Necrotech_Master wrote: »
yeah that answer was a bit disappointing
i completely understand they dont want the companions from running into each other on a quest, but there are already a few problems with that as it currently stands:
there is nothing stopping 20 players from having mirri out and being in the same area, how is that any different from taking mirri on the "intro quest" for mirri?
Darkstorne wrote: »This was a great Q&A. Thanks for taking the time to produce it
My biggest wish for future Companion features will always be taking a team of them into dungeons. FF14 has achieved it with huge success and popularity (running dungeons with 3 AI companions), and ESO seems to have most of the framework for something similar ready to go. Would solve all the requests for a "solo mode" difficulty if you can play with a full team of Companions, and gives us a reason to level and gear up multiple Companions rather than sticking with a single favourite.
Q: Will older companions (Bastion and Mirri)) ever be updated to have more dialog and quests?
TM: I can’t go into too much detail regarding our future plans, but I can say that we have big ideas on how we can expand the Companion system in the future, and those ideas certainly involve revisiting Bastian and Mirri!***
Well, that's how it used to be, but now with Necrom, the Companion quests are MUCH longer, Sharp you have to get through a Public Dungeon and even worse, with Azandar you not only have a Public Dungeon to get through, but also a Delve as well. Let alone running all over the map for fetch quests.
BlueberryPancakes333 wrote: »it's still not terrible, tbh I did both of them in a couple hours solo.. I don't see the big deal.
BlueberryPancakes333 wrote: »
it's still not terrible, tbh I did both of them in a couple hours solo.. I don't see the big deal.
DragonRacer wrote: »This was an absolute delight to read. Thank you ever so much for pulling it together, @ZOS_Kevin !
Very cool to get the story about Bastian's tattoos and love hearing he and Mirri will eventually get more content. They are so lacking compared to newer companions and I felt Bastian's storyline, in particular, could really have fun places to go past its current "ending".
Chalk me up as another person saddened that Sharp can't animate fishing beside the player. I'm actually going to bother with chasing Master Angler now simply because of him, but it felt a little sad/awkward to be fishing and he's just standing there watching. Where's your fishing pole, buddy?
Love the suggestion of more things for the companions to do inside houses. I'm especially interested because I adore some of the companions/houseguests so much that some of them, I have built dedicated rooms or entire houses for. Arox has a nice little pad at Hammerdeath Bungalow, Caska's living the pampered Khajiiti life in a room adjoining my Tales of Tribute Gaming Hall (packed with all sorts of special guests from Brahgas to Rigurt to even Mai'q!) at Linchal Grand Manor, and most recently I completed a house for Sharp at The Ample Domicile, complete with a fishing setup outside, a stocked fountain, smoked fish drying and cooking, a ToT table, a loaded alchemy station and storage area, a live fish tank inside, and some furnishings and food in the manner of Murkmire. It would be cool if he could actually interact with the dinner table and grub kebabs, sit at the ToT table pondering cards, watch the fish swimming in his aquarium, and fish in the small pond area outside. Or even just sit on the bench by the water watching and contemplating, perhaps hoping to see a few birds visit the Druidic gourd bird feeder hanging from one of his palms, even if he's given up on trying to accurately sketch them.
@ZOS_Kevin your blog post:
The blog post answered only 2 meaningful questions about possible vampire/werewolf companions in the future and the revisitation of old companions. There’s several questions that are asked 3-4 times in here that weren’t answered and I’d say the post was pretty sparse in my opinion.
Do y’all have plans to make a more expansive blog post answering more than 3-4 questions or was that about it for a while? Thanks!
Necrotech_Master wrote: »
as others mentioned, the problem comes when you need to repeat these quests up to a maximum of 20 times (once per character)
speeding as fast as i could sharps quest was about 15-20 min, azanders quest was worse, probably closer to 30 min if you dont have relevant wayshrines as that increases travel distance
now multiply that by 19 characters (im assuming the first run for the story will take longer so this is only the repeats)
assuming the best case of sharps taking 15 min, if you have to do that 19 times, that is almost 5 hours of time spent doing nothing except sharps quest, log out change toons, repeat
that is not fun, its boring and repetitive
and yes i know i dont speak for everyone who may actually run it to play through the story again, but for me personally, repeating quests is not really fun to do unless your given many significant choices to have many different outcomes
Sorry, but I can't understand this.
Sure, a lot of people do some quests on multiple toons over the time. I assume they enjoy to do so.
But why should anyone complete content, which they doesn't find enjoyable 20 times? Is there any advantage in doing so?
Personally I think the length of content should be built around the experience using a single character. If we decide to repeat the whole process on another toon, that's our completely optional way to play. (I'm not arguing against account-wide unlocks for companions tho. I think they would be a nice addition.)