Guilds And Glory Pack FAKE sale item

Buyer beware… this item might say it is on sale, but for most it will be full price at 4000 crowns (instead of the advertised 2000). This is due to the same old issue of owning part of the bundle already… imperial City dlc (which is a free DLC, but now looks like it could almost be a trap to costing you more in the long run).

Even gifting this item to a person who has already taken advantage of claiming the always free Imperial City DLC will cost the gifted 4000 crowns and they may not even notice it. I believe this seemingly entrapment of a sale item goes against the laws of Fair Trading and Trading Standards in many countries that Zenimax are doing business in with regards to sale items. Even if it doesn’t, it appears to be unscrupulous behaviour.

Can I get someone to officially state why this item is behaving this way? At this juncture, just removing the Imperial City item from the bundle could have solved the problem from 5 years ago, and wouldn’t be doing this today at this stage… and that’s why it appears intentionally exploitative.
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