Perhaps you missed the last 2 years or whatever it has been since they took out queuing options, 1 dm a day was pretty standard if you play for multiple hours.Great, now do a test completely removing DM.
thesarahandcompany wrote: »
DM players choose DM because it's more engaging combat. Ya'll have 4 modes to pick from, we have one. DM players lost their only content for two years and ZOS hasn't indicated it's going to do anything else. They've basically taken an "L" on Cyrodill.
So, yea, we are kinda vs everyone. Most of us left for New World, and permanently unless we get newer and more content.
_adhyffbjjjf12 wrote: »
Not quite, DM players prefer DM because its more engaging for them. ESO is primarily a PVE game, so that means hybrid PVP content. The world isn't against you btw, its just you are in a game that does not match your expectations and where you are not part of the majority player type.
As for New world, that game is just starting to come out of its honeymoon period now. Unfortunately the game copied bits of eve online without the complex systems or understanding of the social dynamics, and has no PVE or stable economic model to speak of so there is a big crash coming if it has not already started. Pity, it looked promising for a while, but will need years of work by the devs if they want to enrich that game properly before the PVE and casual PVP players abandons it. Look out for signs of prices collapsing or factions amalgamating with the map becoming static and well controlled, i will bet my bottom dollar that's how it will go to start, then later the powerful become more powerful etc.
_adhyffbjjjf12 wrote: »Not quite, DM players prefer DM because its more engaging for them. ESO is primarily a PVE game, so that means hybrid PVP content. The world isn't against you btw, its just you are in a game that does not match your expectations and where you are not part of the majority player type.
Have you ever thought that maybe a game in the scope of an MMO shouldn't all be tailored to you? If you don't like actual PvP, don't play PvP. The entitlement is mind blowing.
Maybe make PvP engaging for PvPers and if PvErs don't like it, then can just not play it. Trying to appease PvErs with all the changes to BGs is why the people who enjoy PvP quit the game and what killed several of my guilds.
Majority of my close friends and guilds are gone. I don't care anymore. ZOS, you really want to keep the dead Solo Queue around, evidenced by the fact that you hemorrhaged the hardcore BG population and didn't care. Honestly, just pull the band-aid off ZOS. Give us Solo & Group Specific Queues. Let the dead queues be dead. This is what I don't understand: If people don't wanna play a mode, why keep it alive artificially? Even if it turns out to be Deathmatch because all my friends and guilds are gone cuz of the garbage changes to the queue over the last two years, I'll just move on from the ESO and everyone left will be happy being able to queue for what they want to play.
_adhyffbjjjf12 wrote: »
your 'The entitlement is mind blowing.' comment above is rude and ill informed.
[snip] I love pvp, and I like all BG formats including DM, I just don't want to be forced to do 1 format. You can happily select DM now, and others can queue for what they want. PVErs are more likely to enjoy a broader spectrum of BG, not just endless DM...just like the other established AAA mmorpgs. in any case you can now select only DM, what's the problem now?
[edited for rude/insulting comment]
PhoenixGrey wrote: »
It's pretty much a fact at this point that the non DM queues are going to be dead very soon like it was the case long before. Pvp'ers don't really care whether eso is a pvp or pve focused. It's all about whether the game can give you an experience worth playing
In a month or so, the non dm queues will most certainly lead to frustration due to endless queue times.
Have you ever thought that maybe a game in the scope of an MMO shouldn't all be tailored to you? If you don't like actual PvP, don't play PvP. The entitlement is mind blowing.
Maybe make PvP engaging for PvPers and if PvErs don't like it, then can just not play it. Trying to appease PvErs with all the changes to BGs is why the people who enjoy PvP quit the game and what killed several of my guilds.
Majority of my close friends and guilds are gone. I don't care anymore. ZOS, you really want to keep the dead Solo Queue around, evidenced by the fact that you hemorrhaged the hardcore BG population and didn't care. Honestly, just pull the band-aid off ZOS. Give us Solo & Group Specific Queues. Let the dead queues be dead. This is what I don't understand: If people don't wanna play a mode, why keep it alive artificially? Even if it turns out to be Deathmatch because all my friends and guilds are gone cuz of the garbage changes to the queue over the last two years, I'll just move on from the ESO and everyone left will be happy being able to queue for what they want to play.