Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10


  • Lapin_Logic
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    Just got hit with a 44k Plague breaker proc. Totally a completely balanced set!

    the set is designed to stop zergs.
    were you in a zerg?

    Translation "This set is designed to take the Multi Player part out of MMORPG.
    How dare you play with friends and not fight that pre made group solo"
  • Kwoung
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    Just got hit with a 44k Plague breaker proc. Totally a completely balanced set!

    the set is designed to stop zergs.
    were you in a zerg?

    Translation "This set is designed to take the Multi Player part out of MMORPG.
    How dare you play with friends and not fight that pre made group solo"

    ROFL, you are reaching to convince anyone that that group of 50 randos are all friends. And yes, I will guess there were probably 11 group members involved in that 44k explosion, in which one of them purged while Plaguebreak was active on a group member. So either the a group member purged when they shouldn't have, or someone in that group hit a Purify synergy when it popped up in front of them to try and purge the Plaguebreak dot (not smart). The set basically worked exactly as advertised apparently and while the most powerful, is also the easiest by far of the new sets to avoid taking damage from.

    It ruining wardens main sustain and numerous skills across many classes, well that's another story, but everyone was griping relentlessly about purge spammers on these very forums... so there you go. FYI, they did stop purging though, so the success criteria was technically met.
  • Dojohoda
    These sets are low effort. Imagine a no skill game for adults. Just be done with it and put ESO on your phone and play it with your finger.

    The new sets might be causing some extra problems such as lag spikes when the sets proc.
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • Dorkener
    Just what the game needed. BGs filled with clownshoes stacked up with these sets spamming AoE that conveniently pull you in and add free damage to CC. Have fun fighting each other, I'm out. :#
  • ResidentContrarian
    Dojohoda wrote: »
    These sets are low effort. Imagine a no skill game for adults. Just be done with it and put ESO on your phone and play it with your finger.

    The new sets might be causing some extra problems such as lag spikes when the sets proc.

    A large part of PvP doesn't take skill because there is no balance and never will be.

    The only skills required are: prediction, roll, block, and decision-making skills -- some of these that can be completely ignored with the right cheese build.
  • GhostEngine
    Soul Shriven
    It seems that Hrothgar is not only a Tankbuster.

    My glass cannon NB (with very little protective gubbins and also wearing divines) took 14k damage as part of a split-second takedown today. I was solo.

    I wonder if this set is going to replace Caluurion's as the go to?

    Edited by GhostEngine on September 1, 2021 2:57PM
  • LarsS

    Once long ago when ESO was new there were no CP and no proc sets, thats when I came to love Cyrodiil. At that time PVP were about player skill and teamwork. It's still important but proc sets and cp, changed the balance to the advantage of longtime players (high CP) and highly organized groups (proc sets).

    The introduction of the non-proc in the non-cp campaign, recreate the classic ESO PVP, it's more inviting to new players and much easier to balance. It will be interesting to see if this approach will breath new life into Cyrodiil PVP.
    GM for The Daggerfall Authority EU PC
  • Joy_Division

    Hrothgar is so buggy right now and everyone and their mother is using this set it feels like. ZoS did a good job with toning down the proc set pvp meta with their scaling changes. However, a proc set that can deal 10k+ damage every 7 seconds in an AOE seems a bit cheeze mode. Why even run a purge state/damage build when you can just run Hrothgar?

    I love the first tip :smiley:

    Though it's mostly obscured by the Betty Netch icon.
  • Abyssmol
    No. Dark convergence, proxy det, bomb blades and all this other stuff that apparently 'Counter' zergs wont do anything to an actual zerg. Sure they might take out a few players but an actual zerg will just absorb that with numbers and revive / out heal it.

    What those sets DO do, very well, is demolish organised smaller groups of 4-6 players who are all just trying to be in one place. Any tether bomber will get much more success against a small group, or even a duo, than trying to bomb a zerg (an actual one) and these sets are no different. They decimate the idea of organised group play on the smallest level whilst enabling the zergs who can just slap them on and be even stronger in pvp.

    Despite this, im all for zerging and big scale combat based on numbers - Its how the game has always been and likely always will be, but these new sets coming out that kill off smaller group play are just getting crazy now.

    The sets won't do anything to a zerg? Tell that to AD faction on Greyhost PC NA @ Ash last night, they got wiped by a smaller number of DC. Granted there were many reasons for that, the new sets was very effective at turning the tide on them and is prompting a lot of them to come to these forums and complain about these sets. It's also bringing all the ball group leaders out to complain about them, so they must be fit for purpose somewhere.

    "Organized groups of 4-6 players" don't actually get demolished by the sets if they actually play in a way that isn't balling up. The evidence for that is BG. The set is used all over the place and it's not exactly changing anything, except when used on a mag sorc -- something that always has and always will be overtuned in the BG environment in the first place.

    I saw players cheesing with the sets in BGs, or attempting to, and it made little to no difference except the pull range bugging out and sometimes dropping over an empty space and killing. Still won the overall game with little problem, and no one on my side was running those sets.

    And, even if players die, that says nothing about whether or not an overall objective is reached or if they are defeated. Dying in PvP is not the litmus test for success, and if dying in PvP is to you or anyone in a small group, then the solution is to run more healing and/or damage reduction + take actions that reduce the damage you will take.

    Players live, players die. Why people think a small man or ball group shouldn't have to face the same problems as a solo player in the game is beyond me at this point.

    Ok then look at it like this ;

    Dark convergence - Attacks a groups ability to move as a unit
    Hrothgars Chill - Attacks the ability to build somewhat tanky to survive being ganked
    Plaguebreak - Attacks the ability to cleanse

    They might seem like cool counters right, and even necessary ones? I would agree, but the issue is that these "zerg busting" sets can be used by those same zergs for much greater, or at very least equal effectiveness against smaller groups or solo players.

    Same can be said for Volendrung. The way that an emperor cant pick it up suggests that it was brought in as a counter to the winning faction.. Except the faction with the emperor and the zerg online almost always ends up with it, enabling them to just sweep the map even faster. Different topic but same principle that again just doesnt work in practice. There have already been threads about ball groups / double ball groups all equipping dark convergence together and nuking whole groups from a distance with one AOE to proc the "balanced" set

    I mentioned before that I have no problem with zergs - Its a numbers game after all and after all this time we should just accept that. I just dont thing bringing in new OP sets that target organised play more than zergs is the way forward.

    When you are fighting a coordinated group spamming purge and heals you are going to die. Now solo and small groups have a chance to stop those purge, heal spamming groups. If the Era of big groups abusing two skills (purge and regeneration) is over the better. While these big groups continue spamming purge, I'll be running after them spamming plaguebreak. Can't wait for the new patch!
  • Lapin_Logic
    Dojohoda wrote: »
    These sets are low effort. Imagine a no skill game for adults. Just be done with it and put ESO on your phone and play it with your finger.

    The new sets might be causing some extra problems such as lag spikes when the sets proc.

    Idle Elder Scrolls Tycoon 😉
  • red_emu
    I'm a squishy player and have not died to dark convergence even once this patch. If your organised group wipes to it... Wow. I don't think it's the set that's the issue here 😂
    PC - EU:
    Falathren Noctis - AD MagNecro
    Falathren - AD StamSorc
    Falathren Eryndaer - AD StamDen
    Falathren Irimion - AD MagPlar
    Talagan Falathren - AD StamDK
    Falathren Infernis - AD MagDK
    Your-Ex - AD MagBlade
  • blktauna
    Well i'm in no cp IC and this convergence thing is ccing me while im on a health/unstoppable/invis pot and i'm blocking...
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