include prior Chapters, not DLC like Deadlands, Gold Coast, Clockwork City, The Reach, etc., etc.
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »
Does that include DLC? I was under the impression that the "Collections" only include prior Chapters, not DLC like Deadlands, Gold Coast, Clockwork City, The Reach, etc., etc.
IMHO, it should also require all dungeons stories as well. Getting main zone quests done is way too easy and not that special.
You're right, it only includes previous chapters, not the story or dungeon DLC. Those are only available on the crown store or by subscribing to ESO+.
jaekobcaed wrote: »I just finished reading the article about the upcoming 10-year achievement. I noticed that the requirements are way too much. I totally understand making it a requirement to finish all the chapters but throwing zone DLCs in the mix isn't very fair. I've been playing this game since beta (though I skipped year one due to the subscription) and I won't be able to get this achievement because I don't have many of the zone DLCs.
Again, requiring completion of the chapters, that makes total sense and it's fair, since those are the heart of the game's ongoing development. However, having requirements related to all the zone DLCs is just downright unfair. I don't have the money to buy all of them, nor do I have the time to make subbing to ESO Plus a worthwhile investment at this point in my life, so how is it fair that a literal 10-year veteran who played beta isn't going to be able to get this achievement at all unless my life massively changes between now and then?
Please reconsider these requirements, ZOS. I'd even be okay with it requiring all of the pre-Morrowind story DLCs, since most of us have those, but requiring every zone DLC is just too much.
Oh, absolutely! Because nothing says ‘Thank you for a decade of loyalty’ like forcing you to buy the latest shiny expansion, Gold Road (to access the zone - West Weald - required to get this new achievement and skin). It’s like throwing a birthday party but charging your friends for cake by the slice. The game’s been out since April 4, 2014, right? So, by my expert calculations, that’s a full decade as of April 2024. Now, I’m no math wizard, but even I know that June (Gold Road) comes after April. So, if this reward is truly for the ‘decade of quests,’ then why does it feel like the real quest is navigating through a maze of paywalls? It’s almost as if someone decided that the best way to honor ten years of questing is to test our ability to quest for more money in our wallets. But hey, what do I know? On the other hand, I’m sure there are many intelligent people here who can see through the ‘generosity’ veil. 😉VisitHammerfell wrote: »The reward is for questers who have quested a decade of quests.
Oh, absolutely! Because nothing says ‘Thank you for a decade of loyalty’ like forcing you to buy the latest shiny expansion, Gold Road (to access the zone - West Weald - required to get this new achievement and skin). It’s like throwing a birthday party but charging your friends for cake by the slice. The game’s been out since April 4, 2014, right? So, by my expert calculations, that’s a full decade as of April 2024. Now, I’m no math wizard, but even I know that June (Gold Road) comes after April. So, if this reward is truly for the ‘decade of quests,’ then why does it feel like the real quest is navigating through a maze of paywalls? It’s almost as if someone decided that the best way to honor ten years of questing is to test our ability to quest for more money in our wallets. But hey, what do I know? On the other hand, I’m sure there are many intelligent people here who can see through the ‘generosity’ veil. 😉
jaekobcaed wrote: »
Glad to see I'm not the only one that feels this way. I'm a fan of ZOS but this really does feel more like a veiled cash grab to me.
...forcing you to buy the latest shiny expansion, Gold Road (to access the zone - West Weald - required to get this new achievement and skin). It’s like throwing a birthday party but charging your friends for cake by the slice.
Skullstachio wrote: »[snip]
Because what I see is a skin that is literally locked to newer players behind a very large paywall that is "How Many Chapters? 17." The only souls who would defend this are the ones most likely to be those who played halfway through ESO's life all the way back to beta and then some where they slowly paid for newer content over time rather than all at once, and those who are willfully negligent in the bad practices that occur both within and beyond and a few possible handful of others I may not know of.
Proverbially Tallying it up, counting direct crown purchases and counting "upgrade" prices.(not counting the base game, free eso+ times, times where DLC chapters became free which includes the 10y anniversary stuff or crowns obtained through direct purchase of eso+ Subs, etc.) you as a newer player are looking at upwards of about roughly 519.93+ in USD before counting the upcoming gold road chapter, Understand that this is not chump change upfront for anyone that is almost within or below middle-working class People.
for better context this was rounded off from the prices on fextralife's ESO Page that hasn't been updated since february of this year so the price I calculated in USD undoubtedly may not be a completely accurate reflection of how much it would cost upfront as there are factors like fluctuating economy, currency exchanges, etc. if anyone more versed in that field wants to add on to this, not to mention crown prices may have shifted over time also and may be different currently.
For that amount of cheddar, one could score multiple different games and even more if heavily discounted on platforms like steam, or even help ones own family pay board/bills, etc.
Oh, absolutely! Because nothing says ‘Thank you for a decade of loyalty’ like forcing you to buy the latest shiny expansion, Gold Road (to access the zone - West Weald - required to get this new achievement and skin). It’s like throwing a birthday party but charging your friends for cake by the slice. The game’s been out since April 4, 2014, right? So, by my expert calculations, that’s a full decade as of April 2024. Now, I’m no math wizard, but even I know that June (Gold Road) comes after April. So, if this reward is truly for the ‘decade of quests,’ then why does it feel like the real quest is navigating through a maze of paywalls? It’s almost as if someone decided that the best way to honor ten years of questing is to test our ability to quest for more money in our wallets. But hey, what do I know? On the other hand, I’m sure there are many intelligent people here who can see through the ‘generosity’ veil. 😉
Blood_again wrote: »As for pulling money from the most loyal players - always has been. Every DLC, crates, etc are always a hardcore battle for your wallet.
Half of the events push you to buy DLC if you haven't yet. Gear, game systems, and so on are spread out to sell as many DLCs as possible.
It is not just an awesome game but also a money making tool for its creators at the same time. I'm surprised that somebody's surprised.
Dragonnord wrote: »
Every single thing you mentioned you can get it for free with in game-gold, you know that, right?
Skullstachio wrote: »Because what I see is a skin that is literally locked to newer players behind a very large paywall that is "How Many Chapters? 17." [...]
Proverbially Tallying it up, [...] you as a newer player are looking at upwards of about roughly 519.93+ in USD before counting the upcoming gold road chapter,
For that amount of cheddar, one could score multiple different games and even more if heavily discounted on platforms like steam, or even help ones own family pay board/bills, etc.
jaekobcaed wrote: »Please reconsider these requirements, ZOS. I'd even be okay with it requiring all of the pre-Morrowind story DLCs, since most of us have those, but requiring every zone DLC is just too much.
jaekobcaed wrote: »Fair point about the Gold Road that is included. It is definitely beyond the 10.
AnduinTryggva wrote: »
I can understand your point.
What I don't quite understand: Each chapter, be it DLC or not, has achievements, titles, even dyes and sometimes even body or face paints available only to those who own the DLC.
What is so different here?
I think it is ok to have ONE achievement, the skin and maybe(!) a title that is for those who bought all the DLCs or are ESO+ members?
Look, folks, it’s quite straightforward. The game launched on April 4, 2014. Fast forward to April 2024, and we’ve hit the grand milestone of a full decade. Now, if this was genuinely an achievement for a ‘decade of quests,’ then it wouldn’t hinge on getting the latest expansion set for release in June. Logically, any quests from that expansion would fall under the future triumph of ‘two decades of adventure.’ As it stands, it’s not so much an achievement for a decade of quests, but rather just another 'incentive' to entice the eager beavers to pre-purchase or buy at full price, instead of snagging the expansion a few months down the line for less than 20% of its original cost. I’m all for transparency. Marketing gimmicks and fibs? Not so much. This critique comes from someone who’s got more money than sense and has already pre-purchased (for the trial, I don't like the skin), rather than allocating those funds to a worthy charitable cause.