Maintenance for the week of June 3:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· [IN PROGRESS] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance June 5, 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

ESO is a great game!

  • jircris11
    yeathatguy wrote: »
    Sorry but I have not been happy with it and if you think I am a troll I ask why would I pay $80 to come here and ruin your day ? the game is not a good mmo in fact its the most unfriendly multiplayer game I have played in a long time (and I played Dragons Prophete for 8 months @.@). Think I will go back to SWTOR it was still more fun than this and I really wanted this to work because I love Skyrim and still play it a lot. The game has so many things right and so many things really wrong it just frustrates me to logon and end up pulling my hair out for all the bad parts that make me quit playing, I just want to have fun here its what I was paying for.
    I have my flamesuit suit on so feel free to jump in.
    The fact that you came in to a thread just to post that your not happy with the game is rather disrespectful to the thread itself. If you do not have anything nice to say in a thread dedicated to speaking about the good of eso then don't post. as for SWTOR have fun with the pay walls..unless you subscribe and even then as a long time fan and player of SWTOR its not worth the 15 due to seeing all the stories. Who knows maybe ESO will catch you once more in a few months once the game has time to fix the bugs and such, till then i hope you enjoy your time on swtor or what ever other mmo you might play.

    IGN: Ki'rah
    DC/AD faction/NA server.
  • Sarenia
    jimbomobo wrote: »
    Cogo wrote: »
    I do not think the whiners who seams to be the majority here IS the majority of players. I believe most players like the game so much, the don't have time to go here!

    Best regards
    --Oghur Hatemachine

    I think the majority of people are actually in game playing and having fun and not coming to these forums ^^
    Quite true.

    Even fans of a product criticize on occasion, but it tends to be the irate minority who shout the loudest in any group. Most others are too busy enjoying the product.
  • SluggoV2
    Awesome Game! I agree!
  • Brimsurfer
    @‌ OP

    No its not, its very far from it in its current state. But it does have potential, which has been very badly abused so far.
    Edited by Brimsurfer on April 27, 2014 1:39AM
  • Melian
    Well, I agree. It's the best MMO I've played, just what I was looking for. However, a lot of the recent posts and reviews make me feel as though my tastes are just too unusual and this game won't survive. It's depressing.
  • Sarenia
    Melian wrote: »
    Well, I agree. It's the best MMO I've played, just what I was looking for. However, a lot of the recent posts and reviews make me feel as though my tastes are just too unusual and this game won't survive. It's depressing.
    I have obscure tastes too, and I also have concerns that the game is too niche, but don't let reviews and naysayers dishearten you. Launch time reviews have a large impact, but this is a solid game, and in the end that is what matters most.

    Either the game will succeed or it won't. At the very least we've got a few years to get enjoyment out of it. And who knows, maybe it will become something much more expansive and enduring?
    Edited by Sarenia on April 27, 2014 1:35AM
  • Faolanhart
    I'm really enjoying the game myself, it's pretty much all I have played since it came out. I think that it's servilely underrated by many people.
    The crafting system is better than any other game I have played, simple & rewarding. The freedom in your character build is great & best of all to copy & paste what I said on another post. Combat is more than the typical spam mouse clicks to win MMOs have become. Nor is it the old way of stand still & press 1,2,3,1,2,5,6 to win.

    About the only issue I have with the game beyond bugs is the awful co-op that requires you to do the same thing as the people you are playing with all the time & even then you'll have to do quests separately from them.
    The bugs are an issue but I'm here with the prospective of someone who has played allot of MMO launches & this is probably the smoothest I've seen.
    I honestly don't think all the people complaining about bugs are "trolls", I just think that most of them have never played an MMO in their life. Or at least never played one during launch.
    Many of the issues with an MMO will not be fully realized until there are a million people playing at once.

    I do find it ironic though that this game gets so much hate because of it's bugs whilst Skyrim for example received 10/10 from pretty much everyone.
    That's a game that is still a buggy mess today.
  • Salsadoom
    ESO has a great base to work from and a good start, they still need to tweak some things, but which game doesn't? As long as ESO has the will, which I think they do, and continue to work on things they will do great. Right now they have a good game, with more work they can have a great one.
  • Macoy
    I love the game bugs and all and I look forward to playing this for many years to come.
  • Cogo
    Drezzdin wrote: »
    Thought I would add my two cents, I am loving it too! I started 5 day early access and have over 7 days total in game play. I am still only level 35 DK with the Pact. Some complain that leveling is slow, I am thankful for it and in a way sad I only have 15 more until 50. I am 4 levels over my current quests but dont care. I am Listening to all Dialog and enjoying every inch of all the zones. I am hoping to time my Veteran status with the launch of Cragmore. Thanks OP for starting a positive post and thanks Zen for creating a world I plan on playing in for some time.

    You sound like most people in my guild. :-p
    Look me up if you want to. @Kurnn
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Cogo
    Melian wrote: »
    Well, I agree. It's the best MMO I've played, just what I was looking for. However, a lot of the recent posts and reviews make me feel as though my tastes are just too unusual and this game won't survive. It's depressing.

    This is one of the main reasons I made this post. To show others and Zenimax there are very happy players who are going to be very loyal.

    You can put this in my face in the future, but my gut feeling tells me this game will last a long time.... (and my gut is big!)
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • fredarbonab14_ESO
    Melian wrote: »
    Well, I agree. It's the best MMO I've played, just what I was looking for. However, a lot of the recent posts and reviews make me feel as though my tastes are just too unusual and this game won't survive. It's depressing.

    Its just part of the mean, other-directed society we live in today. If you are happy, and they are not, the incessant and ~aggressive~ put downs will start to make you feel down as they do. The best and worse part of MMOs are people, which come in all mentalities. After this month, those that stay and continue to put down and trash the game for their enjoyment, should get no mercy from those of us that play the game. None.
  • Greydog
    Well, I'm not sure I'd put it at "great" or "best" ..but I can give it a very good ;)

    I have a couple design issues and a handful of QOL issues with the game but overall I have been enjoying myself.

    "I Plan on living forever far so good"
    Sanguine's Disciple

    Asylum Amoebaeus ..A refuge for those who normally fly solo.
    Message me here or in game for an invite
  • neocomab16_ESO
    Greyhaven wrote: »
    From what I have seen ESO has a bit more than your standard trolls...there seems to be a serious hate campaign, but hopefully they will move on to Wildstar or Archage soon and bash that

    Haters hate for a reason and ESO gives plenty of reasons.

    It's like the hater enters the Zenimax store and asks what to hate and they reply with "Pick one, get one free!"
    Edited by neocomab16_ESO on April 27, 2014 1:37PM
  • Thunder
    Cogo wrote: »
    Melian wrote: »
    Well, I agree. It's the best MMO I've played, just what I was looking for. However, a lot of the recent posts and reviews make me feel as though my tastes are just too unusual and this game won't survive. It's depressing.

    This is one of the main reasons I made this post. To show others and Zenimax there are very happy players who are going to be very loyal.

    You can put this in my face in the future, but my gut feeling tells me this game will last a long time.... (and my gut is big!)

    I just hope they have the nerve to stay the course long enough to see if it'll pay off in the long run. I know there has got to be a lot of men in suits running around behind the scenes demanding they turn it into WoW straight away to appease the masses.

    In the end, whichever way it goes, I won't blame them. Such is the corporate nature of the world today. I miss companies. Companies existed to make a product, corporations exist to make a profit.
  • Kenjermin
    I am enjoying the game very much. I will be honest that this is my first experience with an Elder Scrolls game so I have no basis for comparison. Although I might pick up Skyrim and see what all the Hoopla is about.

    One of the great things about this game, in my opinion, is the world for the most part is new to everyone. We are all learning and discovering at the same time. Plus, I love that i can just set off in a direction and find tons of quests! I love just happening upon a quest, especially if it is a long chain.

    People always come into these MMO with certain expectations, if we just enjoy it for what it is and stop all the comparisons then I think we would be a lot happier. I know there are bugs and such that need to be fixed but overall this is a great game.

    See you all in Tamriel!
  • Sinhalis
    Agree. I'm having a blast so far.
  • p.hurst1b16_ESO
    When I chat in trade guilds most players say they do not visit these forums. They are enjoying the game and there are few problems they cannot skip past.

    Lots seem to know a bit about TES and are enjoying the setting and lore.

    On the forums, as usual, there are a lot of impatient hotheads that need to learn to relax and have fun, no MMO is perfect. Go look at all the fixes in current WoW patch notes and see the genre for what it really is.

    Even F2P stalwarts such as Forsaken world are tweaking and fixing.

    Even very old MMO's like FFXI are patching and repairing.

    Get used to the genre, it is about the long term and this game had the smoothest launch in MMO history.

    1.1 will be the next rubicon

    Will it be ....

    - TRION style - we thought it worked okay, so here's the patch and OOOPS !


    - BLIZZARD style - tested to destruction, you might not like it but should be able to finish it..... don't all log in at once please !

    <Enigmatic Name> Is poaching new guild members again ! Apply on our webby with your CV and proof of identity and we can arrange an interview with a panel of our officers.
  • Silverglass66
    Soul Shriven
    I agree its a great game, it has its faults but every single MMO has had those at launch.

    What makes me think ESO could be a long term success is that the core elements of the game design seem very solid. Storytelling is great, choices do have consequences, the combat mechanics are good in principle etc.

    Most of the issues I have are in how things are currently working, but it is far easier to fix a problem with how something is functioning than it is to fix a flawed design decision. On the whole my view is that once the code is fixed, some things have been streamlined or improved in how they are presented and the servers sorted the major issues are going to pretty much be done and dusted.
    Edited by Silverglass66 on April 27, 2014 2:32PM
  • reggielee
    I agree, I am enjoying the game once I worked out my own personal frustrations with bank space, crafting, pvp and cheaters. I see them working hard on the botting, with massive bans going on all the time. I see patches and regular upkeep.

    I love my main char, and am looking forward to a long slow climb to end game. My favorite thing to do is to just adventure with empty bags and loot. I love to heal those in desperate need and to group as a healer.

    I will continue my sub when it runs out in 5mths and so will my sister and my husband.
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
  • Cagro
    Agreed. Cyrodiil is special, the skills freedom is great, the story is not half bad and I will probably enjoy this game a lot more in my Xbox One.
    This thread is definitely needed. The negativity on these forums is some of the worst I've seen and isn't indicative of what I believe the majority of the players feel about the game. Those of us who enjoy it spend our time in-game, actually enjoying the game. We can't let the vocal minority get to us.

    We know how awesome this game really is! It's one of the best MMOs I've played in a long time.
  • Enteum
    Like many have already said on these forums. The people that wish to bash the game are on here doing exactly that. The ones that enjoy it, stay off the forums and are playing it.

    With all the people/players I have met in this game I always ask them "Are you enjoying ESO?" 9 times from 10 the reply is generally something like "Hell Yeah! I love it."
    Asira Avalis - Mage
  • Alurria
    I have to admit when I was able to beta test I gave some negative feedback, mostly about the beginning quest. I wasn't able to test all the beta weekends I was invited to either work prevented me. But when I decided to go for it and purchase the game I played through it and they fixed that beginning quest. I was surprised and pleased at how much I was enjoying myself.

    So glad I gave it a chance, I'm having so much fun questing and exploring. I have a long MMO past, and I feel this will be around for a long while. Say hi to me in game
  • Gidorick
    I agree with the OP. ESO is a wonderful game. I think even those on the forum that seem to hate the game with a passion are enjoying it because they're still playing it.

    I do not agree with, however, blanket labeling everyone who has a complaint or negative feedback as trolls. For an MMO that is asking its customers to pay $15 a month in an age that is ripe with FTP options I don't think it's unreasonable to expect a bit more from the developers. A bit more content, a bit more stability, a bit more service.

    I am what is considered a "casual player" (2 characters: level 15 & level 8 ) and really haven't experienced the plethora issues many of these people are reporting. A few bugs, a few broken quests and a fall-through world or two, but nothing a try-again-later approach didn't solve.

    I have been ecstatic with the content so far and am excited about the future possibilities. I have already signed up for 6 months and would have signed up for a year if there were the option. I just hope Zenimax gives us long-haulers a way to submit ideas rationally and calmly instead of just listening to the squeaky wheels on here.

    In the end, we want to see this game succeed and grow into an MMO that is not only deserving of the TES label but one that shows other MMOs how its supposed to be done.

    It's just not quite there yet.
    Edited by Gidorick on April 27, 2014 9:04PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Greydog
    I do not agree with, however, blanket labeling everyone who has a complaint or negative feedback as trolls. For an MMO that is asking its customers to pay $15 a month in an age that is ripe with FTP options I don't think it's unreasonable to expect a bit more from the developers. A bit more content, a bit more stability, a bit more service.

    agree +1

    "I Plan on living forever far so good"
    Sanguine's Disciple

    Asylum Amoebaeus ..A refuge for those who normally fly solo.
    Message me here or in game for an invite
  • Duccea
    I wholeheartedly agree to this thread.

    I have been very skepictal about this game in the beginning because even while it was in beta, it got a lot of negative publicity. I signed up for a beta out of curiosity nonetheless.
    Then I got invited to a beta weekend and that completely changed my mind - I fell in love with the gameplay mechanics, the actually useful crafting and the beautiful graphics. Me and my partner preordered after our second beta weekend hand haven't regretted it since.

    Sure, there are bugs, the botters and gold spammers are an issue (which has drastically improved in the last couple days, great work!), there were some CS slipups and I also got frustrated at times when faced with bosses which seemed impossible to beat at first.
    But seeing some negative points which could have been done better doesn't mean I'm not enjoying ESO greatly. I didn't have so much fun playing a game since the early days of SWToR.

    So keep up the good work Zenimax and know that despite the forums seemingly overflowing with haters sometimes, there are a lot of people who'd rather happily play the game you created instead of ranting on the forums.
    I hope to be playing this game for a long time to come and am looking forward to new fun content to explore.
  • joanjett
    This game ROCKS! thats all i can say. Keep up the good work zen! B)
    When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, and he looks you crooked in the eye and he asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: "Have ya paid your dues, Jack?" "Yessir, the check is in the mail."
  • Chili
    yeathatguy wrote: »
    I really wanted this to work because I love Skyrim

    This, I believe, is the biggest obstacle people have with the game. It's not Skyrim Online.
  • Melian
    I'm always struck by how many of the negative comments are really general and vague. The only specific complaints I hear seem to be about bugs (many of them already fixed) or because people want a UI more like WoW's.

    20 things I really like about this game, in no particular order:

    1. Birds on the ground fly away when you walk past them.
    2. Ordinary mobs have abilities you really do want to block, dodge or interrupt.
    3. Roll dodging is fun.
    4. You actually have to be looking at stuff to hit it.
    5. There are so many choices you get to make when you craft gear (material, motif, trait, set bonus).
    6. Leveling is nice and slow.
    7. Bosses actually sometimes kill you.
    8. Graphics - most realistic I've seen in an MMO.
    9. Whenever I actually read a book, I'm pleasantly surprised by what it contains: creepy stories, intriguing creation myths, tragic histories...
    10. A lot of the quests are genuinely emotionally moving, funny, disturbing, etc. (of course, people who don't listen to the dialogue wouldn't notice...)
    11. In combat, I'm looking at the enemy, the environment, my group members and/or my character to get information instead of a bunch of bars and floating numbers. Some of those other games, you wonder why they even bother creating the world at all.
    12. Anywhere you explore, there is something interesting or useful to find.
    13. No quest hubs; you can do quests out of order, without breadcrumbs most of the time, just as you find them/feel like doing them.
    14. I haven't run into a "kill/gather x number of y" quest where x was more than four.
    15. When the community complains about something (bugs, bots, etc.) ZOS takes action. No, this wasn't true during the beta (at least not the beta weekends) but it is true now.
    16. Huge, chaotic, epic battles without lag.
    17. The class system. It really does seem to be working out that there are a huge number of *viable* builds and you can design your build according to your own preferred playstyle. I play every class but Templar, fwiw.
    18. The weather, moon cycle, and the day/night cycle. It adds a lot of atmosphere.
    19. Puzzle quests that force you to pay attention to books/the environment/dialogue.
    20. The way loot distribution encourages casual grouping and cooperation.
    Edited by Melian on April 28, 2014 6:22PM
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