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Magcro...did i pick the wrong class? I die in 3 seconds in PVP :(

  • Goregrinder
    BohnT2 wrote: »
    ...but if having to use out of class abilities for your ult/spammable/cc makes a class bad, then you can take almost all the stam toons out of the running.

    And I couldn't agree more. Let me show you something:


    This is Alcast's pvp stamnecro skill setup. Out of all 12 skills, you have four (I repeat: F O U R) class skills. This isn't a stamnecro. This is a stam-[insert any class name here]. And OF COURSE any would shine in pvp: they don't rely on class skills.

    stamnecro got class skills for stamina, yet they prefer weapon and guild ones. And how in ****ing hell can someone say necromancer is good in pvp, if they don't even use class skills?

    Your argument is bad and also completely wrong.
    First of all that bar setup is utterly bad, not using mortal coil is a sin which should lead to the character being deleted.

    Secondly stamnecro can comfortably fill in 7 of 12 slots with class skills.
    All other skills simply don't exist in its toolkit for example a proper spammable, an execute, major brutality and a snare removal.
    That's 3 skills namely dizzying, executioner, Rally/FM.
    Now each and every stamina spec is running vigor.
    And the last slot can be filled with whatever you need be it a skill offering major expedition, major breach etc.

    Those 4 skills are more or less set for all other stamina specs except for dizzying on stamplar and stamnb.

    The other 5 active and 2 ultimates make a big difference along with the passives which stamnecro has some of the best ones in the game.
    And the 5 skills stamnecro has access to are all incredibly powerful/overperforming in their own way.
    Mortal Coil is just a laughably overpowered skill now, it heals for so much, is free and restores stamina along with proccing the passives granting more ultimate than other class's passives.

    Spirit guardian heals for a good amount and on top grants an unnamed source of major protection.

    Blastbones has the same base TT as DBoS while also applying major defile and acts as a damage absorber, while being cheap af.

    The only two skills not being insanely powerful are expunge and bone armor but those skills are still not bad.

    Stamina necromancer is a spec that completely overshadows old stamina bawlers and is only beaten by the other DLC Class.
    If you can't do well on a stamnecro the fault is 100% on your end.

    Couldn't agree with ya more.
  • katorga

    Sweet! I'm always looking for tips, hints and insights I may have missed with Magcro.

    Read it, not sure I agree. Healing is up, and if they kept the healing nerf where you could only heal group members, I'd say yeah top tier. But now I'm back to mender heals going to whoever, not me, or getting confused who to heal and doing nothing.Open world, my orginal view is the same, mag sorc enhances my skill level, Magcro hampers it, with my skill level being a constant. Easy enough to respec to stamina when I'm in a heavy pvp mood. That solves ALL of the shortcomings.

    All that said, I think Necro is, bar-none, the absolute best class in the game if you want to do everything. It is a great dps class, a desired trials class, a good healer, a good tank, and a great class for solo arenas. Pick the right race, and you can easy swap between mag and stam. When one playstyle gets old, boom, totally new one.
    Edited by katorga on April 9, 2021 6:47PM
  • gariondavey
    Magcro is very strong. I play in high mmr bgs and there are several players who play magcro there (they are also members of the bg guild adastra I am in). Anyone who says magcro is bad...lacks experience in high mmr bgs. They are very strong.
    PC NA @gariondavey, BG, IC & Cyrodiil Focused Since October 2017 Stamplar (main), Magplar, Magsorc, Stamsorc, StamDK, MagDK, Stamblade, Magblade, Magden, Stamden
  • Ippokrates
    So, into consideration...

    Magicka Necromancer Hits Hard.. ☠ Top 5 PvP Battles #94 - ESO - Flames Of Ambition / Markarth by Kristofer
    Edited by Ippokrates on April 10, 2021 2:37PM
  • itscompton

    Magcro is one of one 3 classes I don't play, so I can't offer advice on build or skills.

    But I can offer this:

    I did not really learn until I took my ego out of it.
    I didn't fight to win. I fought to learn.
    I don't duel. I play open world or BGs.
    I learned most of my lessons getting demolished by monsters in Imperial City.
    People play for real there.
    I didn't run from a fight that I couldn't win.
    I'd look for those fights. I'd just strive to last longer. I'd ask where did I mess up. How did he get me this time.
    Hell, I'd chase the same guy and fight him 3 or 4 times.
    It probably read as salty, but i was anything but salty, i was learning.

    Getting your *** beat 200 times will teach you more than 20 minutes with a skilled player. Especially if you're hard headed like me. It's far cheaper too.

    Take each fight as an opportunity to become better.

    I still lose 1v1s. I still run into people who are better.
    They're few and far between now, but they're still out there. Waiting to teach me how to get better.

    Yep, in Cyro you gotta figure even if you're good enough to beat 80% of the people you run into at a pop cap of 150 there will still be 30 people on each of the other alliances that can kick your butt.
  • Merciful17
    I main Magcro and the class is definitely not meta, but you've got two things that you can use to your advantage. 1, your tankiness, 2, your passive that increases DoT by 15%. By using a build with a lot of proc sets and running some DoT skills like degeneration you can become quite strong. Of course you'll do better with some meta class like Magsorc but by using a lot of DoT stuff you can become quite dangerous too. We'll have to see what happens in the next update regarding proc sets (Doubt that my build will change very much since I run 1 heavy, 1 medium, and the rest is light armor pieces.)

    I wanted to post a pic of a battleground game I had as magcro but it doesn't let me for some reason, anways I ended up with 41 kills, 5 deaths and 1 assist. The second best person in that game had 19 kills and 1 assist.

    Edited by Merciful17 on April 18, 2021 7:10PM
  • Elendir2am
    Ippokrates wrote: »
    So, into consideration...

    Magicka Necromancer Hits Hard.. ☠ Top 5 PvP Battles #94 - ESO - Flames Of Ambition / Markarth by Kristofer

    Sorry for being off topic, but I have question for this video.
    As PVE player, who want to do qualified opinion about PVP players. Would you profess to last player at video as to your model representant?


    Former four fight weaker opponents, because they don’t met any stronger. Last one created build so they can prey on weaker opponents, opponents who do something else, or in other way use situation for their exploit.

    My comment is about necro-vampire. Number 1 of TOP5, who is last at video.

    [Edited to remove Rude Comments]
    Edited by ZOS_ConnorG on April 19, 2021 1:53PM
    PvP - Recruit.
    PvE - Dragon food
    RPG - A guy who thought, that he can defeat daedric prince, yet guards still chase him off when he accidentally touches some object during daily writs.
  • Moonsorrow
    So like.. buff magcro :trollface:
  • xDeusEJRx
    I play magcro and imo the strong suit of magcro are their passives and utility in their abilities are what makes them strong. Their offensive toolkit is weak as hell (yes they can use destruction staff skills, but thats not a magcro specific toolkit). The best way to utilize magcro is to build around their unique buffs. Their spirit guardian giving them 10% damage mitigation allows you to either spec more into tankiness or avoid specing into tankiness and spec into dps since you specialize in tankiness, they also have a natural 15% more dot damage so you could throw on a DoT ability to eat away an enemy's heal over times(and yes DoTs can deal significant damage), maybe toss on consuming soul trap for resource sustain when killing targets. Boneyard is a key ability for a magcro but try to use it sparingly since it has a synergy cooldown and use it specifically when you have a corpse sitting around for the 50% damage increase, treat it like how you would an execute unless you're running a harmony magcro like some people still are.
    Time your abilities accordingly, try playing your offensive rotation as such: Entropy, blastbones, spammable, stun/cc, graveyard. Reason the stun comes later on is because the blastbones takes time to target, especially at longer distance so you won't need to stun until the last second because that's when you want to pop boneyard
    Edited by xDeusEJRx on April 19, 2021 2:18PM
    Solo PvP'er PS5 NA player

    90% of my body is made of Magblade
  • xDeusEJRx
    Elendir2am wrote: »
    Ippokrates wrote: »

    Former four fight weaker opponents, because they don’t met any stronger. Last one created build so they can prey on weaker opponents, opponents who do something else, or in other way use situation for their exploit.

    I don't see the problem here? Sure the weaker guys get targeted first but that's the smart way to pvp, you're not just gonna keep butting heads with the max cp guy with 35k heatlh until you kill them, that's not smart especially when fighting multiple opponents, you seek out the easiest target and kill them. Thin out the numbers and make the playing field easier for yourself, not harder.
    Also this build is not made to "prey on weaker opponents", I've watched the build video and the build was created for a mobility-based turn and burn play style. You go in hard and fast, burn someone down then go invisible via invisibility pots, turn and burn the next target. Being fast and agile is the whole point, you don't wanna slow down, you wanna be able to burst then go back into invisibility which is the point, and inevitably the weak guys will fall first because the playstyle requires you to hit fast and hard, not move slowly. Therefore those who aren't prepared or can't handle the burst will die first
    Solo PvP'er PS5 NA player

    90% of my body is made of Magblade
  • YandereGirlfriend
    Not unique to MagCro but their class execute passive just got absolutely dumpster'd in the PTS notes.

    60% nerf to Death Knell down to 4% Critical Chance when target is below 25%, down from 10%.
  • Extinct_Solo_Player
    laughs in stam dk
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