this is a bit late, considering a ''QOL/bugfix patch'' just went live. but:
could vampire stages 4 hour duration be done away with? There is plenty of methods to reduce/increase it naturally and unnaturally (the furnishings, bloody mara food, feeding etc) It's so tedious to have to eat 2 foods just to keep my stage exactly at 3 every 3 hours. You might say feed, but that is even more tedious. I personally don't think it should even have a duration, but at least make a way to increase its duration or just do away with it all together. For a skill line that is already quite lackluster, all skills are situational aside from stage 3 passive for pvp, making it a bit higher QOL would be nice (oh and also add a food that increases stage by 1, or reduces all the way to 1, that is a bit harder to add though so thats just more QOL). The only argument I see to keep the duration is for new players who dont have a way to access the house furnishing that reduces your stage, or the purifying bloody mara, which is fair. I'd say just add a stage reducer at any of the 3 vampire shrines though rather than a duration though. They'd still have to wait up to 8 hours to get back to stage 1 lol.