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What should the next class be?

  • Mushroomancer
    As others have said in this thread, IF we get another class, it's most likely going to be a mechanist or a bard, any other plausible classes like an alteration or illusion mage can easily be covered by a new weapon class or skill line.
    In my opinion, here's how those possible classes could work.
    1. Artificier (or Mechanist): so, I don't even really know if this would be the correct classification for such a class, but going off of the very common mechanist proposals, I am thinking of some sort of inventor class that repurposes ancient artifacts and uses alchemy to top it off. So in that regard, the skill lines for it could be one using Dwemer automata and artifacts, one making use of Ayleid relics, and a last one using alchemical potions/poisons or experiments, and just general gadgets. Dunno which one would be the heal, dps or tank tree, but It would be cool to have some sort of pet from the Dwemer tree. Otherwise it could be a full-on mechanist and revolve completely around Dwemer stuff, so maybe a skill line for Dwarven constructs, one for Dwemer gadgets, and one for Tonal Architecture (which would need to be rationalized through some sort of device that can channel it, maybe).
    2. Alchemist: going off of the aforementioned Alchemy tree for the Artificier, this could be a class that focuses solely on Alchemy to deal damage, heal, buff and debuff. The main problem with this one is that Alchemy already exists as a crafting skill line, but I think it would be cool to see a more fleshed out approach to Alchemy, and the basic building blocks for it already exist, with characters such as Arkasis, Plague Concocter Mortieu, and even the basic Chemist type enemies that can be found around the game (the ones doing that use animations where they hold potion bottles). I don't have much of an idea about how this one would work in terms of skill lines, but I think it would be cool to see them integrate the consumable potions and poisons to, maybe, have different effects based on the type of alchemical ingredients used.
    3. Bard: I'm not really sure how this could work, since as far as I know, bards in TES aren't really supposed to have some sort of mystical power to their music/poetry. Let's just pretend that's a thing though, so, in my eyes a bard could have a Music skill line, which would focus on doing damage (thinking something along the lines of the special instrument abilities from Skyrim's Ordinator mod, for those who have played it) and healing, a Poetry skill line, which would be focused on buffing and maybe tanking (?), and a Charm skill line (I know it's not original, but I think you get the point of it), revolving around debuffs and cc. Alternatively, if you want Bard to focus solely on music, we could have three distinct skill lines each based around a different instrument, so maybe Singing, Lute, and Drum. I think the main problem with the Bard as an ESO class is that it's kinda hard to imagine, visualize and represent how actions like singing or reciting poetry can have an impact in battle, outside of maybe a support role, so that's why I think a proper Bard class is very unlikely, and we might, at most, get a bard-related skil line (although the fact that we didn't get one when Solitude was introduced, along with the Bards' College makes me think it's never gonna happen).
    4. Alteration Mage: as I said above, to me this has a very slim chance of actually happening, but a fellow guildie of mine thinks it could be feasible. The way I can see this working is maybe with a skill line dedicated to manipulating natural elements like stone or metal (not exactly alteration, but it's broad enough of a school of magic to possibly work) to do damage or heal, another one dedicated to debuffing and crowd control, and a third one based on giving buffs to yourself and your team.
    5. Illusion Mage: again, this has a very slim chance of happening, and to me, even less than the alteration one, as I feel Illusion Magic is kinda limited in it's uses, and I can't really see it being used outside of crowd control effects, or maybe invisibility skills/buffs.
    Edited by Mushroomancer on December 26, 2021 5:12PM
    PC | EU 1600+ CP

    Chews-On-Shrooms - Argonian (EP) | Healer Warden
    I know I have a problem, leave me alone:

    Nirya Urayel - Altmer (EP) | Healer/Magicka Templar
    Ulen Favel - Dunmer (EP) | Magicka Nightblade
    Anise Favel - Dunmer (EP) | Magicka Dragonknight
    Vivienne Rielle - Breton (EP) | Hybrid Healer/Magicka Necromancer
    Gaspar Rielle - Breton (DC) | Magicka Sorcerer
    Ulfgar the Foul - Nord (EP) | Tank Necromancer
    Plays-With-Chains - Argonian (EP) | Tank Dragonknight
    Sonje the Wild - Nord (EP) | Tank Warden
    Brutus Lovidicus - Imperial (EP) | Tank Nightblade
    Velms Ienith - Dunmer (EP) | Tank Sorcerer
    Cassius Lanius - Imperial (EP) | Tank/Stamina Templar
    Shakar-gro-Khazgur - Orc (DC) | Stamina Dragonknight
    Liette Nightwind - Bosmer (AD) | Stamina Nightblade
    Ja'khar the Salty - Khajiit (EP) | Stamina Necromancer
    Saadia al-Tava - Redguard (EP) | Stamina Sorcerer
    Gwinas Hemp-Burner - Bosmer (EP) | Stamina Warden
    Grand Master Crafter, All Dungeon HM up to Stonethorn, vCrag HM, vDSA, vMA, Dro-m'Athra Destroyer, vHOF HM, vAS+2, Gryphon Heart, vBRP, vSS HM (Extinguisher of Flames),
    vKA HM (Shield of the North), vRG 1/3HM
  • tenryuta
    replace MG equilibrium with flame atronach, and more weapon skill lines.... or another class to spend 100-200 on to get non class skills ready to go<_<

    btdubz, +1 on reworks(if meant to revert many odd decisions like crystal weapon<_<)
  • Sauce_B055
    1. Alchemist: going off of the aforementioned Alchemy tree for the Artificier, this could be a class that focuses solely on Alchemy to deal damage, heal, buff and debuff. The main problem with this one is that Alchemy already exists as a crafting skill line, but I think it would be cool to see a more fleshed out approach to Alchemy, and the basic building blocks for it already exist, with characters such as Arkasis, Plague Concocter Mortieu, and even the basic Chemist type enemies that can be found around the game (the ones doing that use animations where they hold potion bottles). I don't have much of an idea about how this one would work in terms of skill lines, but I think it would be cool to see them integrate the consumable potions and poisons to, maybe, have different effects based on the type of alchemical ingredients used.

    I could see the Alchemist specializing in DoT/HoT stacking similar to the Warden due to the nature of potions and poisons. As a unique class mechanic, it could have skills that "react" to eachother to create new effects.
    Off the top of my head, let's say you have two different DoT abilities. Alone, they only have minor debuffs and deal some damage, but when stacked together on the same target they apply a unique major debuff.
    Or you could throw oil on a target to slow them down, then hit them with a firebomb for additional DoT on top of the burst damage.
    Regardless of whether it's a class or just a unique tree, I would love to see more archaic skills in the game.
  • Stx
    No new classes. Fix the skills for the current classes, add more skill lines that everyone can use.
  • Zama666
    A Bard - ESO...the Musical....

  • Zama666
    Zama666 wrote: »
    A Bard - ESO...the Musical....

    Sorry hit post too soon.
    Would love to see some form of Dragon shout come back!
    Skill line? Use Stam or Mag? Be very draining and risk attack by dragons....or something.

    Would love to knock people off walls in PvP....
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    Mezzer with spells like control, frenzy, pacify, fear, sanctuary, silence, chameleon. Someone who can really spoil your day without drawing attention to themselves.
    PC EU
  • McTaterskins
    It would be more ideal to fix the current game without continuing to throw more kindling into the dumpster fire.
  • KilianDermoth
    My thoughts about this topic I have posted on steam:

    I formyself dislike the idea of a full fletched Bard class. The other classes are kind of ways to fight. I see bards more as role play element. Emotes and such stuff for example. But even if doing bard skills for combat / support, in my opinion they would fit more into a guild skill line than a real class. This way you could even give classes like Sorc and Nightblade some support abilities (Healer / Tank). Or make it a weapon skill line with instruments where each has different effects (like staves).

    I think the same about Martial / Monk. A guild / weapon skill line (like psijic) would fit it better than a complete class.

    I think that a kind of engineer / artificer would be a real option for a new class (maybe dwemer stuff). Another class with possible (big mechanical) pets xD. For example an explosvie dwemer sphere (which works similar to blast bones). Centurios which work similar to the Sorcerer Atronach but is mobile. Dwemer spiders which can be summoned multiple times and do damage / healing / buffs for a short time (a few seconds). A transformation into a mechanical exoskeleton. Maybe even add a new element / damage type: steam.

    Also I would like to see a real Battlemage / Spellsword. None of the other classes really fits into this kind. I would mainly think about a Sorcerer withou Pets and not only Shock but also Flame and Frost damage. Also Molten Weapons, Elemental Weapon or Crystal Weapon are partly what I would like to see. Even I hope that the class isnt only about light attack enchancements which need perfect weaveing (maybe a enchancer that enchances the weapon for multiple strikes or time based). But still both dont feel like Battlemages / Spellswords. The Sorc is to much of a summoner and the Dragon Knight is to much of a Warrior and to much focused on the Draconic theme.

    Even the game has already some pet classes Nightblade (Shade), Warden (Bear), Necro (where pets dont feel like pets) and the Sorcerer which is actually the most pet-like class. It is still missing a real summoner class.

    Maybe split the Sorcerer class into two classes a summoner (with a rework of deadric summoning) and a battlemage with a rework of Storm Calling, but right now it is somehow both and still none of both.

    Also this could be solved by adding a 4th skill line to each class, which would be also really interesting and allow more diversity and class identity (giving classes more options besides the default options from guild, weapon and alliance skill lines).

    Or even break the class system apart and allow to choose from other classes skill lines (trading one line for another for example), for example combing Sorcerers Storm Calling with Dragon Nights Ardent Flame to build a more battlemage like type. Or Deadric Summoning with Wardens Animal Companions to build a better Summoner.

    This way a bard class skill line could be added which could be traded for another class skill line, even if there wouldnt be a complete bard class.

    For weapon skill lines I would like to see something like runes / focusses (melee and / or ranged). Maybe One handed wands / cepters (melee and / or ranged), which could be dual wielded with each other, with a rune / focus or a shield. Melee Staves (magical and / or non magical). Spears / hellebards. Weapon + Wand / Cepter / Rune / Focus (magical and non magical hybrid).

    Melee staffs could be for example just an alternative skill line to the actual staves with the same stave modells / skins.

    Also adding more morphs to skills and allowing to skill multiple morphs (it is annoying to switch them!), even if you could slot only one at a time, would add more diversity. But its not necessary that all skills get a third morph, its enough if skills get one where it makes sense (for example bring back the old crystal blast, add stamina morphs, give more different pets via morphs, even as a 4th or 5th morph) while keeping warhorn for example limited to only 2 morphs if there is no good idea for a 3th morph.
  • Styxius
    Tbh I always felt they could bring in a bard using Auramancy that was showed in the Markarth patch story. Bard being an Auramancer
  • Styxius
    I also believe eso is in desperate need of something to spice it up. I know some would rather them just focus on repairs but unfortunately not releasing content or new things for classes results in equally as many player retention issues
  • KilianDermoth
    Another low(er) effort variant would be to add class variants / archetypes or something like this and just reuse already existing animations and skills (maybe with a little tweaking in numbers or adding / removing effects like done for morphs).

    What I mean is that you could make a summoner class reusing the daedric summoning skill line, modifying it (allowing for example for 3 permanent pets like clanfear + imp + matriarch) combining it with some skills from Necro and warden.

    Or creating a (fire)mage class with a fire theme and reusing some of the dragon knight skills while adding some of the sorcerer non pet skills.

    Or a geomancer with dragon knights earthen heart and some warden skills.

    Or a frost mage with reuse of some of the warden winters embrace skills.

    Btw. I really liked the frost shards in the games sacred 1 and 2 and missing something like this.
  • TheS1X
    God should be next class, we are on that way though...
  • Alchimiste1
    I quite like the idea of a mechanist or engineer type class.
    I also would like to see a hybrid type class, 1h sword + magical tome on the other
  • drsalvation
    I'd prefer new weapon lines, or even better, make sword and board a viable dps skill line, and maybe add racial ultimates.
    Like, before you complain about how hard it is to make new skills and keep them balanced... like, just make new skills instead of armor sets that cast skills lol (dark convergence should've been a new ultimate, like for dark elves or bretons)
  • tenryuta
    I'd prefer new weapon lines, or even better, make sword and board a viable dps skill line, and maybe add racial ultimates.
    Like, before you complain about how hard it is to make new skills and keep them balanced... like, just make new skills instead of armor sets that cast skills lol (dark convergence should've been a new ultimate, like for dark elves or bretons)

    id think it would be too strong if DC was a skill instead of set, it can be augmented on time stop, stampede, path(nb, centered on you instead of in front:/), and other ground skills.
  • thomas1970b16_ESO
  • Araneae6537
    So long as we got additional character slots, a new class could be fun but I would generally prefer new guild, weapon or world skill lines to have further options for my existing characters.

    I definitely would not like another pet class if we have no choice in what we summon. No more bears! :unamused:
  • BulletMagnetX
    Bard? No no no.

    Tonal sabateur.
    Molag's balls!
  • buttaface
    The next new class should be no new class.
  • Finedaible
    This is kind of an old thread but if I had more confidence in the devs I'd like for them to entirely nuke this concept of choosing skill morphs, merge both existing morphs into a single skill, and use that existing database space to create new skills for the classes (and possibly other skill lines too). There is no real reason morphs should exist when they've demonstrated that the armory can swap them without a respec; Respecs were only there in the first place as a gold sink for the player economy.
  • Sparxlost
    here is what ive got so far....

    Class: Magister

    five skills four passives three trees


    Ultimate, Magic blast: Blast through your enemies resistances, dealing half of their total health in damage.(bypasses resistance of bosses and does x amount of damage as a critical strike instead) 500 cost (elemental blast: applies all elemental status effects) (Underwhelming blast: deals less damage but if the enemy is killed you gain major berzerk and major protection for a time)


    Firebolt: unleash a powerful ranged fire attack at your enemy for x amount of damage.

    (Fireball: increased damage to target and damages players near them crackling firebolt: Deals some lightning damage and concusses the enemy)

    Ice spikes: one big spike shatters into a conal spray of ice spikes, dealing frost damage ahead of you. short cast time barely noticeable.

    (draining spikes: afllicts enemies with a weakness increasing the cost of stamina abilities Vampiric spikes: adds a bleed over time to the enemies hit. )

    Flame Atronach: summon a flame atronach which can be targeted and deals flame damage.

    (Blooded Atronach: deals increased damage and sets enemies ablaze. Blazing Atronach: Is now stationary and unvulnerable for a duration in which it emits waves of fire in an area around it every second and explodes violently at the end or when recasted.)

    Creeping cold: cast a cold wind upon your enemies, draining their stamina and dealing ice damage over time.

    (electric field: lightning dot and mag drain. Freeze: now does direct ice damage instead of damage over time)

    Barrage: Muster your power and attack and area stunnign enemies briefly and bombarding it with firebolts dealing damage every .5 seconds to enemies within.

    (Icy Barrage: deals ice damage. Lightning Barrage: deals lightning damage)


    Elementalist: damage with elements is increased

    Ward Subverter: increased offensive penetration

    Studious: status effects last longer and weapon enchantments are more effective

    Expansive arsenal: Increases weapon damage and spell damage


    Ultimate, Ward: cast a ward on yourself to take less damage from melee and none from ranged and magical attacks.

    (perfect ward: absorbs all incoming. Fractionate Ward. Grants a damage shield to nearby allies.)


    Stoneflesh: stamina costing ability that increases resistances

    (ironflesh: grants minor protection. Magic flesh: costs magicka now and heals you over time)

    Sunder: decrease enemy resistances Single target

    (disenchant: becomes an aoe ability in which all enemies caught are afflicted with minor vulnerability instead of fracture. Degrade: slows down enemy as well as fracturing them)

    Pith: Borrowing magic from the world around you rises forth an area in which yourself and others may replenish their own magicka and stamina. cast time ability which drains stamina

    (demanding pith: no longer restores resources over time but all at once. Gift: no cast time and less stamina cost.)

    alter land: aoe immobilized which effects enemies in front of you

    (quicksand: reduces enemies hit movement speeed by 70% Punish carelessness: trapped enemies are attacked by ground spikes which deal physical damage and cause bleeding. this cannot be dodged and damage only effects those immobilized by this ability)

    Shield of self: sacrifice health to gain a damage shield which stays until destroyed

    (Immune self: purges negative effects and reduces cost and strength. Sacrifice self: increases cost but casts damage shields on allies as well.)


    Ultimate: Become aetherial: cost 500 enter a state of peace where you can neither damage nor be damaged. your ability to damage others will take time to return even after the spell is broken. all attacks miss and the enemy is stunned when they do miss.

    (wellspring: emit an aura which heals allies Go in Peace: enemies wont detect you and your movement speed will be increased.)


    Aggressive Flame: whenever you are attacked, deal flame damage back

    (Gaurdian stone: deals physical damage and healing you for the damage done. Guardian flame: deals flame damage back and heal for 100% of the damage done.)

    Courage: casts minor courage for yourself and allies

    (fortitude: also increases maximum health for the duration. Major Courage: casts major courage for yourself and allies.)

    Awaken: toggle ability. Awaken your spirit when in a group every 3 seconds you expend a small amount of your magicka to heal an ally below 80% health.

    (rousing spirit: this ability costs and scales with stamina. Stimulate: costs less magicka and heals for less but the time between heals is shorter.)

    Steal: single target. Attack an opponent's source of magicka, stunning them for 3 seconds while healing yourself

    (suppress: also silences them for the stuns duration. Power of will: causes the enemy to explode dealing magic damage in an area applying lifesteal to themself and other enemies hit.)

    light: raise your weapon to cast light around you for 10 seconds. does not stealth detect.

    (guardlight: displays the effect of stealthed enemies without removing them from stealth. Candlelight: extends the duration.)
  • gepe87
    Battlemage, Bard or Monk
    Gepe, Dunmer MagSorc Pact Grand Overlord | Gaepe, Bosmer MagSorc Dominion General

    If you see edits on my replies: typos. English isn't my main language
  • ealdwin
  • Jusey1
    Gotta agree with a few others. Bard class man.
  • TheImperfect
    Definitely like the dwemer or clockwork engineer idea as fun. Not sure if lore breaking but I'm sure as we are hundreds of yrs before any excuse can be gotten and maybe it can be implemented in future ES games. Not keen on bard idea but will try if made.
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