Liches would add a fun alternative undead option to vampirism, where alternative lycanthropy would be good options for Khaijiit (werelion), Argonians (werecroc), Orcs (wereboars), etc.
That thing is amazing lol would be an awesome WW reskin. You could call it a Were-Droth or something haha. And liches are also a cool idea for vampirism.
The problem is that most of these things are completely lorebreaking.
Honestly I'd be perfectly happy with just some improvements to the existing WW appearance (as it doesn't look very good). Same for the vampire lord, which looks far worse. Here they could maybe add levitation or something as that would be really cool and immersive.
Liches would add a fun alternative undead option to vampirism, where alternative lycanthropy would be good options for Khaijiit (werelion), Argonians (werecroc), Orcs (wereboars), etc.
VampireLordLover99 wrote: »
Big agree here.
As soon as vampires get a decent looking vampire lord form, by all means open up the flood gates for werewolf transformations.
Really, this is just a suggestion to allow us to have new skins for the Werewolf transformations. Maybe a Lich skill line with a unique transformation for that, too (assume the transformation is your true form and your regular character is just illusion magic). I don't really see them changing up the Vampire Lord Form any time soon, as that was basically carried over from Skyrim.
Really, this is just a suggestion to allow us to have new skins for the Werewolf transformations. Maybe a Lich skill line with a unique transformation for that, too (assume the transformation is your true form and your regular character is just illusion magic). I don't really see them changing up the Vampire Lord Form any time soon, as that was basically carried over from Skyrim.
Werewolves don't get much love, simple truth.
Players have been asking for more werewolf customizations for years. I'm all for it, I'd love if we just got some more fur options. Like some shade of brown, grey, dark grey, light grey, a bit of a grey brown mix maybe etc. There are lots of possibilities, however it seems the implementation is difficult or just quite time consuming.
I'd like to hear what ZoS says about this. If this is something they are working on or have planned at all.
phantasmalD wrote: »Fun fact: there are actually Werebats in the game, in southern Greenshade, around Shademist Moors.
it will be reminiscent of this movie called The Guyver
@Berdusk No, they are a form of werebeast. Just like wereboars, werelions, werevultures etc.
Yes. These are undead creatures, according to a ~pedia I stumbled across last night. Good catch!
I would love to see these, instead, though...