Companion Changes?

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For those of you that use companions often and for those of you that don't, what would you like to see implemented in this system that would really blow it out of the water for you personally?
ESO YouTube Content Creator & Templar Tank/Healer Main
  • Snamyap
    I still very much dislike the separate gear sets. Would be more fun to come up with synergies between me and companion when they could use player gear.
  • ihazzit
    Their silence. Also the removal of their most used ability, you know that one uncanny ability where they get in the way the 99 out of 100 times when you attempt to interact with anything but them.
    If you are angry about anything in this game you are only punishing yourself.
  • Gray_howling_parrot
    Snamyap wrote: »
    I still very much dislike the separate gear sets. Would be more fun to come up with synergies between me and companion when they could use player gear.

    I agree! I would love to be able to place player gear on them. At the very least, being able to research (or have them research) companion traits so we can transmute traits & be able to upgrade their gear with crafting mats would be much better
    ESO YouTube Content Creator & Templar Tank/Healer Main
  • Gray_howling_parrot
    ihazzit wrote: »
    Their silence. Also the removal of their most used ability, you know that one uncanny ability where they get in the way the 99 out of 100 times when you attempt to interact with anything but them.

    Yea I think we should have the ability to completely mute them if we want. No doubt about it. That ability though of theres is shared by all sorc pets, the warden bear, etc. So idk if we'll ever see a fix for that :disappointed:
    ESO YouTube Content Creator & Templar Tank/Healer Main
  • Sarannah
    -Tanking companions should be stronger against DOT's, quickly incoming multiple damage sources, and multiple enemies. They can facetank any lone boss enemies with no DOTs and no quickly following attacks or multiple enemies, but they die within two seconds from those. (atleast mine does)
    -Rapport decreases have to be removed. Decreases only makes companions annoying in certain situations, like Bastian and looting stolen items, or Mirri and torchbugs. Rapport decreases also make companions feel punishing whenever they receive those. Just have companions say something when we do anything they do not like, but remove the rapport decreases.
    **note: At the very least remove and do not create new rapportdecreases with regular crafting dailies, if decreases are not removed entirely.**
    -A companiongear bag or cart. So we do not have to keep companion gear in our inventories. Maybe something similar to the craftbag.
    -Companions should self-revive after being dead for 10 seconds, and/or we should get the option to use a filled soul gem to instantly revive them. They should not be revived the same way as players. (This might be something which could be added to the soul magic skillline, or as a passive in the CP system)
    -A 'recall to me' button. Sometimes my ranged Mirri keeps attacking obstacles(trees/rocks/etc), instead of the target behind that obstacle. Or my companions are on a cliff I jumped down from, and they take the scenic route when I am in combat down below.
    -More ultimates to choose from. Atleast one for every type of combat: Ranged dps, melee dps, tank, heal.
    -Being able to queue for a solo random dungeon with three of our companions at the same time(after the new two are released).
    -Companions not taking a banker/merchant/armory guy slot when they are summoned. Summoning back and forth is annoying.
    -Companions their repeating regular lines should NOT be subtitled! They overwrite important quest subtitles constantly. (very important!)
    -And make an option to disable interacting with them! (very important!)

    Those were all I could think of at the moment.

    PS: I always have a companion active. And totally love companions!
    Edited by Sarannah on April 24, 2022 3:56PM
  • AcadianPaladin
    - Ability to put headgear on companions (helms, circlets). This can soften the impact of there being so many Mirris and Bastions out there.
    - Give companions their own small inventory - say a dozen slots for companion only gear to facilitate role changing for them. Ironically, I don't give a darn about the armory system for players but sure would like something like that for my companion.
    - Improve their dodge-roll when ranged to avoid scattering a fight and resetting the boss. Currently, will only use ice staves on ranged companion.

    Overall though, I love companions and look forward to continued refinement/improvement as they evolve. :)
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • Gray_howling_parrot
    Sarannah wrote: »
    -Tanking companions should be stronger against DOT's, quickly incoming multiple damage sources, and multiple enemies. They can facetank any lone boss enemies with no DOTs and no quickly following attacks or multiple enemies, but they die within two seconds from those. (atleast mine does)
    -Rapport decreases have to be removed. Decreases only makes companions annoying in certain situations, like Bastian and looting stolen items, or Mirri and torchbugs. Rapport decreases also make companions feel punishing whenever they receive those. Just have companions say something when we do anything they do not like, but remove the rapport decreases.
    **note: At the very least remove and do not create new rapportdecreases with regular crafting dailies, if decreases are not removed entirely.**

    The thing that do decrease rapport are pretty dumb. Cooking cheese/alcohol for bastian? You're kidding me lol. Torchbugs for Mirri? Come on. Now going and assassinating people in front of Bastian and stealing are different, but I mean come on.

    -A companiongear bag or cart. So we do not have to keep companion gear in our inventories. Maybe something similar to the craftbag.

    I think rather than a bag, that companions should just have their own inventory. 50-60 slots maybe. I think this would improve a number of things - one being that we don't have to hold onto their gear and also it could serve as a temporary craft bag for those that don't have ESO plus. Obviously it wouldn't have nearly the space, but it'd be something for those players!

    -Companions should self-revive after being dead for 10 seconds, and/or we should get the option to use a filled soul gem to instantly revive them. They should not be revived the same way as players. (This might be something which could be added to the soul magic skillline, or as a passive in the CP system)
    -A 'recall to me' button. Sometimes my ranged Mirri keeps attacking obstacles(trees/rocks/etc), instead of the target behind that obstacle. Or my companions are on a cliff I jumped down from, and they take the scenic route when I am in combat down below.

    Great idea

    -More ultimates to choose from. Atleast one for every type of combat: Ranged dps, melee dps, tank, heal.

    Yea! I definitely think that more options is always a good thing. Especially because the ultimates ultimately pigeon hole you into kinda doing 1 role. Bastians is definitely more of a melee ultimate, so if he's built as an archer or a healer or a mage character or something, that ultimate isn't going to do all that much, so I agree totally!

    -Being able to queue for a solo random dungeon with three of our companions at the same time(after the new two are released).

    I had mentioned this to some friends. I don't think a queue is necessarily needed, but being able to use up to 3 companions in instanced group content would be cool. It could serve almost as a story mode too for those players always complaining about high CP players streamrolling through dungeons when they're trying to learn mechanics/quest/listen to story

    -Companions not taking a banker/merchant/armory guy slot when they are summoned. Summoning back and forth is annoying.

    I think this could tie into what you said above. If we're able to summon more than one, they wouldn't be desummoned when we take out an assistant.

    -Companions their repeating regular lines should NOT be subtitled! They overwrite important quest subtitles constantly. (very important!)
    -And make an option to disable interacting with them! (very important!)

    This is great too, but I'd rather have an option to completely mute them altogether lol.

    Those were all I could think of at the moment.

    PS: I always have a companion active. And totally love companions!

    All great suggestions! Thanks for taking the time to write these out and reply! Cheers!
    ESO YouTube Content Creator & Templar Tank/Healer Main
  • Gray_howling_parrot
    - Ability to put headgear on companions (helms, circlets). This can soften the impact of there being so many Mirris and Bastions out there.
    - Give companions their own small inventory - say a dozen slots for companion only gear to facilitate role changing for them. Ironically, I don't give a darn about the armory system for players but sure would like something like that for my companion.
    - Improve their dodge-roll when ranged to avoid scattering a fight and resetting the boss. Currently, will only use ice staves on ranged companion.

    Overall though, I love companions and look forward to continued refinement/improvement as they evolve. :)

    Yea love it! I think that so far they've given us kinda the bare minimum, but I'm hoping with all the suggestions and feedback they've gotten from the playerbase over the last year that they will think about implementing many of these things because these could potentially really change the way a lot of players play the game if they do it correctly
    ESO YouTube Content Creator & Templar Tank/Healer Main
  • AcadianPaladin
    I do confess the luxury of enjoying addons. Mirri is my companion. I physically cannot interact with butterflies or torchbugs. I also have a hotkey toggle to not interact with Mirri except when I want to. That is why I did not mention the 'irritation' problems of companions. Clearly, adding the capabilities that addons do to the base base game would be most welcome.

    (No Interact is the addon I use - very effective and flexible.)

    Regarding their comments, I think it a matter of finding a compatible companion. I have Mirri on normal frequency of comments and remain delighted with her. I've used plenty of companions through a long career in Oblivion and Skyrim and have to say Mirri is the easiest to live with I've ever traveled with. Well done there as far as I'm concerned.
    Edited by AcadianPaladin on April 24, 2022 4:21PM
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • colossusx
    Sarannah wrote: »
    -Rapport decreases have to be removed. Decreases only makes companions annoying in certain situations, like Bastian and looting stolen items, or Mirri and torchbugs. Rapport decreases also make companions feel punishing whenever they receive those. Just have companions say something when we do anything they do not like, but remove the rapport decreases.
    **note: At the very least remove and do not create new rapportdecreases with regular crafting dailies, if decreases are not removed entirely.**

    How would we get negative rapport if they remove the decreases? The opportunity to play with a companion that is annoyed by you is removed without decreases. Luckily with more companions, you should be able to find one that enjoys the same things as you. I personally love making bastion mad. I teamed him up with my dark brotherhood character!

  • colossusx
    I do think they should have a shared storage for all their gear. That would be great. 25 slots. Just enough to have some gear options for different scenarios. Maybe even add them to the armory so we can pick tank mirri or healer mirri??
  • Amottica
    Each companion storing their own gear.

    The current design is a complete mess for anyone that changes their role since the gear has to be moved to the bank or we have to log into the character with the desired gear and log back to the character we want to play.
  • AcadianPaladin
    Regarding rapport changes, I'd at least have the triggers be things you consciously choose to do - NOT things that can be done by mistake like grab a torchbug or steal a potion instead of activating an NPC. My elf has pretty intense feelings. She accidently grabbed a red potion instead of talking to a quest giver - and Bastion yelled at her. She instantly and irrevocably fired him. When she did almost the same thing with Mirri, an NPC attacked her. Mirri instantly killed the NPC who attacked her friend! Despite the high resultant bounty, Mirri firmly earned a place of importance and affection in my elf's heart.
    Edited by AcadianPaladin on April 24, 2022 4:27PM
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • Iselin
    It's too grindy for leveling and especially rapport and the purple gear is just too rare for the small bump in stats over blue.

    I haven't even bothered much with Bastien because grinding Mirri was enough for my low grind tolerance.
  • langewapper
    the possibility to take mirri in my home (the real mirri not the fake one)
  • buttaface
    As far as them wearing player gear, I'd be absolutely amazed if that EVER happened for bot prevention reasons alone. I don't think people asking for this are realizing just what a drastic power creep that would be.

    Changes I'd like to see in companions? Innate gear storage for their gear, buffing several of their skills that were obviously hastily overnerfed pre release, for example the last fighters guild skill is junk, several other examples of skills needing buffs/reworks. Yeah, and the helmets, what were they thinking not allowing this? There's just no compelling reason for it.
  • Rex-Umbra
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • RisenEclipse
    Can we have one of the next companions after these two upcoming new ones be from the Dark Brotherhood? Then their reaction to everything the player does will by default have to be [remains silent]...
  • Syldras
    Their comments wouldn't be that annoying if they had more different lines and wouldn't repeat them all the time. When companions were announced I hoped they would have more unique text and reacted more on their surroundings - and I don't mean getting upset if you accidentially catch a butterfly instead of picking some plant; but for example they could have specific comments if you enter a certain town, a specific ruin, even about the weather or time of day. It's useless for those who are only interested in fighting, I know, but for people who are into roleplay, this would really add to immersion and would also help characterizing the companion more (well, not neccessarily comments about the weather, but if you would have, for example, a companion who is a scholar in Ayleid history, they would have interesting things to say about Ayleid ruins, I assume). And yes, I know that Mirri comments if you enter Clockwork City, but that's really a singular thing. As only 2 companions are introduced each year, I'd really wish they were a bit more complex.
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
  • danno8
    Sarannah wrote: »
    -Tanking companions should be stronger against DOT's, quickly incoming multiple damage sources, and multiple enemies. They can facetank any lone boss enemies with no DOTs and no quickly following attacks or multiple enemies, but they die within two seconds from those. (atleast mine does)
    -Rapport decreases have to be removed. Decreases only makes companions annoying in certain situations, like Bastian and looting stolen items, or Mirri and torchbugs. Rapport decreases also make companions feel punishing whenever they receive those. Just have companions say something when we do anything they do not like, but remove the rapport decreases.
    **note: At the very least remove and do not create new rapportdecreases with regular crafting dailies, if decreases are not removed entirely.**
    -A companiongear bag or cart. So we do not have to keep companion gear in our inventories. Maybe something similar to the craftbag.
    -Companions should self-revive after being dead for 10 seconds, and/or we should get the option to use a filled soul gem to instantly revive them. They should not be revived the same way as players. (This might be something which could be added to the soul magic skillline, or as a passive in the CP system)
    -A 'recall to me' button. Sometimes my ranged Mirri keeps attacking obstacles(trees/rocks/etc), instead of the target behind that obstacle. Or my companions are on a cliff I jumped down from, and they take the scenic route when I am in combat down below.
    -More ultimates to choose from. Atleast one for every type of combat: Ranged dps, melee dps, tank, heal.
    -Being able to queue for a solo random dungeon with three of our companions at the same time(after the new two are released).
    -Companions not taking a banker/merchant/armory guy slot when they are summoned. Summoning back and forth is annoying.
    -Companions their repeating regular lines should NOT be subtitled! They overwrite important quest subtitles constantly. (very important!)
    -And make an option to disable interacting with them! (very important!)

    Those were all I could think of at the moment.

    PS: I always have a companion active. And totally love companions!

    I would say to keep Rapport decreases, but get rid of the small silly ones like torchbugs and stealing, and instead have rapport matter more for quest dialogue choices. This of course would require companion rapport to be worked in to both old and new quest choices. This would be a fair bit of work, but would make them feel far more involved than they are currently.
  • HedgeHugger
    I have 15 characters on my main account.
    15 times I had to go fetch Mirri and Bastian.
    I would have preferred it if once I had picked them up, they would be available for all the rest of my stable.

    I would also have preferred it as well that everyone could progress the rapport, rather than it be individual per character. Even if they put a limit on the amount of big rapport points from the mages, fighters, dailies etc.
    Once the companion story mission was done by one, then it was done by all. I can dream...

    Their stories aren't interesting enough to be done by everyone multiple times.
  • phaneub17_ESO
    I want to control on companions is their combat settings, currently their dodge roll mechanic is weapon based, I like to change that to what I want them to do. So it could be set to Default, =< 75%, =< 50%, =< 25%, or Never regardless what they have equipped. I'd also like combat tactics similar to those in Skyrim where a follower can be set as Foolhardy, Brave, Average, Cautious, or Cowardly.

    Foolhardy - Engages enemies that everyone in your party/group has attacked, not just you.
    Brave - Protects others in your party/group, attacking those who hurt your party/group members.
    Average - This is the default aggression. Engaging only when you attack or when you are attacked.
    Cautious - Only attacks when you do and only those targets, does not defend when you are attacked.
    Cowardly - Only takes action with Heavy Attack or Pet Command. Will not react to you attacking or are attacked.

  • Molydeus
    Iselin wrote: »
    It's too grindy for leveling and especially rapport and the purple gear is just too rare for the small bump in stats over blue.

    I haven't even bothered much with Bastien because grinding Mirri was enough for my low grind tolerance.

    What's to grind? Just have them out while you do stuff in the game. Play normally and they'll be maxed eventually.
  • Elrond87
    why is there no option to put a helmet/hat on them or any of the skins
    20 characters
  • ADarklore
    First, I'd like the option to improve the quality of my Companion gear and decon as well. With the outrageous drop rates of Purple gear, it would be nice to have the option to improve the Companion gear we have.

    Second, I'd also like Rapport changes... definitely to INCREASE the positive rapport!! It is extremely punishing for players who have alts; it has been a year since Mirri and Bastian have been released and I still haven't received enough positive rapport for to get any of their personal quests!! :(

    Third, as is most requested... allow them to wear hats/helmets!!

    Fourth, REMOVE all negative rapport involved with 'entering the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary'!! Right now THREE of the Companions give negative rapport for this and it's complete b.s. To punish players for playing DLC content it ridiculous!
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • katanagirl1
    I have noticed that Bastion will not start fighting a boss until I do, but Mirri will go and attack on her own if close enough.

    Also, if I die Bastion will stop fighting but Mirri will keep going.

    Are they supposed to behave differently like this and if so, why? I would prefer them both not to start a fight and to keep going when I die because I will respawn and keep fighting.
    Khajiit Stamblade main
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP
    Dark Elf Magden
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Khajiit Stamina Arcanist

    PS5 NA
  • BretonMage
    Sarannah wrote: »
    -Tanking companions should be stronger against DOT's, quickly incoming multiple damage sources, and multiple enemies. They can facetank any lone boss enemies with no DOTs and no quickly following attacks or multiple enemies, but they die within two seconds from those. (atleast mine does)


    -Companions should self-revive after being dead for 10 seconds, and/or we should get the option to use a filled soul gem to instantly revive them. They should not be revived the same way as players. (This might be something which could be added to the soul magic skillline, or as a passive in the CP system)

    Omg, yes to these especially! If companions are not as powerful as regular players, it's ridiculous to expect a player to give up x seconds of their time to revive them (and if you're soloing, it means certain death).

    Also, more variety in their comments so you don't have to listen to the same 2 lines Every. Single. Time. you enter a city or harvest a resource.
  • Snamyap
    I run some characters at lvl 4 vampire (no health recovery). It would be very handy if companions would heal out of combat, when I go of a cliff for instance.
    Edited by Snamyap on April 25, 2022 7:53AM
  • Jim_Pipp
    My biggest requests;

    1) companions should not recast an ability if it is currently active. If the cooldown is below the skills duration it looses some of its effect being recast too early (taunt is the exception). This would fix the haste ability, and open up some cool builds.

    2) all companions healing skills should target the lowest health member of the group, including themselves. Some skills do (e.g. kindle), but it's possible to make a good healer that can't heal itself!

    3) the undaunted taunt should be AoE, on a shorter cooldown. Companions simply can't tank multiple bosses currently.

    4) I'd love a small instanced space to work on companions. I store my companion gear in my house storage chests, but companions can't come inside the house, so I run in and out to check them. And they need a target dummy; the only way to test how companions actually work is to watch them fight, and if other players are around there is too much visual clutter to see if the companions are doing what you'd expect.
    #1 tip (Re)check your graphics settings periodically - especially resolution.
  • Snamyap
    buttaface wrote: »
    As far as them wearing player gear, I'd be absolutely amazed if that EVER happened for bot prevention reasons alone. I don't think people asking for this are realizing just what a drastic power creep that would be.

    Oh, I'm very well aware that that would be a massive power boost. Just like I'm aware that ZOS is never going to change such a core mechanic of the companions. I guess the best we could hope for is companion gear with extra abilities.
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