complaint thread time
after a while of using Dungeon Finder during U39 i honestly believe that the fake role phenomenon and all the community issues it brought with it (amongst some other irrelevant issues with the game i guess) is going to render the tool obsolete if the launch of Group Finder is a success. this thread is not advocating to remove Dungeon Finder for ANY reason, because frankly i do not wish to become another armchair developer for ZoS, but it's in a
really bad spot right now and introducing another activity manager is looking more like an evasive move from the ongoing problems with the current system, as opposed to something that just aims to help players find the content they want to do.
the overall dungeoneer experience leading up to Undaunted Celebration 2023 has been the worst it has ever been, regardless if you are looking for normal or veteran content. the amount of players between the three group roles have grown more disproportionate, not only because "tanks get faster queues" but because a lot of players who frequently play tank (or healer) are just NOT willing to use Dungeon Finder, or at least has no incentive to do so, when most of the time they have to deal with other players who at best are at the lower end of the game's Grand Canyon sized skill gap, and at worst are just not very nice people to interact with in general!
it's one thing where DPS queues as a fake tank to get into dungeons faster, but it's another thing entirely when there
aren't any tanks to begin with. and this has unfortunately only snowballed from there. lots of fake tanks would end up porting into a DLC dungeon, go "wait i'm not an actual tank, i don't want to do this!" and immediately abandon the group to eat a half-hour penalty, an amount of time they would've had to sit through anyway if they decided to queue as a damage-dealer. this is especially egregious on random normals, where the vast majority of DLC dungeons are significantly toned down in difficulty from veteran and should be no problem for someone who believed that they can play a dungeon without a tank, but i guess skill issue lmfao. as an experienced player this hasn't affected me a whole lot, but i know this is harmful for newer players who are always inhabiting random normal dungeons. it's setting a bad precedent for PvE as a whole.
this is something that plagued this year's Undaunted event with players wanting to farm dungeons as quick as possible for coffers (when nFG1 was still perfectly farmable on solo with a competent build), and has continue plaguing the overall dungeon experience. i shouldn't be the one being punished for playing the intended role of my characters, but on worse days it definitely feels like it. the new Group Finder was something we were all waiting on for a long time now, but unfortunately i believe that anticipation was because of increasing fatigue from the nightmare machine that is Dungeon Finder.
i'm finished venting, but my only question is this:
if Group Finder ends up being a working & useful tool, then what of the Dungeon Finder? if my experience with finding dungeon groups using that will be overall better than having to deal with the cesspit that is random dungeons, especially when premade groups can still do randoms to receive daily rewards anyway, then are there any more incentives for matchmaking dungeons anymore? it can't possibly be convenience, because i think we can all agree that with its current state it's anything but "convenient."
PC-NA / 1500+ CP / PvE mostly / "Mama didn't raise no tank."