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Polygon reviews ESO. 6.0

  • PBpsy
    dietlime wrote: »

    Don't worry the guys that mention Wildstar here will move to that game.Get instantly disappointed since the game will not meet their very reasonable expectation and will not satisfy their flawless gaming tastes .At that point they will start complaining about how that game sucks and they deserve better for a while. They will then find yet another game and start telling anyone that plays WS how much better that game is... Rinse and repeat.
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
    Elitist jerk
    Fan of icontested(rainbow colors granted)
  • kasain
    Well considering a boss just depoped on me and even reload wont let her respawn the game is broken. She is a a storyline boss "MOLAG" People wouldn't pay 80-100 dollars, let alone 15 dollars a month for a ps4 game or xbox game when everything si broken. Many people who reviewed the game came to similar conclusions.

    Gold botters are fine to deal with, but broken quest is 100% unacceptable, especially on main storyline. It just shows the developers didn't even play their own game. And are selling you a placebo product.

    The game has the best emersion storyline, but fails at basic functions. You can't right click add a friend, you can't even in a guild store type a product your looking for in. You have to use mods for the most basic of all functions. Yet this company had $200,000,000+ million. Where did they put there money?
  • txfeinbergsub17_ESO
    kasain wrote: »
    Well considering a boss just depoped on me and even reload wont let her respawn the game is broken. She is a a storyline boss "MOLAG" People wouldn't pay 80-100 dollars, let alone 15 dollars a month for a ps4 game or xbox game when everything si broken. Many people who reviewed the game came to similar conclusions.

    Gold botters are fine to deal with, but broken quest is 100% unacceptable, especially on main storyline. It just shows the developers didn't even play their own game. And are selling you a placebo product.

    The game has the best emersion storyline, but fails at basic functions. You can't right click add a friend, you can't even in a guild store type a product your looking for in. You have to use mods for the most basic of all functions. Yet this company had $200,000,000+ million. Where did they put there money?

    Cool story bro!
  • Calaban
    I give the game an 8.5

    It's an accurate rating according to MY own criteria...nobody else gets to define what makes a game good for me.

  • Csub
    Calaban wrote: »
    I give the game an 8.5

    It's an accurate rating according to MY own criteria...nobody else gets to define what makes a game good for me.

    Personally I would give around 9 if I don`t include the bugs and inconveniences that personally don`t affect me. I mean, I have 1-2 bugged quests that are 10+ level lower than me but I still want to complete them for their stories, but I don`t really mind if I can`t complete them now but in the near future.

    There really isn`t anything that bothers me too much besides the bots. But then again, I wouldn`t be farming those bosses anyway, I can always manage to get a hit on the boss, get the dungeon cleared and move on to my business. I don`t dwell on issues I wouldn`t spend a long time with anyway.

    What I would personally love to see are
    1) option to enter public dungeons in solo mode (okay they wouldn`t be public then but you would still get to choose if you want it solo, for the immersion, or public for the speed / less difficulty) and
    2) faster XP gain with PvP and dungeons. I wouldn`t level either way and would probably personally find it annoying a bit that I overlevel zones much faster if I join either (so an option to disable XP income in these places would be awesome), but I know that many people love PvP and dungeons so why not give them the chance to level that way? It would make both groups of people happier, attract more people and we, who prefer quests, wouldn`t have to complain either since "it is their loss they miss out the awesome stories and quests" :D
    Edited by Csub on April 28, 2014 3:04AM
    "The Divines gave you a nose for a reason, Tharn. So you can keep your mouth shut and still keep breathing. - Lyris Titanborn
  • demendred
    Is this going to turn into one of those pissed off Joe review threads?
    All good Nords goto Sto'Vo'Kor.
  • kasain
    They would of been best off if they said Elder scrolls online. You do all questing by yourself. The only time you see another player is if they were in the PvP zone.

    That would of got rd of bots, let them have a great ESO game that people could pay a small sub fee for. They could of still chatted with friends. They wouldn't of been let down doing any events quest with there friend, partner or whatever.

    And yes, they could of in this case included some type of AH. As it is a guild bank with all taxes and such, and inflated prices due to no comparison is a total wash.

    Its not a MMO unless it brings people together. It can't bring people together like a flee market to shop. It can't bring people together to quest. ESO doesn't want you to make friends or they made it easy to add friends. Among other games. In six to twelve months most bugs maybe fixed.

    Oh and don't count on new members liking the game when they sign up, because the group activity they made you have to tell a new member go solo to V10, then come join us later in Cageral.

    Oh and lets not forget, I unlock this JT or JA and it is broken, while others are way overpowered working broken. Vampires anyone.

    You can't even jump on a PC efficiently, as you have to use one hand WSAD move, a second hand on mouse. Oh and spacebar is a 3rd hand! Why could they at least not get the functions right. WOW and every other MMO had these basic functiosn right. Even DAOC.

    Please make it so the NUMPAD can be used, then we don't need a mouse.
    Edited by kasain on April 28, 2014 3:32AM
  • Talmet
    All I have to say is lol....

    The review from the single player, seems somewhat ok....yeah, he is annoyed that there are other people there, but he isn't used to MMOs, so whatever. Though 40 hours into a ES game, and he thinks he's ready to write a review on it??!? Really? He's a big ES fan suposedly, how many hours does he have in Morrowind, skyrim, oblivion, arena, and daggerfall? If he thinks 40 hours is enough to rate the experience in a ES game, then he's not a fan of ES.

    The "MMO guy", first he doesn't even say what lvl he got to, or how long he has been playing (basic rule of thumb for a reviewer, if you haven't played a game a lot before making your review, don't mention how much you have played it.) He complains that he can't judge a players role in a dungeon based on their class...Has that really been true for any recent MMO? Yeah, you can guess that a warrior isn't going to be a healer in WoW, but, just because someone is playing a priest doesn't mean they are a healer either.

    He complains that he can't switch between targets...huh? So, he's an incompetent player making a review, got it.

    He complains that there isn't a "traditional Auction house"...Like, UO, EQ, SWG, etc?

    So, the "MMO guy" is a player who put less time into the MMO than 40 hours, and who knows what level (probably very low, though at least past the first dungeon, so being charitable...lvl 20?), is a terribly bad player & is a WoW kid. Awesome choice. Why should we be listening to his opinion?

    Why is it that MMOs always get reviewed by terrible players who either hate MMOs or are just horrible at them?
  • jircris11
    i must say, that review was rather shallow. it seemed they played it hated it and reviewed it lol. And as i posted on before i got banned from there today "hating mmos has been happening for a long time. Most of the people who hate on them have not even played or given them a fair chance. And some just hate on them because its the cool thing to do. Once WS comes out they will move to that game to hate..i can hear it now "wow clone" and "will go free to play due to NC fail" but as a passionate gamer i will be enjoying ESO/GW2/WS and other games. if i do not like a game i might voice why i do not like it but i never will hate on it..on my bad list is WoW..not for the game itself but for the company. they kinda..ripped me off when i bought the last expantion."
    IGN: Ki'rah
    DC/AD faction/NA server.
  • d0e1ow
    Wildstar is going to suck. It's going to be just like this game: another theme park hand-holder except the setting is going to be annoying Barney world in space.

    I criticize this game, I think this game is just whatever. It's a theme park MMO.
    Big whoop. People who say this game is not a hard-line theme park are, frankly, delusional. It's boring. It's been there done that. It's "just ok". It's certainly not sub fee material in 2014. Maybe in 2006.

    I didn't look at the review. It probably sucked. Like almost all of those big review sites. People who actually play games as a hobby tend to have a better perspective imo. Not people who "game for money." They always have an agenda.
    "Her mystery was as essential to her as savagery was to Boethiah or treachery was to Molag Bal. To understand Nocturnal is to negate her, to pull back the curtains cloaking her realm of darkness." - Sigillah Parate "Invocation of Azura"

  • jircris11
    Its ok d0e1ow im sure someone will share the same feelings as you. Though i must correct you on "theme park" mmo it's a term used for a mmo type that has been done before. though ESO does share some similarity's with other mmos it also has enough difference to count it as non theme park. but its okay i understand your one of those who want to be "cool" so you hate all the games that are out. The fact that you could not even come up with an original name shows how uncreative you are.
    IGN: Ki'rah
    DC/AD faction/NA server.
  • gimmethecreepsb14_ESO
    Thesiren wrote: »
    Er, who the heck is Polygon? I've never even heard of them. They're not exactly IGN.

    No, they aren't .... Polygon has more credibility than IGN.

    I disagree. Running through their reviews, they gave Final Fantasy: A Realm Reborn a 9, Guild Wars 2's expansion got a 9 (despite it's faltering playerbase) And they gave ESO a 6. They also gave TERA a 6 and The Secret World a 6.5. To say that this game is worse than The Secret World and as good as TERA shows a ridiculous lack of credibility. Also, play FF14:AAR, You'll effectively "beat the game" in a month, and tell me that game deserves a 9 out of 10. I'm not saying TESO is a WoW-Killer, I'm not even saying it should be above the original launch product of GW2, But IGN's review of 7.8 Is far more fair in my opinion. Plus, Polygon gave Mass Effect 3 a freaking 10, and we all know Mass Effect 3 was like, such a gigantic letdown from the first 2. C'mon man!!!
    Edited by gimmethecreepsb14_ESO on April 28, 2014 7:59AM
  • jircris11
    Tera has some strong points but it is grind grind grind..i do love the combat. But ESO has its charms just like i mentioned im one of those people who play many mmos at once i do so that way i dont get burnt out!
    IGN: Ki'rah
    DC/AD faction/NA server.
  • mutharex
    demendred wrote: »
    Is this going to turn into one of those pissed off Joe review threads?

    Well, this is the only reason OP keeps on cherry picking crappy reviews from crappy sites: start flame threads?
  • gimmethecreepsb14_ESO
    No crime system at the start.
    No thieves guild
    No dark brotherhood at the start
    Dupe bug that was reported in beta.
    Class bugs that makes end game Nightblade a hassle
    Still tons of quests bugged
    No pickpocket for npcs?
    No player housing?

    Core things elder scrolls has this mmo does not.

    I mean, you're probably new to MMO's, so it's all good, but you do realize most MMO's dont give you everything at the start, right? Otherwise what would they give you when they've given you everything? Look at World of Warcraft, You weren't out there killing Illidan and Arthas the first month it was released, were you?

    I've played a little Morrowind, a lot of Oblivion, and TOO MUCH Skyrim. So I'm an Elder Scrolls fan nearly as much as I'm an MMO fan. But you need to give the game dev's time to develop the storyline arc, at which point they'll bring the dark brotherhood and thieves guild into it. I'm just as anxious to fight for Sithis and Nocturnal as you are buddy, but I know Rome wasn't built in a day. As for the bugs, the great thing about bugs is that they go away eventually. And class bugs and balance issues will be sorted out a million times over with patches and balances.

    Most Elder Scrolls game give you everything at the start because after you buy the software for 60 bucks, they really don't care how long you play it for, minus when they come out with little teases of downloadable content at 30 bucks a clip. TESO is a game they want to pull you into and have you involved in for years to come. Why do you think all of the Daedric Princes aren't coming out of the woodwork yet either?
  • Audigy
    After some 40 hours of playtime and over 40 levels split between different characters, I can now give the concrete and unqualified answer to that most pressing question:

    So after rushing through the game he came to the following conclusion...
    I don't like this game, so its bad.

    As we can see by the reviews he posted to GW2 (9.0) or HS (10.0) opinions do vary. Never ever would I give GW2 a 9.0 and HS... ;)

    Mario Golf even got an 8 I mean how serious is that website? :disagree:
  • zaria
    Thesiren wrote: »
    Er, who the heck is Polygon? I've never even heard of them. They're not exactly IGN.

    No, they aren't .... Polygon has more credibility than IGN.

    I disagree. Running through their reviews, they gave Final Fantasy: A Realm Reborn a 9, Guild Wars 2's expansion got a 9 (despite it's faltering playerbase) And they gave ESO a 6. They also gave TERA a 6 and The Secret World a 6.5. To say that this game is worse than The Secret World and as good as TERA shows a ridiculous lack of credibility. Also, play FF14:AAR, You'll effectively "beat the game" in a month, and tell me that game deserves a 9 out of 10. I'm not saying TESO is a WoW-Killer, I'm not even saying it should be above the original launch product of GW2, But IGN's review of 7.8 Is far more fair in my opinion. Plus, Polygon gave Mass Effect 3 a freaking 10, and we all know Mass Effect 3 was like, such a gigantic letdown from the first 2. C'mon man!!!
    In short this shows more than anything that critics are surprisingly biased.
    Or short I did not like the new Tomb Raider because of all the quicktime, made me long for Morrowind combat :)
    However it was a well done game so if you don't mind the quicktime you will enjoy it. So how would I review it? I would give it an 7, while warn about the melee combat, ranged was fun, other option would be to review another game.

    Angry Joe last review focused a lot on the grouping while questing who is pretty broken. If you don't group while questing you will not notice it, if you do it will be an problem, had probably been an idea to tag quests for bad in groups.

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • gimmethecreepsb14_ESO
    @zaria totally agree.

    But honestly, a 9 out of 10 MMO would be like, World of Warcraft, at release. You can all hate me for saying it, but for MMO's that release was GIGANTIC. It literally crushed all other MMO's at the time and it was pretty groundgreaking. That's a 9 out of 10 review in my opinion. FF14:AAR is not a 9 out of 10 if the original release of World of Warcraft is a 9 out of 10. Heck, if WoW original release is 10 out of 10, FF14:AAR still isn't a 9 out of 10. You gotta put things in perspective when you review these games, Polygon. If Kate Upton is a 10 out of 10 in my opinion, then it's probably fair to say the pretty girl who brought me my dinner at the local Applebees is PROBABLY not a 10 out of 10, or even a 9 out of 10. That's just using perspective.

    And may I remind you...Mass Effect 3? 10 out of 10? NEED I SAY MORE?!?!
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    I disagree. Running through their reviews, they gave Final Fantasy: A Realm Reborn a 9, Guild Wars 2's expansion got a 9 (despite it's faltering playerbase) And they gave ESO a 6. They also gave TERA a 6 and The Secret World a 6.5. To say that this game is worse than The Secret World and as good as TERA shows a ridiculous lack of credibility. Also, play FF14:AAR, You'll effectively "beat the game" in a month, and tell me that game deserves a 9 out of 10. I'm not saying TESO is a WoW-Killer, I'm not even saying it should be above the original launch product of GW2, But IGN's review of 7.8 Is far more fair in my opinion. Plus, Polygon gave Mass Effect 3 a freaking 10, and we all know Mass Effect 3 was like, such a gigantic letdown from the first 2. C'mon man!!!

    IGN gave perfect scores to Pokemon games.

    Saying something has more credibility than IGN isn't a compliment, it was just me digging at IGN. The reviews are terrible and the people that comment on that site are about as intellectual as plankton.

    I own Final Fantasy: A Realm Reborn. That is one game I only managed to play for a few weeks.

    I like The Secret World though. I still play that on the side.
    Edited by rawne1980b16_ESO on April 28, 2014 9:52AM
  • vizionblind_ESO
    I disagree. Running through their reviews, they gave Final Fantasy: A Realm Reborn a 9, Guild Wars 2's expansion got a 9 (despite it's faltering playerbase) And they gave ESO a 6. They also gave TERA a 6 and The Secret World a 6.5. To say that this game is worse than The Secret World and as good as TERA shows a ridiculous lack of credibility. Also, play FF14:AAR, You'll effectively "beat the game" in a month, and tell me that game deserves a 9 out of 10. I'm not saying TESO is a WoW-Killer, I'm not even saying it should be above the original launch product of GW2, But IGN's review of 7.8 Is far more fair in my opinion. Plus, Polygon gave Mass Effect 3 a freaking 10, and we all know Mass Effect 3 was like, such a gigantic letdown from the first 2. C'mon man!!!

    IGN gave perfect scores to Pokemon games.

    Saying something has more credibility than IGN isn't a compliment, it was just me digging at IGN. The reviews are terrible and the people that comment on that site are about as intellectual as plankton.

    I own Final Fantasy: A Realm Reborn. That is one game I only managed to play for a few weeks.

    I like The Secret World though. I still play that on the side.
    Loved TSW
  • AreoHotah
    This Khajiit reviews the game 8.7/10

    That all that matters to me

    Hota'h, Dual-wield/bow full medium armor NB Khajiit from day 1.]
  • mutharex
    I disagree. Running through their reviews, they gave Final Fantasy: A Realm Reborn a 9, Guild Wars 2's expansion got a 9 (despite it's faltering playerbase) And they gave ESO a 6. They also gave TERA a 6 and The Secret World a 6.5. To say that this game is worse than The Secret World and as good as TERA shows a ridiculous lack of credibility. Also, play FF14:AAR, You'll effectively "beat the game" in a month, and tell me that game deserves a 9 out of 10. I'm not saying TESO is a WoW-Killer, I'm not even saying it should be above the original launch product of GW2, But IGN's review of 7.8 Is far more fair in my opinion. Plus, Polygon gave Mass Effect 3 a freaking 10, and we all know Mass Effect 3 was like, such a gigantic letdown from the first 2. C'mon man!!!

    IGN gave perfect scores to Pokemon games.

    Saying something has more credibility than IGN isn't a compliment, it was just me digging at IGN. The reviews are terrible and the people that comment on that site are about as intellectual as plankton.

    I own Final Fantasy: A Realm Reborn. That is one game I only managed to play for a few weeks.

    I like The Secret World though. I still play that on the side.
    Loved TSW

    Yeah great game, but as TESO it came out P2P and that pissed off a lot of people (between the other things, like combat and the quest model). To add to that, Funcom went suicidal by taking investments based on previsions of 1mil copies sold and they didn't sell even a 1/4 of that and the investors got pissed.

    Not the game fault, but that kind of questing isn't for everyone, it was pretty evident that was going to sell well as niche title, but not as a blockbuster.
  • joanjett
    Just the same haters going around and posting everything they can
    before there sub is up. Tell joe i said hi. ;)
    When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, and he looks you crooked in the eye and he asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: "Have ya paid your dues, Jack?" "Yessir, the check is in the mail."
  • RianaTheBosmer
    dietlime wrote: »

    Me and my wife got in this weekends beta for Wildstar...


    She liked the houses ..... and that was it.

    I liked the .... well there was .... oh, it was the ....

    Sod it, I didn't like a thing about it. Managed to get to level 14 to see what my wife saw in the houses but that was it. Didn't manage to do the whole weekend.

    It wasn't good.

    Agreed. I can't manage to get through level 6 on wildstar.

    As far as the TESO reviews. I give it a 7/10 and find myself pulled into the world. Is it a perfect start for the MMO, no, are there things to fix, hell yes, like phasing, etc, but you shouldn't even be giving a review if you only spent 20 minutes playing the game, I'm talking to you Angry Joe and any other reviewer out there that thinks they can give a fair and accurate review of a game after playing for only twenty minutes. It's quite ridiculous.
  • Kiash

    Keep in mind this website recently updated their GW2 rating to a 9.0. That game has no end game progression, zerg stacking WvW, and a broken dungeon system with no expansion content in sight and no major updates in nearly 2 years.These people don't even know what an MMORPG is, much less what makes an MMORPG good.

    Take from that what you will.
  • drakuel1ub17_ESO
    kasain wrote: »
    Well considering a boss just depoped on me and even reload wont let her respawn the game is broken. She is a a storyline boss "MOLAG" People wouldn't pay 80-100 dollars, let alone 15 dollars a month for a ps4 game or xbox game when everything si broken. Many people who reviewed the game came to similar conclusions.

    Gold botters are fine to deal with, but broken quest is 100% unacceptable, especially on main storyline. It just shows the developers didn't even play their own game. And are selling you a placebo product.

    The game has the best emersion storyline, but fails at basic functions. You can't right click add a friend, you can't even in a guild store type a product your looking for in. You have to use mods for the most basic of all functions. Yet this company had $200,000,000+ million. Where did they put there money?

    Wow people just believe anything they read.. You really need to do your own research and fact finding.. They did not spend 200 million to make this game, you must be joking. The whole team would be fired if that was true, it was even stated by Matt and team that this rumor was totally false..

    You are looking at 30 million maybe more with all the voice acting and scripts.. It is hard to tell, it all depends on how many script pages they had to voice act and produce for.. Also how many animations they had to use studios for as well. For this is what costs and adds to the overall cost of the project the most..

    Does not matter, these posts have no real relevance anyhow. I would rather discuss real issues and how to improve the game better with the team, that is what these forums are for...
  • Shimond
    Laura wrote: »
    I have literally never heard of that site

    Yea me either. But I'm sure the OP isn't trying to find all the things he can to back up whatever agenda it is he's on. I'm sure he's just trying to give people who haven't decided to try the game an honest...oh wait what forum is this again?
  • Azzuria
    Personally, I give ESO a solid 7 of 10 at release. It's a nice take on the MMO theme park. Lotsa wiggle room within each zone to run off and do stuff. The main story lines are engrossing and fun. NPCs are engaing and I enjoy watching what happens to them. I find it a nice hybrid between the single-play ES experience and an MMO. Loved, loved, loved Skyrim but always felt kinda lonely. Hate, hate, hate botters and gold spammers but enjoying seeing other people in Tamriel, even if they steal my chest or do stupid things on occasion.

    Crafting is meaningful, if a bit stuff-heavy, though not nearly so overwhelming as crafting in Vanguard. Good Lord!

    Loving the concept of taking any race and class and being anything I like with a little practice and carefully allocated skill points.

    The latest update about upcoming content gives me hope about the future of ESO. Making it more group-friendly, adding more ES lore and personality and giving end-gamers more stuff to do.

    Not that I plan on being at the end-game any time soon. Enjoying the exploration and actual -playing- of the game too much to rush through the current content.

    Not gonna go all White Knight and say it's perfect. It ain't. But given how long its been out, the rapidity of fixes and content, it rates pretty good with a lot of potential for improvement.
    Brunhilda Icehammer - Nord Dragonknight, 'Smith & Enchantress 'What is 'ranged? I need to hit something!!'
    Laehl Direthorn - Bosmer Nightblade, Purveyor of fine Clothes, Bows and Staves
    Reeza gra-Zuni - Orc Templar 'War Shaman' and Apothecary
    Noemi Snowpaw - Kajiit Dragon Knight - I laugh... or I'd have to kill you.
    Kitera Dreamon - Breton of The Dominion: Because those Daggers don't appreciate a great Mage.
    Lysara Shadowcroft - Dunmer Bloodmage: This will only hurt a lot.
  • ShinChuck
    I like how he wants to be by himself in a mmo.

    That's one of the odd complaints I've seen about this game in a few reviews, including some of the more "controversial" ones here: "I want to be alone, it breaks my immersion that there are other people around! Now how come nobody is social?!"

    "It's morally wrong to suggest gameplay changes for an MMO."
    ...seriously, someone told me that once here. The things people will do to win their internet arguments!
  • Thechemicals
    So angry joe and polygon, 2 reviewers i never heard of until now, have given low ratings and both have over 200 comments from the actual people playing beyond the short visit of these reviewers saying that they rated it wrong.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

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