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No way I am leveling a second character.

  • crislevin
    Falmer wrote: »
    Well, personally, I don't understand the whole Veteran ranks thing anyway. If I finish all the content in my alliance by level 50, I would start a new character in another alliance.

    Me too, vr means nothing to me. I don't want, or need to max everything.
  • Debisibllaallb14_ESO
    So, just to be clear... this topic is basically a complaint that there is too much content in this game.
    Too much content...
    People make me sad.
    Edited by Debisibllaallb14_ESO on April 25, 2014 11:22PM
  • Narosian
    Its taken me all this time just to get to 23, cant imagine getting to max vet rank. Sucks too since I want to make a new character since mine sucks right now. Leveling just feels so slow sometimes and Im not halfway to level cap.
  • kasain
    There are a few great spots to farm, grind to lvl in the game. You don't have to level quest. I remember when doing a quest where I had a NPC follow me around and dig. I entered this cave at 32 and left at 35. Best part was that zone dropped purple armor and weapons off NQ mobs. lvl 35. So I got a full set and three levels before I finished that quest.

    The second spot is the last quest n mages line guild. That city if you don't finish the quest you can go in at lvl 38 and run in circles to say 43-45. Monsters will drop green, blue and so on dwarf quality items. The best part is all the crafting tables work so you don't have to run back to any town. Was sad when I beat this boss, as then it became a normal city and no more dwarf oil, lol, dropping like candy.

    For lower lvls the place where you kill the orc you can mine ore and I got books off monsters there as well as plenty of greens and a few blues. This was if you lvl 18-22.

    I would hate to make a new character though. well over 150 hours in mine and only 44.
  • Morwik
    Hello all,

    From what i understand after reaching lvl 50 and being done with the main story you get to the veteran ranks. In order to level up in the veteran ranks you have to play through the other faction quests. I am currently lvl 35 and i really enjoy the game. This is my first MMO and i am a fan of the elder scrolls series but if leveling veteran ranks means that i have to do the other factions quests i really don't see the appeal of playing a second character (at least for me). So now i am facing a difficult choice. I want to level up until the max VR10 but i don't want to spoil for myself the other factions quests because i would also like to have another character in the other two factions.

    If going through the other factions quests is the only way to lvl up to VR10 then i think it is a let down and i am kind of disappointed.

    So here is my question: is there any other reasonable way to lvl up until VR10 without doing the other factions quests so that i can leave that content for my other characters?
  • Getorix
    Im really happy to see an mmo try to bring back a little of the old school that wow and its clones destroyed. ESO is nowhere near as punishing as the real old school mmos like EQ1 or even DAOC but its going to be a great experiment, im sure ESO's numbers will drop for a bit but maybe if it earns the rep of not being a joke like wow or swtor it will draw in new people.

    And for the people complaining that playng an mmo that takes a long time to level in "is like work", first of all I doubt you even know what work is, second whats your rush? theres no need to race to max level if youre having fun on the way there, and when you put in a lot of time and effort into a character,you might find that you actually care more about it and you don't need 5 alts to kill time with.
  • tryia3b14a_ESO
    Honestly, I don't mind that I will probably never be max level on more than one character, if at all. I might not even get max level with one.

    What I do mind is that the extremely linear quest based leveling system pretty much eliminates any possibility of replayability for me, especially since you have to play it all on one character to reach max level. I kind of wanted to make a Templar healing alt on the same faction, but after getting to around level 6, I realized I couldn't do it - it wasn't fun. I'd rather spend my limited free time doing something else.

    The reason the old Elder Scrolls games have such high replayability for people like myself is because there was so much to do in them that you'd never be able to do it all with one character. Even if you did, it would probably take 100+ hours. This game is really lacking that feel. To me it feels very limited and very linear. You pretty much have to complete everything in each zone in order to be the appropriate level for the next zone.
    So, just to be clear... this topic is basically a complaint that there is too much content in this game.
    Too much content...
    People make me sad.

    Actually, the complaint is that there isn't enough content to justify creating more than one character. It would be like if Star Wars: The Old Republic didn't have any class story lines and you already played both Imperial and Republic quests on one character in order to reach max level. It would be like what's the point of even making another character at that point?

    I would love if this game had more content, more to do than just doing the other faction's stories.

    They didn't even add any real reason for you doing the other faction's quests. It doesn't even make sense in the story at all.

    I understand that they tried to solve the age old "nothing to do at max level" problem that all MMOs have when they first come out, but this was not a good solution. It takes away from the replayability of leveling alts, which takes away from the longevity of the game.
  • Innox
    Just hit 45 on my templar. He is my alt. I already have a VR 10 sorc. The game is still fun. The atmosphere and scenery is still amazing. Making new builds and trying new abilities and thinking about "out of the box" ways to use them is still fun.

    The word grind in the gaming culture doesnt mean what most of you people thinks it means. Same thing with the word impossible. Someone comes and complains about something being impossible yet in the game, he watched 15 people do it.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • RabidJoint
    I for one am finding the replay value fun, my main is only VR4 (waiting for my family to catch up to me) and im currently re-leveling a char that is about to hit do not need to quest to level, try mob grinding, tedious? yes, fun? hell yeah...I am currently at 19 hours play time and like i said, about to get level 30. It keeps me going and wanting to try out pvp with differant chars. I believe the VR level is perfect and no one should be able to hit max level as quickly as it can be done. Stop running to the forums and crying, log on and level. its that easy.
  • RabidJoint
    Medwin wrote: »
    I think you are missing the point... the point is the way VR content is set up you play ALL of the content with one character. Right now if you try to level through PvP it will be painfully slow, same with trying to level through dungeons. This means you have to level through all three faction zones again to get to VR10. If you completed all the zones and quests the first time you have to replay all of that to level our second character.

    It's not like you can go to another level 10-15 zone and level you will need to do the same exact zones in the same order to get a second character to vet rank 10.

    You dont know how to level through PvP then, i made 500k VR exp in 1 hour from pvping...stop saying something that you have no idea about. /sigh

  • Hessen
    Actually, the complaint is that there isn't enough content to justify creating more than one character.

    No, the complaint is how long it takes to get to VR 10 and that having to do ALL of those quests again on another character wouldn't be fun. And then that there's no alternative levelling content for the new character.

    Which is hilarious.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Innox wrote: »
    Just hit 45 on my templar. He is my alt. I already have a VR 10 sorc. The game is still fun. The atmosphere and scenery is still amazing. Making new builds and trying new abilities and thinking about "out of the box" ways to use them is still fun.

    The word grind in the gaming culture doesnt mean what most of you people thinks it means. Same thing with the word impossible. Someone comes and complains about something being impossible yet in the game, he watched 15 people do it.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Good for you , but like i said , i find it plain boring.

    My templar is on vet1 now , i barely managed to lvl my alts to lvl 10 , it is just REALLY boring to just redo the quest i did once .

    They really should add another path , with that said , i trully dont know how to lvl using PvP , most people ic say the exp is bad and so on , if there is a quick trick , then maybe it is an actually viable path.

    The most annoying problem is the quests that give skill points , since there is no escaping those , but doing only these would already be a much better outcome.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • gabi_nelsonb16_ESO
    In many games I get my character up to max stats, get that fab gear and oh, look!... the game's finished and there's no more bosses to try out my great gear on. So I for one am glad to know that there will be loads more content when I reach veteran status
  • Fidelio
    Same situation for me. Leveled a Nightblade to 41 only to find out, that templar actually fits me more (as in other games a paladin etc.) but leveling again? through all these dialogues without ANY alternative? No way, sorry ZOS but thats a game, not a job i want to work on without PAYMENT ;)
    Edited by Fidelio on April 26, 2014 12:33PM
  • Singular
    Innox wrote: »
    Just hit 45 on my templar. He is my alt. I already have a VR 10 sorc. The game is still fun. The atmosphere and scenery is still amazing. Making new builds and trying new abilities and thinking about "out of the box" ways to use them is still fun.

    The word grind in the gaming culture doesnt mean what most of you people thinks it means. Same thing with the word impossible. Someone comes and complains about something being impossible yet in the game, he watched 15 people do it.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Good for you , but like i said , i find it plain boring.

    My templar is on vet1 now , i barely managed to lvl my alts to lvl 10 , it is just REALLY boring to just redo the quest i did once .

    They really should add another path , with that said , i trully dont know how to lvl using PvP , most people ic say the exp is bad and so on , if there is a quick trick , then maybe it is an actually viable path.

    The most annoying problem is the quests that give skill points , since there is no escaping those , but doing only these would already be a much better outcome.

    Whole-heartedly agree with you. They shouldn't have nerfed dungeon and pvp experience into the ground. The game needs better balance.

    Personally, I would like one of each class, but there's not a chance that I'm going to go through the same process to level them. It would take a lot of time, yes. Moreoever I just can't imagine it would be fun to engage in that grind again.
    War, give me war, give me war.
  • korwinthale
    I know people dislike bringing it up constantly but, World of warcraft had multiple areas for each level range, you could quest either here or there and if you were bored of an area you could go elsewhere . Also there were a lot better rewards for dungeons. I feel that this is whats missing from this game. It's almost like they set up a series of quests in order to test level progression and didn't add the rest of it. Seems very bare bones, as if to say they released a game with the bare minimum and are missing about 80% of it. The problem with replay value isn't just this either it's also that every class is essentially the same.. You cant really call 3 ability set variations a "class" I feel like you need more specific classes. Also guilds .. Why the hell would a fighter type join the mages guild? I feel you should have to choose one or the other and have a bit more depth within them. That would add to replay value. The choices you make should also have more important changes other than this npc shows up later instead of this one neither of which you really care about. I honestly feel like if I ever do get from vet 1 to vet 10 I will have zero inclination to play anymore. Forcing us to do all of the other faction quests just compounds this issue as in my case I thought .. Well this isn't very much fun but once I max out this character maybe I'll try a different faction for something fresh... OH guess what no dice. Aslo the mechanics of dungeon combat are just broken , compound this with *** poor inventory implementation and the lack of any centralized Auctionhouse to give ALL players access to rather than guild stores with a max of 500 people .... Zenimax has in my opinion done a terrible job and really not done justice to the quality I expect from Bethesda games. Perhaps they can fix it, perhaps they wont, but in the end is it worth paying for? sadly.. no.. not really.
    Edited by korwinthale on April 27, 2014 5:10PM
    "Still, we have to keep trying and hoping. That's what's important--the trying and the hoping. Maybe that's most important of all."
  • korwinthale
    In many games I get my character up to max stats, get that fab gear and oh, look!... the game's finished and there's no more bosses to try out my great gear on. So I for one am glad to know that there will be loads more content when I reach veteran status
    Yeah.. Wait till you get there... it's not as much fun as you think it's going to be. esspecially since you are not improving your character anymore.... I have purchased every skill I will ever use with my main except for crafting skills and I have over 20 skill points unspent ... so it's just pointless..
    "Still, we have to keep trying and hoping. That's what's important--the trying and the hoping. Maybe that's most important of all."
  • Moiskormoimi
    A lot of us posters have been here since beta and PTS, so when we say the content is stale, it's not us complaining or whining. We're criticizing a game we have devoted time to making better for the benefit of the masses. Sorry if your precious sensitivities are shattered because we aren't all fanboy-centric.

    I'm going to make an educated guess and say the declining population has to do with the amount of bugs that have occured, the lack of bug fixes prior to launch (most of these bugs like the bank dup. bug and the combat bugs we spent months reporting), the payment situation where people cannot play their 30 days without card information (no other game does this to my current knowledge, and none of the mmos I have ever played have either), and the general discontent with an amateur company who clearly should have reviewed the histories and downfalls of past mmos to improve their product. I know at least 10 members of our guild that have unsubbed, and a lot who have filed for a refund.

    The content to get to vet ranks is too easy, from my personal experience. I don't AOE grind as I find that too much like WoW, so I did the whole thing...all the main quests, the main guild quests...and I got there in a week and a half. Vet content is at least challenging, but it's more buggy than the normal zones. For example, Barrowbough has quite a few spots where if you step, the environment disappears completely and turns black and white. Elden Hollow has a few spots where the ground doesn't disappear but horizon scenary will. I'm finding more and more combat lag and complete pathing errors that I am getting too frustrated to try to trudge through any more. I did that on PTS. I shouldn't have to do this on live.
  • Elember
    The thing to do in any MMO is find yourself a good guild and my choice in that is always an RP guild. In the case of ESO it is very fun to run the public dungeons In Character and in groups with your RP guild mates, it really does make the game a LOT more fun.

    I just wish Zenimax had taken the time to make the game more group friendly, there is far to much forced single player action in this MMO and that reeks of lazy game design because they did not take the time to design the quests to scale up to be challenging for a group and scale down to be challenging for the solo player.

    Also with quests where you need to pick up certain items to complete it, if one group member picks up the item then ALL group members should get credit for having the item. It is an MMO and why developers think MMO's should focus on single player game play only says to me they are too lazy to design the game to be group friendly.
    Edited by Elember on April 27, 2014 11:09PM
  • Moiskormoimi
    @Elember I agree wholeheartedly on the grouping issue. The phasing was actually discussed before launch though I'm finding it hard to find the forum threads involved on The Psijic Order forum. Some of the reviews of this game hit the nail on the head when they stated that Zenimax seemed to just want us to complete our own epic game, and watch others doing their own epic game, but rarely together.
  • brandon
    Oh boy here we go. The WOW crowd hits TESO where you should reach level cap in 2 days and have the highest tier gear in a week. Go back to WOW then. You won't be missed.

    100% agree with you people like that annoy me so much
  • brandon
    ub17_ESO wrote: »
    I'm typically not a poster. This may be 6 lifetime. Reading this thread reminds me that people will complain about anything and everything.

    ZOS has done a terrific job of trying to please everyone. There is sooo much content that I could spend the next year enjoying all the stories and daedric drama that has been created for me. I also know that if leveling is my number one hands down priority I can bust out 1-50 in a weekend. I have the opportunity to be a potion making gear enchanting fat orc chef instead of being pigeon-holed into just one profession. I can be any combination of any skill set and if I play it right I have a chance of beating the enemy. Not to mention I can spend all of my time in Cyrodil smashing faces if I should choose. At this very moment about the only thing I want to do but cannot do is large scale PvE but that is on the horizon and looks pretty freakin awesome. The point I'm making is this is a game that in my opinion everyone can do what they enjoy doing. For those that are posting non-sense about ESO being a full-time job to level you are simply uninformed and ignorant about all the options that are in front of you.

    It isn't said enough on these forums so here goes: thank you ZOS, Mr. Sage and Mr. Konk for bringing this game to life. Keep up the great work, keep fixing bugs, keep tweaking balance on the PTS, keep pouring your love into this game, and please don't get discouraged by the loud and angry 5%. The content 95% are busy enjoying the hell out of this great experiencing called ESO.

    exactly what he said zenimax your doing a great job remember the loudest voices are the minority the majority are enjoying the game.
  • Arundo
    I rerolled my Dragon Knight because I didnt like its appearance. I was 33 when I rerolled, started this weekend and I'm now level 18 already. No way leveling is too slow.
  • gunsofdeschain
    VR 3, loved the flexibility in combat, but I unsubbed. I can't be *** leveling 1-50 content two more times to get access to high end dungeons. Groups don't even take me to dungeons when I'm VR 1 and 2, and now I just don't care to play anymore. I shouldn't need to grind levels just so I can do dungeons.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Arundo wrote: »
    I rerolled my Dragon Knight because I didnt like its appearance. I was 33 when I rerolled, started this weekend and I'm now level 18 already. No way leveling is too slow.

    It is much faster indeed the second time , since we jump all the annoying quest text we already know anyway , i did start many chars. That does noes not make doing the same quests a second/third... time around any less boring. Which is why my alts never get past lvl 11.
    brandon wrote: »
    ub17_ESO wrote: »
    I'm typically not a poster. This may be 6 lifetime. Reading this thread reminds me that people will complain about anything and everything.

    ZOS has done a terrific job of trying to please everyone. There is sooo much content that I could spend the next year enjoying all the stories and daedric drama that has been created for me. I also know that if leveling is my number one hands down priority I can bust out 1-50 in a weekend. I have the opportunity to be a potion making gear enchanting fat orc chef instead of being pigeon-holed into just one profession. I can be any combination of any skill set and if I play it right I have a chance of beating the enemy. Not to mention I can spend all of my time in Cyrodil smashing faces if I should choose. At this very moment about the only thing I want to do but cannot do is large scale PvE but that is on the horizon and looks pretty freakin awesome. The point I'm making is this is a game that in my opinion everyone can do what they enjoy doing. For those that are posting non-sense about ESO being a full-time job to level you are simply uninformed and ignorant about all the options that are in front of you.

    It isn't said enough on these forums so here goes: thank you ZOS, Mr. Sage and Mr. Konk for bringing this game to life. Keep up the great work, keep fixing bugs, keep tweaking balance on the PTS, keep pouring your love into this game, and please don't get discouraged by the loud and angry 5%. The content 95% are busy enjoying the hell out of this great experiencing called ESO.

    exactly what he said zenimax your doing a great job remember the loudest voices are the minority the majority are enjoying the game.

    Yeah ... that does not work like that :P , if it did , most MMOs that start subs/month would not go F2P in an year.

    The devs need to actually listen to the community , should this change be in the game? Not sure , that is their call , but usually it is better to actually consider each suggestion.
    Edited by Nox_Aeterna on April 28, 2014 9:13AM
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • RustyBlades
    Like a ship stuck on a rock, I'll use this thread to plan a better strategy than grunt a lvl 50 through the other zones for the other 2/3 content. I'll level a 50 in each zone, take the last 50 I make and go through the first character's starter are first, then take the first level 50 and go through the 2nd character's content and take the third character through the 2nd character's content. The goal is essentially to run through content I haven't seen for a while since I'll probably forget most of it by that time anyways.
  • PBpsy
    Not reaching level cap in a couple of days and repeating content in an MMORPG? :\

    Yes I see it is UNTHINKABLE.
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
    Elitist jerk
    Fan of icontested(rainbow colors granted)
  • human151
    I am V4 on my primary and the thought of trying to level a second character just to 50 is discouraging. Sucks too, because I would prefer a different race and class as my main than what I have now, but there's no way I can go through all that content again. Also, does it seem like people are logging on less frequently or quitting the game? My contacts list is almost always down to none or one online when I log in.

    Who is making you level a second character?

    If you're too lazy to repeat the content then don't.

    Also, who cares if the people on your contact list are logging in less often. People have busy live. Maybe they can not play as often. Maybe they don't have the time. Maybe they do not enjoy the game.

    It should affect your enjoyment of the game any less. Just meet new people.
    Edited by human151 on April 29, 2014 3:04AM
  • Crowtac
    All they need to do is once you VR10 is send you something like a ring in the mail which increases all experience gain by 200%. Problem solved.
    Edited by Crowtac on April 29, 2014 7:09AM
  • steveb16_ESO46
    Yeap , i completely agree with you , not only that , but it is plain BORING , to lvl a new char. If you want them in the same faction so you can play with friends and so on , you need to deal with the same story again , and let me tell you , it is just plain bad.

    Other games offered different areas to lvl , for the first time , i miss this. Having just one path for each faction trully makes making alts to change class/race a HUGE chore.

    I'm levelling two different class characters up through Daggerfall story and not finding it boring at all, thanks.

    I'm in no hurry to reach the end game. I'm enjoying most everything about it and will be playing it long term.
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