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No way I am leveling a second character.

  • steveb16_ESO46
    Narosian wrote: »
    Its taken me all this time just to get to 23, cant imagine getting to max vet rank. Sucks too since I want to make a new character since mine sucks right now. Leveling just feels so slow sometimes and Im not halfway to level cap.

    I've levelled 2 characters to 23 in about 125 hours of playing time. A whole bunch of that was in Cyrodiil or crafting. If you want to level quicker you either need to play more or play smarter. Levelling seems pretty fast for me, maybe too fast.

    One of my characters wasn't working out but it didn't take too long to get the gold together to respec. A long afternoon session maybe.
  • trahe
    I have leveled at least two characters of every class to level 15. The ones I don't LOVE are deleted. I've even respec'd three of my five current characters. Their levels are 23, 20, 19, 18, and 15. They are all from the Daggerfall Dominion and three of them are crafters, two are gatherers.

    You do not care but I wanted you to know that there are some altaholics who enjoy leveling different characters through the same content. For me its to try different combinations to find the perfect character.

    One day, at least one of my guys will be a Vet rank, but until then, see you on the forums. :)
  • Zordrage
    i have a lvl 36 Nightblade
    a lvl 26 Sorc
    and a lvl20 Dragon Knight <<<< my main now on

    ALL 3 of them are DC

    i wont gonna create another character ever again im allready burned out lol.....

    wish PvP would be actualy a good way to level....
  • TaffyIX
    I think the levelling pace and clever use of the other zones for Veteran Rank content is brilliant!
    Well done ZOS, so good to so players being able to take their time and savour the levelling experience again!

    To those whining about this mechanic, perhaps don't rush to cap next time.

    ps. Really looking forward to Craglorn!
    Breton Templar
    Daggerfall Covenant
    EU Megaserver
    I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
  • ancienthero
    Soul Shriven
    Based on some of the comments in this post I am actually thinking about not doing the veteran content at all. I have 6 toons across various classes, races and all three factions. Currently my main is Daggerfall, but as soon as he runs out of quests I'll skip over and continue to level another toon in a different faction. I love the pve content and enjoy discovering new places.

    Personally I struggle with guilds. They start off fine, but then they grow, people fall out and the guilds implode. So often I get torn between 2 sets of friends who now hate each other for no good reason. So I tend not to get involved. I only mention this because one person made a very valid point that switching factions to play content means you lose contact with your pals unless they switch too. I'm Billy-No-Mates, so this isn't an issue for me.

    Also I agree that if you do lots of quests then levelling is too fast. My main is mid-40's already, but I have several alts at 10-20 too.
  • vince131nub18_ESO
    why not play threw the game a different faction where all but the main and guild quest are different unless you just do those quest then i guess i have nothing to say
    There is no safty to be found in a sword. a sword brings death. it does not give life. it is a responsibility... a burden... this is no gift. it is a curse. i hope one day... you will forgive me.
  • amonengelb16_ESO
    The game is absolutely great, way better than GuildWars 2. But the progression is poor.

    Quest grinding is no fun at all, seriously. I absolutely understand why people look for new grindspots day by day because there isn't a huge difference between grinding quests and grinding mobs at all. On the road to VR10 you'll a lot of quests repeating and I have no doubt that a lot of players get tired of listening to every single quest NPC.

    You can't even do several instanced quests with a group which is pretty sad. I mean ... players should be encouraged to group which would players help progressing to VR10. But this isn't even possible due to instancing.

    The content in VR zones is simply poor because you're literally forced to quest through the whole map to progress to the next VR. Why is that so? And how does this define my level as "veteran"rank? Before level 50 I wasn't forced to do so. I could easily skip one, two, four quests and still progress normally through the ingame world.
    A chalice. Bound to be filled with your tears of salt.
  • JexTex
    TaffyIX wrote: »
    I think the levelling pace and clever use of the other zones for Veteran Rank content is brilliant!
    Well done ZOS, so good to so players being able to take their time and savour the levelling experience again!

    To those whining about this mechanic, perhaps don't rush to cap next time.

    ps. Really looking forward to Craglorn!

    Brilliant....and no one is whining guy...but thank you for your entertaining fanboy response always gives me a good laugh...

    Questing is just a boring as grinding...questing is simple minded and simply boring...

  • knaveofengland
    oh my all that fun you be missing
  • Musonius
    I agree with OP. No way I am going through leveling another toon. This is why there should have been NO classes at all. We should have had a purely skill based system where we could change the way we want to play after max level with a small, but not insignificant, investment of gold, time or both. But even that type of system wouldn't help if you wanted to play a different race/alliance.
  • armildsu
    Could someone please explain to me how AOE grinding is even effective in this game for getting xp. I have ran around killing stuff for XP like crazy and it doesn't seem to give any xp hardly at all. Where as doing the quests gives massive xp in shorter amount of time. But yet people are saying AOE grinding is a much faster way to level??? I disagree.
  • Zuldaris
    Soul Shriven
    While increased effort and increased fun don't always go hand in hand, the end result is far more rewarding. I'd rather shake my head and get pissed along the way towards a goal for the thrill of knowing I achieved something that took dedication and determination rather than have a short and easy road to my goal.
  • Sleepwalker
    Sincerely a great discussion folks, and I mean that. I've gone through all of the posts here, and there seems to be some clear lines between opinions. Let's see if I can accurately describe the demographics here and understand your frustrations. These are the players I'm seeing in this thread:

    Player A - After playing through to veteran levels, he/she enjoys all content still.
    Player B - Has not reached end game, but he/she is enjoying all content.
    Player C - Has played through to veteran content, and doesn't want to again.
    Player D - Has not reached end game with any character and is bored still.
    Player E - Has done everything there is to do and thinks replay value is low.

    I think players A and B are fine. They are enjoying themselves, so nothing needs to be said... except, high five! Me too! :)

    To player C, I'm hearing things like "I've leveled all of my skills except for crafting..." and "PvP experience comes incredibly slow", so it really makes things clear as to why you may be bored or unwilling to roll another character: you are choosing not to play the whole game. (We can go ahead and lump player D in here too.) Of course you're bored with what you've seen; you haven't done much yet... Let's use crafting as an example, though the argument could be easily rewritten for anything such as PvP, achievement hunting, etc. If you're not the type to enjoy crafting, there's nothing wrong with that. However, choosing not to participate in game content, and then complaining that there's not enough of it to keep you interested is an unfair stance. ZOS made plenty content, you're just not playing it. Getting traits on your craftable gear can open up massive amounts of set bonus combinations that can in turn open up more build strategies for your main character. Try some new things that you weren't into before. At the very least, it will give you time away from the quest grind and make it more interesting to return to it with another character.

    To player D specifically, you've got a lot to do still. A lot. Your complaints about content are just not able to be justified logically. It's possible you may be the type that bounces around without getting anything finished. I'm not at all judging you for that. However, I don't think more content should be implemented to enable that habit of yours. There's so much to do on this game that I sometimes feel too intimidated to log on... but then I start missing my beloved NB and do it anyway. :smiley: Perhaps focusing on loving one build for one character will give you the same motivation.

    To player E, if he/she even truly exists, first off, you play too much... take a break :p And when you come back, Craglorn awaits. Try helping your guildies get up to that level so they can enjoy it with you. Are you not the grouping type? Okay, fair enough. Refer to my insight about players C and D then if you wouldn't mind. They now apply to you because there is no way you've done any group content alone.

    TL:DR There are reasons why you feel too burdened to roll a second character, and they will differ depending on the type of game play you enjoy. Read above for a few ideas if you'd like to change that. I promise I am not judging; I just want to help ensure there are people around to enjoy this content with when I get there as well.
    "QUIT CRYIN'! Do some pushups or something!"

    Grayfield - V2 Breton Nightblade
    Windspike - 40 Bosmer Sorceror
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