Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Is ESO in maintenance mode now?

  • Drammanoth
    Despite controversies, no.

    ESO in itself if too good to be 'dying'.
    My wishlist for ESO
    >>weapons: Polearms, Unarmed, Crossbow

    >>Sorc's Twilight - perched animation

    >>a skill line - a guild having this - to enable us to increase % gold gain for donating Ornate gear (another gold sink in order to gain more pennies - but over time it would pay off)

    >>new skill lines - Adventure (enable climbing, increase flora and fauna harvesting chances)

    >>tree climing in Grahtwood / Malabal Tor / Greenshade, etc. (with tall trees)

    >>rock climbing in Glenumbra / Rivenspire / Stonefalls, etc. (with tall peaks)

    >>restoration of destroyed cities, eg. Satakalaam, Aswala, Gil-Var-Delle, etc. Making them permanently restored, maybe with some traders OR minor quest hubs.

    >>a way to make Overland more challenging - for those who want

    III.CP 2.0
    >>Craft Tree development -->

    >>a mount OF CHOICE (eg. horse, senche, quasigryph) for every 1200 CP in respective colours
    >>a permanent 10% bonus to gold gain from every source for 900 CP collected on Craft
    >> a permanent 5% attack / defence bonus for 900 CP collected on Warfare
    >>a permanent 10% bonus to health/stam/mag regen and 5% health/stam/mag increase for 900 CP on Fitness

    IV.Replayable content in overland
    >>dynamic pocket rifts to Oblivion - eg. to Vaermina's in Stormhaven, Boethiah's in Deshaan, Hircine's in the Rift OR in Bankgorai, etc. to get Daedric Sets relevant to the Prince, something like Oblivion rifts in Blackwood / the Deadlands


    >>story mode for dungeons - sometimes I don't want to do a dungeon quest with sprinters. They will rush from boss to boss and leave without saying a thing. I'd love to enjoy the time, even though I've done a dungeon many times

    VI.Chapter ideas
    >>Whiterun + Fields of Regret DLC

    >>Winterhold (Winterhold Hold) + Dawnstar (The Pale Hold) DLC

    >>Timelines series: Cyrodiil
    some Imperial noble/vagabond - a Tharn - becomes the new emperor, so the claims of Ayrenn, Jorun or Emeric are for naught. Vestige begins the long and arduous process of rebuilding Cyrodiil, 1st in their own alliance, and then as they would along Cadwell's silver and gold.

    >>Solstheim CH or DLC.

    >>Pyandonea - we had some quests WITH Maormer (Summerset, High Isle) - maybe we could meet them there? Poke poke, nudge nudge, wink wink, eh ZOS?

    >>Blackmarsh CH or DLC.

    >>Akavir CH.

    >>Atmora CH.

    >>Peryite's Pits DLC.

    >>Vaermina's Quagmire DLC.

    (the ideas are also inspired by other Forum Users' posts)
    >>possibility to research traits on Companions' equipment so that we could change the traits

    >>pet battles! We collect SO MANY pets, and yet they are just a cosmetic. What a HUGE potential lies within those tiny beats!

    >>ASOC - a new server in Asia and Oceania. If people have a bad ping there, it would be great if they had a server reaching their places more easily. And hey, it would make THREE servers, not two.

    >>highlighting WBs that are being engaged

    >>possibility to dye barding

    >>possibility to switch UI between guild bank<-->bank<-->guild trader

    >>display the dialogue options so that we can see which answer the NPC is reacting to

    >>Norg-Tzel - for Mara's sake, ZOS, REMOVE it from the list please!
  • danno8
    "In the world of software development, maintenance mode refers to a point in a computer program's life when it has reached all of its goals and is generally considered to be "complete" and bug-free. The term can also refer to the point in a software product's evolution when it is no longer competitive with other products or current with regard to the technology environment it operates within. In both cases, continued development is deemed unnecessary or ill-advised, but occasional bug fixes and security patches are still issued, hence the term maintenance mode."

    So I think the answer is clearly no.

  • radiostar
    As in $ maintenance
    "Billions upon Billions of Stars"
  • preevious
    of course not.

    The fact that you don't like the new features doesn't mean nobody does.

    I, for one, vastly prefer a card came instead of a weapon line or even a class. (both are useless to me)

    Also, the quality of the quests in high isle increased tremendously. I enjoyed that questline.
  • daniel.13b16_ESO
    It is clearly not in maintenance mode but I believe ESO is at a crossroads and it could very well end up there in another two years or so.

    It is time to ditch the way they release content as it has led to everything being the same. With High Isle it is not just the same but actually at it's worst. The vents are the worst version of these world events. Boring design and enemies ... and if I hear that druid spout the same lines one more time .... :(:( The Antiquties system connected all of Tamriel but the card game as the main new system adds nothing to the game as an mmo. If they would have released it additionally in the DLC, fine.

    Companions are still boring as hell and were lazily added with the Blackwood chapter. The last two years were quite underwhelming in terms of content.

    It is time not to release anything next year, focus a small team on fixed and QoL improvements (e.g. add n/vDSA to the qroup finder as well as normal trials) and then release an actual expansion.
  • Kiralyn2000
    New content being made? Yes?

    Then no. It's not in "maintenance mode". Unless your definition of maintenance mode is just "they're not making what I want."
  • kind_hero
    New content being made? Yes?

    Then no. It's not in "maintenance mode". Unless your definition of maintenance mode is just "they're not making what I want."

    You're right, perhaps "maintenance mode" is not the best title/poll question, however the game feels like is on autopilot for some time.

    The covid excuse doesn't hold much, look what other great games were developed in the past few years. It's not about we like the content or not. It is easy to compare with other years and see a drop in meaningful content. For example, I was excited for a Breton expansion, my main char and alt are Bretons, I started with Daggerfall (TES 2), but I did not find this chapter particularly exciting or memorable, compared to Markarth for example (the Greymoor chapter had a weak story, but the Q4 DLC compensated for it in many ways, including an arena).

    The problem is they release a lot of shallow content. World looks great, but that's all. There is nothing to do once you have done the quests, except for the same copy paste dailies, a world boss and a delve, which give the same loot bag, junk, motif or furnishing, and style material. After a while the motifs and plans get very cheap, there is little reason to keep farming them.

    Let's take Deadlands. This was an epic realm in TES4 Oblivion. I remember it as hard, you had to close the gate by reaching the orb in the tallest tower. I loved the thrill. In ESO, Deadlands feels like any other zone in terms of danger and difficulty. The patrolling bosses are too rare. I spent a lot of time in Deadlands and still have to kill those 3. The portal areas are very easy, which is a terrible design decision. The loot is trash. The area is boring, the music terrible. Which is a shame, because Fargrave is well done. But again, it lacks purpose, there is nothing else to do but grind the same things. No arena for dremora? Deadlands was such a missed opportunity. Blackwood felt empty, even though it is beautifully done.

    There is no thrill when you know exactly what you will get: 3 NPCs for dailies, same loot bags, same quantity of pages, one overpowered mythic, a collect X pieces to make a furnishing, a huge crown store house and a 3k gold inn room, the same number of slightly interesting (but in the end useless) sets, dungeons and a trial. Everything is cloned from one chapter to another, from quest NPCs to achievement furnishing vendors. Even the chapter story is split in two parts which can be played in any order. How silly is that? Not to mention that if I pre-ordered the chapter I don't get the related DLCs for free...

    Where is the imagination, the novelty, the evolution? There is no evolution, the game is stagnating, they are adding things that bring money and keep players doing chores.
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • BlueRaven
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    When was the last time you saw any mac centric bug fixes?

    I don't know but I haven't checked with them. I wouldn't expect much of anything they don't consider game breaking though, as that post is essentially saying that the MAC's are going to get limited support and only for as much as it makes sense.

    They don’t consider the entire Mac OS failing when entering a city game breaking? What can be more gamebreaking? Someone rushing into your home with a sledgehammer?
  • tim77
    They "just" make very bad decisions recently (not taking about combat)

    I can only speak for myself, but for example
    -increased lead droprates
    -long issues like porting to deadlands
    -bad/useless quickwheel "improvement" (such a massive chance wasted)
    -focus on the wrong things
    -WAY too less QoL things in the last couple years
    -banning people and not talking about their failures so all we have are unconfirmed rumors and a massive uncertainty
    -and yes, templar animation! :P
    -accountwide titles (i'm fine with achievements)
    -always bugged notes/memories but they don't become account-wide, which would fix so much of them

    Things like these push me slowly away. Too much of them in a too short time range.
  • Cazador
    Ah yet another "I don't like recent changes and additions to the game so it's dying" complaint poorly disguised as a poll. We are getting a guaranteed 4 dlcs a year.we are also getting new major systems like the armory, companions and Tales of tribute as well. If Eso were in maintenance mode we would likely have far less.
  • spartaxoxo
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    When was the last time you saw any mac centric bug fixes?

    I don't know but I haven't checked with them. I wouldn't expect much of anything they don't consider game breaking though, as that post is essentially saying that the MAC's are going to get limited support and only for as much as it makes sense.

    They don’t consider the entire Mac OS failing when entering a city game breaking? What can be more gamebreaking? Someone rushing into your home with a sledgehammer?

    I was moreso talking in general, I agree that's something they should try and fix for Intel based users since it's game breaking. I just wouldn't expect much outside of that kind of update. Legitimately messed up they haven't fixed that. Sorry I was not more clear.
  • spartaxoxo
    kind_hero wrote: »
    You're right, perhaps "maintenance mode" is not the best title/poll question, however the game feels like is on autopilot for some time.

    It's not just not the best, it's just factually not accurate. People who voted yes are being hyperbolic to make a point that they dislike the state of the game (or perhaps they don't know the definition). Like some people are tired of not having new classes or believe the franchise has gotten formulaic. Voting yes is therefore absolutely mostly about whatever or not you like the content.
    kind_hero wrote: »
    Where is the imagination, the novelty, the evolution? There is no evolution, the game is stagnating, they are adding things that bring money and keep players doing chores.

    Tales of Tribute is evolution. It's a brand new way to play that isn't a chore for the people who like it. I agree with you that the game is getting stale with the 1 year formula. Although it's because I feel it constrains story telling, and because I want a new combat skill line, not because the games' core design is non-leveled zones. So we disagree on the reason, but this game has had new content that changed how we play it. Antiquities were a significant addition and so was Tales. Companions are pretty significant to the players it opened a lot of content too.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on September 18, 2022 12:03AM
  • stevenyaub16_ESO
    Definitely not. The dungeons have been of a higher quality than before imo. And the zones and quest have the same level of detail (though you can argue the quality). Card game is good if you enjoy that kinda thing.

    The only thing I'd say is dropping in quality are the trials. Kynes, Rockgrove, Dreadsail just feel bad quality/design and badly tuned.
  • Moonsorrow
    Well, the situation is more complicated, but to simplify:

    PVE side gets content 4 times per year, and thus can say it is not in maintenance mode, like say SWTOR is for sure, that was mentioned by people already. And i can admit that, even tho not been excited about the last 2 years. There are many reasons for that, but i used to love the game during it's "good old days".

    PVP side of the game has been clearly in maintenance mode for years. No one can deny that, it does not get any new content, and nope, the "tests" and trying to fix server stability is not content. Nerfing and buffing sets every 3 months is not content also. Most often it's been just a source of frustration to the pvp players since had to deal with broken sets for months. Often discouraging people to even play pvp at all during the worst updates. Pretty much the only content for PVP is the horror when pvp players are reading the patch notes every major update cycle, sadly.

    I just identify so strongly to the PVP side because Cyrodiil and IC was where i did spend most my time, even did all the PVE content also obviously so that it feels sad in current state.

    Who knows, maybe after couple less interesting years they come up with something fresh and full of actual content next year. Gonna check read patch notes then to check it out. Even if playing other game right now and ESO been uninstalled, it still has a special place in my heart and if it shows signs of changing it's course to the better, i'm willing to give it a chance. :)

    Staying in contact with people i know still play and reading forums every now and then, maybe once a month, is good enough news source about the latest happenings.

  • Marto
    Moonsorrow wrote: »
    PVP side of the game has been clearly in maintenance mode for years. No one can deny that, it does not get any new content, and nope, the "tests" and trying to fix server stability is not content. Nerfing and buffing sets every 3 months is not content also. Most often it's been just a source of frustration to the pvp players since had to deal with broken sets for months. Often discouraging people to even play pvp at all during the worst updates. Pretty much the only content for PVP is the horror when pvp players are reading the patch notes every major update cycle, sadly.

    I just identify so strongly to the PVP side because Cyrodiil and IC was where i did spend most my time, even did all the PVE content also obviously so that it feels sad in current state.

    PVP is not in maintenance mode. PVP is in standby mode.

    ZOS has already developed more Cyrodiil content, like the daedric weapons that were supposed to come out in 2019-2022 alongside Volendrung, some of which were datamined. And I'm sure ZOS would also love to develop other content, if they haven't already.

    But it's all on pause until performance is at an acceptable stage, and it can be guaranteed that these future Cyrodiil updates will not make performance worse.

    If PVP was in maintenance mode, ZOS would have never even attempted things like the set or cooldown tests. Those sorts of tests are expensive. And developers/publishers don't spend that amount of time and resources on features that are considered to be in maintenance mode.
    "According to the calculations of the sages of the Cult of the Ancestor Moth, the batam guar is the cutest creature in all Tamriel"
  • Moonsorrow
    Marto wrote: »
    PVP is not in maintenance mode. PVP is in standby mode.

    When nothing happens in 2-3 years (actual results) and even after that time there is nothing guaranteed promised to happen in the future for the PVP side of the game, goal posts can just move again for one or more years, like have in the past, (undeniable fact) such is a long time in the game world. We in EU are also getting the server upgrade like 1 year later than NA did. If those had been bought at the same time, we would have gotten it already too.

    What term is used about it does not really matter to be honest. But we can use your term if you so wish.

    And no, i'm not the typical "doom and gloom" shouter that spends everyday spamming new topics about the game dying. ESO has enough of loyal fanbase to keep the game going still for years. I just try to voice my concerns as someone who has loved the game. And now post maybe few times a year. It was big part of my daily fun for years. And i try to always say feedback in a constructive way, but you also most likely know that any sort of feedback that they think is negative enough is lately not welcome here in the forums and any proper discussion has to be had in neutral discords or in private messages.

    I feel that developers should not be angry at players for giving feedback, it can be negative sometimes, but it also means people care enough to give it. They should be proud of the product they created, people have loved it, we are not their enemies now, many of us (not trying to talk for everyone, the gaming community is not one big hive mind) just been feeling that the game is going to a direction that is not what we hoped for, meanwhile also having plenty of technical difficulties.

    And no, feedback like this should not be seen as bashing or trolling, but they should read all feedback and just build again towards what made their systems and combat be so loved. And discussion in an open forum should be allowed to be open, it can give valuable insight even sometimes. It is not bashing or trolling to talk about the good and the bad sides of current game update(s).

    And i actually think that Gina, Kevin and other community team from ZOS are nice people. And same with Rich since direct messaged with him on discord already years ago.

    Hope you all have a great sunday! :)

    English is not my primary language, so who knows, maybe sometimes can pick a wrong word to describe something. In such a case, i do apologize.
  • SkaraMinoc
    Adding a few sets to Rewards for the Worthy and a trebuchet emote is 100% maintenance for PvP.
    PC NA
  • LeonAkando
    Always with the console bashing.
    You do realize there are low end PC out there as well.
    Neither has anything to do with quality of content.

    Can we stop with this feel-good dishonest repeated line that it's not console that is the cause of these decisions?
    Sure, there are some low-end PCs out there, but few people who are gaming are using them, especially for expensive genres like MMOs.

    The reality is that there is a significant portion of the playerbase that plays on a machine that is marketed for gaming, which is natural. The unfortunate reality of that machine is that the technology is not just low-end but VERY low end, which places significant restraints on game design.

    These restraints (along with the poor code of the game itself) have held back the game over the years, from classes, to abilities, to animations, to housing, everything.
    Zenimax has already confirmed this, we are not divining and abstracting a reason.

    ZOS will implement improvements when the market value of those players are no longer worth the limitations, which will probably come with no longer supporting the older consoles (rather than the newer generation). Unfortunately, the game will always be behind the curve at its current rate, and that's just something that we as ESO players have come to accept and deal with.
  • kind_hero
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    kind_hero wrote: »
    Where is the imagination, the novelty, the evolution? There is no evolution, the game is stagnating, they are adding things that bring money and keep players doing chores.

    Tales of Tribute is evolution. It's a brand new way to play that isn't a chore for the people who like it. I agree with you that the game is getting stale with the 1 year formula. Although it's because I feel it constrains story telling, and because I want a new combat skill line, not because the games' core design is non-leveled zones. So we disagree on the reason, but this game has had new content that changed how we play it. Antiquities were a significant addition and so was Tales. Companions are pretty significant to the players it opened a lot of content too.

    ToT might be a cool feature, but saying that is evolution, it's like saying Witcher 3 evolved compared to Witcher 2 because it has Gwent.

    By evolution, I mean a significant improvement in several core systems that impact the game and create a more engaging experience, especially for the veteran players who are used with the same release pattern for years. I think about DLC areas where you can choose a veteran difficulty for better rewards, unique mats that drop only in DLC areas, new combat modes or challenges, like the grappling hook was during Elsweyr, sailing or boarding pirate ships, new morphs or craftable glyphs that could change your animations, destructible world bosses areas like sieges or boarding vessels, jousting or horse racing, reputation based furnishings and collectibles, and so on. Basically new game modes.

    The card game, the armory, the decon assistant, the companions, are quality of life improvements or in case of ToT or antiquities, minigames. Perhaps antiquities has more impact on the game, but it's still a minigame. Companions are just a grind, a way to force you to do dailies that you wouldn't do otherwise. Their benefits are quite limited (most of the time they die during a longer fight).

    Thing is, we don't know what their problem is. The lead devs don't say what is the core issue, because I am sure they would love to have the no.1 mmo in the world, and make history with each release. We can speculate it has to do with the old engine, servers, money, resources (people), or something else that is secretly under development. Sadly, many players will not wait for such a late response. I have a lot of friends, veteran players, who quited, and they are not returning. Most left because things changed too slowly.
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • spartaxoxo
    kind_hero wrote: »
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    kind_hero wrote: »
    Where is the imagination, the novelty, the evolution? There is no evolution, the game is stagnating, they are adding things that bring money and keep players doing chores.

    Tales of Tribute is evolution. It's a brand new way to play that isn't a chore for the people who like it. I agree with you that the game is getting stale with the 1 year formula. Although it's because I feel it constrains story telling, and because I want a new combat skill line, not because the games' core design is non-leveled zones. So we disagree on the reason, but this game has had new content that changed how we play it. Antiquities were a significant addition and so was Tales. Companions are pretty significant to the players it opened a lot of content too.

    ToT might be a cool feature, but saying that is evolution, it's like saying Witcher 3 evolved compared to Witcher 2 because it has Gwent.

    By evolution, I mean a significant improvement in several core systems that impact the game and create a more engaging experience, especially for the veteran players who are used with the same release pattern for years.

    Then your idea of gameplay evolution is extremely narrow compared to mine. My idea of gameplay evolution is significantly new ways to play the game, that are more than just stuff like basic stat increases to the game. I would consider Gwent a gameplay evolution and a new game mode. It was drastic enough of a change to get it's own spin-off.

    I don't consider it something that narrowly benefits a particular group of players but really anything that significantly shifts the way at least some target group of people play.

    Companions dramatically changed gameplay for the casual players that fully utilized them. Entire gameplay avenues opened up to them that wasn't there before. I know ones that went from being unwilling to do dungeons and constantly asked for help for world bosses, to soloing those things on their own. I don't know how a feature that opened entire gameplay modes to people could be dismissed as just a grind.
    Thing is, we don't know what their problem is

    The server re-architecure and having to replace the hardware. They've been open that content is being held back (particularly anything that adds significant content to pvp) until they've finished.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on September 18, 2022 7:39AM
  • Zodiarkslayer
    Four content releases per year does not equal maintenance mode. Plus how many celebrations, festivals and events? Six per year? Eight? Ten? ...

    Content is just lackluster by comparison to what is demanded and possible to implement. That is it.
    read, think and write.In that order.
  • kind_hero
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    kind_hero wrote: »
    Thing is, we don't know what their problem is

    The server re-architecure and having to replace the hardware. They've been open that content is being held back (particularly anything that adds significant content to pvp) until they've finished.

    I know, and they are at it for years with no milestone in sight. Me and many other players pay a sub. I haven't seen any meaningful discounts on account of this backend inconvenience. If you are a PvP player, there is almost nothing new on the horizon for years, except for game breaking sets or nerfs. I pre-ordered High Isle, like I am doing since Summerset. Why do I have to pay for the related DLCs, such as Firesong? (I don't, since I have a sub, but it should be included since is connected and part of the year long theme). There should be some meaningful discounts for paying customers while we wait for more rich content, in some way. But their premium content policy hasn't changed, on the contrary, there are more and more things put behind crown or gem deals.
    Edited by kind_hero on September 18, 2022 7:52AM
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • spartaxoxo
    kind_hero wrote: »
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    kind_hero wrote: »
    Thing is, we don't know what their problem is

    The server re-architecure and having to replace the hardware. They've been open that content is being held back (particularly anything that adds significant content to pvp) until they've finished.

    I know, and they are at it for years with no milestone in sight. Me and many other players pay a sub. I haven't seen any meaningful discounts on account of this backend inconvenience. If you are a PvP player, there is almost nothing new on the horizon for years, except for game breaking sets or nerfs. I pre-ordered High Isle, like I am doing since Summerset. Why do I have to pay for the related DLCs, such as Firesong? (I don't, since I have a sub, but it should be included since is connected and part of the year long theme). There should be some meaningful discounts for paying customers while we wait for more rich content, in some way. But their premium content policy hasn't changed, on the contrary, there are more and more things put behind crown or gem deals.

    I have heard a rumor that it was datamined that Firesong is going to be the big free reward for the Chapter event this year, same as Deadlands was last year. So people who own the chapter and claim the prize during the correct time period will get Firesong for free. But, I always take rumors with a massive grain of salt.

    I agree that there hasn't been anything contentwise for PVP. I would describe PVP as temporarily in maintenance mode, tbh. When it comes to pvp, we're in agreement. I know the pandemic has delayed fixes to pvp (they literally couldn't get certain parts they needed for the servers for example) but you'd think they'd at least have done those smaller things they'd said they would do by now. Was it like some tournament or something???
    Edited by spartaxoxo on September 18, 2022 8:27AM
  • Tsilara
    I feel its in a state of transition and uncertainty.

    If the past few years are any indication, I don't think they'll pull off what ff14, gw2, and a few others did. I think they are on a slow descent and that they do not know how to provide lift. They still appear to have a lot of runway til the game dies.

    Obviously, they won't drop support for older consoles, because those older consoles are providing a decent amount of revenue and likely contractual requirements make it still worth keeping that support. That won't always be the case.

    If they see a clear trend in CP, such as ppl over 1600, for example, tend to leave the game. That likely influences their decisions and I feel that 1500-2000 is sorta a burn out point for their players and doesn't factor into their decision making process.

    If the current handling of updates, messaging, and changes continues, they will continue to bleed end gamers and long time players who are not fans of the changes but kept playing past the burnout.

    Covid was a huge boost for many games, and that boost is fading After a few years of the repetitive change people move on, I know I am playing other games, but still trying to do dailies and limit my time quite a bit, but even dailies are getting to feel not worth a log on, because I see no long term future for myself with the current direction of this game.

    Its just gotten frustrating having to adapt constantly and the aspect I loved, healing, just feels optional since dps and tanks can self heal fine. The only challenge is learning the dance and maintaining situational awareness of the mechanics.

    I originally liked this game because you had to somewhat rethink the concept of trinity, it was was only required in some parts of vet and somewhat in hardmode. I feel its basically not required at all anymore because there is so much self and shared healing available, you don't even need a resto staff in party, in the right group resto staff actually holds the team back.

    PVP heal heals better than Regen and can be stacked similarly, and sets like Hiti and Winter's Grasp out heal most class based aoe heals that are not ultimates if you can proce them reliably and suffer the same if people can stay in the area. Class heal ultimates are on par and in many cases, better than resto ultimate. Each class has a combat prayer type of heal, and while you miss out on the combat prayer buff, sets again provide better utility there.

    If they really wanted to simplify the balance of combat the most fundamental thing they could do is alter stacking of dot's, hot's, buffs and debuffs. Turn them into majors and minors like the buffs and debuffs. Only allow stacking in that manner. major (strongest application) dot, minor (2nd highest and scales to 50% of the major application if backed with enough power to hit that level) version of dot/hot, any other applied dot's or hots, simply do nothing unless the timer on an active one expires and then it can fill in the gap. Then you wont have raids with most dps all running carbon copy pillars and whorl and whatever flavor of the month other bits. You'll want more diversity and very organized teams will organize around that paradigm. .
  • colossalvoids
    It is for me personally, it's exaggerated image I have after getting enough detoxication time from eso in other worlds and franchises. Was it 3 years without anything altering our experience but some qol's and reskin of old stuff like same old CP in a semi new candy wrap? And it took me years to finally realise eso isn't moving anywhere and it's healthier to just do a break until it would be in full bloom again (if ever).

    It's not like the game will die or go actual maintenance mode soon enough but it's certainly walking the edge for some time, in a mmo world stagnation is deadly as good titles aren't stopping to wait for your new harvesting animations etc.
  • edward_frigidhands
    FelisCatus wrote: »
    We've been witnessing a decline and degradation in the quality of ESO chapter's I'd say since Summerset-Elsweyr (Those were the best chapters along with Morrowind but after that in my opinion it went downhill). Chapters are now lacking a wow factor. You've all seen everyone crying out for a new class or combat orientated skill line to spice up combat/rotations and choice. We're now receiving very small/lackluster or generally non-requested (that many seem to feel should be free updates than a chapter DLC). "major features" in the form of minigames (antiquities or ToT) as the main chapter/yearly feature. Instead of new classes or weapon/guild skill lines.

    Have the devs lost their muse or are they (which is the most probable) held back by the limitations of consoles.? Couple that with the disaster of U35/balancing fatigue. We're told server upgrades are to come but yet we wait and we still have neglected content like PvP. Communication between devs/players is also near non-existent and there is very little clarity or correspondence as to what their grand plans are regarding balancing/class identity/nerfs/combat changes etc.

    My question to all of you is do you think ESO has entered maintenance mode? I made this poll because I feel these questions need to be asked. There is no intent to troll or stir up drama. I genuinely want to gauge what the community thinks and I hope the devs see this.

    I believe they are minimizing what they put into the game at the moment as they work on upgrading the game's engine and server code.

    Not sure if true but that was my impression based on what had been said earlier.
  • James-Wayne
    I'm hoping the quality and size of yearly updates is shrinking because they are working on something massive to completely change the entire game to move away from the alliance war... one can dream.
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  • jm42
    Agreed, the last interesting chapter was Elsweyr. High Isle is just bad. Tiny zone (but landscapes are really beautiful), main story is bad, world event - complete garbage. Only DSR is good
  • WuffyCerulei
    I wanna say no. There's a lot of things that have happened over the past couple years that most definitely affected how ESO was, these things being a whole global pandemic, monetary inflation, scalping of hardware/cryptobros making it hard to get hardware due to their mining, and various other related things. ZoS did what they could with what the world situation gave them, while many other multiplayer games and devs have crashed and burned. Not saying they're perfect, nor am I defending bad decisions like disregarding player-feedback. However, the game has still been playable and fun through this whole ordeal. It's going to take time for things to get back at full swing.
    For the love of Kyne, buff sorc. PC NACP 2100+Star-Sïnger - Khajiit Magicka Sorc - EP Grand Overlord - Flawless Conqueror vMA/vBRP/vDSA no death/vHel Ra HM/vAA HM/vSO HM/vMoL HM/vHoF HM/vAS +2/vCR+3/vSS HMs/vKA HMs/vVH/vRG Oax HM/vDSR
  • preevious
    Well, this is not an "is ESO in maintenance poll".

    It's a PvP issue thread in disguise.

    The problem with PvP is that there's only so much method it can be implemented and ways people can wack each others .

    What new content could possibly be made?

    Another zone? Well, have fun doing the exact same thing you do in Cyrodiil in a new setting. Also, you divide the population by 2, if you split it in 2 zones.

    Other battlegrounds? Ok, but what rules? (not too compicated/unplayable, please)

    New class? Absolutely uninterresting, there's variety enough. Also, everyone would complain it's "op", and every thread of the forum would devolve in "now, it's elder grapplers online" and other jokes we heard a million times and that wren't even funny the first.

    New weapon skill line? Same as a new class, but even less interresting. Also, 9 traits crafters could take exception to that.

    Seriously, appart from "fix bugs" or "buff me" or "nerf him" ... what new content could possibly made in PvP?
    Edited by preevious on September 18, 2022 12:32PM
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