PTS Update 35 - Feedback Thread for Combat Balance Changes

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
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  • madmidwestmark
    These changes to game are horrible. The only thing that makes some sense, was the weaving adjustments. Between making DOT's basically unusable in pvp, nerfing things that really weren't that bad (like jabs) and making a set that counters buffs will cause a massive exodus. Are you really trying to get people to leave? If you want players to stay, buff some of the easy dps (heavy attacks, jabs, pets, etc). You want things for both high end gamers and newbies. The way to do that is to adjust the content, not destroy the skill. The everyone gets a trophy mentality is creating a society of weak plebs. I'm not a elitist, I'm not even that good, but I don't complain about not getting the god slayer achievement or getting spanked by a good dueler, even if they bag me or talk trash. Why? Makes me rethink my build, try to become a better player, etc.

    That said, ZOS should hire me and I could make a bunch of actual good changes. I'd even work base on gained subscribers, which would happen. Get back some class identity, adjust values to make sense . Example it's not an aoe if it only hits 2-3 m all sets that hit that should be adjusted. Even 4m is small. The more concentrated the aoe, the more it should hit for and vice versa. Meaning a 12m aoe is ~38m area and a 4m aoe is 12.5m area, so the 4m one should do 3x more and the 12m less. I'm not sure who does the math, but they don't seem to make stuff anywhere near standard.

    Also, you need to do things to make guilds stronger. This is a MMO. Make it were guilds can get achievements, guild ap for pvp (to upgrade keeps, etc) and allow guilds to adjust the selling tax once a month.

    In summery, this game is popular and the development is doing the opposite of what made it popular.
  • Jodale
    Soul Shriven
    Start Date: July 2018
    Experience: CP1150
    Pre-High Isle: 40k dps average
    Post High Isle: 60k dps average
    Activities Pre High Isle: Normal Dungeons, Questing, Overland
    Activities Post High Isle: Vet DLC Dungeons, Normal Trials, Solo Arena progression

    Back in December 2021, I left the game. I was so dissatisfied and discouraged that I would never complete the content I wanted to do. I could not make it through a Vet DLC Dungeon without being carried hard by a great tank and 2 other DPS with heals. I could not weave effectively to save my life but worse than that, I could not manage a rotation and would constantly run out of Stam or Mag depending on character.

    Fast forward to 2022. I see a trailer on Youtube for the new Chapter release of High Isle. I start researching what changes are coming in this new year. I see a few of the content creators talking about the new gear sets and a mythic named Oakensoul. After more content became available regarding Oakensoul, I became intrigued to give the game another shot as maybe 1 bar worth of skills would be easier to manage while not being a total drain for a 4 person group or 12 person trial group.

    Sure enough, I farmed the leads and did all the things and waited for lock box respawns till the cows came home, multiple times. Finally got the ring and crafted the new Orders Wrath set to pair with my already gold Deadly Strike set. WOW! I could actually kill stuff now....and not die 10 times in the process. I still could not complete Vet Maelstrom Arena as stage 7 is still kicking my butt. However, I did complete normal Maelstrom for the first time. I completed White Gold Tower on Vet Hard Mode along with Imperial City Prison and Ruins of Mazz for my first Vet DLC Dungeon clears. Granted, I was still the lowest DPS on the team but I was contributing, I wasn't a liability anymore.

    So when patch notes were released for the next update and I saw Oakensoul was nerfed pretty harshly, I had to check it out. I downloaded the PTS and created my character and began my testing. Ouch!! Even an unskilled player like me could tell the difference and my weaving sucks so I know it was not the Light Attack nerf I was feeling. I am not much of a parse person so I went to Deshaan where I like to run the Public Dungeons for XP. The mobs took almost twice as long to kill and the boss' were actually a challenge, not saying that is a bad thing but for a CP1150 with all Gold Gear, should they really be that tough in Deshaan? A WB that I can solo on Live server was not solo-able for me on PTS.

    On the PTS, I was pretty much right back to where I was in December of last year, only difference was...I am now on 1 bar vs 2 bars. But what is the point if there is no difference? My skill gap to experienced players only went backwards despite the other changes.

    My thoughts and proposals...As it stands on the Live Server, Oakensoul in PVE content, is still 30k-40k less than a traditional 2 bar set up when a skilled player is doing the parse and testing. Oakensoul is not OP in PVE. As I understand it, the issue is with how strong it is in PVP, which I very rarely ever play. So why punish PVE players? Why not just remove Oakensoul from PVP altogether or reduce its buffs to what you want when a person enters PVP content. I think I read somewhere that Battle Spirit is something that exists in one but not the other so why not tie the buffs to that? If PVP, use this set of buffs...but if PVE then use the original set buffs.

    As it stands right now, the first week of PTS, you have only widened the skill gap you said you wanted to make closer. Another part of this is the longer DoT length. Sure it seems great in theory, less actions per minutes and all but what it really does is encourage more spammable attacks which drain your resources even faster than a slow rotation with 2 bars. So that again, widens the skill gap.
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Hi All, we want to follow up on the conversations around the U35 combat changes. First, thanks to everyone who have tested the changes and provided detailed and constructive hands-on feedback. We have been reading your feedback and reviewing the testing data since PTS launched earlier this week, and we are continuing that process. We are exploring some adjustments based on testing findings for PTS week 3 and beyond. We’ll share details about those next week.

    We also ask that players please keep in mind that PTS is a test server. Numbers presented in PTS1 are often different than what appears in PTS5. Keeping this in mind, we’ll continue to review feedback and make adjustments as needed.

    Thanks for your continued patience as we continue our testing on the PTS - please keep the hands-on feedback coming.
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Mr_Stach
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi All, we want to follow up on the conversations around the U35 combat changes. First, thanks to everyone who have tested the changes and provided detailed and constructive hands-on feedback. We have been reading your feedback and reviewing the testing data since PTS launched earlier this week, and we are continuing that process. We are exploring some adjustments based on testing findings for PTS week 3 and beyond. We’ll share details about those next week.

    We also ask that players please keep in mind that PTS is a test server. Numbers presented in PTS1 are often different than what appears in PTS5. Keeping this in mind, we’ll continue to review feedback and make adjustments as needed.

    Thanks for your continued patience as we continue our testing on the PTS - please keep the hands-on feedback coming.

    Thanks Kevin! Hopefully we get some good changes, everyone wants the game to head in a productive direction. I hope we see that in Week 3!
    Altoholic, Frost Warden Sympathizer and Main

    Glacial Guardian - Main - Frost Warden Zealot
    The Frost Man Cometh - PC Frost Backup
  • starkerealm
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi All, we want to follow up on the conversations around the U35 combat changes. First, thanks to everyone who have tested the changes and provided detailed and constructive hands-on feedback. We have been reading your feedback and reviewing the testing data since PTS launched earlier this week, and we are continuing that process. We are exploring some adjustments based on testing findings for PTS week 3 and beyond. We’ll share details about those next week.

    We also ask that players please keep in mind that PTS is a test server. Numbers presented in PTS1 are often different than what appears in PTS5. Keeping this in mind, we’ll continue to review feedback and make adjustments as needed.

    Thanks for your continued patience as we continue our testing on the PTS - please keep the hands-on feedback coming.

    While I'm pretty sure I've said it before... somewhere on these boards, I can confidently say, this has been the most demoralizing PTS build I've ever experienced.

    Seriously, the closest runner up I can think of was STO's F2P patch, which saw a bunch of existing systems paywalled. I would also not recommend that idea, if anyone's wondering.
  • Pevey
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi All, we want to follow up on the conversations around the U35 combat changes. First, thanks to everyone who have tested the changes and provided detailed and constructive hands-on feedback. We have been reading your feedback and reviewing the testing data since PTS launched earlier this week, and we are continuing that process. We are exploring some adjustments based on testing findings for PTS week 3 and beyond. We’ll share details about those next week.

    We also ask that players please keep in mind that PTS is a test server. Numbers presented in PTS1 are often different than what appears in PTS5. Keeping this in mind, we’ll continue to review feedback and make adjustments as needed.

    Thanks for your continued patience as we continue our testing on the PTS - please keep the hands-on feedback coming.

    Not really interested in adjustments to pts week 1. Start with u34 and go from there.
  • DeathStalker
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi All, we want to follow up on the conversations around the U35 combat changes. First, thanks to everyone who have tested the changes and provided detailed and constructive hands-on feedback. We have been reading your feedback and reviewing the testing data since PTS launched earlier this week, and we are continuing that process. We are exploring some adjustments based on testing findings for PTS week 3 and beyond. We’ll share details about those next week.

    We also ask that players please keep in mind that PTS is a test server. Numbers presented in PTS1 are often different than what appears in PTS5. Keeping this in mind, we’ll continue to review feedback and make adjustments as needed.

    Thanks for your continued patience as we continue our testing on the PTS - please keep the hands-on feedback coming.

    Not of fan of this answer but I'm very grateful for the communication, Thank you
  • SimonThesis
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi All, we want to follow up on the conversations around the U35 combat changes. First, thanks to everyone who have tested the changes and provided detailed and constructive hands-on feedback. We have been reading your feedback and reviewing the testing data since PTS launched earlier this week, and we are continuing that process. We are exploring some adjustments based on testing findings for PTS week 3 and beyond. We’ll share details about those next week.

    We also ask that players please keep in mind that PTS is a test server. Numbers presented in PTS1 are often different than what appears in PTS5. Keeping this in mind, we’ll continue to review feedback and make adjustments as needed.

    Thanks for your continued patience as we continue our testing on the PTS - please keep the hands-on feedback coming.

    Thank you for the communication, this is the only bit of good news and hope we have gotten in a while! As a good friend of mine rightfully said, Kevin always reads as the only sane and calm one in the room.

    Unfortunately, around here it often takes overreaction and freaking out to reverse bad decisions. This has me hopeful for week 3!
    Edited by SimonThesis on July 16, 2022 6:35PM
  • Gederic
    Heres hoping the adjustments are scrapping the planned combat changes entirely and starting again.
    Ours is the Fury
  • Sussuris
    This is the official feedback thread for the combat changes in Update 35. After you have a chance to try out different combat scenarios, let us know what you think of the current balance and changes. Specific feedback that the team is looking for includes the following:[/i]

    • Light and Heavy Attacks
      • Did you notice these adjustments on the PTS while playing?
          Yes. After doing some Overland and Parsing for several hours, LA/HA felt like noodles. They remain just as important as ever because of Weaving and set stacks, they just feel unrewarding for doing so because they do no damage.
        • If you did, was it better or worse in your experience?
          Absolutely felt worse.
        • What activities did you primarily feel the differences in, if any (parsing, dungeons, overland, dueling)? Please feel free to include before and after images of metrics on data, such as combat logs, to showcase your point.
          LA Weaving was less impactful damage-wise, but still just as important. If I didn't weave, I lost a huge amount of damage, and any stacking sets were useless - given that many stacking sets are the premier DPS sets in this game (i.e. Relequen) weaving has lost no significance, it just feels worse to do.

          Spoiler for parse images
          Here's my Live parse from Deadlands. I found Deadly to be equivalent to Kinras later, and so switched because Oceanic Ping made keeping stacks of Kinras up sucky, but didn't save that CMX

          Here's a parse from the PTS in the set-up I continued to use, except swapping Light Slimecraw hat for Medium Slimecraw hat

          That is a visible 15k DPS loss. When you account for the ~15-18% buff the dummy received, thats a 25-28k DPS loss.

          And here are my 2 best parses on the PTS - Jabs vs Rapid Strikes, both at 107k (I'm dissapointed that Rapid Strikes is even close to Jabs). I don't have this set-up for Live, so can't show the comparison.


        • Do you feel like Light and Heavy Attacks still provide meaningful impact to your play experience after the adjustments? Please explain your reasoning.

        Beating a dead horse, yes, LA weaving is still impactful, it just feels worse.
    • Damage over Time
      • Did you notice these adjustments on the PTS while playing?
          Yes. I had to adjust all my rotations. In any situation where the target moved, there were 3 categories of DoT's worth casting:
        1. Single Target 'sticky' DoTs
        2. DoT's that stayed on the player, i.e. Solar Barrage
        3. Elemental Wall, because Maelstrom Staff
      • If you did, was it better or worse in your experience?

        Worse. Having to relearn everything is a pain already, but then the DoT timings weren't even consistent because some DoT's changed, some didn't, some were still affected by duration passives (i.e. Enduring Rays passive from Templar Dawn's Wrath tree)
      • What activities did you primarily feel the differences in, if any (parsing, dungeons, overland, dueling)? Please feel free to include before and after images of metrics on data, such as combat logs, to showcase your point.

      On dummy parsing, I found myself staring at my bar more than normal because I had to switch to dynamic rotations to get the best results. In overland, as I've stated, very few DoT's were worth casting. It was usually easier to just line my bar with Fighter's Guild and Jab away
    • After the balance changes, did you make changes to the amount of Damage over Time abilities your build utilized? Please explain any reasoning.

      Yes. Compared to Live, since I changed the spammable I used to a Stamina morph, I could slot more DoTs for dummy parsing. Not that it feels rewarding - I feel punished for being a Magplar and needing to switch to Biting Jabs from Puncturing Sweeps to get the same levels of damage.

    [*] Healing over Time
    • Did you notice these adjustments on the PTS while playing?
        Not as much. I haven't got a group to run Vet Trials with on the PTS. Overland doesn't need heals to begin with
      • If you did, was it better or worse in your experience?
        It felt worse, because it felt sluggish. 2s ticks felt very slow when my health is low
      • After the balance changes, did you make changes to the amount of Healing over Time abilities your build utilized? Please explain any reasoning.
        No. There aren't enough HoT's to even do that in the first place - I already run 4 (Illustrious, Extended Ritual, Orb, Radiating), and 5 if I'm running Powerful Assault. There aren't any other HoT's I can add, except Ring of Preservation

    Since they want structured feedback. The damage nerfs I don't particularly mind (excluding the significantly added difficulty for the latest trials since they were designed with higher damage levels in mind - or do ZoS have a recording of them completing vDSR/vRG HM in this new patch?). Apart from making Jabs easier to weave, I despise the changes. It feels so limp now, and the slidy spear on the third strike looks absolutely ridiculous [snip] animation wise - I would have been so happy if you'd just left it as is and sped up the animation to match the actual channel time, or even to it's new channel time.

    What I'm worried about is HoT's. PvE encounters aren't designed around players healing from 2s HoT's. Literally too much damage is taken far too fast for that to be tenable.

    [edited for bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on July 16, 2022 12:35PM
  • Sandman929
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi All, we want to follow up on the conversations around the U35 combat changes. First, thanks to everyone who have tested the changes and provided detailed and constructive hands-on feedback. We have been reading your feedback and reviewing the testing data since PTS launched earlier this week, and we are continuing that process. We are exploring some adjustments based on testing findings for PTS week 3 and beyond. We’ll share details about those next week.

    We also ask that players please keep in mind that PTS is a test server. Numbers presented in PTS1 are often different than what appears in PTS5. Keeping this in mind, we’ll continue to review feedback and make adjustments as needed.

    Thanks for your continued patience as we continue our testing on the PTS - please keep the hands-on feedback coming.

    The overall theme is more often the same from week 1 to live...this is an overall theme problem that might need more than a few gentle nudges, but I guess we'll see.
  • GreatGildersleeve
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    We also ask that players please keep in mind that PTS is a test server. Numbers presented in PTS1 are often different than what appears in PTS5. Keeping this in mind, we’ll continue to review feedback and make adjustments as needed.

    Yep. For sure. Numbers may change. In either direction… so things may even get worse than week one.

    Yes, this is the amount of trust I have in the combat team. (And we all know where this reference is from).
  • maeee
    I have learned that implying this patch belongs in a dumpster, per my last comment, was not appreciated by the dev team and has been silently removed. I sincerely apologize for my vulgar wording. I have chosen to reword my comment:

    this patch ruins the game lol
  • Pevey

    This is not an encouraging response.

    If you are an ESO player who was waiting to see if the U35 combat changes would more or less go through or if ZOS would reverse course...

    This response from ZOS means they are going through. Perhaps with minor changes. It is happening. RIP.

    Only thing that would truly right this ship is a full-scale 180 and some indication from the combat devs that they get it. Not adjustments to the changes.

    [Edited for Discussion of Moderation Action]
    Edited by Psiion on July 15, 2022 10:21PM
  • siddique
    It has come to this point that a random post by a forum admin gets half the community going "thank you, Kevin." While nothing personal against poor Kevin, but this is still terrible. Adjustments to PTS1? No. These changes need to be reverted. You (and not you as in you personally, but you as in the company) needs to come out and accept that these changes were NOT thought through.

    Your arguments and your actions don't align. Have that basic courtesy, and rethink your future course of action.
    "Knee-jerk reactionist."
    Lost Depths, 2015-2022.
  • Necrotech_Master
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi All, we want to follow up on the conversations around the U35 combat changes. First, thanks to everyone who have tested the changes and provided detailed and constructive hands-on feedback. We have been reading your feedback and reviewing the testing data since PTS launched earlier this week, and we are continuing that process. We are exploring some adjustments based on testing findings for PTS week 3 and beyond. We’ll share details about those next week.

    We also ask that players please keep in mind that PTS is a test server. Numbers presented in PTS1 are often different than what appears in PTS5. Keeping this in mind, we’ll continue to review feedback and make adjustments as needed.

    Thanks for your continued patience as we continue our testing on the PTS - please keep the hands-on feedback coming.

    i definitely plan on keeping track of changes

    suggestions i would probably give would be:
    • completely revert the dot changes to tick rates, or straight up triple their dmg output from where they are
    • completely revert the hot changes to tick rates
    • do like 4 more passes on the class skill changes so its not a nerfhammer across the board

    based on what ive seen from previous PTS there still is the chance stuff could change, but everything as it is now does not look promising, and honestly major changes like this need longer than a 5 week pts cycle, especially if you only do major changes every 2 weeks, thats why so much stuff has been releasing as a hot mess (looking at all the bugs that released with high isle launch)

    i would rather a 9 week pts cycle instead of a 6 week as there is more chance to get out a more finished product, i can guarantee as consumers people are getting tired of every company releasing shoddy games (real world references such as the cyberpunk release, fallout 76 release, etc) these games are coming from high end studios but are releasing an extremely buggy D-rated product

    its stuff like that which makes me glad i dont always buy and play any brand new games at launch, for most games i end up waiting like 1-3 years before i end up playing it (partially cause a lot of my time is in ESO and partially because many games in the past several years have had extremely poor releases)

    i have been playing this game for 8 years and seen the big meta swings (and glad i dont really chase the meta) but in the time ive been here this is one of the biggest flat across the board nerfs ive ever seen, last year was when i first started really doing vet trials more since my main dps toons can reach about 50-60k in a trial group scenario and i feel like i can contribute more instead of feeling carried
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • Mr_Stach
    siddique wrote: »
    It has come to this point that a random post by a forum admin gets half the community going "thank you, Kevin." While nothing personal against poor Kevin, but this is still terrible. Adjustments to PTS1? No. These changes need to be reverted. You (and not you as in you personally, but you as in the company) needs to come out and accept that these changes were NOT thought through.

    Your arguments and your actions don't align. Have that basic courtesy, and rethink your future course of action.

    I don't think it's fair to rail on Kevin because he drew the short straw in responding to Feedback, however vaguely it was. Last PTS We didn't get any responses whatsoever on anything just the patch notes each week. I stand by what I said, I hope the game moves in productive direction, it's clear that Week 1 Patch Notes are moving ESO in a bad Direction and I hope Zos will listen and redirect.

    We'll just have to wait and see, but chances are, like @Pevey says we're most likely to see these changes going live, I hope they don't, I'll probably take a hard pass for a while if they do, but I'll be sticking around to give feedback to try to get Zos to swing the other way.
    Altoholic, Frost Warden Sympathizer and Main

    Glacial Guardian - Main - Frost Warden Zealot
    The Frost Man Cometh - PC Frost Backup
  • LonePirate
    Has anyone at ZOS explained how a Mag DK can be anything other than instant cannon fodder in Cyrodiil? DOTs are worthless in PVP now. The Light Attacks and Heavy Attacks are close to worthless now, even with Molten Armaments. Light Armor continues to be nothing more than a death sentence. Is this update the one where ZOS effectively pushes all Mag DKs to Heavy Armor Stam DKs because they have absolutely no idea how to make Mag DKs viable in PVP?
  • siddique
    Mr_Stach wrote: »

    I don't think it's fair to rail on Kevin because he drew the short straw in responding to Feedback, however vaguely it was. Last PTS We didn't get any responses whatsoever on anything just the patch notes each week. I stand by what I said, I hope the game moves in productive direction, it's clear that Week 1 Patch Notes are moving ESO in a bad Direction and I hope Zos will listen and redirect.

    We'll just have to wait and see, but chances are, like @Pevey says we're most likely to see these changes going live, I hope they don't, I'll probably take a hard pass for a while if they do, but I'll be sticking around to give feedback to try to get Zos to swing the other way.
    siddique wrote: »
    While nothing personal against poor Kevin, but this is still terrible.

    "Knee-jerk reactionist."
    Lost Depths, 2015-2022.
  • Mr_Stach
    siddique wrote: »

    I read it and I agree with you, this is more of a response of me being a "Thank you Kevin" and not a Yelling at Kevin
    Altoholic, Frost Warden Sympathizer and Main

    Glacial Guardian - Main - Frost Warden Zealot
    The Frost Man Cometh - PC Frost Backup
  • DrNukenstein
    Heavy attacks scale nicely over their wind up. Light attacks are just rewarding enough to play the rhythm game.

    the LA/HA CP node feels very weak in its current state. 20% does not matter when your LA's do like a 3rd to a half of what they did before, not counting enchant procs. That's a 6-10% bonus for current values.

    Empower giving a flat damage bonus instead of % helps retain the effects value with this update, and the same idea might work well for other LA/HA boosting effects

    Any skill that includes the term light attack and doesn't do instant direct damage with the next light or heavy attack should get considerable changes.

    Haven't found anyone to fight yet, but Nocturnals ploy will probably be brutal with the current buff economy. Either Nocturnals Ploy or buff availability and application as a whole need to be reworked.

    Crit resist as a set bonus line on pvp sets is such a good idea

    I still spam race against time or channeled acceleration when the major expedition runs out. It would be nice QOL to have the major expedition extended a little on those too.

    That jabs animation is cooooooool, excited to see more skills get a visual update

    With the severe nerfing of dots, maybe DW could get some skills reworked into burst tools?

    Nightblade changes feel great. Maybe give Caluurion's about 10% of its damage back?

  • acastanza_ESO
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi All, we want to follow up on the conversations around the U35 combat changes. First, thanks to everyone who have tested the changes and provided detailed and constructive hands-on feedback. We have been reading your feedback and reviewing the testing data since PTS launched earlier this week, and we are continuing that process. We are exploring some adjustments based on testing findings for PTS week 3 and beyond. We’ll share details about those next week.

    We also ask that players please keep in mind that PTS is a test server. Numbers presented in PTS1 are often different than what appears in PTS5. Keeping this in mind, we’ll continue to review feedback and make adjustments as needed.

    Thanks for your continued patience as we continue our testing on the PTS - please keep the hands-on feedback coming.

    This is a completely inadequate response. "Adjustments" are wholly insufficient. You can not proceeded with this combat design direction. Not at all. An apology and a complete retraction is the only way forward.
  • RedFireDisco
    You said don't worry heavy attack builds we're not forgetting about you and then proceeded to absolutely gut my heavy attack to the point where my build is useless. It's completely and utterly useless.

    I've seen a lot of hyperbole and drama about a few percent here and there but THIS is not it. When 14K heavies do 4-6K, then that's one of if not the biggest nerf in the history of this game as far as percentages.

    What exactly is a ranged magblade supposed to do to kill someone? Spam Swallow Soul and get them down to 75% and be out of resources? Use Soul assault once every five minutes and die on the 5th tick?

    Spam light attacks that do no damage and then hit them with spectral as they roll dodge your only burst, lol
  • Ragnarok0130
    Mr_Stach wrote: »

    Thanks Kevin! Hopefully we get some good changes, everyone wants the game to head in a productive direction. I hope we see that in Week 3!

    The only "good changes" would be no changes as IMO they're not needed at this point and the dev team should go with their original plan of small buffs and nerfs instead of the sweeping large changes that they committed not to do recently.
  • Wild_child434
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi All, we want to follow up on the conversations around the U35 combat changes. First, thanks to everyone who have tested the changes and provided detailed and constructive hands-on feedback. We have been reading your feedback and reviewing the testing data since PTS launched earlier this week, and we are continuing that process. We are exploring some adjustments based on testing findings for PTS week 3 and beyond. We’ll share details about those next week.

    We also ask that players please keep in mind that PTS is a test server. Numbers presented in PTS1 are often different than what appears in PTS5. Keeping this in mind, we’ll continue to review feedback and make adjustments as needed.

    Thanks for your continued patience as we continue our testing on the PTS - please keep the hands-on feedback coming.

    I think the worst part of all of this isn't the nerf, endgame is fine with nerfs that's whatever, it's that you are using new players as the reasoning for the changes. You all stated this was to help bridge the gap but this PTS so far has made it worse as endgame will work around nerfs and get back close to our live numbers and newer players will not.

    Pretty much everyone who knows the game mechanics was able to look at the combat preview and speculate that is was a load of bull and would hurt the more casual player and then we got our hands on the numbers from the patch notes and did the math and said yeah no this isn't gonna help them and THEN we got into the PTS and confirmed even further that these changes are not for the new or casual player.

    If your player base could figure that out before even getting into the PTS how did this get past combat devs, encounter devs, QA testers and anyone else who may have had their hands on it?

    Everyone makes mistakes and it's easy to double down on them but it takes someone strong to admit they were wrong and walk it back.
  • Ditronus
    I like increasing dot duration to mitigate stacking dot abilities. But the gameplay is largely the same right? You still buff, dot, spam, repeat...but now you just spam a whole lot more before you dot/buff again. The game needs new abilities that are cooldown-based, proc-based, or specific class-based resources and mechanics, like necromancer corpses.

    Everything in ESO plays the same, just different numbers, names, and animations. The dots and buffs are easier to manage now, but that just exacerbates the issue of how horrible spammables work towards interesting combat; why would I feel spamming the same ability even more now, with its dated animation, is engaging or exciting?

    Again, this patch has great direction, but these changes just make the game easier while also making it more repetitive and mundane by creating a more spammy playstyle. There's a lack of variety of ability types (cooldowns, procs, etc.) to create builds with.

    ESO, every class and build: Buff, dot, spam (now even longer), repeat.
    Edited by Ditronus on July 15, 2022 11:34PM
  • siddique
    Ditronus wrote: »
    I like increasing dot duration to mitigate stacking dot abilities. But the gameplay is largely the same right? You still buff, dot, spam repeat...but now you just spam a whole lot more before you dot/buff again. The game needs new abilities that are cooldown-based, proc-based, or specific class-based resources and mechanics, like necromancer corpses.

    Everything in ESO plays the same, just different numbers, names, and animations. The dots and buffs are easier to manage now, but that just exacerbates the issue of how horrible spammables are to create interesting combat; why would I feel spamming the same ability even more now, with its dated animation, is engaging or exciting?

    Again, this patch has great direction, but these changes just make the game easier while also making it more repetitive and mundane by creating a more spammy playstyle. There's a lack of variety of ability types (cooldowns, procs, etc.) to create builds with.

    ESO, every class and build: Buff, dot, spam (now even longer), repeat.

    Incorrect. The changes might not feel as bad when tried on a dummy (by not as bad, i mean a decrease of approx. 25%) but in content, this becomes a huge problem.

    Recent content becomes exponentially more difficult to complete, if its even possible, with the nerfed dmg. HoTs tick every 2 seconds. Some of the harder damage ticks 0.25 of a second, like maelstrom, vdsr final boss. Or at least every second like vkahm final boss execute. Again, top tier will accommodate. Everyone else? It becomes exponentially harder if not impossible.

    20 second dots that tick every two second? Which enemy even stays in one place like that?

    This patch has the absolute worse direction ESO could have ever taken.
    "Knee-jerk reactionist."
    Lost Depths, 2015-2022.
  • shadyjane62
    Welcome to the next ten days of unhappy people needing answers.
  • Elsonso
    Welcome to the next ten days of unhappy people needing answers.

    "We’ll share details about those next week."

    Testing those answers will require a longer wait.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Pevey
    Welcome to the next ten days of unhappy people needing answers.

    We have our answers. This vision is going through, perhaps with minor changes in an attempt to make it seem they are responding to feedback.

    Right now, whoever at ZOS thought this up and pushed this effort still very much thinks that they are right. They think the silent majority is with them.

    In 5 weeks and 3 days, this will go live and the silent majority who have no idea there even is a PTS will feel these changes.

    It's going to be fun to watch, NGL.
    Edited by Pevey on July 16, 2022 12:03AM
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