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Polygon reviews ESO. 6.0

  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    I like how he wants to be by himself in a mmo.
  • RaZaddha
    It was ok until he started talking about dungeons, then I was always thinking "what are you talking about?". Meh, rather shallow review.
  • Worstluck
    Personally I've always felt that mmo's should be reviewed sometime after launch, at least after the first content patch or two. History has shown us that at launch most mmo's have issues (I know some have had few issues if none at all). Maybe some of these issues are worse in ESO, but to me it's still a fun game, and despite a lot of crying on the forums, they appear to be trying to fix the problems. Yeah there are some immersion breaking quests, but many quest lines have been great...

    With that said, I don't agree with the review, but it's his opinion.

    Worstluck - Breton Nightblade "Some of us refused to bow. We knew the old ways would lead us back to having a kingdom of our own."
    Elfluck - Dunmer Dragonknight "When I will walk the earth again, the Faithful among you shall receive your reward: to be set above all other mortals forever. As for the rest: the weak shall be winnowed: the timid shall be cast down: the mighty shall tremble at my feet and pray for pardon."
    ―Mehrunes Dagon
    Deadluck -Imperial Templar "Men are but flesh and blood. They know their doom, but not the hour"
    ―Uriel Septim

    Daggerfall Covenant
  • rager82b14_ESO
    Another great review.
  • bigw925_ESO
    I've actually heard and seen a lot of people giving bad reviews of ESO. I must be missing something because I am really happy with and enjoying the game. I have seen a lot of bugs, but unfortunately most MMOs launch with a lot of bugs. So I guess I've come to expect it as the norm. Compared to most mmo launches this one went pretty smooth. Its crazy though because I hear over and over again how this game is just another wow clone but then those same reviewers gush over how great the warlords of dreanor is going to be.
    @asmodeos NA PC
  • rager82b14_ESO
    I've actually heard and seen a lot of people giving bad reviews of ESO. I must be missing something because I am really happy with and enjoying the game. I have seen a lot of bugs, but unfortunately most MMOs launch with a lot of bugs. So I guess I've come to expect it as the norm. Compared to most mmo launches this one went pretty smooth. Its crazy though because I hear over and over again how this game is just another wow clone but then those same reviewers gush over how great the warlords of dreanor is going to be.

    I would not care about the bugs, if some of them did not break classes, and if there was not DK vampires able to tank 30+ people in pvp. Or if the Dupe that got reported in the beta got fix before release.

    This game is a prime example of what not to do. Rushing a game out before wildstar when it was not ready.
  • Laura
    I have literally never heard of that site
  • Faolanhart
    I've actually heard and seen a lot of people giving bad reviews of ESO. I must be missing something because I am really happy with and enjoying the game. I have seen a lot of bugs, but unfortunately most MMOs launch with a lot of bugs. So I guess I've come to expect it as the norm. Compared to most mmo launches this one went pretty smooth. Its crazy though because I hear over and over again how this game is just another wow clone but then those same reviewers gush over how great the warlords of dreanor is going to be.

    Hear, hear.
    Honestly I just think that it has become standard to call every new MMO that comes out a WoW clone & be generally negative about it by default.
    There are many WoW clones out there sure but now I think that its just the default reaction.
    Kinda like how every top-down action RPG is a "Diablo clone".
    I wonna slap people when they say that about Path Of Exile.
    Give it enough time & every collectable card game will be a "Hearthstone clone".
    Edited by Faolanhart on April 26, 2014 7:28AM
  • PBpsy
    Faolanhart wrote: »
    I've actually heard and seen a lot of people giving bad reviews of ESO. I must be missing something because I am really happy with and enjoying the game. I have seen a lot of bugs, but unfortunately most MMOs launch with a lot of bugs. So I guess I've come to expect it as the norm. Compared to most mmo launches this one went pretty smooth. Its crazy though because I hear over and over again how this game is just another wow clone but then those same reviewers gush over how great the warlords of dreanor is going to be.

    Hear, hear.
    Honestly I just think that it has become standard to call every new MMO that comes out a WoW clone & be generally negative about it by default.
    There are many WoW clones out there sure but now I think that its just the default reaction.
    Kinda like how every top-down action RPG is a "Diablo clone".
    I wonna slap people when they say that about Path Of Exile.
    Give it enough time & every collectable card game will be a "Hearthstone clone".
    But POE is a Diablo clone . :p
    A super genetically enhanced clone and one of the best games in recent years .

    Anyway most people apparently hate TESO because It's not a true TES game . Unfortunately some of us weren't invited at the meeting where it was determined what a true TES game is. So we are just content to play this false TES game just like WOW players play that false Warcraft game for the last decade.Those guys destroyed my favorite game series. I am still annoyed when I think about it so I am having fun in this game just to destroy the legacy of TES.

    Edited by PBpsy on April 26, 2014 8:01AM
    ESO forums achievements
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    Fan of icontested(rainbow colors granted)
  • ENAK
    Yup... The bitter truth. :( I believe at this point, the term is "Better luck next time".
  • Lalai
    I've actually heard and seen a lot of people giving bad reviews of ESO. I must be missing something because I am really happy with and enjoying the game. I have seen a lot of bugs, but unfortunately most MMOs launch with a lot of bugs. So I guess I've come to expect it as the norm. Compared to most mmo launches this one went pretty smooth. Its crazy though because I hear over and over again how this game is just another wow clone but then those same reviewers gush over how great the warlords of dreanor is going to be.

    I think it's kinda the "cool" thing to do right now as far as bashing ESO goes. It also seems like in general the journalist side of things will review MMOs fairly poorly based on.. well them being MMOs. Kinda like how a lot of RPGs that are turn-based style get bad reviews for not adding enough to the combat and such. The places where I've seen user reviews ESO tends to hang around an average of 7.4ish, sometimes higher, sometimes lower. Users though, seem to be giving it a higher rating than most of the professional places.
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • Lazarus_Long
    I thinks it's funny that the OP keeps posting these review threads. It's not like we need them since we all play the game and have our own opinions. Also, they don't add much to the sense of community in the forums. ZOS has given us all access to /feedback in game so we can tell them directly what we think. We don't need to "+1" someone else's review for them to know.

    Someone can say "That X sucks!" or "That X is great!" and tell me why, but it won't change what I think about X until I try it for myself. Anyone who would let their own opinions be swayed by such tactics must not think about things much before they form those opinions.

    Anyway I just thought I 'd share that, kthanxbye.
    Edited by Lazarus_Long on April 26, 2014 8:59AM
    The List For Living - A guide for new or troubled players

    Hey Jute, get in my bag
    Take a lag spike and make it better
    Remember to let research play its part
    Then you can start to make a sweater

    The Bohemian Auction House
  • KingRebz
    I've actually heard and seen a lot of people giving bad reviews of ESO. I must be missing something because I am really happy with and enjoying the game. I have seen a lot of bugs, but unfortunately most MMOs launch with a lot of bugs. So I guess I've come to expect it as the norm. Compared to most mmo launches this one went pretty smooth. Its crazy though because I hear over and over again how this game is just another wow clone but then those same reviewers gush over how great the warlords of dreanor is going to be.

    Man you guys think they give the game a 6.0 or 7 because of the bugs? you a fool? its because this game is simplistic and a reductionist within the ELDER SCROLLS series. thats why. if you dont understand then enjoy your average game.

    Its not that I dislike the game I dont, I try hard to like this game as much as I did morrowind oblivion and skyrim but as i said..reductionism.
    Edited by KingRebz on April 26, 2014 8:30AM
    V14 Sorceror [Ebonheart]
  • PBpsy
    Lalai wrote: »
    I've actually heard and seen a lot of people giving bad reviews of ESO. I must be missing something because I am really happy with and enjoying the game. I have seen a lot of bugs, but unfortunately most MMOs launch with a lot of bugs. So I guess I've come to expect it as the norm. Compared to most mmo launches this one went pretty smooth. Its crazy though because I hear over and over again how this game is just another wow clone but then those same reviewers gush over how great the warlords of dreanor is going to be.

    I think it's kinda the "cool" thing to do right now as far as bashing ESO goes. It also seems like in general the journalist side of things will review MMOs fairly poorly based on.. well them being MMOs. Kinda like how a lot of RPGs that are turn-based style get bad reviews for not adding enough to the combat and such. The places where I've seen user reviews ESO tends to hang around an average of 7.4ish, sometimes higher, sometimes lower. Users though, seem to be giving it a higher rating than most of the professional places.

    One thing I have noticed about user review is that they are largely divided. You only see 10 9 8 and ,3,2,1,0 without any average grades. This implies that most that do not like this game are rather emotional and are certainly not trying to be rational when reviewing it. I agree with many of the issues that are brought up but I can't understand how anybody that actually played the game go below a 6 when considering all aspects of the game.

    Fortunately I see much more people being positive so I am not very concerned about the future of this game.

    KingRebz wrote: »
    I've actually heard and seen a lot of people giving bad reviews of ESO. I must be missing something because I am really happy with and enjoying the game. I have seen a lot of bugs, but unfortunately most MMOs launch with a lot of bugs. So I guess I've come to expect it as the norm. Compared to most mmo launches this one went pretty smooth. Its crazy though because I hear over and over again how this game is just another wow clone but then those same reviewers gush over how great the warlords of dreanor is going to be.

    Man you guys think they give the game a 6.0 or 7 because of the bugs? you a fool? its because this game is simplistic and a reductionist within the ELDER SCROLLS series. thats why. if you dont understand then enjoy your average game.

    Its not that I dislike the game I dont, I try hard to like this game as much as I did morrowind oblivion and skyrim but as i said..reductionism.

    You might want to try googling what something means before attempting to use big clever words. ;) . You will avoid not making any sense.

    And let's not kid ourselves the TES games were never some big exercise in complex game mechanics.
    Edited by PBpsy on April 26, 2014 8:57AM
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
    Elitist jerk
    Fan of icontested(rainbow colors granted)
  • rager82b14_ESO
    No crime system at the start.
    No thieves guild
    No dark brotherhood at the start
    Dupe bug that was reported in beta.
    Class bugs that makes end game Nightblade a hassle
    Still tons of quests bugged
    No pickpocket for npcs?
    No player housing?

    Core things elder scrolls has this mmo does not.
  • vizionblind_ESO
    Laura wrote: »
    I have literally never heard of that site
    very popular and part of metacritic

  • KingRebz
    PBpsy wrote: »
    Lalai wrote: »
    I've actually heard and seen a lot of people giving bad reviews of ESO. I must be missing something because I am really happy with and enjoying the game. I have seen a lot of bugs, but unfortunately most MMOs launch with a lot of bugs. So I guess I've come to expect it as the norm. Compared to most mmo launches this one went pretty smooth. Its crazy though because I hear over and over again how this game is just another wow clone but then those same reviewers gush over how great the warlords of dreanor is going to be.

    I think it's kinda the "cool" thing to do right now as far as bashing ESO goes. It also seems like in general the journalist side of things will review MMOs fairly poorly based on.. well them being MMOs. Kinda like how a lot of RPGs that are turn-based style get bad reviews for not adding enough to the combat and such. The places where I've seen user reviews ESO tends to hang around an average of 7.4ish, sometimes higher, sometimes lower. Users though, seem to be giving it a higher rating than most of the professional places.

    One thing I have noticed about user review is that they are largely divided. You only see 10 9 8 and ,3,2,1,0 without any average grades. This implies that most that do not like this game are rather emotional and are certainly not trying to be rational when reviewing it. I agree with many of the issues that are brought up but I can't understand how anybody that actually played the game go below a 6 when considering all aspects of the game.

    Fortunately I see much more people being positive so I am not very concerned about the future of this game.

    KingRebz wrote: »
    I've actually heard and seen a lot of people giving bad reviews of ESO. I must be missing something because I am really happy with and enjoying the game. I have seen a lot of bugs, but unfortunately most MMOs launch with a lot of bugs. So I guess I've come to expect it as the norm. Compared to most mmo launches this one went pretty smooth. Its crazy though because I hear over and over again how this game is just another wow clone but then those same reviewers gush over how great the warlords of dreanor is going to be.

    Man you guys think they give the game a 6.0 or 7 because of the bugs? you a fool? its because this game is simplistic and a reductionist within the ELDER SCROLLS series. thats why. if you dont understand then enjoy your average game.

    Its not that I dislike the game I dont, I try hard to like this game as much as I did morrowind oblivion and skyrim but as i said..reductionism.

    You might want to try googling what something means before attempting to use big clever words. ;) . You will avoid not making any sense.

    And let's not kid ourselves the TES games were never some big exercise in complex game mechanics.

    Before you go any further. I dont need to google these words it makes complete sense. I studied to learn what those words meant not googling. I dont think you understand what I was explaining then. Lol.

    V14 Sorceror [Ebonheart]
  • PBpsy

    KingRebz wrote: »
    PBpsy wrote: »
    Lalai wrote: »
    I've actually heard and seen a lot of people giving bad reviews of ESO. I must be missing something because I am really happy with and enjoying the game. I have seen a lot of bugs, but unfortunately most MMOs launch with a lot of bugs. So I guess I've come to expect it as the norm. Compared to most mmo launches this one went pretty smooth. Its crazy though because I hear over and over again how this game is just another wow clone but then those same reviewers gush over how great the warlords of dreanor is going to be.

    I think it's kinda the "cool" thing to do right now as far as bashing ESO goes. It also seems like in general the journalist side of things will review MMOs fairly poorly based on.. well them being MMOs. Kinda like how a lot of RPGs that are turn-based style get bad reviews for not adding enough to the combat and such. The places where I've seen user reviews ESO tends to hang around an average of 7.4ish, sometimes higher, sometimes lower. Users though, seem to be giving it a higher rating than most of the professional places.

    One thing I have noticed about user review is that they are largely divided. You only see 10 9 8 and ,3,2,1,0 without any average grades. This implies that most that do not like this game are rather emotional and are certainly not trying to be rational when reviewing it. I agree with many of the issues that are brought up but I can't understand how anybody that actually played the game go below a 6 when considering all aspects of the game.

    Fortunately I see much more people being positive so I am not very concerned about the future of this game.

    KingRebz wrote: »
    I've actually heard and seen a lot of people giving bad reviews of ESO. I must be missing something because I am really happy with and enjoying the game. I have seen a lot of bugs, but unfortunately most MMOs launch with a lot of bugs. So I guess I've come to expect it as the norm. Compared to most mmo launches this one went pretty smooth. Its crazy though because I hear over and over again how this game is just another wow clone but then those same reviewers gush over how great the warlords of dreanor is going to be.

    Man you guys think they give the game a 6.0 or 7 because of the bugs? you a fool? its because this game is simplistic and a reductionist within the ELDER SCROLLS series. thats why. if you dont understand then enjoy your average game.

    Its not that I dislike the game I dont, I try hard to like this game as much as I did morrowind oblivion and skyrim but as i said..reductionism.

    You might want to try googling what something means before attempting to use big clever words. ;) . You will avoid not making any sense.

    And let's not kid ourselves the TES games were never some big exercise in complex game mechanics.

    Before you go any further. I dont need to google these words it makes complete sense. I studied to learn what those words meant not googling. I dont think you understand what I was explaining then. Lol.

    You are of course allowed to be willfully ignorant but when you decide call people fools you should make sure you don't look like a complete idiot.
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
    Elitist jerk
    Fan of icontested(rainbow colors granted)
  • bigw925_ESO
    KingRebz wrote: »
    I've actually heard and seen a lot of people giving bad reviews of ESO. I must be missing something because I am really happy with and enjoying the game. I have seen a lot of bugs, but unfortunately most MMOs launch with a lot of bugs. So I guess I've come to expect it as the norm. Compared to most mmo launches this one went pretty smooth. Its crazy though because I hear over and over again how this game is just another wow clone but then those same reviewers gush over how great the warlords of dreanor is going to be.

    Man you guys think they give the game a 6.0 or 7 because of the bugs? you a fool? its because this game is simplistic and a reductionist within the ELDER SCROLLS series. thats why. if you dont understand then enjoy your average game.

    Its not that I dislike the game I dont, I try hard to like this game as much as I did morrowind oblivion and skyrim but as i said..reductionism.

    I don't think they gave this game a 6 or 7 because of bugs. I think they gave it a 6 or 7 because it is an MMO. in 1 of the reviews they didn't even mention the bugs. They basically said "I tried the elder scrolls online this weekend. I played about 20 minutes, its an MMO." They then went to to explain that its just like every other MMO but didn't give any real examples as why they rated it bad.

    I don't see it as reducing the Elder Scrolls series at all because I don't see it as part of the Elder Scrolls Series. It is not meant to be. They are currently working on the next part of the Elder Scrolls Series. It will be Elder Scrolls 6. This is an MMO that takes place in the Elder scrolls world. I didn't come into this game thinking that it was anything more.

    @asmodeos NA PC
  • aegis156
    PBpsy wrote: »
    Lalai wrote: »
    I've actually heard and seen a lot of people giving bad reviews of ESO. I must be missing something because I am really happy with and enjoying the game. I have seen a lot of bugs, but unfortunately most MMOs launch with a lot of bugs. So I guess I've come to expect it as the norm. Compared to most mmo launches this one went pretty smooth. Its crazy though because I hear over and over again how this game is just another wow clone but then those same reviewers gush over how great the warlords of dreanor is going to be.

    I think it's kinda the "cool" thing to do right now as far as bashing ESO goes. It also seems like in general the journalist side of things will review MMOs fairly poorly based on.. well them being MMOs. Kinda like how a lot of RPGs that are turn-based style get bad reviews for not adding enough to the combat and such. The places where I've seen user reviews ESO tends to hang around an average of 7.4ish, sometimes higher, sometimes lower. Users though, seem to be giving it a higher rating than most of the professional places.

    One thing I have noticed about user review is that they are largely divided. You only see 10 9 8 and ,3,2,1,0 without any average grades. This implies that most that do not like this game are rather emotional and are certainly not trying to be rational when reviewing it. I agree with many of the issues that are brought up but I can't understand how anybody that actually played the game go below a 6 when considering all aspects of the game.

    Fortunately I see much more people being positive so I am not very concerned about the future of this game.

    KingRebz wrote: »
    I've actually heard and seen a lot of people giving bad reviews of ESO. I must be missing something because I am really happy with and enjoying the game. I have seen a lot of bugs, but unfortunately most MMOs launch with a lot of bugs. So I guess I've come to expect it as the norm. Compared to most mmo launches this one went pretty smooth. Its crazy though because I hear over and over again how this game is just another wow clone but then those same reviewers gush over how great the warlords of dreanor is going to be.

    Man you guys think they give the game a 6.0 or 7 because of the bugs? you a fool? its because this game is simplistic and a reductionist within the ELDER SCROLLS series. thats why. if you dont understand then enjoy your average game.

    Its not that I dislike the game I dont, I try hard to like this game as much as I did morrowind oblivion and skyrim but as i said..reductionism.

    You might want to try googling what something means before attempting to use big clever words. ;) . You will avoid not making any sense.

    And let's not kid ourselves the TES games were never some big exercise in complex game mechanics.

    People who dislike the game are just as rational and the Fanbois who refuse to see the true state of ESO. the 10, 9 and 8 are not the truth, nor are the 3,2 or 1. like all things in life there are 2 sides to every story and the truth lies in the middle for those who bother to look.

    taking one word out of someones sentence and belittling them over it? Seriously take his whole post into context and use a thought process. Think instead of react you will get further.
  • Thesiren
    Er, who the heck is Polygon? I've never even heard of them. They're not exactly IGN.
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Polygon's a major review site actually.

    But I can't take any review completely overlooking mentioning the horrific elements like the feature-lacking UI, etc. of ESO seriously...
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • PBpsy
    aegis156 wrote: »
    PBpsy wrote: »
    Lalai wrote: »
    I've actually heard and seen a lot of people giving bad reviews of ESO. I must be missing something because I am really happy with and enjoying the game. I have seen a lot of bugs, but unfortunately most MMOs launch with a lot of bugs. So I guess I've come to expect it as the norm. Compared to most mmo launches this one went pretty smooth. Its crazy though because I hear over and over again how this game is just another wow clone but then those same reviewers gush over how great the warlords of dreanor is going to be.

    I think it's kinda the "cool" thing to do right now as far as bashing ESO goes. It also seems like in general the journalist side of things will review MMOs fairly poorly based on.. well them being MMOs. Kinda like how a lot of RPGs that are turn-based style get bad reviews for not adding enough to the combat and such. The places where I've seen user reviews ESO tends to hang around an average of 7.4ish, sometimes higher, sometimes lower. Users though, seem to be giving it a higher rating than most of the professional places.

    One thing I have noticed about user review is that they are largely divided. You only see 10 9 8 and ,3,2,1,0 without any average grades. This implies that most that do not like this game are rather emotional and are certainly not trying to be rational when reviewing it. I agree with many of the issues that are brought up but I can't understand how anybody that actually played the game go below a 6 when considering all aspects of the game.

    Fortunately I see much more people being positive so I am not very concerned about the future of this game.

    KingRebz wrote: »
    I've actually heard and seen a lot of people giving bad reviews of ESO. I must be missing something because I am really happy with and enjoying the game. I have seen a lot of bugs, but unfortunately most MMOs launch with a lot of bugs. So I guess I've come to expect it as the norm. Compared to most mmo launches this one went pretty smooth. Its crazy though because I hear over and over again how this game is just another wow clone but then those same reviewers gush over how great the warlords of dreanor is going to be.

    Man you guys think they give the game a 6.0 or 7 because of the bugs? you a fool? its because this game is simplistic and a reductionist within the ELDER SCROLLS series. thats why. if you dont understand then enjoy your average game.

    Its not that I dislike the game I dont, I try hard to like this game as much as I did morrowind oblivion and skyrim but as i said..reductionism.

    You might want to try googling what something means before attempting to use big clever words. ;) . You will avoid not making any sense.

    And let's not kid ourselves the TES games were never some big exercise in complex game mechanics.

    People who dislike the game are just as rational and the Fanbois who refuse to see the true state of ESO. the 10, 9 and 8 are not the truth, nor are the 3,2 or 1. like all things in life there are 2 sides to every story and the truth lies in the middle for those who bother to look.

    taking one word out of someones sentence and belittling them over it? Seriously take his whole post into context and use a thought process. Think instead of react you will get further.

    Belittling trolls when they start calling people fools for no good reasons while they themselves can't put together two coherent sentences? No, I can't find any problem with that. I have read his post in the full context. It is rude ,pretentious, inaccurate, and ultimately dumb. Getting further ? Where ? I am comfortable where I am. Thank you very much.

    No, they are not at all rational when they give this game anything bellow 4. I know this because I have read some of their review comments. It is always anger, nerd rage or repeating some stupid BS their personal favorite youtube gaming Messiah said in some video.

    Yes, I agree that the game probably doesn't earn a 10 , 9 or even an 8 but the people that give those grades are just expressing personal preferences and do not go on mindless crusades again anyone that dislikes the game. They also do not go on long tirades about how Zenimas betrayed them, how the devs are complete idiots who destroyed the TES legacy , how THEY DESERVE better and how the fanbois stole their sweetroll and molested their pets.

    Edited by PBpsy on April 28, 2014 12:54AM
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
    Elitist jerk
    Fan of icontested(rainbow colors granted)
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    Thesiren wrote: »
    Er, who the heck is Polygon? I've never even heard of them. They're not exactly IGN.

    No, they aren't .... Polygon has more credibility than IGN.

  • Csub
    I bet Wowst... I mean Wildstar will have higher points since generic mmos always seem to get more.

    As for community points, many of the people who write negative stuff either states it is because this is game is too much of a WoW clone (I still don't get why, though... Because you can create a character in both games?) or because this game is too much not if a WoW clone so some of their favourite features or convenient stuffs are missing from ESO.

    Same goes for the criticism about the single player/mmo mix question, people rage because this game is too much focused on solo, others do it because they see people around them. Some say this game tries to focus on both but fails, I think exactly the opposite of it.

    Of course not all games are for everyone but ranting about it won't help, just move on already. I know some are trying to like it and keep giving a chance, this is not for them, but then again, if you have to force to like it, it is probably not a good start. That being said, I had the same with Oblivion, my first TES game, took me a good 5 or so attempt to get sucked in but since then.... :D

    Anyway, I keep telling people that judging purely by reviews is plain stupid, you should see it for yourself and decide if you like it or not. Not just with ESO, in general.
    Edited by Csub on April 28, 2014 1:26AM
    "The Divines gave you a nose for a reason, Tharn. So you can keep your mouth shut and still keep breathing. - Lyris Titanborn
  • Gunsang
    I've never heard of these guys and yet the web page hurts my eyes--OH GOD GET IT AWAY!
    Edited by Gunsang on April 28, 2014 2:03AM
    Too many people have opinions on things they know nothing about. And the more ignorant they are, the more opinions they have. - Thomas Hildern
  • dietlime
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    dietlime wrote: »

    Me and my wife got in this weekends beta for Wildstar...


    She liked the houses ..... and that was it.

    I liked the .... well there was .... oh, it was the ....

    Sod it, I didn't like a thing about it. Managed to get to level 14 to see what my wife saw in the houses but that was it. Didn't manage to do the whole weekend.

    It wasn't good.
  • txfeinbergsub17_ESO
    I've actually heard and seen a lot of people giving bad reviews of ESO. I must be missing something because I am really happy with and enjoying the game. I have seen a lot of bugs, but unfortunately most MMOs launch with a lot of bugs. So I guess I've come to expect it as the norm. Compared to most mmo launches this one went pretty smooth. Its crazy though because I hear over and over again how this game is just another wow clone but then those same reviewers gush over how great the warlords of dreanor is going to be.

    I would not care about the bugs, if some of them did not break classes, and if there was not DK vampires able to tank 30+ people in pvp. Or if the Dupe that got reported in the beta got fix before release.

    This game is a prime example of what not to do. Rushing a game out before wildstar when it was not ready.

    Especially considering that Wildstar is a complete joke of a game.
  • txfeinbergsub17_ESO
    KingRebz wrote: »
    I've actually heard and seen a lot of people giving bad reviews of ESO. I must be missing something because I am really happy with and enjoying the game. I have seen a lot of bugs, but unfortunately most MMOs launch with a lot of bugs. So I guess I've come to expect it as the norm. Compared to most mmo launches this one went pretty smooth. Its crazy though because I hear over and over again how this game is just another wow clone but then those same reviewers gush over how great the warlords of dreanor is going to be.

    Man you guys think they give the game a 6.0 or 7 because of the bugs? you a fool? its because this game is simplistic and a reductionist within the ELDER SCROLLS series. thats why. if you dont understand then enjoy your average game.

    Its not that I dislike the game I dont, I try hard to like this game as much as I did morrowind oblivion and skyrim but as i said..reductionism.

    Thanks, I am enjoying the game immensely, and view it far above average. I could care less what a bunch of journalists think.
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