Panderbander wrote: »...
- Brutal Pounce not always swapping to Brutal Carnage after pouncing.
- Brutal Carnage requiring a target in range to cast, yet it's a conal AOE that can be easily ranged and thus rarely hits in PVP
- Claws of Life being our only pseudo-"heal over time" and the return on that being so small as to not be noticeable, even on multiple targets.
- The obscene cost of werewolf abilities in relation to their damage done, which seems to have been balanced with the extra 30% stamina in mind though that gives very little extra damage or ability uses in practical use.
- The damage of werewolf abilities being often lower than similar abilities of base classes despite this extra ability cost.
- Werewolf having a unique 30% movement speed buff but without snare removal we actually move slower than base classes (all of which can access snare removal).
- Both morphs of our heal being tied to max health while our damage is tied to weapon damage and max stamina/magicka, meaning we're forced to split stats more than anyone else (which leads to the common complaint about werewolves having 40k+ HP).
- Pounce routinely leaping us at gods know what because when we land there certainly isn't anything there (anyone that's played long enough has seen this).
- An inability to stealth (some hunters we are) or detect stealth (some enhanced senses we have).
- No ability to synergize with other werewolves despite a timer minigame that clearly wants us to run with other werewolves.
- Next to no weapon passives carrying over to werewolf form despite there being no indication that this is the case and causing a lack of interesting choices when building our character.
- No proper heal over time meaning that while we have to stay aggressive to keep our timer up, we can't afford to do so because there is no passive healing.
- Health recovery (which WAS our heal over time) has been completely gutted.
- An inability to run both a monster set and a mythic while running two five-pieces because we can not split sets with a back bar.
- Our fear occasionally only applying off balance on non-CC immune targets.
- No ability to recover magicka, leading to an inordinate use of magicka recovery in our builds or heavy armor (for pvp at least)
- No ultimate and no way to combo with our abilities (it's all pure pressure) despite seemingly every single werewolf themed set in the game offering ultimate generation/cost reduction. (I know about Savage Werewolf)
- ...and there's more.
Erickson9610 wrote: »Werewolf is so fundamentally different as an isolated playstyle that most balance changes do not benefit Werewolf in the slightest. This makes Werewolf fall behind competitively in terms of both PvE and PvP.
Werewolf is not in a good state right now, and the amount of attention given to it each patch is disproportionately low compared to the amount of attention that every other playstyle in the game receives.
Erickson9610 wrote: »Werewolf is so fundamentally different as an isolated playstyle that most balance changes do not benefit Werewolf in the slightest. This makes Werewolf fall behind competitively in terms of both PvE and PvP.
Werewolf is not in a good state right now, and the amount of attention given to it each patch is disproportionately low compared to the amount of attention that every other playstyle in the game receives.
It's other problem is it is an ultimate, which makes it weird to balance. It either needs to be an ultimate on par with other roaming ultimates like corrosive armor and be harder to stay in, but significantly more powerful or;
Just make you a Werewolf permanently if its slotted while still having something active when you hit the ultimate, similar to warden bear. (I know this poses problems for the criminal system but removing Werewolf from the crime system wouldn't be the worst thing)
I'd prefer the latter, especially if they added more abilities or allowed you to use some non-werewolf skills still.
Rookie werewolf here. My experience hasn't been that bad honestly. It also hasn't been long enough to have some of the complex opinions and complaints some of you have.
I disagree that it's a class. I mean... It sorta is, but only because it's lacking what vampires have-- the ability to use class abilities at the same time. But I don't think it should become a class, I think the transforming thing is cool.
Here's my random list of changes I think would help.
1) Don't fear enemies when you transform. It's free CC immunity. Instead-- just become immune to damage during the animation.
2) I think the brutal pounce and brutal carnage thing should just be combined-- just make the pounced person(s) start bleeding. Werewolves don't have a delayed damage skill so they kinda rely on the bleeds but by the time you load someone up you, yourself, are probably dead.
3) It would be cool if you could recast the ultimate (similar to the warden bear,) for a special attack of some sort.
4) Maybe the heal could come with an attached HoT. It's hard fighting with only one burst heal.
5) OR none of the above. They aren't like other toons and that COULD be okay. But then they need something special. Something nobody else has, since they're missing so much others do have. They could have like a passive bloodthirst where they do more damage to low health targets. I find that pretty thematic. Call it bloodlust, if the name isn't taken. OR, make it so their DoTs can't be purged. Also thematic, I think, if you let it be
Thinking about the morphs themselves, I would like to see ZOS make the Berserker morph's transform permanent, like you're fully embracing your inner WW and leaving your humanity behind. So you pick Berserker, use the transform and then your ultimate starts to regenerate normally again and the ult ability becomes something different, like a conal DoT roar or something like that. The only way to transform back would be cleanse yourself of lycanthropy completely.
With regard to Pack Leader I would make it truly pack-themed with abilities that simulate a pack of wolves attacking their prey. It doesn't have to be more actual pets, but rather skills that use wolves for graphic presentation akin to Selene proc, shalks, cliff racer et al. Thinking about it, this could also allow the pack leader to be a ranged build whilst the Berserker would remain purely melee. I would retain a duration on Pack Leader transform, but as with Berserker allow ult to generate normally and have an in-form ult. I'd also make pack leader's bone broth extend the transform duration of the Pack Leader whilst in-form.
huskandhunger wrote: »This video shows a little bit of what it is like generally as a werewolf.
IncultaWolf wrote: »huskandhunger wrote: »This video shows a little bit of what it is like generally as a werewolf.
The werewolf lost the duel because he didn't have access to stage 3 vamp undeath passive
VadimAleks wrote: »Just bring back our 10k armor and light attack scaling, as it was before the so-called “rebalances” of LA damage. Werewolf - offered a unique light attack gameplay (especially convenient for people with disabilities). If I want to play a "rotation" character, I'll take ANY class. There was no need to make the werewolf the same “rotation build”, worse than ANY other build. The werewolf no longer has survivability (10k armor is gone, Major Resolve does not compensate for this), he does not have decent healing (5k mana cost for a stamina-oriented build), he does not have decent damage (50-60% of his damage was light attacks, nerfed to the ground). His DoTs are simply ridiculous (after all, they also fell under the nerf of DoTs with a proc once every 2 sec), bleeding from a light attack does not proc 1 tick and is not prolonged with subsequent light attacks. Werewolf is purely fan service now. But even in this he is poor - because for fan service he should look like a Werewolf Behemoth, and not like a starving jackal.
Werewolf needs like a ground up redesign it's years since I've seen a ww player in pvp and not just treated it like a free kill it was carried for so long by the health regen meta and ever since they took that away it's really struggled to find a balance in stats to actually be useful at least in pvp
Werewolf needs like a ground up redesign it's years since I've seen a ww player in pvp and not just treated it like a free kill it was carried for so long by the health regen meta and ever since they took that away it's really struggled to find a balance in stats to actually be useful at least in pvp
Panderbander wrote: »Don't worry, soon all the werewolf players will quit and then the data will be irrelevant!
huskandhunger wrote: »I just got my furry butt handed to me by a low level Dragon Knight spamming whips and chains and wearing Rallying Cry set in a battlegrounds just now.
I just feel like no matter what I try I'm always at a disadvantage playing as a werewolf and I know that very well, but sometimes I wish we could have at least something come through in the patch notes to help us out 😕 this sucks 😔
huskandhunger wrote: »I just got my furry butt handed to me by a low level Dragon Knight spamming whips and chains and wearing Rallying Cry set in a battlegrounds just now.
I just feel like no matter what I try I'm always at a disadvantage playing as a werewolf and I know that very well, but sometimes I wish we could have at least something come through in the patch notes to help us out 😕 this sucks 😔
sneakymitchell wrote: »Werewolf needs more better damage since it got 5 skills to use and 3 that does damage. But I can hear the eso vet boys don’t want a 1 bar build again. Which again forces players out of eso or they just play casually and not care about anything