I Give Up On This Event

  • Grendalism
    The thing I find interesting is that there are several threads (including this one) about the horrible horrible event style page drop rates for the majority.

    Not once has there been any ZOS comment (that I’m aware of) acknowledging this feedback, or saying something that would at least give the playerbase here some insight or hope…
    Building stuff on EU-PS4 since 2015
  • Katheriah
    Wouldn't they be in the yesteryear bag next year?

    I farmed all 5 stylepages in the first days of the event and if they would change the droprate now, I would be happy for people that still need it.
  • SilverBride
    Katheriah wrote: »
    Wouldn't they be in the yesteryear bag next year?

    I don't know if they will or not, but next year isn't the 10 year anniversary that we are participating in now.

    This really needs to be fixed. There is nothing fun or rewarding about this and it's causing a lot of players a lot of stress.
  • wolfie1.0.
    I wouldnt mind the drop rate so much if the things were tradeable. But since they are bound... well honestly I find the rates ridiculous. And that they arnt in the impassario even more so.

    Where is the fun in this?
  • Shagreth
    Shagreth wrote: »
    Have to ask the people that worked hard for this: how will you feel when something you worked for so many hours will then be obtainable after, say, 5 world bosses or dolmens?

    I can understand how those that spent literally days grinding for these would be upset if everyone could now get them easily, but this shouldn't deter ZoS from increasing the drop rates now. This is why I think they should give players 5 free crown crates, one for each of the style pages, in a good faith gesture for all the stress this has generated.
    Gestures like this do help, I remember when they changed some racials and gave everyone a bunch of race change, name and appearance tokens. I miss that Zenimax.
  • SeaGtGruff
    Last night on PC NA was the longest time I've spent grinding dolmens during the event. Normally I would have quit grinding after about half a dozen cycles around the zone, but having gotten the drop on PC EU gave me the impetus to grind for maybe 5 hours-- I didn't keep track. It was fun for me, which was the only reason I kept it up. There is nothing in any game that I want badly enough to get me to grind for hour after hour if I'm not having fun doing it.

    I'll be back to running dolmens on PC NA later tonight, but on PC EU it will be geysers. If I don't get the page from dolmens on PC NA tonight, I'll go back to just doing very short mini-grinds (2 or 3 cycles in whatever zone the Fighters Guild sends me to) each remaining day of the event until I get the drop (or not), and switch to spending more time doing geysers instead.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • BetweenMidgets
    Generally, I like to collect all the things.

    After the length of time it took me to get what I wanted (staff from geysers) I decided it was definitely NOT worth my time to farm the others.

    I finally obtained the geyser staff sometime after my 200th geyser (I stopped counting at 200, because it only served to make my blood boil, ruin my enjoyment, etc).

    That said, I would have ZERO problem with them changing the drop rates, despite having put in hours to get it myself. I wouldn't wish these sorts of grinds on my enemies, even less so my friends. We're about halfway through the event, and the fact that some folks still haven't been able to obtain the items they want is very disappointing, IMO.
  • Elvenheart
    I collected all 5 after an unpleasant grind. However, reading comments here I can sadly conclude I was lucky in my unpleasant grind, for it could've been far worse. These drop rates are absurd, so it wouldn't bother me in the least if they were improved. On the contrary, reading about more people completing their collections would be excellent, more appropriate for a celebration.

    I don't have any hopes they'll increase the drop rates for this event. Heck, we haven't even gotten a single word from the devs. I think I read something somewhere about improving communication with the players? That should involve talking to us when we're fine and when we're angry too! A question about Witches Festival decoration got a reply. The Cyrodiil mess got a reply. Why can't the style pages issue get one too? Devs, this is the 10th anniversary event: do you really want players to be left with a bitter taste when it's done?

    Here, it probably won't matter, but I'll even poke two of the most talkative ones: @ZOS_Kevin @ZOS_GinaBruno

    This, so much this. I finally have all the pages, but now I get a little sick in my stomach when I log on now, and can’t wait to get what I need to do done so I can log off. I hope this feeling goes away with time. And my heart goes out to everyone still suffering through these terrible grinds, and I seriously tear up and want to cry when I think about how everyone’s collective expressed suffering during the event has not warranted any type of response. It really seems like no one at ZOS cares, and this is truly heartbreaking.
    Edited by Elvenheart on April 15, 2024 9:12PM
  • shadyjane62
    What took you so long?
  • SilverBride
    I'm still missing 2. This is my 3rd day in Vvardenfell.
  • Inucham
    400+DOLMENS, 50+ on the elfs island, done some at vanderfell and 100+ on base game zones(other than speed domens of alikir)

    still nothing

    i dont have luck with loots, thats a fact of the last 10 years,

    but i meant 260 trys on apocryphas boww to get the mitic lead, 500+to get the styles on event and nothing droped.

    and some pug getting them on 1st try or 5 try,

    im starting to fell that its not luck related.
    fix the droprates please
    "may the moons show us the right path, and if not just go buyaka mode"
  • barney2525
    if your entire purpose is to get one specific item, yes, it will be frustrating if you have bad luck on this.
    If you have more reason to do whatever the repetition is, it won't bother you.
    This is my first character on this account. So I got antiquities, started Psijiic, went to Arteum to fish for 2 recipes and master angler while I ran antiquities up to 5. In the process I got the sword.

    Decide, since we got 100% xp, smart move is to run the character up to 50/160. started running Auridon dolmens. somewhere between level 21 and level 24 got the staff. also getting lots of stuff to sell so the character has gold when he needs it.

    Next gonna continue to take advantage of 100% XP and run a Dragonknight up to 50
    Depending on how long that takes, will do a Nightblade and Sorcerer.
    That give me the achievement.

    Don't really see any reason to park at WBs or Geysers, and quite frankly there is Nothing in this game I absolutely Must have,
    If I can achieve all this I will be happy.

    specific items may or may not come along for the ride.
  • Nerouyn
    Not really loving any of them visually I had decided not to bother.

    Then forgetting one of them dropped from Dolmens, got it.

    Tried Summerset but geysers were so ridiculously camped that I just couldn't get enough hits for boss loot.

    Vvardenfell was better in this respect but no luck for me.

    Don't know if I'll bother with the others.
  • SeaGtGruff
    barney2525 wrote: »
    Decide, since we got 100% xp, smart move is to run the character up to 50/160.

    Now that's a great idea-- do the dolmens and other grinds on characters who still need to level up! Also, it's been noted before that if you're having a horrible streak of bad RNG, sometimesswitching characters can give you better RNG.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • FLuFFyxMuFFiN
    I don't mind the grind but I do hate the time it takes to complete the geysers. I am only missing the Ul'vor Staff and the geysers seem like an eternity due to the amount of people at them. However I wouldn't mind a better drop rate in the future. I have never been one to say "It was difficult for me so it has to be difficult for everyone else too".
  • GrafDresche
    I have been playing since beta.

    What could have been a great opportunity to thank the community with joyful events and generous rewards has become a lazily implemented grindfest which leaves a bitter taste. I am seriously offended.

    It is not only diserspectful to the players but to the many dedicated developers and designers that have shaped ESO as it is today. Why spoil this with such a lazy "event" that, at the end of the day, dominates the experience?
  • CrashTest
    Worst event ever.
  • SilverBride
    CrashTest wrote: »
    Worst event ever.

    I have to agree with this for many reasons.
  • Hapexamendios
    In Soviet Tamriel, you don't givre up on event, event give up on you.
  • Loralai_907
    I only have 3 out of the 5 pages so far. The last two have decided that perhaps I shall never have them apparently. Of course I wanted to collect all 5 but gave myself through this last weekend to really try for them. Unfortunately work is going to be extra intense for the rest of the event and then some, so I wont have the additional time to farm for things that are likely not going to drop for me.

    Instead, I'll keep doing crafting writs on 20 characters when the server is up and try for motif pages I dont have yet, that are also not really dropping for me lol.
    PC-NA - formerly, mommadani907Guild: Weeping Angels - Co-GMTwitter: @ Loralai_907 several Alt accounts....CP 1700+
    Active characters:Fauna Rosewood ( Bosmer Stam DK - Master Crafter/AD)///Loralai Darknova (Drunken Zombie Bosmer Stam Sorc - PvP/AD)Lilith Darknova ( Dunmer Mag DK - Master Crafter - PvP/AD)///and roughly 1billion alts
  • ZhuJiuyin
    At the same time we got unexpected repair time. Those still farming rare styles have their chances of getting a style page reduced, again.
    "是燭九陰,是燭龍。"──by "The Classic of Mountains and Seas "English is not my first language,If something is ambiguous, rude due to context and translation issues, etc., please remind me, thanks.
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    Nerouyn wrote: »
    Not really loving any of them visually I had decided not to bother.

    Then forgetting one of them dropped from Dolmens, got it.

    Tried Summerset but geysers were so ridiculously camped that I just couldn't get enough hits for boss loot.

    Vvardenfell was better in this respect but no luck for me.

    Don't know if I'll bother with the others.

    For Geysers you don’t need the boss, it drops from the Shell Trove. I got the drop by having my Sorc send out Sharp and her pets and sitting on top of a monster spawn spot, just needed to loot and head to the next Geyser afterwards. Admittedly you lose out on the Anniversary boxes that way, but not the staff style page.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works

    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
  • Elvenheart
    Maybe someone was trying to up the drop chances, pushed the wrong button, and accidentally deleted the game and all its data.
  • Nerouyn
    For Geysers you don’t need the boss, it drops from the Shell Trove. I got the drop by having my Sorc send out Sharp and her pets and sitting on top of a monster spawn spot, just needed to loot and head to the next Geyser afterwards. Admittedly you lose out on the Anniversary boxes that way, but not the staff style page.

    Well thanks for letting me know. I was getting those. I may go back and give it another go.

    Maybe with one of my sorcs. I think at least one of them has maxed psiijic line. For the benefit of anyone not in the know, that boosts loot for other nice things in that zone so good to have when doing geysers.

    I've always found sorc's Daedric Tomb to be a marvel for getting enough quick damage in to reach the threshold for boss loot.
  • Carcamongus
    Elvenheart wrote: »
    Maybe someone was trying to up the drop chances, pushed the wrong button, and accidentally deleted the game and all its data.

    It was Molag Bal's latest scheme: the Servermeld [include ominous soundtrack here].
    Imperial DK and Necro tank. PC/NA
    "Nothing is so bad that it can't get any worse." (Brazilian saying)
  • Nerouyn
    Elvenheart wrote: »
    Maybe someone was trying to up the drop chances, pushed the wrong button, and accidentally deleted the game and all its data.

    It's way outside regular work hours there. Currently 11 pm for Maryland where their main office is.

    They'll have had to wake staff and get them trying to figure out why it crashed and prevent a reoccurrence.

    And also possibly wake other non tech staff to decide what to do about lost playtime during a special event like this.
  • MakoFore
    im at 4/5 aftre grinding every day for the event- about average of 4 hours a day on my laptop just doing it in the background at work.
    agree the rates were horrible and preventing people from playing actual content- i hope next time they ll give us something that is fun and enjoyable but dosent involve repetition.

    for example to get all rewards- maybe require fragments - that require you doing every dungeon, trial and world boss once each. then you get players playing content instead of grinding- repetition with no reward is what triggers people

    overall disappointed they didnt do something special for such a important anniversary- i was hoping to see say a new world boss spawn randomly in an overland area- like a molag bal spawn - that requires an entire guild to collaborate and get togetgher to kill over a substantial time. imagine say molag spawning in stormhaven city- and people having to call their friends to group up and come in- track him as he moves about the zone (like the dragon) - even split up into groups. and having maybe a spawn like that every hour that becomes a real community event.
    this is more like suffering together in misery. like bonding over jail time.
  • mctaff
    So I am going to lend a slightly different personal experience here.
    I pay for my own and my three kids accounts. We all don't get a great deal of time to play, so the endless hours of grinding isn't something we can always do, so I already feel failed by the system being linked directly to a grind.

    1) The four of us joined a guild-run event, and did a three-boss circuit grind, with 12 participants. Throughout the 2.5 hrs, we had a total of eleven style pages drop for group members, which already brings the average amongst our small sample set to "1 page per 2.5 hrs grind".

    And of course, one of my kids got nothing, one got both, and another (and myself) got only one. Knowing that time is running out, and despite having plenty of event tickets and her willingness to put in hours of effort/work for it, she walked away empty handed. I had to have the talk that we all have to get used to disappointment in life.

    But to say "Here is your celebration event for ten year anniversary, have an absolutely meaningless grind with the potential to miss out entirely" is an example of awful marketing.

    This should always have been attached to an achievement.

    My daughter was devastated, and although I used all this as a learning point of how life can be really sh!tty to you - why am I teaching her using a game that is supposed to be fun, inclusive and represent a way to relax, unwind and earn nice things? Plenty of opportunity for me to teach her that in the real world.
    She wants to cancel her account, and it's not my job to convince her to stay; ZOS are the ones that need to come up with incentives to keep her wanting me to spend my money with them. If she leaves? Sub gets canceled and no more purchases.


    2) Furthermore, whose daft idea was it to not give enough confetti packs, requiring you to "spend, um, some tickets, not sure how many, hope you are a CPA to figure it out because you need to predict it correctly"? You may have seen this as a way to encourage crown store ticket purchases, but all you did was just introduce an annoyance into the game.


    How are ZoS going to address (1) and (2) above? Will they ignore this feedback, just like the countless others in this and other threads? Will they trash the hours of grinding that people have done by giving them away to people who missed out? Will they retroactively apply achievements and award them based on that?
    I already know the answer. And sadly, that is where they will continue to slowly and almost imperceptibly lose players until it's too late.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno I rarely tag people, but as the community manager you need to go in there and champion for your players, get everyone to understand what goes wrong, and figure out the right way to do things for the future.
  • DoofusMax
    I caught the TrueFlame page without trying (fishing holes while I waited for a couple of WB respawns). Yay! Applied it to a character's swords (most of my DWs are Daggers and no one is currently running 1H&S) and went on about my business. I'd really like to catch the Staff of Worms replica, but I'm not going to be heartbroken if I don't get it (I got motifs for that). Geysers are a hot mess, so I stopped trying on Ul'vor. Sunna'rah and Barbas are "whatevs", but the bosses are fun.
  • BretonMage
    I only wanted the Ul'vor and Sunna'rah pages. Thankfully I got the Ul'vor on my first day, but it's been 10 days and still no Sunna'rah.

    In the meantime I got the Barbas page (after a whole week), which I know would have pleased someone else. I wish at least these pages weren't bound so we wouldn't feel so restricted.
    Grendalism wrote: »
    The thing I find interesting is that there are several threads (including this one) about the horrible horrible event style page drop rates for the majority.

    Not once has there been any ZOS comment (that I’m aware of) acknowledging this feedback, or saying something that would at least give the playerbase here some insight or hope…

    Yeah, I'm surprised at their silence. This is the first time that I've seen the forums so unified in their opinion despair about something. ZOS should have done or said something a week ago.
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