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Plaguebreak is balanced

Plaguebreak explodes on death just like the set Vicious Death. Except Plaguebreak hits way harder.


1 DK killed 5 players instantly


Edited by SkaraMinoc on January 30, 2022 6:39AM

Plaguebreak is balanced 134 votes

Yes balanced
charliebIpsiusDRTEstarlizard70ub17_ESOWolfpawSalamanNZRhaegar75NemeliomBronzeCaimanIcy_NelyanValgar0rmaxjapankGERMANO-THE-IMPERIALSleep724TheTruestKingBlackbird_VTiberXAnkael07The_LexCerbolt 62 votes
No not balanced
pechecklerGninexxslam48xxb14_ESOIzanagi.Xiiib16_ESOSimen.askeland89b16_ESOVIGILHiImRexStncoldFuzzehhSorakaSmokedpyrotechvindex9onaolsborgmmtaniacKartalinMayraelDrayzonValarMorghulis1896RatarotoJackey 72 votes
  • SkaraMinoc
    No not balanced
    Does the explosion ignore damage reduction and spell resist? I run a very tanky heal build.
    PC NA
  • Metemsycosis
    No not balanced
    shouldnt proc damage against players when npcs die
    Terethea Magdalena, Breton Nightblade
    A Dark-Adapted Eye, Imperial Necromancer

    sanguinare vampiris

  • Ankael07
    Yes balanced
    Somebody not only purged but it was an AOE purge ( 3 Plague Infected at the same time). Plaguebreak punishes those who blindly play the game like this
    If you want me to reply to your comment type @Ankael07 in it.
  • SkaraMinoc
    No not balanced
    Ankael07 wrote: »
    Somebody not only purged but it was an AOE purge ( 3 Plague Infected at the same time). Plaguebreak punishes those who blindly play the game like this

    Nobody purged. If the target dies with Plague Carrier then the proc explodes.

    Edited by SkaraMinoc on January 30, 2022 6:42AM
    PC NA
  • Brrrofski
    No not balanced
    Ankael07 wrote: »
    Somebody not only purged but it was an AOE purge ( 3 Plague Infected at the same time). Plaguebreak punishes those who blindly play the game like this

    Firstly, it procs if someone dies. Which makes it VD on steroids.

    Secondly, purging is a key part of being a Templar. It's one of the main perks. Also, warden has an auto purge.

    Thirdly, it's too easy to apply. I can light attack one person, who uses a purge, and everyone just dies. VD requires you to kill someone. Plaguebreak requires you to light attack. That's a huge difference.

    How can I help it if I'm flipping a flag and some randy purges?

    I understand that it was brought in to stop ball groups with purge spamming, but it massively misses the mark.
  • xxslam48xxb14_ESO
    No not balanced
    Yeah its OP. I made a really bad "ghetto bomber" build that I can swap too just by switching armor sets on my nb and even I can can get massive group wipes with it. I think its that little bit of extra aoe range it has that really makes it so much better then VD. Because of the extra 3m it can explode people that are pretty spread out and I think that makes it a bit unfair.
    I wrote a poem that I titled, "The ganker's delight."

    As you lay upon the ground, cry not little pawn.
    The pain will pass as quickly as my blade did take you,
    but my delight will last and you will respawn.
    My heart simply cannot contain my joy, when I ply my trade.

    The fault lies with you, your skill was lacking.
    Now your salt is mine forever, can't you hear the laughing?
    Once you were so proud and now you are reduced to this.
    A miserable, loud deuced fool.

    With every tear you drip, with every excuse you let slip.
    All of your insecurities and worries bring a smile to my lip.
    From your despair I have ripped endless glories,
    but our affair is over now. Be afraid for I will return for more.

    I have received many titles, to my allies I am The sniper Emperor and Grand champion hero of the Pact. However these titles mean little to me, it is the ones given to me by my victims that I prefer. To them I am "Xv1er", "trash", "no balls", "zerger", "noob", "cringe", "no skill", "camper", "100% new", "the reason this game is dying", "pathetic", "a sack of piece of [snip]", "mediocre", "absolute inbred", "beyond a virgin", "ganky dork", "fat smelly 40yr old virgin", "little girl", "daddy", "exploiting loser", and every [snipped] word known to man.
  • Larcomar
    No not balanced
    You got off light. Guild run the other week, people got hit for 43k. It's a bit ridiculous. Everyone's spamming it now.

    I wouldn't mind it so much, but it really hits wardens hard. It's like they forgot that netch purged.
  • Danse_Mayhem
    No not balanced
    Stupid set. Way overloaded in its damage, proc conditions and cool-down.
    Punishes every form of organised play and the only ones who say it isn’t OP are the solo players, or the zergs / ball groups using it to wreck pvp.
    Nerf it. Remove the scaling, or add a cool-down to how often you can infect someone. Something please

  • McTaterskins
    No not balanced
    The extra bonus of VD functionality makes it 2x better than VD. Plus it scales up with quantity of targets in the vicinity.

    Furthermore, it makes everything desync.

    Even worse so when coupled with Kynmarcher. Which also makes everything desync.

    Want a bunch of eternal 0s debuffs while you're in a BG? 57,000 day debuffs in Cyro? Let that group of 3 dk's and a templar run up on you with their 2min plaguebreak and kynmarcher comps. Don't forget the dash of VD!
  • xylena_lazarow
    No not balanced
    Punishes every form of organised play and the only ones who say it isn’t OP are the solo players, or the zergs / ball groups using it to wreck pvp.
    Huh? Ball groups are the highest form of organized play... and Plague does nothing to the ones that know to stack enough healing to where they don't even need to purge (or if they do, they're smart about it). Playing solo, this set is a non-issue most of the time, but if I get into a big keep battle it does mean I have to avoid my own allies... like the plague. So basically it punishes pugs/randoms but not groups that stack a ton of heals, so I'm actually with you, dumpster this set.
    PC/NA || CP/Cyro || RIP soft caps
  • Necrotech_Master
    Yes balanced
    Punishes every form of organised play and the only ones who say it isn’t OP are the solo players, or the zergs / ball groups using it to wreck pvp.
    Huh? Ball groups are the highest form of organized play... and Plague does nothing to the ones that know to stack enough healing to where they don't even need to purge (or if they do, they're smart about it). Playing solo, this set is a non-issue most of the time, but if I get into a big keep battle it does mean I have to avoid my own allies... like the plague. So basically it punishes pugs/randoms but not groups that stack a ton of heals, so I'm actually with you, dumpster this set.

    this is kind of my thought (and experience with using it), it doesnt affect ball groups that much, its a pressure sure, but its not a be all end all ball killer

    in its current state it is pretty balanced (especially if you look at DC or hrothgar that were added in the same patch, DC still gets complaints (which i expect will continue after they fix the scaling dmg in U33) and hrothgar was already nerfed to oblivion)

    if they added additional debuff conditions to the plague carrier DoT, then i think it would definitely be OP, as i think it is borderline right now
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • Danse_Mayhem
    No not balanced
    It’s a fat carry tbh.
    I challenge any pvper to look at their current build and replace the damage set with Plaguebreak. Then look at your tooltips - They will barely change. This is obviously an issue with all proc sets but there is literally no downside to just everyone running this, on whatever role they have.
    - Procs on kill OR cleanse (meaning it outperforms VD in every way)
    - The proc scales like crazy, again meaning it outperforms VD.
    - Has unlimited dot potential with no cooldown, so can be used against a solo player.
    - Scales off NPCs / guards.
    - Can be used by tanks to murder entire crowds.

    Did we realllllly need a set that immediately murders small groups of unorganised players who would generally die to better play anyway? Not imo. Did we need a set that counters ball groups who just rush through cyro with stacked heals? Yes we did, but this set does nothing to those guys, and only gives them an extra tool to use against others - As so admitted by basically every ball group player.

    It’s gotten to the point where making a balanced build is irrelevant because you are almost always better just using dark convergence and plaguebreak, spamming AOEs in pvp until you get a big proc.

    Remove the scaling of plaguebreak. Easiest fix ever and would balance it right away.

  • Jykel
    No not balanced
    As an unskilled ranged bomber, getting numbers like the below is a little unbalanced. While fun to see the plague spread, without an ulti and no resources to spam ele ring, the end damage numbers nearing 70K are a little high ;)

    Edited by Jykel on February 17, 2022 5:12AM
  • WabanakiWarrior
    No not balanced
    Plaguebreak is 100% broken. It's just too easy to proc. To the people who claim it just requires strategic purging, that is not true at all. I would appreciate a mechanic that forced you to purge strategically, this isn't it. It's pointless to purge plaguebreak because a single light attack would just reapply it. With no cool down. It's not even just light attacks, its all direct damage! You can run away from your group, purge, then have it back on you immediately. And it just happens over and over again. There's no effective counter.
    And because of this, you're forced to not purge anything at all. I ran into a BG group last night abusing the hell out of this. 3 dks and a magsorc. All running proc dot sets, including plaguebreak. They stack all their dots onto a target and you can't purge any of it, which is usually the counter to that playstyle. Proc sets like venomous smite never used to be a problem, but now that you can't purge it, it's just free damage. Haunting curse, mages wrath, engulfing flames, burning talons, noxious breath, burning embers, volatile armor, and a bunch of proc sets on top. All things you should usually be able to purge, you're just forced to take the damage right to your face. There isn't a counter to this playstyle anymore.
    Find a healer who can out heal that [snip] I suppose might be your only option, but [snip] it's just so broken.

    [edited for profanity bypass]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on February 18, 2022 6:47PM
    PS4 NA
    Grand Master Crafter, PVP, Housing nerd
  • SkaraMinoc
    No not balanced
    Jykel wrote: »
    As an unskilled ranged bomber, getting numbers like the below is a little unbalanced




    Edited by SkaraMinoc on February 18, 2022 6:45AM
    PC NA
  • BronzeCaiman
    Yes balanced
    Plaguebreak is as balanced as unlockable CC and kiting around walls spamming Race Against Time.
    No not balanced
    It's absolutely insane to me that anyone thought this set was a good idea. Dark Convergence is fine - it's managable, but Plaguebreak is so overtuned. Everyone runs it. Everyone has it. Everyone spams light attacks to proc it. It's on everyone ALL the time. There's no cooldown. It's just a constant DOT you have to deal with with no way of removing it. It's just a permanent AoE DOT you have to deal with whenever you're in Cyrodil or Battlegrounds. Horrible, horrible design.
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Yes balanced
    Plaguebreak is balanced, just like ball groups are totally balanced :joy:

    Jokes aside, out of all 3 "recent" pvp sets, Plaguebreak is actually the most balanced lol :D

    It is a shame that ZOS is trying to balance out broken & flawed gameplay mechanics and playstyles by adding broken sets.
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    Yes balanced
    Plaguebreak is balanced, just like ball groups are totally balanced :joy:

    Jokes aside, out of all 3 "recent" pvp sets, Plaguebreak is actually the most balanced lol :D

    It is a shame that ZOS is trying to balance out broken & flawed gameplay mechanics and playstyles by adding broken sets.

    At least Plaugebreak doesn't drag you off a wall :D .
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • WabanakiWarrior
    No not balanced
    Guys pointing out there's worse [snip] out there doesn't mean Plaguebreak is balanced

    [edited for profanity bypass]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on February 18, 2022 6:45PM
    PS4 NA
    Grand Master Crafter, PVP, Housing nerd
  • Kory
    Yes balanced
    It's nice to see armor sets more functionally robust than actual abilities. Get blasted by the armor set, that's right totally balanced. :p
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Yes balanced
    (Voted for sarcasm, obviously)

    Anyway, I think the problem with Plaguebreak is that it no longer does what it was supposed to do. It was a very strong counter to ball groups. I have seen it myself (and also some video clips) of ball groups getting destroyed by this set. It was meant to punish spamming purges by a large groups. But nowadays, ball groups have kinda adapted to it - they run less purges but way, way more healing spam.

    The problem is that now (like with every thing that was supposed to be a counter for ball groups) it went a compleat 180° and now is basically acts as a better version of vicious death used on solo players / army of randoms / small scale.

    The basic problem is that we pretty much have no control over some other player casting purge / negative effect removal on us. We also don't have much control over other player standing within 7 - 8 meters removing negative effect (7 - 8 meters is not stacking btw lol).

    So, what ends up happening is that for example, I have a weak DOT on me. No big deal. I use some heal & I don't even notice that DOT. But, sometimes, someone will heal me or remove negative effect from themselves & me and all of the sudden I explode. Quite literally 50K procs (I have like 29K resistant, so it is close to 50% damage reduction) are a norm.

    I dont know about you, but every time I see crazy proc like this, it makes me wonder: How much health do I need to survive the proc ? Can I make 50 - 60K health solo build & will I still be able to do something else with it ? Other than stand still like a soft rock that is... ? :joy:

    I think that what Plaguebreak needs is to have the "additional" damage part changed, so it would scale with the group size.

    "The explosion deals an additional 50% damage per enemy hit."
    "The explosion deals an additional X% damage for every group member."
    (Or something similar, it may still have a distance to the enemy taken into account).

    This would result in this set being far less toxic, but still very powerful, as it would still have a burst when you purge, but it would not be an automatic death sentence. Also, the "scale with group size" will mean that Plaguebreak will still be somewhat useful against ball groups, putting pressure on them.
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on February 20, 2022 10:01AM
  • neferpitou73
    No not balanced
    (Voted for sarcasm, obviously)

    Anyway, I think the problem with Plaguebreak is that it no longer does what it was supposed to do. It was a very strong counter to ball groups. I have seen it myself (and also some video clips) of ball groups getting destroyed by this set. It was meant to punish spamming purges by a large groups. But nowadays, ball groups have kinda adapted to it - they run less purges but way, way more healing spam.

    The problem is that now (like with every thing that was supposed to be a counter for ball groups) it went a compleat 180° and now is basically acts as a better version of vicious death used on solo players / army of randoms / small scale.

    The basic problem is that we pretty much have no control over some other player casting purge / negative effect removal on us. We also don't have much control over other player standing within 7 - 8 meters removing negative effect (7 - 8 meters is not stacking btw lol).

    So, what ends up happening is that for example, I have a weak DOT on me. No big deal. I use some heal & I don't even notice that DOT. But, sometimes, someone will heal me or remove negative effect from themselves & me and all of the sudden I explode. Quite literally 50K procs (I have like 29K resistant, so it is close to 50% damage reduction) are a norm.

    I dont know about you, but every time I see crazy proc like this, it makes me wonder: How much health do I need to survive the proc ? Can I make 50 - 60K health solo build & will I still be able to do something else with it ? Other than stand still like a soft rock that is... ? :joy:

    I think that what Plaguebreak needs is to have the "additional" damage part changed, so it would scale with the group size.

    "The explosion deals an additional 50% damage per enemy hit."
    "The explosion deals an additional X% damage for every group member."
    (Or something similar, it may still have a distance to the enemy taken into account).

    This would result in this set being far less toxic, but still very powerful, as it would still have a burst when you purge, but it would not be an automatic death sentence. Also, the "scale with group size" will mean that Plaguebreak will still be somewhat useful against ball groups, putting pressure on them.

    I mean they also explode when they die while the proc is on them. So it's just a way, way more cost effective VD
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Yes balanced
    (Voted for sarcasm, obviously)

    Anyway, I think the problem with Plaguebreak is that it no longer does what it was supposed to do. It was a very strong counter to ball groups. I have seen it myself (and also some video clips) of ball groups getting destroyed by this set. It was meant to punish spamming purges by a large groups. But nowadays, ball groups have kinda adapted to it - they run less purges but way, way more healing spam.

    The problem is that now (like with every thing that was supposed to be a counter for ball groups) it went a compleat 180° and now is basically acts as a better version of vicious death used on solo players / army of randoms / small scale.

    The basic problem is that we pretty much have no control over some other player casting purge / negative effect removal on us. We also don't have much control over other player standing within 7 - 8 meters removing negative effect (7 - 8 meters is not stacking btw lol).

    So, what ends up happening is that for example, I have a weak DOT on me. No big deal. I use some heal & I don't even notice that DOT. But, sometimes, someone will heal me or remove negative effect from themselves & me and all of the sudden I explode. Quite literally 50K procs (I have like 29K resistant, so it is close to 50% damage reduction) are a norm.

    I dont know about you, but every time I see crazy proc like this, it makes me wonder: How much health do I need to survive the proc ? Can I make 50 - 60K health solo build & will I still be able to do something else with it ? Other than stand still like a soft rock that is... ? :joy:

    I think that what Plaguebreak needs is to have the "additional" damage part changed, so it would scale with the group size.

    "The explosion deals an additional 50% damage per enemy hit."
    "The explosion deals an additional X% damage for every group member."
    (Or something similar, it may still have a distance to the enemy taken into account).

    This would result in this set being far less toxic, but still very powerful, as it would still have a burst when you purge, but it would not be an automatic death sentence. Also, the "scale with group size" will mean that Plaguebreak will still be somewhat useful against ball groups, putting pressure on them.

    I mean they also explode when they die while the proc is on them. So it's just a way, way more cost effective VD
    Wait... what ? This set proc is triggered if target who has it dies ? ? ? Is that correct ? I ask, because there is nothing like that mentioned on the tooltip. It should only proc if the "plague" (dot damage) is removed by negative effect removal. If it also procs when target dies, then it is bugged I guess lol.
  • neferpitou73
    No not balanced
    (Voted for sarcasm, obviously)

    Anyway, I think the problem with Plaguebreak is that it no longer does what it was supposed to do. It was a very strong counter to ball groups. I have seen it myself (and also some video clips) of ball groups getting destroyed by this set. It was meant to punish spamming purges by a large groups. But nowadays, ball groups have kinda adapted to it - they run less purges but way, way more healing spam.

    The problem is that now (like with every thing that was supposed to be a counter for ball groups) it went a compleat 180° and now is basically acts as a better version of vicious death used on solo players / army of randoms / small scale.

    The basic problem is that we pretty much have no control over some other player casting purge / negative effect removal on us. We also don't have much control over other player standing within 7 - 8 meters removing negative effect (7 - 8 meters is not stacking btw lol).

    So, what ends up happening is that for example, I have a weak DOT on me. No big deal. I use some heal & I don't even notice that DOT. But, sometimes, someone will heal me or remove negative effect from themselves & me and all of the sudden I explode. Quite literally 50K procs (I have like 29K resistant, so it is close to 50% damage reduction) are a norm.

    I dont know about you, but every time I see crazy proc like this, it makes me wonder: How much health do I need to survive the proc ? Can I make 50 - 60K health solo build & will I still be able to do something else with it ? Other than stand still like a soft rock that is... ? :joy:

    I think that what Plaguebreak needs is to have the "additional" damage part changed, so it would scale with the group size.

    "The explosion deals an additional 50% damage per enemy hit."
    "The explosion deals an additional X% damage for every group member."
    (Or something similar, it may still have a distance to the enemy taken into account).

    This would result in this set being far less toxic, but still very powerful, as it would still have a burst when you purge, but it would not be an automatic death sentence. Also, the "scale with group size" will mean that Plaguebreak will still be somewhat useful against ball groups, putting pressure on them.

    I mean they also explode when they die while the proc is on them. So it's just a way, way more cost effective VD
    Wait... what ? This set proc is triggered if target who has it dies ? ? ? Is that correct ? I ask, because there is nothing like that mentioned on the tooltip. It should only proc if the "plague" (dot damage) is removed by negative effect removal. If it also procs when target dies, then it is bugged I guess lol.

    Yes, because "the effect ends early" if you die : P

    I have video of it proccing upon death and we regularly use it in our ball group for that reason.

    It's an awful, broken set
  • Nevidyra
    Yes balanced
    Want to stop dying to Plaguebreak? Stop stacking ontop of eachother and maybe stop zerging with so many people. That's what the set is intended to do; break up zergs. It's not very good against 2-4 people.
    CP 1k+

    Immortal Redeemer [✅]
    Tick-Tock Tormentor [✅]
    Gryphon Heart [✅]
    Godslayer [WIP]
    Dawnbringer [N/A]

  • Jackey
    No not balanced
    It's a meta set that can carry you.
    I took a break from the game after the update that introduced these sets and I can't believe we're still here complaining about Plaguebreak and Dark Convergence. I had hoped they would have adjusted or removed the sets by now.
    PS | EU
  • TechMaybeHic
    No not balanced
    (Voted for sarcasm, obviously)

    Anyway, I think the problem with Plaguebreak is that it no longer does what it was supposed to do. It was a very strong counter to ball groups. I have seen it myself (and also some video clips) of ball groups getting destroyed by this set. It was meant to punish spamming purges by a large groups. But nowadays, ball groups have kinda adapted to it - they run less purges but way, way more healing spam.

    The problem is that now (like with every thing that was supposed to be a counter for ball groups) it went a compleat 180° and now is basically acts as a better version of vicious death used on solo players / army of randoms / small scale.

    The basic problem is that we pretty much have no control over some other player casting purge / negative effect removal on us. We also don't have much control over other player standing within 7 - 8 meters removing negative effect (7 - 8 meters is not stacking btw lol).

    So, what ends up happening is that for example, I have a weak DOT on me. No big deal. I use some heal & I don't even notice that DOT. But, sometimes, someone will heal me or remove negative effect from themselves & me and all of the sudden I explode. Quite literally 50K procs (I have like 29K resistant, so it is close to 50% damage reduction) are a norm.

    I dont know about you, but every time I see crazy proc like this, it makes me wonder: How much health do I need to survive the proc ? Can I make 50 - 60K health solo build & will I still be able to do something else with it ? Other than stand still like a soft rock that is... ? :joy:

    I think that what Plaguebreak needs is to have the "additional" damage part changed, so it would scale with the group size.

    "The explosion deals an additional 50% damage per enemy hit."
    "The explosion deals an additional X% damage for every group member."
    (Or something similar, it may still have a distance to the enemy taken into account).

    This would result in this set being far less toxic, but still very powerful, as it would still have a burst when you purge, but it would not be an automatic death sentence. Also, the "scale with group size" will mean that Plaguebreak will still be somewhat useful against ball groups, putting pressure on them.

    I mean they also explode when they die while the proc is on them. So it's just a way, way more cost effective VD
    Wait... what ? This set proc is triggered if target who has it dies ? ? ? Is that correct ? I ask, because there is nothing like that mentioned on the tooltip. It should only proc if the "plague" (dot damage) is removed by negative effect removal. If it also procs when target dies, then it is bugged I guess lol.

    You've never seen all guard NPCs on a flag just drop dead? It's because one of them died with PB on them.

    I've always said people were too distracted by DC which is all up in your face with the buggy CC breaks and position desync, that they haven't realized how devastating PB is. It's kind of funny as a lot of templars replaced ER with living dark and finally realized how good that is because of it just like ball groups who just opted for stacking more heals. The problem is, you get taken out still by some random purging or dieing. Even NPCs.
    Edited by TechMaybeHic on February 22, 2022 1:16PM
  • Jaimeh
    No not balanced
    It's so balanced though:

  • Commandment
    So most people hate it because it breaks there strategies... Maybe adapt a new one?
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