I like the ones you mentioned, but also small examples like Tirlarnar Frozenfox, that's just naturally integrated. Clear and to the point without being wierd or forced. Exactly how I like it:SpoilerShe says:
"My wife told me that I need to move more product, so I took the shields out of a crate and put them in a barrel. I don't know how that's supposed to help our business, but she's always been the brains in the family."
Questwise I really advice doing Flower of Youth, with Hartmin and Mirilir
TheNuminous1 wrote: »Razum Dar Casually mentioning being Bi is very good representation 💅🌈🧡
I can't say I agree here. Raz has been a very open character from the beginning, and introducing this so late into the game just seems like a throwaway. It would make sense that he has no preference either way, but developed an attraction to an individual through an interaction, but to develop an attraction to a specific type as a throwaway comment is not a good example of LBGT representation/writing, but this is subjective. If you truly believe this is good writing, I won't be able to change your mind- however I believe some LBGT authors might take my side on this one.
I spoke with my friend in the LGBT community this morning about Raz, and his feedback was, and I'll quote,
"he had such bi vibes im shocked anyone is taken off guard".
I have to agree.
TheNuminous1 wrote: »People just have varying sexuality that's all it is lol
They have. But why not showing in through meaningful interactions and dialogue (or even better: within the context of a well-written quest). instead of just throwing it in randomly for a second? And why does it have to be the bad stereotype of bisexual people basically chasing after everyone? I would feel irritated if people of my orientation would be presented only as an annoying stereotype.
I'd prefer that sexuality, both in representation and discrimination, were left out of entertainment and media unless it bolstered and strengthened a character's plot or purpose. If they are only adding it for the sake of representation, it's generally meaningless and you know it's only being done to please the crowd.
I haven’t done many of the iconic quests but cases that stick out to me:
The wlw couple in the Vvardenfell main quest. I believe it was the first time I saw an lgbtq+ relationship in ESO and how it was just… a woman mentioned her wife offhandedly. That was amazing to see and I still think about it. I unfortunately don’t remember their names, though.
Luckily everyone is allowed to have their own opinion.
I'd rather see good storytelling and original characters instead of putting the 'bi sticker' on just anyone that likes to flirt with everyone and everything. Not all of us want to do everything with a hole and sometimes some nice badonkers.
ESO has so much better stories in the past. They're getting sloppy. It's too easy to just grab a popular char and throw in a oneliner.
It’s a reveal for one of the most prominent and beloved male characters in the game. A lot of people I know are very happy about this and it made their day. This is a win.
But negativity is popular, so enjoy the support I guess lol.
Why is it so hard to accept that people have different opinions on how good LGBT writing looks like? How does it affect the people who are happy about the Raz dialogue if other LGBT people utter their opinion that they did not like the way it was implemented? Can't people disagree without ridiculing other opinions anymore nowadays?
We literally gave examples of what does make us happy. I'm happy for people that are happy with this, but the people that want to see better (like me) also come with explanation of why pinkwashing is not good.
I will not cheer for this, because I don't want to give ZOS a pat on the back for the laziest writing and stereotyping of bi personalities.
Raz is a character which has literally made several misogynistic remarks towards women he finds attractive. Even to the point where he does it in public and Queen Ayrenn reminds him it's inappropriate. He promised to marry three women, who he was dating at the same time and when he was magically disguised as Queen Ayrenn he wants to 'double check the illusion in private'.
I'm not sorry for hating the fact that they picked a randy mysogenist to represent my sexuality. If you find him charming then good for you, but there are more than enough people that find him a jerk.
Yes! That's the first example that also comes to my mind, exactly because it was so naturally woven into the story. The characters are Varona Beloren and her wife Overseer Shiralas in Vivec City. I remember thinking how cool it was they wrote an NPC being worried about their spouse, as one would in that situation, and they happened to be both women, and it was an absolutely normal thing, no remarks or eyebrows raised.
We literally gave examples of what does make us happy. I'm happy for people that are happy with this, but the people that want to see better (like me) also come with explanation of why pinkwashing is not good.
I will not cheer for this, because I don't want to give ZOS a pat on the back for the laziest writing and stereotyping of bi personalities.
Raz is a character which has literally made several misogynistic remarks towards women he finds attractive. Even to the point where he does it in public and Queen Ayrenn reminds him it's inappropriate. He promised to marry three women, who he was dating at the same time and when he was magically disguised as Queen Ayrenn he wants to 'double check the illusion in private'.
I'm not sorry for hating the fact that they picked a randy mysogenist to represent my sexuality. If you find him charming then good for you, but there are more than enough people that find him a jerk.
I will not cheer for this, because I don't want to give ZOS a pat on the back for the laziest writing and stereotyping of bi personalities..
I am glad we are having a civil discussion about this. Art is subjective, and we all have different experiences. Where one person sees Isobel as being wlw based on their own experiences, another person can easily interpret her as being just a really good friend. This is an example of good writing.
I'd prefer that sexuality, both in representation and discrimination, were left out of entertainment and media unless it bolstered and strengthened a character's plot or purpose. If they are only adding it for the sake of representation, it's generally meaningless and you know it's only being done to please the crowd.
Smashing, everyone in fiction is contentedly single and families are groups of close friends who occasionally receive babies from storks or cliff racers.
For those who think that some of bi characters are excessive, which bi characters do you think are good representatives? I think that bisexuality is inherently subtler than monosexuality. We know that Shiralas is lesbian because she has a wife, but we don't really know that she isn't also attracted to men, because she had no reason to say anything about that. Naturally, the same could said for most characters in straight relationships.
In real life, I only know that people I've met are bi because they told me directly, but that rarely happens to me under circumstances that would fit into this game.