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No way I am leveling a second character.

I am V4 on my primary and the thought of trying to level a second character just to 50 is discouraging. Sucks too, because I would prefer a different race and class as my main than what I have now, but there's no way I can go through all that content again. Also, does it seem like people are logging on less frequently or quitting the game? My contacts list is almost always down to none or one online when I log in.
The only substitute for victory is overkill.
  • JexTex
    Yep they really didn't think out the veteran ranks very well imo....the game has a very poor replay value...who really ewants to run those quests again no one...

    This is a huge road bump for a lot of folks and wasn't well thought out...I have friends who are basically unsubbing due to the time and effort needed just to hit one says leveling to max should take no time at all..but lets not make it a job please...
  • hackerssuck
    Oh boy here we go. The WOW crowd hits TESO where you should reach level cap in 2 days and have the highest tier gear in a week. Go back to WOW then. You won't be missed.
  • ZiRM
    You will have people with the mindset of this is an MMO and vet status should not be changed then you have other people that just want to have fun and not make it a job. IMO they are going to lose alot of subscribers if something isn't done about vet ranks.
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • IKilled007
    Hackersuck, I have no intention of quitting this game at all. It's easily the best MMO I played -- better than EQ2 and better than WoW. I love it. I have some concerns though, and I am seeing fewer and fewer people logging in these days.
    The only substitute for victory is overkill.
  • JexTex
    The game is great but the whole leveling process after 50 is a huge let down....yes we know this isn't wow cool thanks for the reminder guy....I haven't played wow in yearssssss....

    The issue is that for most this isn't their first mmo anymore and questing and leveling is a part of shouldn't be the entire freaking guy abiove said it shouldn't be a job...but the whole v1 to v10 is a job and a very boring job....

    Most want to get to max level and enjoy pvp and get rdy for end game content by prepping and crafting etc but nooo.... we havto requests all the quets again...really....
  • ub17_ESO
    I am V4 on my primary and the thought of trying to level a second character just to 50 is discouraging. Sucks too, because I would prefer a different race and class as my main than what I have now, but there's no way I can go through all that content again. Also, does it seem like people are logging on less frequently or quitting the game? My contacts list is almost always down to none or one online when I log in.

    Then don't do the content. AOE grinding is a much faster way to level. If you aren't satisfied with the skill choices you used for leveling then respec once you reach your target level.

    Happy Hunting
  • IKilled007
    I would say my number one complaint is that when we were told that once you hit 50, you still have 2/3s of the game left to play, I didn't take that to mean that I would be doing the content from the other factions at 1/3 each. I thought it meant that 2/3s of the game was endgame content. It is a chore and it's not a fun grind. But this game is still better than any of the others I've played.

    I'd like to see more skill lines and more abilities -- like the ability to climb walls and cliffs and such. Anyway, just some minor complaints.
    The only substitute for victory is overkill.
  • Loxy37
    JexTex wrote: »
    Yep they really didn't think out the veteran ranks very well imo....the game has a very poor replay value...who really ewants to run those quests again no one...

    Another false statement by someone who thinks they speak for the whole of the ESO community. I love the quests and look forward to doing them many times. Its quite obvious that a story driven MMO(RPG) is not for you. Move along to the next one!
  • TrillBilly
    Loxy37 wrote: »
    JexTex wrote: »
    Yep they really didn't think out the veteran ranks very well imo....the game has a very poor replay value...who really ewants to run those quests again no one...

    Another false statement by someone who thinks they speak for the whole of the ESO community. I love the quests and look forward to doing them many times. Its quite obvious that a story driven MMO(RPG) is not for you. Move along to the next one!

    God sometimes you fanboi's really make my stomach turn. Everyone here is either "GO BACK TO WOW" or "I LIKE SO GO AWAY". Have you not read ALL the posts about this same topic there are more of these post than any of the "I LIKE THIS GAME BECAUSE" posts. Get over yourself and GET REAL this game is headed to the dumps if they don't make some BIG changes and fast.
  • Falmer
    Well, personally, I don't understand the whole Veteran ranks thing anyway. If I finish all the content in my alliance by level 50, I would start a new character in another alliance.
  • AlexDougherty
    NiRN wrote: »
    You will have people with the mindset of this is an MMO and vet status should not be changed then you have other people that just want to have fun and not make it a job. IMO they are going to lose alot of subscribers if something isn't done about vet ranks.
    Yeah, I quit SWTOR because the post-chapter 3 stuff wasn't fun, they need some elder game content that doesn't revolve around grinding, not all of us want the ultra-difficult stuff.

    And for the record I've never played WoW, and from what I hear I don't want to. (addons that are essentially compulsory, people measuring you rate of hits before deciding whether you are good enough to include in a group, etc)
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • ub17_ESO
    I'm typically not a poster. This may be 6 lifetime. Reading this thread reminds me that people will complain about anything and everything.

    ZOS has done a terrific job of trying to please everyone. There is sooo much content that I could spend the next year enjoying all the stories and daedric drama that has been created for me. I also know that if leveling is my number one hands down priority I can bust out 1-50 in a weekend. I have the opportunity to be a potion making gear enchanting fat orc chef instead of being pigeon-holed into just one profession. I can be any combination of any skill set and if I play it right I have a chance of beating the enemy. Not to mention I can spend all of my time in Cyrodil smashing faces if I should choose. At this very moment about the only thing I want to do but cannot do is large scale PvE but that is on the horizon and looks pretty freakin awesome. The point I'm making is this is a game that in my opinion everyone can do what they enjoy doing. For those that are posting non-sense about ESO being a full-time job to level you are simply uninformed and ignorant about all the options that are in front of you.

    It isn't said enough on these forums so here goes: thank you ZOS, Mr. Sage and Mr. Konk for bringing this game to life. Keep up the great work, keep fixing bugs, keep tweaking balance on the PTS, keep pouring your love into this game, and please don't get discouraged by the loud and angry 5%. The content 95% are busy enjoying the hell out of this great experiencing called ESO.
  • Shalizar
    Soul Shriven
    The game for it's current state may need a few tweaks here and there, but it is a decent game all around. I too have noticed a decline in contact list persons, but I don't play the game because of them so I'm unaffected. However this game is still fairly "wet behind the ears" and there is ample time to modify content, abilities and game play. Comparing games to a certain extent is fine, but TESO has a lot of original qualities, which I believe many have a harder time adjusting to and thus leave the game prematurely. Or maybe it is just too hard for them to adapt. Either way, I am enjoying more aspects of the game than I disapprove of. So A++ so far. I have a V1 glass canon and working on currently (once the server comes back online) a juggernaut. Veteran ranks are part of the game, I want to play the game, I will just have to suck it up and push through them. Considering the gear is better in the Vet+ levels, I do not have too much a problem doing them, because it is a multi-tiered progressive experience. See you all in-game. Cheers!
  • MrBeatDown
    I almost considered making another character, Then I thought about how long it took to hit V5 with a melee character. Hell no, It takes way to long. From beginning to end, every monster you fight is a battle. The xp is slow, and the drops are less than worth it. Then the repair bill is expensive and research times take forever. I'll just stick with my one character and see what direction this game takes. Im not much of a group player either. I like to solo play the game. The game is really hard to quest in, if you play in a group. You miss a lot of stuff trying to keep up with the people jumping world boss to world boss just for xp. Then you have to go back and find what you missed so you can progress to the next map. No telling how many skyshards ive missed out on. But I still have about 30 points to use anyway so its not a big issue to me. Would like to hit V10 with 1 character anyway. Bad thing is, im slightly unhappy with the character choice I made, and im not going to remake another character after all that effort I put into it. Not worth it to me.
  • Loxy37
    TrillBilly wrote: »
    Loxy37 wrote: »
    JexTex wrote: »
    Yep they really didn't think out the veteran ranks very well imo....the game has a very poor replay value...who really ewants to run those quests again no one...

    Another false statement by someone who thinks they speak for the whole of the ESO community. I love the quests and look forward to doing them many times. Its quite obvious that a story driven MMO(RPG) is not for you. Move along to the next one!

    God sometimes you fanboi's really make my stomach turn. Everyone here is either "GO BACK TO WOW" or "I LIKE SO GO AWAY". Have you not read ALL the posts about this same topic there are more of these post than any of the "I LIKE THIS GAME BECAUSE" posts. Get over yourself and GET REAL this game is headed to the dumps if they don't make some BIG changes and fast.

    If you don't like it then move along and stop jamming your rubbish down our throats every single day. Why you all feel you need to post day after day with new threads is beyond me. If I don't like a game then I don't play it, if its a MMO, I come back in a few months. Stop with all this negativity already!
  • Eris
    7 years ago, when you made a LOTRO character there was really only one progression path you could take to get to 50. You had 3 starting areas, but eventually it all led down the same path, North Downs to Lone Lands back to North Downs to Trollshaws to Misty Mountains to Angmar. Now, 7 years later you have different choices on how you get to 50. Then progression gets a little more linear again.

    My point being, at the launch of a game there really isn't a lot of options, but as games get older the options expand. Leveling an alt now might not be the best thing to do. Then again, I've been taking my time leveling my character (hit 25 last night) and reading the books, collecting materials, exploring the maps, looking for quests I might be missing, etc. It's really all in what you want to get out of the game.
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • reagen_lionel
    I have no problem leveling multiple characters. Im not really trying to rush. I have 7/8 character slots already made and been using each regularly.
  • Gedalya
    I am V4 on my primary and the thought of trying to level a second character just to 50 is discouraging. Sucks too, because I would prefer a different race and class as my main than what I have now, but there's no way I can go through all that content again. Also, does it seem like people are logging on less frequently or quitting the game? My contacts list is almost always down to none or one online when I log in.

    I suppose you could grind to lvl 10 and then do PvP. I'm not having this issue though; and I didn't in WoW or LOTRO. Although I should point out each was played principally as a PvE.
    Baskin Robbins always finds out.

    Check out my ESO name generator:
  • Sleepwalker
    It's been... three... weeks.

    How is ANYONE complaining about ANYTHING taking too long?

    Close... your... pie holes.
    "QUIT CRYIN'! Do some pushups or something!"

    Grayfield - V2 Breton Nightblade
    Windspike - 40 Bosmer Sorceror
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Yeap , i completely agree with you , not only that , but it is plain BORING , to lvl a new char. If you want them in the same faction so you can play with friends and so on , you need to deal with the same story again , and let me tell you , it is just plain bad.

    Other games offered different areas to lvl , for the first time , i miss this. Having just one path for each faction trully makes making alts to change class/race a HUGE chore.
    Edited by Nox_Aeterna on April 25, 2014 6:57PM
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • frwinters_ESO
    This is the same old story with every new MMO that has released in the past couple of years. Everyone races to top level, clears what top level content the game has, then complains cause they are bored. I have been here since head start and I'm only level 31. I'm happy the leveling is much slower. It does remind me of the old Vanilla wow days when it took you awhile to get to level 60, then you only had a few dungeons to run.


    We all already know Craglorn content is coming out, they are posting it all over the place with class fixes and re-balancing for this new content. If you can not find anything to do in this game at max level then you need to go outside for awhile and get away from your computer and go throw a baseball around, play hide and seek or something.
  • mark2472
    I'm very happy with the game so far, but I do somewhat agree with others in this thread. I want to see this game succeed, and I believe it definitely has the potential to do so.

    I enjoy the quests in this game so much more than in other games, but at times I do wish I could go do something else but still be able to progress. I especially want alternate ways to level for alts, since I've already done all of the quests once.

    The response a lot of people seem to have to that is: "This is a story driven game, this isn't for you, go back to WoW!" I never liked WoW, so no thanks... The fact that they nerfed group dungeon xp right before launch due to an exploit tells me that it wasn't their plan all along to keep people from using that as an alternate way to level. I don't buy that the only reason there's no xp in group dungeons is because they want us to only be able to quest to level.

    All I'm asking for is alternate ways to level, especially for alts. I understand this MMO just came out, but I'm just saying that they already have the content for one alternate way to level... all they need to do is restore some of the xp gain to group dungeons. I'm sure there's some way to do that without exposing the exploit.
    Edited by mark2472 on April 25, 2014 7:54PM
  • Nox_Aeterna
    This is the same old story with every new MMO that has released in the past couple of years. Everyone races to top level, clears what top level content the game has, then complains cause they are bored. I have been here since head start and I'm only level 31. I'm happy the leveling is much slower. It does remind me of the old Vanilla wow days when it took you awhile to get to level 60, then you only had a few dungeons to run.


    We all already know Craglorn content is coming out, they are posting it all over the place with class fixes and re-balancing for this new content. If you can not find anything to do in this game at max level then you need to go outside for awhile and get away from your computer and go throw a baseball around, play hide and seek or something.

    Uhhh , did you read the thread? Because i dont think it talks about what you think it talks about :P.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • TrillBilly
    Loxy37 wrote: »
    TrillBilly wrote: »
    Loxy37 wrote: »
    JexTex wrote: »
    Yep they really didn't think out the veteran ranks very well imo....the game has a very poor replay value...who really ewants to run those quests again no one...

    Another false statement by someone who thinks they speak for the whole of the ESO community. I love the quests and look forward to doing them many times. Its quite obvious that a story driven MMO(RPG) is not for you. Move along to the next one!

    God sometimes you fanboi's really make my stomach turn. Everyone here is either "GO BACK TO WOW" or "I LIKE SO GO AWAY". Have you not read ALL the posts about this same topic there are more of these post than any of the "I LIKE THIS GAME BECAUSE" posts. Get over yourself and GET REAL this game is headed to the dumps if they don't make some BIG changes and fast.

    If you don't like it then move along and stop jamming your rubbish down our throats every single day. Why you all feel you need to post day after day with new threads is beyond me. If I don't like a game then I don't play it, if its a MMO, I come back in a few months. Stop with all this negativity already!

    You really can't be serious when you tell people they are not to complain about something they BOUGHT WITH MONEY to not complain if they don't like it. LOL who do you think you are to tell anyone they cannot complain about something they purchased with hard earned money. GTFO kid go somewhere else with that clown ***.

  • Laura
    I am V4 on my primary and the thought of trying to level a second character just to 50 is discouraging. Sucks too, because I would prefer a different race and class as my main than what I have now, but there's no way I can go through all that content again. Also, does it seem like people are logging on less frequently or quitting the game? My contacts list is almost always down to none or one online when I log in.

    no I see at least 150+ people in each of my guilds and all my friends are still into it. That couldn't be said for SWTOR where everyone I knew was done in like two weeks.

    I see a lot of people in veteran areas too and I personally enjoy them more. They aren't as challenging as I would have wanted them to be but by todays MMO standards it is incredible.

    I'm personally happy to see that this isn't yet another WoW clone SLOG THROUGH TO END GAME in like a week (even though some people did just that). It will make me feel more invested in my character and accomplished for reaching the level cap.
    Edited by Laura on April 25, 2014 10:17PM
  • Medwin
    I think you are missing the point... the point is the way VR content is set up you play ALL of the content with one character. Right now if you try to level through PvP it will be painfully slow, same with trying to level through dungeons. This means you have to level through all three faction zones again to get to VR10. If you completed all the zones and quests the first time you have to replay all of that to level our second character.

    It's not like you can go to another level 10-15 zone and level you will need to do the same exact zones in the same order to get a second character to vet rank 10.
    Please read through and comment on my incredibly comprehensive Vampire guide. :)
    Officer at Cross Guild check us out, we are a large DC guild that does PvP, RP, and PvE. We have things for just about anyone.
    RP Characters: Anora, Redguard -- Mira Medwin, Dunmer -- Pia Patricia Potts, Breton
  • Tarwin
    Isn't content what people usually complain of a lack of? I certainly wouldn't be able to the same Alliance again which would be different content I'm assuming?
  • cubansyrusb16_ESO
    Maybe an option to skip 1-50 (like coldharbour) when you have an active VR10 character with the storyline (VR 1-VR10) complete would encourage replay-ability.
  • poodlemasterb16_ESO
    LOL. I'm leveling 7 chars, it will take a while.

    I have them from level 19 down to level 6 and they are a good group, support each other and are doing pretty well.

    It's handy to have specialists in each craft working for the whole group and it will be a force to be reckoned with in a few months.
  • knaveofengland
    if you lonely join a guild , make friends form a party you lvl faster in a team as well , also the bugs are meant for fishing
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