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Light Attack Weaving +

This post is going to be mostly from a PvE perspective. I'm going to start by clarifying that I don't hate light attack weaving. As a playstyle, I think it's got a decent flow and thematically it fits nicely with a sustained, constant-pressure DPS. That said, I feel there are a couple major issues with the current combat system that could be helped by further expanding it beyond this one mechanical playstyle.

Why LA Weaving is so good (If you didn't already know): LA Weaving became popular for one reason. Simply, it is the fact that basic attacks are on a separate yet similar cooldown from skills, so it's ALWAYS better to perform your actions as LA>Skill, to the tempo of the GCD.

Issues with LA Weaving: Perhaps my biggest issue with LA weaving is how it's changed our view on light attacks. When you look at most action combat systems, basic light attacks are your core, staple attacks for non-caster builds. They are your main spammable, equivalent to your primary fire in an FPS game, often featuring at least a basic combo system to fluidly chain multiple light attacks together. In ESO however, with LA weaving, light attacks have become closer to the MOBA/Tab-targeted-style of Auto Attacks, treated as just another passive damage source to keep up with the rest of your rotation. It is even to the point where ZoS started creating spammable skills, where we give up a skill slot for something that basic attacks should already provide. Additionally, as LA weaving was originally a bug (No, it was not a deliberate design choice), the animation cancelling involved allows you to essentially bypass the actual attack altogether, and simply get the extra damage with no cost (While also looking horrendous to new players). This greatly cheapens the attack itself, taking it from an active, deliberate action, to one you mostly forget once you've learned how to use it best. This seems particularly unsuitable for a game with a limited hotbar, where every action you have access to should feel impactful.
My other major issue with LA weaving is how overbearing it has become. While there are some key changes that really hurt class and build diversity, I feel that LA Weaving has had one of the greatest impacts. Skills and sets were changed to fit this style, and basic attack cooldowns across weapon types were flattened so they all worked with weaving. It is very difficult to create a unique character when every single element of the game is catered to one specific way of playing.

Ways to add new mechanics: There are a few things found throughout other action combat games (As well as other genres) that I think would really help break up the monotony of the LA weaving meta. Of course, as I am simply a player and not a developer for ZOS, I have no idea how difficult any of these would be to implement.

- Combos: This, to me, is the most obvious and likely most effective addition. From Dark Souls, God of War, or even a game like Hades, to other MMOs like Tera, Black Desert or Blade and Soul, combo systems have been proven to work incredibly well with action combat. The technical requirements already exist in the game; skills like Crystal Fragments and Molten Whip show the game can already track the last used skill and adjust other skills based on its characteristics. There is also the Molag Kena set, which procs after using two consecutive light attacks, indicating a chaining functionality exists as well. Such a system could be used in a myriad of ways, such as buffing consecutive light attacks, creating "finisher" attacks by incorporating heavy attacks in the chain, or creating skill combos that are disrupted by using basic attacks between skills. There are so many options here, and any one of them could be balanced to provide a competitive alternative to LA weaving.

- Cast Times: I know a lot of people really despise cast times, but used effectively I think they could provide another avenue for damage dealers who prefer a more tactical approach to combat. More traditional MMOs often have classes (usually mages) where the player spends a fair deal of time either immobilized or slowed down by casting, and they're usually designed to reward high-risk, high-reward playstyles that require the player to make tactical decisions about the best time to cast a skill based on their positioning and the boss's mechanics. If you're already typing your angry rant about how terrible cast times are, the important thing to remember here is that we're trying to ADD options for players who want them, without removing options for players who still prefer a higher-APM playstyle. Side Note: Cast times also provide a really effective way to balance high-impact skills, such as heavy CC or damage skills, the former of which is a bit rampant and the latter of which doesn't really exist anymore.

- Restore unique weapon cooldowns: I personally was really disappointed when they changed all basic attacks to use the same cooldown. Originally, you could tell that Two-Handed was designed to be the slower, more powerful melee option, while Dual-Wield offered speed and flexibility. Now the two feel identical, even down to each tree using a cast-time/channeled ability as their main spammable. By having a gap between weapon types, you can create options like using daggers to get two LAs in between each GCD, or using a warhammer to pummel through multiple enemies in your face.

- Restore LA/Cast speed modifiers: One of the most unique mechanics in the game was the old Nightblade skill Haste that increased your LA speed by a significant amount. Unfortunately, the skill was replaced with one that arguably would have been its best compliment, Grim Focus. The two together would really cement that bursty, assassination-style of damage that the skill line is named for, with Haste allowing you to rapidly generate focus stacks for the big burst. In the context of this thread, such effects would give players a lot of flexibility in creating a unique pace for their builds, rather than the strict one-second metronome we have now (Literally, it's even an add-on).

I'm sure there are several other routes the devs could take to address this, any of which I'd be happy to read about. I'd like to clarify once again that I don't think we need to remove LA weaving, but rather provide alternate playstyles that can even come close in terms of DPS. If you read this far, thanks for taking the time. If you have a comment/critique/suggestion, let me know.
Edited by Ksariyu on November 28, 2021 3:40PM
  • Muttsmutt
    Ksariyu wrote: »
    - Cast Times
    - Restore unique weapon cooldowns


  • BlueRaven
    Personally, I feel light attack weaving feels “game-y”. Making sure to spam light attacks between other attacks (and animation cancelation in general) did not age well in my opinion. I am just sort of tired of the whole notion of light attack weaving, “rotations”, and spamming attacks out like a living machine gun.

    I am currently playing the anniversary edition of Skyrim right now and I had nearly forgotten how much I enjoy the more basic combat there then in eso.
    Bow attacks “feel” real.
    Magic attacks feel powerful.
    Combat in general feels meaningful and engaging.

    Personally, I would like to see in eso the “attacks per minute” slowed down, but the abilities to feel more meaningful. Things would die at the same speed, while the individual attacks to feel more impactful. (But I know I am in the minority on this view.)
  • Uvi_AUT
    Honestly, after a while LAweaving comes quite naturally, and is kinda enjoable.
    What i absolutely LOATHE is the games reliance on ground targeted AoE Dots. I HATE THAT. Its such a garbage mechanic to play with.
    Registered since 2014, Customer Service lost my Forum-Account and can't find it.....
  • spartaxoxo
    Uvi_AUT wrote: »
    Honestly, after a while LAweaving comes quite naturally, and is kinda enjoable.
    What i absolutely LOATHE is the games reliance on ground targeted AoE Dots. I HATE THAT. Its such a garbage mechanic to play with.

    It's great to me that you don't need a target to use an AOE. Anyone who tries to use Bastian's ultimate can see how terrible it is for AOEs to require a particular target. It's seriously massively impairs functionality for absolute no gain.
  • SirAxen
    Combos would be really cool. I will just say that while I can do it quite well, I wouldn't be mad if they finally got rid of LA weaving in some form or fashion. I agree with your point that it makes all classes feel the same at the end of the day.
  • francesinhalover
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Personally, I feel light attack weaving feels “game-y”. Making sure to spam light attacks between other attacks (and animation cancelation in general) did not age well in my opinion. I am just sort of tired of the whole notion of light attack weaving, “rotations”, and spamming attacks out like a living machine gun.

    I am currently playing the anniversary edition of Skyrim right now and I had nearly forgotten how much I enjoy the more basic combat there then in eso.
    Bow attacks “feel” real.
    Magic attacks feel powerful.
    Combat in general feels meaningful and engaging.

    Personally, I would like to see in eso the “attacks per minute” slowed down, but the abilities to feel more meaningful. Things would die at the same speed, while the individual attacks to feel more impactful. (But I know I am in the minority on this view.)

    hitting enemys on skyrim is like hitting a wall they don't even move or react to the damage.
    Meanwhile on eso i go around hitting wolves and people in the face with punches and they react to every single one of them.

    so i disagree whole heartedly , skyrim combat feels robotic. eso feels realistic.
    I am @fluffypallascat pc eu if someone wants to play together
    Shadow strike is the best cp passive ever!
  • bruta
    I don't mind weaving but with time it makes the combat feel too robotic. Every mmo has its rotations sure, but here LA weaving is more important than actual slotted skills
  • Ksariyu
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Personally, I feel light attack weaving feels “game-y”. Making sure to spam light attacks between other attacks (and animation cancelation in general) did not age well in my opinion. I am just sort of tired of the whole notion of light attack weaving, “rotations”, and spamming attacks out like a living machine gun.

    I am currently playing the anniversary edition of Skyrim right now and I had nearly forgotten how much I enjoy the more basic combat there then in eso.
    Bow attacks “feel” real.
    Magic attacks feel powerful.
    Combat in general feels meaningful and engaging.

    Personally, I would like to see in eso the “attacks per minute” slowed down, but the abilities to feel more meaningful. Things would die at the same speed, while the individual attacks to feel more impactful. (But I know I am in the minority on this view.)

    hitting enemys on skyrim is like hitting a wall they don't even move or react to the damage.
    Meanwhile on eso i go around hitting wolves and people in the face with punches and they react to every single one of them.

    so i disagree whole heartedly , skyrim combat feels robotic. eso feels realistic.

    Two very opposite perspectives on what makes combat impactful. On one hand, I definitely agree that the player animations in Skyrim feel more natural and more realistic. I actually have to swing my sword to do damage, or draw my bow back to shoot someone, and those movements take time like they would in real life.

    On the other hand, the enemy animations in ESO are much improved over Skyrim. While I would still argue that ESO's combat feels like cardboard, it's at least not because the enemies don't react to being hit. Which side has more importance depends on each person of course, but I think ESO could definitely take some queues from the player side of Skyrim to make things feel like they have some weight, which would make the enemy hit reactions feel even better.

  • AcadianPaladin
    I'm sort of neutral on LA weaving and am reasonably proficient with it. What I don't like is because of weaving, LA's must be weak. With weaving and powerful LAs. the difference between floor and ceiling dd's would dramatically increase beyond what it already is. Without weaving, boosting LA's would improve the floor/ceiling discrepancy. As an archer, I'd love to have an effective build based around LA, augmented by supportive LA gear and supporting skills. As a mage, on the other hand, I'd be happy to drop LA's completely from my rotation and focus on skills, relegating LA's to only a spammable if my build could not find a better one.
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • Tannus15
    I'm sort of neutral on LA weaving and am reasonably proficient with it. What I don't like is because of weaving, LA's must be weak. With weaving and powerful LAs. the difference between floor and ceiling dd's would dramatically increase beyond what it already is. Without weaving, boosting LA's would improve the floor/ceiling discrepancy. As an archer, I'd love to have an effective build based around LA, augmented by supportive LA gear and supporting skills. As a mage, on the other hand, I'd be happy to drop LA's completely from my rotation and focus on skills, relegating LA's to only a spammable if my build could not find a better one.

    what are you talking about? light attacks on my mag sorc make up almost 20% of my dps, more than any other ability.
  • tenryuta
    back in my day, before some update for aion that shortened skill combo decay, there were weaving and cancel weaves(aac for short) using advanced psijic ma- wait, thats not the right organization from aion:/, and with gods greater than the aedra/daedric princes, allowing non temporal magic to be temporal(imbue used in some hax mcguffin time squeeze), which uses sheo's patent multi/cross button smash-a-magoos...

    okay so i didnt read any of that before writing the aboveXD: on one hand, pretend every skill has cooldown(debuffs/buffs/dots/hots with 10+ sec effect mentally get registered as 6-8 sec cd, executes at 4, a spammable, cc), and act like block/bash/heavy are also cd skills(terrible idea in a non-tera game:P), youll definitely want 1 or both of the crafted sets from south nyankaht if mixing magicka and stam(new moon and dragon something), or some other set that plays better with class passives.

    i prefer spamming heavies(knight slayer, though im interested in trying other sets), so i much prefer proc off full heavy with slotted effect skills and summons, an aoe, cc and heal
  • Mayrael
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Personally, I feel light attack weaving feels “game-y”. Making sure to spam light attacks between other attacks (and animation cancelation in general) did not age well in my opinion. I am just sort of tired of the whole notion of light attack weaving, “rotations”, and spamming attacks out like a living machine gun.

    I am currently playing the anniversary edition of Skyrim right now and I had nearly forgotten how much I enjoy the more basic combat there then in eso.
    Bow attacks “feel” real.
    Magic attacks feel powerful.
    Combat in general feels meaningful and engaging.

    Personally, I would like to see in eso the “attacks per minute” slowed down, but the abilities to feel more meaningful. Things would die at the same speed, while the individual attacks to feel more impactful. (But I know I am in the minority on this view.)

    You also forgot to mention that Skyrim is a single player game where balance doesn't matter and isn't really there. Just swinging a sword in Skyrim is 10x more effective than magic because of the ability to upgrade equipment etc. Changing ESO to a similar system would require changing the entire combat mechanics from the ground up, from skill scaling and LA/HA to equipment to the skills themselves, their values, cost, sustain, etc. etc.

    We have to remember that what is not glaring in single player games (disproportions between builds) cannot happen in multiplayer games.

    Well, and the arcade element of combat in ESO is exactly what attracted so many players to this game.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • xgoku1
    Nothing is going to change. ZOS tried something in 2020 when they tried Heavy Attack-based rotations on the PTS. Everyone and their aunt complained and it didn't last a single cycle.

    Just accept that LA weaving, a bug turned 'feature' is never going away. And that's on the playerbase.
  • Maya_Nur
    Great ideas, OP!
  • Succuby
    If it would be more option, not only LA rotation it would be better. And not only LA/bash/HA.

    May be some new weapons, new skills.

    Even with little lesser dps but better gameplay.

    The problem was that they change thingth that exist and people like. If some new items and skills i think it would be no problem. But they change existing it was mistake.
    Edited by Succuby on November 29, 2021 8:20AM
  • Brrrofski
    Why does someone every now and then come along and try to change the combat? It's been like it for 7 years. The combat in this game is what makes it fun. It's different to other games

    Most "serious" or long term players of the game like the current system. So why does it need to change?

    To make it easier for casual players? Casual players don't keep the game alive. That guy that logs on once a week and does three quests is not who we should be aiming to balance a game around.

    And if you don't want to weave, don't. There's plenty of content that you can get away with not doing it.

    No to taking away LA weaving
    No to cooldwons
    No to boring combat that 90% of other MMOs use (and have more actual content, so everyone would play them).
  • Succuby
    It was already changed, and I do not feel myself casual players. A lot if game balance part was changed in a bad way.

    If game was unchanged - we can say something, now the game was changed in way some people like change and some do not. It is not good to change even more to make no one like changes. But truth is some people just get perfect skills and sets for the game style they like and class they have, whyle others was hardly nerfed.

    It is not about casuals, it is about some people plays with honor on nerfed characters whyle others talk about how weak they are and get overbuffed.

    Whyle one classes lose abilitys and skills others was only buffed - in such condition it is not right to talk about casuals.

    I better change game than my main i start or game style i love.

    For others change mains each update is normal, they play on better one each update.

    We can not change class - if it was possible i think all play the same overpowered class.

    To win with the same sets all use is better than to lose with nerfed class of character.

    But people say to much about overpowered sets, but not about unbalanced classes and skills. And sets was remade again.

    I can say that now game is made for casuals who just talk about buff them to much, problem is they even do not count themselves as casuals they are.

    Theory craft - was killed.
    Any different from 3 buttons combo sets and combos - removed.

    See no skilled play about buff only own play style 3 buttons combo and say about casuals.

    Other people play with honour on builds they like - other ask on forums to nerf them - that is all it is about.

    Old part of game need stay unchanged but it changed to much that becomes fully unbalanced and boring by try to make some standarts in it.

    The best option was to return on balance if 2-3 years ago and just add new skills , sets and options.

    But for some reason it was tons of rebalances, that makes game not interesting for a lot of players.

    That is all it is about.
    Edited by Succuby on November 29, 2021 8:46AM
  • seldomseenkd
    I agree with most of this. Unfortunately ZOS have been resting on their laurels for a long while now rather than trying to innovate, and so it's very unlikely to change.

    Sad to say but if you want better combat you'd be better off looking elsewhere.
  • Uvi_AUT
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    Uvi_AUT wrote: »
    Honestly, after a while LAweaving comes quite naturally, and is kinda enjoable.
    What i absolutely LOATHE is the games reliance on ground targeted AoE Dots. I HATE THAT. Its such a garbage mechanic to play with.

    It's great to me that you don't need a target to use an AOE. Anyone who tries to use Bastian's ultimate can see how terrible it is for AOEs to require a particular target. It's seriously massively impairs functionality for absolute no gain.

    I was thinking more about Dots that stick with the enemies when executed instead of only when they stand in the AoE.
    Registered since 2014, Customer Service lost my Forum-Account and can't find it.....
  • Kryptonite_Kent
    If LA weaving is supposed to be a thing then they should just attach light attacks to every ability and leave the mouse clicks for heavy attacks, problem solved
    Former Emperor
    Animus Impetum -DC- Magplar
    Animus Impetus -AD- Magplar
    Impetus Animus -EP- Magplar
    Kryptonite Kent -AD- Stamblade
    Kenobi Wan -AD- Magsorc
  • ForeverJenn
    I do not understand what is so hard about hitting LA before your skill. It took 3 weeks of practice on my first dps to hit 100k. Light attacks are 15 percent of that. GCD doesn't allow for more than one skill in about 1 second. That's a longer time than you probably think. So why NOT light attack between that? Why do you want less dps than you are capable of if you just learn a rotation and understand the global cool down? This makes no sense.

    I whole heartedly believe that 99 percent of people complaining about weaving [snip] have no clue about the global cool down. I also understand this is mostly on ZoS for doing a poor job on explaining this to players. But researching into it is about as easy as coming to the forums on a daily basis to complain about it. I just don't understand all the uproar and absolute misinformation on this topic.

    [edited for baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on December 5, 2021 11:35AM
  • tim77
    I am desperately hoping for a change in the combat system.
    - let the people who like "LA Weaving" keep doing it.
    - but give everyone who doesn't like it an alternative.

    At the moment we only have one style of play which can be boring for some
    (if you have no other choices, everything in the world gets boring... with maybe one exception, but lets not get offtopic too much).
    And only because it's so much more effective than anything else for a long time/forever
    (if you can say that about the mentioned exception i praise you as god lol)
    I'm not sure what I'm looking for, combos for example sound really interesting. The main thing is anything different from the current style of play. Just anything (translation-note: or is something?)

    Does it have to be just as effective? - No, but at least not as completely out of the horizon as it is now.

    Additional thoughts:
    But i think it's not only LA weaving, which might be part of the problem.
    I've seen a video of gildmates, where one(!) player making 150k on a DLC-Vet-Dungeonboss.
    If you queue random vet, you will see people make 10k on DLC-Vet-Dungeonbosses.

    That can't just be LA weaving. There is a much bigger problem behind. It's also not just min-maxing, there is something out of control when this difference is not an exception any more, but becomes a common thing.
    It could also be the reason for the increasing toxicity. It's not a difference of 50%, nor 100% or 200%. It's a difference of

  • Raideen
    Light attack weaving is bad for the game because it's not intuitive (and for many folks, physically uncomfortable to play) and yet its fundamental to doing good DPS.

  • Succuby
    LA is not "bad" for the game I like it on bow bow build, but dislike on all others. Alternative is needed. That is all.

    May be some set - that if you do not do LA it buff damage on amount LA do - just as example or the same toggle skill.

    I like to play on HA, i found alternative for myself. But a lot of players can not, becouse game is now to limited and standartized around LA rotation.

    Let players play like they like but add more alternatives that is all.

    The biger problem is toxic players who tel 24 * 7 that others play "wrong".

    They play bad by the way, but try to learn others. It is real problem.

    Toxic players and not enough alternatives.
    Edited by Succuby on November 29, 2021 10:54AM
  • colossalvoids
    There's as many solutions to a problems and "problems" as much as there players. I'd also wouldn't resist some improvements like having skills or la/ha combos, example being synergies into more powerful attacks kinda, or sequence of la with proper timing would result in a combo of decent power to be used in a downtimes or for a special moments.
    But that isn't looking realistic to expect something as complex to happen when simple weapon line is too much, or a way smaller additions causing huge problems.

    I personally love eso combat as is, it's a fine mix of action-RPGs with some other systems I remember tied into tes wrapping. Could they do better for some? Sure, but the ship sailed long time ago. The only changes they're capable of were presented on some PTS patches before and it was godly awful ones and I'm glad we stayed where we are, it would be a total disaster and I don't trust current team enough to take another shot. The combat would evolve though, we see constant changes and it won't just stop one day.
  • Succuby
    I use 2-5 LA and 4-5 ha in rotation and i like it. I do not like only HA or only LA.

    Combined is good for me, some thing new is good for me.

    I hope one day we can get by arheology artifact weapons.

    Not imbalanced, not overpowered but not weak. To let players play like they want more - damaging shield and sword for tanks, flamers for HA dds, some thing cool for LA users and etc.

    It can become better solution than sets rebalances and game rebalances.
  • Pixiepumpkin
    lite attack is bad for the game. its not easy to know about and confusing and if u dont do it u get bad dps and peple make fun of u in dungons

    lite attack makes me not want to play with other peple because im afraid they will be mean when my dps is bad
    "𝕰𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝕲𝖔𝖉𝖘 𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖆𝖇𝖘𝖔𝖑𝖚𝖙𝖊, 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖎𝖙 𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖐𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖘𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖑𝖆𝖗𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖒𝖘𝖊𝖑𝖛𝖊𝖘." ― Sotha Sil
  • Kessra
    IMO the core problem is that the game advertises itself as play as you want but then only allows you to play one single style at the end, which is LA weaving. The game in its endgame is clearly balanced around that, and by endgame I mean vet hardmode trials, vet hardmode DLC dungeons and PvP.

    Heavy attack builds aren't even close to the damage potential of LA weaving based ones. This IMO is illogic. Heavy attacks should hurt. You've spent time channeling those and couldn't do anything else in the meantime. It is also a bad design that you aren't position locked on doing HA to give you a trade of between being flexible but only do a bit of damage and being stuck but beat the hell out of your opponent.

    Especially in PvP people seem to have overall perfect-precision, even with wonky latency, in their timings that a typical critical rush -> wrecking-blow combo seems unescapable. You don't even see the rudiments of a LA in their combo other than in the death recap. Just yesterday I went to IC to get the 3 availalbe crafting stations of that zones attuned. I, a PvE tank with my typical dungeon setup of medium gear and CP, went in and was attacked by a stam Warden right before I could reach the last crafting station. It's fine, this is a PvP zone and people, especially at 4 a.m. will hunt down everything they find. Our first encounter ended up in a draw with him leaving. He then obviously changed gear and skills to adapt to my "tankiness" and I was basically 4 shotted with a critical hit while I was in a dodge roll (orly?) and 3 perfectly timed critical rush/wrecking blow combos that drained through my block and left me no room to even remotely escape that fight. I starred at the death recap for more than a minute and his timings were perfect to say the least. I didn't expect to win that fight, as I didn't want to engage in first place, though the pure precision is almost inhuman to say the least. Not saying that he somehow cheated, but such a precision is a bit of a miricale seeing that the closer I get to instant canceling LA animations LA simply do not fire and therefore aren't recognized by my game client at all. But death recap showed that he's rush/racking blow and LA weaving used the exact same perfect timing down to a millisecond of precision.

    With that being said, LA weaving in its current form heavily depends on your latency and client/server performance. People with bad internet connections, or ones with ever-changing latency clearly have a disadvantage here when it comes down to precise timings. My latency usually varies between 30 and 125 ms, depending on what other people connected to my current hub of my ISP are doing.

    I was already vocal in the past that LA weaving should add a bit to your damage, but in its current state they do way to much damage especially when you can't avoid/counter them at all in PvP as they are executed with pure perfection. If you analzye parses of good DDs you quickly notice how much of an impact LA realy have. They often rank as #1 DPS ability in the parse besides granting a lot of buffs to further increase your damage. HA on the contrary are only used to replenish your resources when they could be used to allow for more freedom of gameplay, for more tactical finess and build diversity.

    IMO combat in ESO should change to a state where
    - LA just add like 1-2k dps (before resistances)
    - HA should do at least 2.5-3 times more damage but prevent you from moving while powering up the attack
    - Tie resource gain on LA and HAs with LA granting less than HA but in total have the same proportion but make skills a tad more expansive in comparison. Usage of LA/HA should be more of an incentive for users to add them to sustain their gameplay than they are the core of your damage. As the OP asked for a more combo-like mechanic every 3rd LA could replenish the same amount of resources a single HA grants or something like that
    - Buffs/Debuffs should be obtainable by either LA or HAs and their duration should be increased so that more casual players can benefit from these
    - Bring back the set-variety, especially into PvE endgame raiding, where the different sets worn by the members provide synergies to the group that are the base to good DPS
    - Change the tutorial to explain new users about combat priorities and weaving/animation canceling

    From my "whishlist" it should be apparent that I'd like to see a paradigm switch from LA as a/the damage source to a more incentiviced thing to allow you to sustain your gameplay. The damage-increase in group-play should come through a-priori alignments of the group's gear. This would also add more variety to the gear options used in trials. Currently LA weaving is just to important in order to maximize your damage and the game for the most parts encourages players to maximize it to have an advantage in PvP or skip certain boss abilities alltogether and therefore trivializing the whole content to a point where mechanics don't matter at all.
  • Succuby
    lite attack is bad for the game. its not easy to know about and confusing and if u dont do it u get bad dps and peple make fun of u in dungons

    lite attack makes me not want to play with other peple because im afraid they will be mean when my dps is bad

    Becouse now it is small alternatives to it. And on some weapon i do not like attacks too. It looks not i like for me. DPS is ok, but i feel not comfortable to play.

    We just need more options.

    It can be changed with some mithicks, as example - you get some +++ stats but can not light attack.

    All is possible to change with new items.

    I hope ZOS will add it 1 day.
  • magnusthorek
    Ksariyu wrote: »
    - Cast Times
    - Restore unique weapon cooldowns
    I am the very model of a scientist Salarian, I've studied species Turian, Asari, and Batarian.
    I'm quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology) because I am an expert (which I know is a tautology).
    My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of a Scientist Salarian.
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