Help With Acronyms

Soul Shriven
Can someone explain to me the acronyms DoTs and HoTs and DPS and all of the other acronyms that are used in eso? Also, can anyone explain to me all of the builds and roles that people play and all the technical terms that they use. If there is a online guide that explains builds and classes, please reference me to it. I am new to mmo's so I need some clarification. Thanks
  • Sarenia
    DoT - Damage Over Time
    HoT - Heal Over Time
    DPS - Damage Per Second
    WTS - want to sell
    WTB - want to buy
    PST - please send tell

    As for an extensive guide of all acronyms you'll find, I can't help there. Common gaming acronyms are easy to search up though.

    People are very fond of acronyms in gaming. Most of them you'll see are probably area names. People just assume if they shorten any random sentence to a string of letters, others will know what they mean.
  • Laura
    DoT = Damage over time

    HoT = Heal over time

    DPS = Damage per second

    these are very old MMO terms

    DoT is a debuff you put on an enemy that does damage over the course of its duration (usually described as "ticks" each "tick" does a little of its over all damage)

    HoT does exactly what a dot does but it goes on a friendly target and heals

    DPS is how much damage you do ON AVERAGE per second.
  • Greydog
    DoT = Damage over time
    HoT = heal over time
    AOE = Area of effect
    DPS = Damage Per Second
    "I Plan on living forever far so good"
    Sanguine's Disciple

    Asylum Amoebaeus ..A refuge for those who normally fly solo.
    Message me here or in game for an invite
  • Laura
    @Sarenia you always beat me to it D=

    Edited by Laura on April 29, 2014 12:28AM
  • SuperScrubby
    Don't forget LFG, Looking for group. You will rarely use it in this game, but if you play any other MMO you'll run into it.
  • sociald100ub17_ESO
    Laura wrote: »
    DoT = Damage over time

    HoT = Heal over time

    DPS = Damage per second

    these are very old MMO terms


    At least I think MMOs are evolving into actually less complication.
    Don't see as much the uses of PAOE, PBAOE, TBAOE, Rain AOE, DD, BDD and many many more I used to see a lot.

  • nudel
    Sarenia wrote: »
    People just assume if they shorten any random sentence to a string of letters, others will know what they mean.

    Lol so true.

    A few others that haven't made it to this thread yet. I took the liberty of adding a lot of non-acronym MMO terms as well. Feel free to disregard them if you're already familiar though.

    WTT = Want to Trade

    LoS = Line of Sight. Used to note when you/ your party need to keep visible barriers between you and a ranged mob to prevent their ability to cast towards you.

    mt = Mistell. Used to denote a chat that was sent to the wrong user or chat channel.

    Mob = any NPC enemy. Typically refers to generic non-boss enemies.

    Aggro = (verb) the act of aggravating an enemy to the point that it singles you out for attacks. (noun) the state of being targeted by said enemy. Examples: 'I accidentally aggro'd the boss' or 'I have aggro now'.

    Pull = the act of getting the attention of a select enemy or group of enemies, often at range. Similar to aggro except that the one doing the pulling may not always be the one keeping aggro afterwards.

    Add = a normal/ less difficult mob, usually in close proximity to a boss, which will aggro when the boss does. Groups typically focus down adds first to quickly reduce the sources of damage and help the boss fight run smoother.

    Roamer/Wanderer = an NPC enemy who does not stand in a static position holding ground, but wanders between 2 or more positions (often between two larger packs of enemies). Groups often single out a roamer before attacking a pack so as to not have surprise waves of enemies joining the fight midway.

    Kite = the act of running in a tight, but erratic pattern to avoid taking damage and/or lead an enemy towards an area. Players may kite defensively or attempt to kite an enemy towards something (a trap) or away from someone (a wounded healer).
    Edited by nudel on April 29, 2014 3:16AM
  • TicToc
    Taunt - A tank function where they pull the attention of an hostile NPC onto themselves

    CC - Crowd Control. Typically consisting of knockbacks, knockdowns, stuns, roots, disorientations, snares, etc...

    Snare - Slows movement speed

    Stun - prevents all action for a brief period

    Root/immobilize - Prevents movement, but not attacks

    Knockdowns - similar to stuns, but with a knockdown animation.

    Direct Healing - Front loaded healing where the healing is all done immediately, as opposed to the HoTs that heal over time.

    Edited by TicToc on April 29, 2014 5:57AM
  • zaria
    Don't forget LFG, Looking for group. You will rarely use it in this game, but if you play any other MMO you'll run into it.
    More people looking for tanks, healers or even dps to do specified dungeons.
    Often in form of LF tank BC, who is someone who want an tank to do banished cell for them, each zone has 3 dungeons.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • ElSlayer
    Okay, here some more difficult questions:

    1) AqV
    2) VGS

    I hear them often in /zone chat in Cyrodiil (Auriel's Bow campaign, Aldmeri Dominion).
    @d0e1ow: There is no singular thing within a game's little ecosystem that will convince you that you hate the game, hate your life, and hate everyone around you faster than the game's official forums will.

    @TaffyIX: Life is too short to get upset by a video game.
  • Censorious
    NORWICH is a good one - but you have to be quite old to know it.
    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • Glurin
    For roles people play, it's usually separated into the Holy Trinity. Heal, Tank, DPS. Thankfully ESO allows you to blur the line between them, but people still primarily think of groups in this context.

    Heal = Group healer. Keeps you alive by healing your boo-boos. Resist the urge to ask for a lollipop.

    Tank = Group damage sponge. His job is to be that really annoying guy that everyone just wants to punch in the face, but no matter how ugly he gets he just keeps asking "Is that all you got?" Consequently it's best to let him go first if you see something dangerous.

    DPS = Group heavy artillery. They make things dead. Or deader, or dead again or less living, whatever the case happens be. Point is, their main task is to hurt things.

    Some lingo you'll see a lot in groups:

    g2g = "got to go" or sometimes "good to go". Can be confusing at times.

    r = ready. Also r? = are you ready?

    afk = away from keyboard. Also appears as "brb". Often paired with "bio", as in "afk bio", meaning that mountain dew is ready to make it's exit.

    lag = latency. Essentially slow internet speed, but can have other causes. All the same idea though. Relatively long periods of time between when something should happen and when you saw it happen.

    dc = disconnected. (also "dced") Bad thing. Means one of your group members has lost their connection to the game.

    wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww1w1111111sssssssssssss = Somebody accidentally entered chat mode while in combat. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."
  • Mortuum
    As no one explained those:

    WTB-Want To Buy

    WTS-Want To Sell

    WTT-Want To Trade

    LFM-Looking For More(LF1/xM Looking For 1/x More)

  • Tiyamel
    FFS - For f$%ks sake, when someone makes a stupid mistake repeatedly
    IMO - In my opinion, can be IMHO, H = honest
    TTYL - Talk to you later
    PvP - Player versus player
    PvE - Player versus environment
    VR - Veteran Rank 1-10 soon 1-12, after reaching level 50 you get to this
    Guild Master of Lost Prophecies, small group of friends playing in Ebonheart Pact, recruitment only accessible through playing with us and making a good impression.
    Want to know more on how to increase forum stars and achievements, check my guide here:
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  • Aballister
    Don't forget BRB(Be Right Back) just when you have finally got every party member to the right place.
    Dark Elf Sorc(AD)
  • Tiyamel
    FTW - For the win, conversely FTL for the lose meaning fail
    BRT - Be right there
    BTW - By the way
    IRL - In real life, meaning everything outside the game
    ALT - alternative character
    Mule - alternative character used to store stuff
    RMT - Real money trading, those dirty goldsellers...
    Guild Master of Lost Prophecies, small group of friends playing in Ebonheart Pact, recruitment only accessible through playing with us and making a good impression.
    Want to know more on how to increase forum stars and achievements, check my guide here:
    Can't seem to level Werewolf or its abilities? check this:
    If it helps then please Insightful/Agree/Awesome or even Lol me :)
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