I am not talking about something like a set of gear, but rather purely RNG items for those without the time to grind or who have ginded since time immemorial and have not got it. Things like the purple Ayleid furnishing plans, the enchanted kahjitti brazier plan, large quantities of rare and hard to get things like style materials or upgrade mats (especially with how the market it going that one can alleviate pressure) It has been over 600 hours of farming since I last got a purple ayleid furnishing plan and it's soul-cushing. I have had people follow me around for weeks of farming attacking the same mobs I do just to "prove to me" that multiple people attacking doesn't make any negative difference. ZoS I would literally pay 5k crowns rn if I could get that last ayleid plan along with that brazier plan. Bind them, I just want to use them. Is 600 hours not enough to literally just sell it to me? And the mats. They are constantly going up and it is becoming a real problem. We need a way of stopping people from taking advantage of the market and I think a great way of doing that is upping the supply. In a roundabout way this game is already pay to win when mat prices are so spendy, and most people don't have time to simply farm out 40 dreugh wax. That can take weeks of farming hours on end if your RNG is bad enough. I know you don't want to fix rng, so please just take my money and be done with it.