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• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 22, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
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Blackwood 5 pc set bonus bug

  • Jaraal
    Soul_Demon wrote: »
    Only ZOS could have sets working normally----but disable them and force testing on live servers to deal with bugs from the last patch and work on lag.....have no impact at all on lag whatsoever after months of it, and fail to be able to turn back on what they turned off in the first place turning the NEXT chapter they could not stop working on long enough to fix bugs from last chapter into a failure on release. This is some next level work.

    You were expecting something different?
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • olsborg
    Ppl are already exploiting this bug in cyrodiil. With TBS and other sets

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Brrrofski
    Just an update of what the issue is actually believed to be...

    All 5 PCs bonuses seemed to be effected by this bug... The issue seems to only stem when you have only one 5 pc set bonus on one bar.

    For example, my stamplar runs 5 pc Deadly on my dual weild bar, but when I bar swap to my bow it's maelstrom.

    So the set that you are losing the 5 pc bonus on that is not consistently actice on both bars (like my relequen 5 pc because it's all body) is the the targeted bug.

    This seems to happen 100% of the time when ever you travel between zones or instances.

    A suggested work arou d for PC players atm is to use an add on like dressing room, create a load out that removes your effected set. (the entire set) then make another load out that us your normal set up. Then bind both sets ups. Like Num pab 1 and num pad 2. And when ever you transition zones or instances just hit your bind key to unequip and then the other bind key to re equip. Takes like 1 second.

    Hope that trick helps some of you.

    So does this mean on console, we have to unequip the entire (I'm/l use deadly as example) deadly set and put it back on for it to work, after EVERY load screen?

    It's on the known issues of Xbox patch notes so guess we got this too...
    Edited by Brrrofski on June 8, 2021 8:51AM
  • FreeMaN_A
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    we have to unequip the entire (I'm/l use deadly as example) deadly set and put it back on for it to work, after EVERY load screen?

    Try to unequip 2nd panel BEFORE loading and equip back after. This helped me to avoid this bug.
  • Skoomah
    Any word from ZOS if this is being addressed???
  • kookster
    I just noticed this happening with "The Mark of the Pariah" set on my stam warden. Character name is "Might be Broken" PC NA. After removing the set and re-quipping it the set started working again.
    Potato Pact - PC NA
  • Skoomah
    Thanks for the character info, @BrentBlemish and @PureEnvelope35! We've passed these along to Dev to help with their investigation of this issue.


    Hi Jessica. Any news on this bug? It’s really hard to play the game when we don’t know when our sets are working or not...
  • blktauna
    virtus753 wrote: »
    blktauna wrote: »
    Alendrin wrote: »
    This might relate to the issue that some sets don't seem to buff proc sets. For example, Syvarra's Scales is supposed to be buffed by Weapon damage and it is poison damage. Swamp Raider (+600 Weapon Damage for poison and disease abilities) doesn't buff Syvarra's Scale's, though.

    Read Swamp Raider. A proc set is not an ability.

    doesnt proc off my lethal arrow or poison glyphed weapons

    What do mean by proc off of?

    The set should add 600 weapon damage to that skill, which you will not see on your character sheet because it only gets folded into the calculation for the skill when you fire it. The only place you should see it is in the damage done by those affected skills. The set is not a true proc because it is a guaranteed buff to specific skills.

    In my case I am not getting the bonus from a poison damage ability, of which lethal arrow and venom arrow/poison injection are abilities.

    I agree about the sets not affecting each other.
  • virtus753
    blktauna wrote: »
    virtus753 wrote: »
    blktauna wrote: »
    Alendrin wrote: »
    This might relate to the issue that some sets don't seem to buff proc sets. For example, Syvarra's Scales is supposed to be buffed by Weapon damage and it is poison damage. Swamp Raider (+600 Weapon Damage for poison and disease abilities) doesn't buff Syvarra's Scale's, though.

    Read Swamp Raider. A proc set is not an ability.

    doesnt proc off my lethal arrow or poison glyphed weapons

    What do mean by proc off of?

    The set should add 600 weapon damage to that skill, which you will not see on your character sheet because it only gets folded into the calculation for the skill when you fire it. The only place you should see it is in the damage done by those affected skills. The set is not a true proc because it is a guaranteed buff to specific skills.

    In my case I am not getting the bonus from a poison damage ability, of which lethal arrow and venom arrow/poison injection are abilities.

    I agree about the sets not affecting each other.

    To try to clarify, you don’t get a bonus “from” those abilities — you get a bonus “to” them, and only them.

    The set’s fifth piece bonus only affects the skills in that particular category. It does not affect anything else. It is not actually a proc but a passive bonus that should be in effect at all times. But it only adds the extra damage to skills like the ones you mentioned.

    Let’s say you have the set fully equipped and have 5k weapon damage unbuffed. You fire a light attack. That light attack scales off the 5k weapon damage. It is not impacted at all by the set, because it is not a poison/disease ability. You fire lethal arrow/poison injection. That ability’s damage is calculated as if you had 5.6k weapon damage instead of 5 due to the set bonus. Then you fire a light attack again. It is still not a poison/disease ability, so it still uses your base 5k WD, not the extra 600 granted only to poison/disease skills by the set. Firing any number of poison/disease skills should always result in them using the higher 5.6k value, while all non-poison/disease skills continue to use the 5k.

    It’s not like Briarheart, which grants you extra weapon damage across the board for all your skills once procced. This set is instead a permanent passive damage boost that is added only to certain ability types. It can’t affect anything else.

    Now if you are testing the damage of your poison/disease skills alone, for example by replacing one piece of the set with a generic piece of armor (so you still get the additional stam of the enchantment and the passive bonuses for the piece of medium gear), and your lethal arrow or poison injection is doing the same damage with that non-set piece as with the fifth piece of the set, then you can show that the fifth piece is not working as intended. In which case it’s likely another victim of the 5-piece bug going around.
  • blktauna
    Yes that is exactly what I did before I posted. Especially easy to test as I only use poison skills.

    It also is not fixed by taking all on and off or any of the other tricks so I'm having to switch off swamp raider in cyrodil to a different set.

  • katanagirl1
    I have one toon with a 5 piece set and a 4 piece set on both bars, both weapons and armor. I sometimes have the 5th piece bonus and sometimes I do not.

    The first two times I lost it was when one of my weapons lost its charge so I thought that somehow might be related, but then it happened a few more times immediately after I recharged.

    Now I think it might have to do with me fast traveling on my back bar. Most of the time fast travel auto switches me back to front bar, but sometimes it doesn’t. I think when it doesn’t switch is when it bugs out on me.

    I need to do more testing to be sure.
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP

    PS5 NA

  • redsaaryn
    My viper sting set 5pieces bonus doesn't work at all, same happens with other sets and all i can think is how the devs are going to take almost a year to fix this just like the werewolf crippling bug that came with the Skyrim update...

    Character: redsaaryn
  • Plaid13ub17_ESO
    Could really use an update on this. I have a stamina dps warden using adept rider for the speed bonus built around running fast to solo farm and it not working really kills the whole point of the toon for me.
  • BlackMowgli
    It is extremely frustrating not to hear anything about this bug from ZOS and if they are working on it. Many sets are affected. To be honest, if this bug stays over weeks I am quitting with ESO. I pay every month for this game. Bugs are normal for such a big game. But such major bugs should be fixed timely. At least we should get any information about the timeline.

    BTW: I opened a support ticket about this but and support wrote me back that the reason is that I use add ons :))))))
  • Biro123
    It is extremely frustrating not to hear anything about this bug from ZOS and if they are working on it. Many sets are affected. To be honest, if this bug stays over weeks I am quitting with ESO. I pay every month for this game. Bugs are normal for such a big game. But such major bugs should be fixed timely. At least we should get any information about the timeline.

    BTW: I opened a support ticket about this but and support wrote me back that the reason is that I use add ons :))))))

    Check out the 2nd post in this thread.
    Minalan owes me a beer.

    PC EU Megaserver
    Minie Mo - Stam/Magblade - DC
    Woody Ron - Stamplar - DC
    Aidee - Magsorc - DC
    Notadorf - Stamsorc - DC
    Khattman Doo - Stamblade - Relegated to Crafter, cos AD.
  • the1andonlyskwex
    Biro123 wrote: »
    It is extremely frustrating not to hear anything about this bug from ZOS and if they are working on it. Many sets are affected. To be honest, if this bug stays over weeks I am quitting with ESO. I pay every month for this game. Bugs are normal for such a big game. But such major bugs should be fixed timely. At least we should get any information about the timeline.

    BTW: I opened a support ticket about this but and support wrote me back that the reason is that I use add ons :))))))

    Check out the 2nd post in this thread.

    And the "known issues" section of the console patch notes.
  • Vizirith
    How has this not been fixed yet?
  • NordSwordnBoard
    I kept losing Mechanical Acuity, and can verify that removing and putting the pieces off/back on works. However, when all the load screens in PvP (even natural ones, like changing districts in IC or transitus) intersect with the combat status bug, it can make you want to stop playing.
    From both the patch notes and what I've heard 2 hander - 2 hander is not affected if not using an arena 2pc set:

    When weapon swapping to your secondary bar after encountering a load screen, your 5-piece bonus will not activate if you swapped to a One Handed or Dual Wield weapon, or Shield that is included in an item set.

    On console, each gear piece comes off manually. If you (or a group member) are attacked while trying to add/remove gear you will be stuck in combat and unable to finish the process. Just when I got excited to try different builds out, they are back on the shelf again. The only real consolation I have in all this awfulness is I didn't pay for it. Definitely not buying Blackwood, and no ESO+ until I can use all the sets I have creatively. At least no-proc Cyro clearly defined what functioned.
    I also think a large portion of the population is unaware and will assume this bug is actually just part of the power lost from proc scaling last update drastically changing some tooltips. Especially for magic users, It's kind of a double whammy on the casual player who never comes here
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • katanagirl1
    I kept losing Mechanical Acuity, and can verify that removing and putting the pieces off/back on works. However, when all the load screens in PvP (even natural ones, like changing districts in IC or transitus) intersect with the combat status bug, it can make you want to stop playing.
    From both the patch notes and what I've heard 2 hander - 2 hander is not affected if not using an arena 2pc set:

    When weapon swapping to your secondary bar after encountering a load screen, your 5-piece bonus will not activate if you swapped to a One Handed or Dual Wield weapon, or Shield that is included in an item set.

    On console, each gear piece comes off manually. If you (or a group member) are attacked while trying to add/remove gear you will be stuck in combat and unable to finish the process. Just when I got excited to try different builds out, they are back on the shelf again. The only real consolation I have in all this awfulness is I didn't pay for it. Definitely not buying Blackwood, and no ESO+ until I can use all the sets I have creatively. At least no-proc Cyro clearly defined what functioned.
    I also think a large portion of the population is unaware and will assume this bug is actually just part of the power lost from proc scaling last update drastically changing some tooltips. Especially for magic users, It's kind of a double whammy on the casual player who never comes here

    Magic users???

    The quote above pretty much says all stam builds (other than snipers) are toast when it comes to this 5th piece bonus.
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP

    PS5 NA

  • The7thLettter
    Another day, another set found not working even when un-equipping all armor pieces. Please for the love of baby Jahova, fix this.

    Character name: Imseventh
    Set on back bar: seventh legion

  • BlackMowgli
    Any chance that it gets fixed on Monday?
  • Jameson18
    Xbox NA

    Can confirm the following sets, doesn’t matter which character, have the issue of needing to be taken off and put back on entirely to get them to function. Also, at times, the 5pc will work after being removed as well.

    Brands of imperium
    Champion of the hist
    Eternal vigor
    Warrior’s fury
  • mc_gijoe

    I can confirm on both PTS and Live that it is not just those who lose the 5pc bonus with a specialized weapon on the back bar.

    Currently my templar tank is not receiving the bonuses from the 5pc sets he has on. I went on the PTS and tried it in multiple methods.

  • katanagirl1
    One of the sets I run on my main has a 5 piece set and a 4 piece set, both on front and back bar (weapons and armor). The 5th piece bonus is not a proc and is a very noticeable effect. I started seeing the 5th piece bonus not active intermittently since the Blackwood update Tuesday.

    I have done some testing, and here is what I found.

    The only way I can keep the 5th piece bonus active is to stay on my front bar. As soon as I switch the bonus disappears.

    So, somehow the bar swap is to blame.

    I can’t explain it but it is reproducible.
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP

    PS5 NA

  • vesselwiththepestle
    This bug not only affects the 5th piece bonus!

    I run 3 pieces on body, 2 on back bar (Sword/Shield). After a loading screen, when I switch to my back bar and then to my front bar, I lose all the stats from my the set. The 2- and 3-pieces-bonus should stay active! I have to remove and equip those 3 pieces (on body) again to get the bonus from 2 and 3 pieces on my front bar. Then I can use the set normally, though, as long as I don't have a loading screen.

    Hopefully it gets fixed today.
    Edited by vesselwiththepestle on June 14, 2021 6:19AM
    1000+ CP
    PC/EU Ravenwatch Daggerfall Covenant

    Give me my wings back!
  • xenez
    Soul Shriven
    I have the same issue with the new craftable set - the Heartland Conqueror. The 5th bonus always gets lost after teleporting into a new zone. I had a destro staff with the sharpened trait, and the pen from it was decreased every time I teleport. After unequipping/equipping all of the pieces again the bonus starts to work again.
  • NordSwordnBoard
    I am currently back barring Eternal Hunt so I can just roll-dodge to see if I need to get naked to fix the game.

    Fear is the Mindkiller
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