Templar animation looks like a fishing gaffe rather than a spear of aedric origins

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Templar animation looks like a fishing gaffe rather than a spear of aedric origins 187 votes

mdclanin_ESODeathStalkervailjohn_ESOBelegnoleOthniel327daryl.rasmusenb14_ESOGlassHalfFullDarcyMardinAH93eovogtb16_ESOSavinarmajereub17_ESOBaconladHatchetHaroSharktoeszbzszzzt123JaiaVQuaesiviG1CountdownCeliones 134 votes
GarethjolnirXarcMartoCaptainVenomTairenSoulOakenaxethe1andonlyskwexColovianHasturLord_Nikonmaximusrex45AedricbutterLemvelJarl_Ironheart 13 votes
a what?
KhenarthiMaster_FluffSheridanTaintedKurseXuhoracaptainwolfosMikeSkyrim333GargathRatzkifalFluffyReachWitchJacen_VeronVetixioMicah_Bayercoop500Kalik_Goldjtm1018samanthasaysNotaDaedraWorshipperXandreia_GreenRusBear 25 votes
polls are dumb
DarkheartLegolessArwinmzprxSylosijwporrettArchangelIsraphelspartaxoxoMichaeC0RTEX4PyvosDrammanothFenris_ArainaiAmerisesalternatelder 15 votes
  • Parasaurolophus
    So. Templar Jabs now look like the staff of the Night Hollow motif. Is this true to lore? Seriously? Well, as it were, the Night Hollow clan. These are Namira's vampires. What does this staff do as Aedrich Spare? What? Seriously? ZoS do you have the resources to model the original model for this spear?
  • Cirantille
    It looks too white compared to other yellow-glowing skills.
    It is not even a spear, but a staff.
    For a class having "vampire's bane" in their toolkit, it is not lore friendly to have a vampiric style.
  • bruta
    damn jabs looks awful now
  • WoodenHeart
    It looks and feels terrible, like you're whacking mobs on the side of the head instead of jabbing. I hate it.
  • Parasaurolophus
    Cirantille wrote: »
    It looks too white compared to other yellow-glowing skills.
    It is not even a spear, but a staff.
    For a class having "vampire's bane" in their toolkit, it is not lore friendly to have a vampiric style.

    I'm talking about the same. The staff of Night Hollow is not very popular because it looks more like a shovel. It would be better if this staff had a pommel from a mace of this style. But who came up with the idea to make this staff as a spear for the Templar class?
  • Cirantille

    I'm talking about the same. The staff of Night Hollow is not very popular because it looks more like a shovel. It would be better if this staff had a pommel from a mace of this style. But who came up with the idea to make this staff as a spear for the Templar class?

    It doesn't feel smooth either, it has a janky swing. Definitely needs adjustment.
  • Memory_In_Motion
    Well, i'll say this, the old one looked like it could induce a seizure in someone who was susceptible to that. So if that was the case, this is an improvement. Otherwise, not so much.
  • DemonicGoat
    janky ***. so much wrong with this.
  • shadyjane62
    I tried it on a mudcrab. The mudcrab protested the lack of respect.
  • Four_Fingers
    New jabs won't target critters like rats, rabbits, deer, squirrels etc. for me.
    All other abilities still kill the critters.
    Must use sword for the critter endeavors. lol
    Not a big deal but just add it to the list.
  • stevepdodson_ESO888
    Well, i'll say this, the old one looked like it could induce a seizure in someone who was susceptible to that. So if that was the case, this is an improvement. Otherwise, not so much.

    i have epilepsy and i want the old animation back... it never did cause seizures to me
  • Seravi
    Yeah this and the new rapid strikes for DW are horrid.
  • shinry
    Ironic that they chose the spear to be the Nighthollow staff motif as well. You know, the evil vampires trying to misuse the powers of Namira. Then they label it an "Aedric spear" in the tooltip. Very lore friendly.
  • saar
  • colossalvoids
    Same goes for rapids, sadly it's here to stay no matter negative feedback it seems.
  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
    I think it's because the community asked for 'spears'...

    I did a showcase in Vvarndenfell earlier for the players...*spams jabs*...I had quite a crowd.
  • Reverb
    It’s so bad
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Memory_In_Motion
    Also it's easier to tell if you light attack fired between your aedric spears or not. On controller with pc this is a benefit.
  • Lylith
    Cirantille wrote: »

    It doesn't feel smooth either, it has a janky swing. Definitely needs adjustment.

    needed to be left the hell alone like SO many other things in-game.
  • TechMaybeHic
    Still trying to figure out why more of it sticks out the back than the front. Seems like a waste to have it be a long spear at all, even by this animated loose interpretation
  • Wolf_Eye
    I know the community has been wanting spears for a while, but I think it would have been preferable to have an entire weapon skill line instead of this.

    I liked the older animations, as it looked more like you were making something out of pure Aedric magic.
  • Vahndamme
    Also I look like a ballerina, like the spear disappears too slow so you really slap them with a big fat yellow noodle when your aa animation goes off. Like it's so big and long and yellow. It's disgusting how bad of an animation it is.

    Change it entirely really. This is ridiculous.
  • SaffronCitrusflower
    I didn't think it looked like a fishing gaff, but it's really bad. It looks like a staff that is already in game.

    Has anyone seen anything anywhere that explains why they so desperately needed to change the animation in the first place?
  • MikeSkyrim333
    a what?
    saar wrote: »

    I laughed so hard that I woke up my neighbors
    Edited by MikeSkyrim333 on August 22, 2022 4:42PM
  • colossalvoids
    saar wrote: »

    Hope funeral invites have already being sent.
  • Jaclynn

    I laughed so hard that I woke up my neighbors

    Even the dog is baffled.
    "Wood Elves aren't made of wood. Sea Elves aren't made of water. M'aiq still wonders about High Elves."

  • DerAlleinTiger
    I just tried it out and it's absolutely awful.

    Flurry isn't much better, but it is slightly better.

    Both of them are way, way too slow in their animations. They feel floaty and unsatisfying when they used to feel very impactful and hard-hitting. They were perfect just the way they were before. Flurry felt sticky and impactful, as it should be. Strikes felt hard-hitting and quick, as it should be. You're lunging with a spear, not dancing.

    Strikes, though, has it worse because the spear is so huge that it feels like it's striking past all the enemies instead of actually hitting them. Combine that with the animation somehow being both janky and slow at the same time and it just feels super floaty and unsatisfying to use.

    Plus the design of the "spear" itself is now a spiky, vampiric staff? That doesn't match the aesthetic at all. I get what you guys were going for, ZOS. I do. Well, I sort of don't with strikes. I do with flurry, even if I liked having at least one ability in the whole skill line that actually had lunges/stabs for those of us using swords and daggers. These just aren't it, though. I'm sorry to the animation team who put time into this, but I really would rather just have the old animations back. This isn't a matter of "I don't like change," but that these changes make the skills straight up feel less impactful and rewarding for the gameplay.

    At least give us a toggle!
  • UnabashedlyHonest
    saar wrote: »

    I guess we should feel better knowing that ZOS doesn't even listen to high profile content creators like Deltia. ZOS is going to do what they gonna do regardless of feedback, even when the feedback comes from long time content creators that have helped them in many ways without any kind of compensation.
  • Cirantille
    Lylith wrote: »

    needed to be left the hell alone like SO many other things in-game.

    I wonder what is the likelihood of it being reverted to its former look...
  • Oakenaxe
    So. Templar Jabs now look like the staff of the Night Hollow motif. Is this true to lore? Seriously? Well, as it were, the Night Hollow clan. These are Namira's vampires. What does this staff do as Aedrich Spare? What? Seriously? ZoS do you have the resources to model the original model for this spear?

    I actually liked the new animation, but now that I confirmed this, it makes no sense indeed. Poorly thought.
    a.k.a. Leo
    non-native English speaker
    200-300 ping and low fps player
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