So i thought it might be nice to start a thread dedicated to collecting and sharing forum badge requirements.
If anyone knows any others or finds any sometime could you reply and please let me know, im one of those people who just has to collect them all lol now where did i put that pikachu..... hmm
Edit: added these below, thanks go to all involved. (Edit: Updated Ranks due to Rank 0 (Soul Shriven) being added.
Thanks go to:
@Ariane @Kemono @kijima @Nybling @LoreRunner @Notleh @Arya @Erlex @Caolen_TBD @Luxxy @AlwaysAtOdds @Harbingers @Ophindis @Vuron and also
@Darlgon for the suggestion to edit post to include all badges lol
Original Post by
Stars (Rank) EDIT: NOTICE Ranks point requirements appear to have changed recently, updated information required, will post new point requirements as and when confirmation recieved)
Soul Shriven - 0 Points - Beginner Rank (thanks
@Ophindis for information)
1 Star - (used to be beginner rank - awaiting confirmation of points required)
2 Stars - 50 points (Outdated Information - Awaiting Confirmation)
3 stars - 100 points (Outdated Information - Awaiting Confirmation)
4 Stars - 500 points - Confirmed still correct requirement, thanks
5 Stars - 1000 points Thanks
@Arya confirmed by
@erlex (Outdated Information - Awaiting Confirmation)
How points are calculated :
Flag (spam/report): -1
Off Topic: -0
Insightful: +1
Awesome: +1
LOL: 0 Thanks
Badges: (amounts shown below)
Badges (number in parenthesis is the points received):
Thanks to
@Caolen_TBD and
Gestresst! (+50).............Participate in 4 Stress Tests (I do not believe this one is still working. if so, it may be manually done by admins)
Photogenic (+10).........Add a profile picture
Name Dropper (+5)......Use the
@notleh option 1 time (where "notleh" is the name of the person you want to address) . You may use any name and if that person has the forum options set they will be notified about your post.
Answer1 (+2)...............1 Question answered (where you were chosen as having the answer)
Answer2 (+5)................5
Answer3 (+5)...............25
Answer4 (+10).............50
Answer5 (+15).............100
Answer6 (+20).............250 (this badge is bugged and shows for some people when it should not) Thanks
@alwaysatodds and
Comment1 (+2)...........1 Comment made
Comment2 (+5)...........10
Comment3 (+10).........100
Comment4 (+15).........500
Comment5 (+20).........1000
Comment6 (+20).........2500
Comment7 (+20).........5000
Comment8 (+20).........10000
Comment9 (+20).........25000
Comment10 (+20)........50000 Thanks
Insightful1 (+5)............5 "Insightfuls" received
Insightful2 (+5)............25
Insightful3 (+10)..........100
Insightful4 (+25)..........250
Insightful5 (+50)..........500
Awesome1 (+5)...........5 "Awesomes" received
Awesome2 (+5)...........25
Awesome3 (+10).........100
Awesome4 (+25).........250
Awesome5 (+50).........500
LOL1 (+5)...................5 "LOLs" received
LOL2 (+5)...................25
LOL3 (+10).................100
LOL4 (+25).................250
LOL5 (+50).................500
Developer Reaction - Unknown if and how many points are awarded, confirmation needed.
Roles - Unknown what Roles are available and also if they also award points on achieving, confirmation needed.
I can confirm two types of badges more:
- Aniversary badges (1st year, 2nd year...)
- Ancient membership
added quote with link:
Guild Master of Lost Prophecies, small group of friends playing in Ebonheart Pact, recruitment only accessible through playing with us and making a good impression.
Want to know more on how to increase forum stars and achievements, check my guide here:
Can't seem to level Werewolf or its abilities? check this:
If it helps then please Insightful/Agree/Awesome or even Lol me