I still very much dislike the separate gear sets. Would be more fun to come up with synergies between me and companion when they could use player gear.
Their silence. Also the removal of their most used ability, you know that one uncanny ability where they get in the way the 99 out of 100 times when you attempt to interact with anything but them.
-Tanking companions should be stronger against DOT's, quickly incoming multiple damage sources, and multiple enemies. They can facetank any lone boss enemies with no DOTs and no quickly following attacks or multiple enemies, but they die within two seconds from those. (atleast mine does)
-Rapport decreases have to be removed. Decreases only makes companions annoying in certain situations, like Bastian and looting stolen items, or Mirri and torchbugs. Rapport decreases also make companions feel punishing whenever they receive those. Just have companions say something when we do anything they do not like, but remove the rapport decreases.
**note: At the very least remove and do not create new rapportdecreases with regular crafting dailies, if decreases are not removed entirely.**
The thing that do decrease rapport are pretty dumb. Cooking cheese/alcohol for bastian? You're kidding me lol. Torchbugs for Mirri? Come on. Now going and assassinating people in front of Bastian and stealing are different, but I mean come on.
-A companiongear bag or cart. So we do not have to keep companion gear in our inventories. Maybe something similar to the craftbag.
I think rather than a bag, that companions should just have their own inventory. 50-60 slots maybe. I think this would improve a number of things - one being that we don't have to hold onto their gear and also it could serve as a temporary craft bag for those that don't have ESO plus. Obviously it wouldn't have nearly the space, but it'd be something for those players!
-Companions should self-revive after being dead for 10 seconds, and/or we should get the option to use a filled soul gem to instantly revive them. They should not be revived the same way as players. (This might be something which could be added to the soul magic skillline, or as a passive in the CP system)
-A 'recall to me' button. Sometimes my ranged Mirri keeps attacking obstacles(trees/rocks/etc), instead of the target behind that obstacle. Or my companions are on a cliff I jumped down from, and they take the scenic route when I am in combat down below.
Great idea
-More ultimates to choose from. Atleast one for every type of combat: Ranged dps, melee dps, tank, heal.
Yea! I definitely think that more options is always a good thing. Especially because the ultimates ultimately pigeon hole you into kinda doing 1 role. Bastians is definitely more of a melee ultimate, so if he's built as an archer or a healer or a mage character or something, that ultimate isn't going to do all that much, so I agree totally!
-Being able to queue for a solo random dungeon with three of our companions at the same time(after the new two are released).
I had mentioned this to some friends. I don't think a queue is necessarily needed, but being able to use up to 3 companions in instanced group content would be cool. It could serve almost as a story mode too for those players always complaining about high CP players streamrolling through dungeons when they're trying to learn mechanics/quest/listen to story
-Companions not taking a banker/merchant/armory guy slot when they are summoned. Summoning back and forth is annoying.
I think this could tie into what you said above. If we're able to summon more than one, they wouldn't be desummoned when we take out an assistant.
-Companions their repeating regular lines should NOT be subtitled! They overwrite important quest subtitles constantly. (very important!)
-And make an option to disable interacting with them! (very important!)
This is great too, but I'd rather have an option to completely mute them altogether lol.
Those were all I could think of at the moment.
PS: I always have a companion active. And totally love companions!
AcadianPaladin wrote: »- Ability to put headgear on companions (helms, circlets). This can soften the impact of there being so many Mirris and Bastions out there.
- Give companions their own small inventory - say a dozen slots for companion only gear to facilitate role changing for them. Ironically, I don't give a darn about the armory system for players but sure would like something like that for my companion.
- Improve their dodge-roll when ranged to avoid scattering a fight and resetting the boss. Currently, will only use ice staves on ranged companion.
Overall though, I love companions and look forward to continued refinement/improvement as they evolve.
-Rapport decreases have to be removed. Decreases only makes companions annoying in certain situations, like Bastian and looting stolen items, or Mirri and torchbugs. Rapport decreases also make companions feel punishing whenever they receive those. Just have companions say something when we do anything they do not like, but remove the rapport decreases.
**note: At the very least remove and do not create new rapportdecreases with regular crafting dailies, if decreases are not removed entirely.**
-Tanking companions should be stronger against DOT's, quickly incoming multiple damage sources, and multiple enemies. They can facetank any lone boss enemies with no DOTs and no quickly following attacks or multiple enemies, but they die within two seconds from those. (atleast mine does)
-Rapport decreases have to be removed. Decreases only makes companions annoying in certain situations, like Bastian and looting stolen items, or Mirri and torchbugs. Rapport decreases also make companions feel punishing whenever they receive those. Just have companions say something when we do anything they do not like, but remove the rapport decreases.
**note: At the very least remove and do not create new rapportdecreases with regular crafting dailies, if decreases are not removed entirely.**
-A companiongear bag or cart. So we do not have to keep companion gear in our inventories. Maybe something similar to the craftbag.
-Companions should self-revive after being dead for 10 seconds, and/or we should get the option to use a filled soul gem to instantly revive them. They should not be revived the same way as players. (This might be something which could be added to the soul magic skillline, or as a passive in the CP system)
-A 'recall to me' button. Sometimes my ranged Mirri keeps attacking obstacles(trees/rocks/etc), instead of the target behind that obstacle. Or my companions are on a cliff I jumped down from, and they take the scenic route when I am in combat down below.
-More ultimates to choose from. Atleast one for every type of combat: Ranged dps, melee dps, tank, heal.
-Being able to queue for a solo random dungeon with three of our companions at the same time(after the new two are released).
-Companions not taking a banker/merchant/armory guy slot when they are summoned. Summoning back and forth is annoying.
-Companions their repeating regular lines should NOT be subtitled! They overwrite important quest subtitles constantly. (very important!)
-And make an option to disable interacting with them! (very important!)
Those were all I could think of at the moment.
PS: I always have a companion active. And totally love companions!
It's too grindy for leveling and especially rapport and the purple gear is just too rare for the small bump in stats over blue.
I haven't even bothered much with Bastien because grinding Mirri was enough for my low grind tolerance.
-Tanking companions should be stronger against DOT's, quickly incoming multiple damage sources, and multiple enemies. They can facetank any lone boss enemies with no DOTs and no quickly following attacks or multiple enemies, but they die within two seconds from those. (atleast mine does)
-Companions should self-revive after being dead for 10 seconds, and/or we should get the option to use a filled soul gem to instantly revive them. They should not be revived the same way as players. (This might be something which could be added to the soul magic skillline, or as a passive in the CP system)
As far as them wearing player gear, I'd be absolutely amazed if that EVER happened for bot prevention reasons alone. I don't think people asking for this are realizing just what a drastic power creep that would be.