Lycanthropy Variation

I'm not suggesting ESO should alter the skill lines (all that much?) or gear, but it would be nice if we could add a little variety to Lycanthropy with some reskins. There are mods on Nexus that allow players of Skyrim to play as Wereboars, Werebears, werebirds, and others. I don't see why we shouldn't be able to have the option of adding these as NPCs in-game or as Skin options in the Crown Store. Thoughts?
  • Lephrel
    First a decent looking vampire lord, then we can talk. :wink:
  • Berdusk
    How about the Lich option from Undeath? Eh? EHHH?? :p
  • Berdusk

    Liches would add a fun alternative undead option to vampirism, where alternative lycanthropy would be good options for Khaijiit (werelion), Argonians (werecroc), Orcs (wereboars), etc.
  • Lephrel
    Berdusk wrote: »

    Liches would add a fun alternative undead option to vampirism, where alternative lycanthropy would be good options for Khaijiit (werelion), Argonians (werecroc), Orcs (wereboars), etc.

    That thing is amazing lol would be an awesome WW reskin. You could call it a Were-Droth or something haha. And liches are also a cool idea for vampirism.
    The problem is that most of these things are completely lorebreaking.

    Honestly I'd be perfectly happy with just some improvements to the existing WW appearance (as it doesn't look very good). Same for the vampire lord, which looks far worse. Here they could maybe add levitation or something as that would be really cool and immersive.
  • Berdusk
    Lephrel wrote: »
    Berdusk wrote: »

    Liches would add a fun alternative undead option to vampirism, where alternative lycanthropy would be good options for Khaijiit (werelion), Argonians (werecroc), Orcs (wereboars), etc.

    That thing is amazing lol would be an awesome WW reskin. You could call it a Were-Droth or something haha. And liches are also a cool idea for vampirism.
    The problem is that most of these things are completely lorebreaking.

    Honestly I'd be perfectly happy with just some improvements to the existing WW appearance (as it doesn't look very good). Same for the vampire lord, which looks far worse. Here they could maybe add levitation or something as that would be really cool and immersive.

    The following are listed (and Wereboars were in Daggerfall):

    ...The only thing not listed, to my surprise, are wererats.

    As for liches, well... Dragon Priests.

    A wereskeever, in concept:

    Edited by Berdusk on January 20, 2021 9:52AM
  • Ryuvain
    I mean, there's technically already 2 variations they can easily use but don't. Werewolf behemoth and does anyone remember werewolf lord? No?
    That one khajiit obsessed with werewolf behemoth and vampire lord. Lady Thorn is bae, dont @ me.
    Werewolf behemoth=vampire lord>blood scion>werewolf>vampire.
  • Daemons_Bane
    We have lots of lore friendly lycanthropy variations, so it would definately be a fun addition to the game.. As far as I recall though, there are also some restrictions to them, such as where they can be picked up and stuff like that.. Could be exciting to see more lycanthropy adds added to the game, or maybe even make it based on your race.. So that Khajiit turned into Lions, Nords into bears and so on :smile:
  • Mythreindeer
    I’d like to two variations on a Bear: the werebear that doubles your health, increases resistance and drops damage output but adds a taunt - the tank; and carebear that increase Magicka and mag Regen, Crit for heals and adds a dot heal and single target heal spammable but reduces damage - the healer.
  • Tryxus
    "Stand strong, stay true and shelter all."
    Tryxus - Guardian of the Green - Warden - PC/EU
  • Josira
    A were troll or weredroth would probably be nassive,. Remember the were variants are so so much bigger and bulkier then the original creatures and the creatures that inspired them.
    That being said I would love a weretroll or weredroth.

    Liches too.. because of course.
    And an actual vampire../not a substance abusing basement dweller transformation.
    Edited by Josira on January 20, 2021 7:38PM
    "BlooD FReNZy TicKS aLL thE BoXes of WhaT iT mEanS tO bE a VaMpiRe"
  • Eirikir
    You could set the reskins in the place we put the Warden Bear reskin.
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    Name: Eirikir "Erik" Kololf
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    Race: Nord (Lycanthrope)
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    Playstyle: Crafter, PVE, PVP, Roleplayer
  • Mettaricana
    Berdusk wrote: »

    Liches would add a fun alternative undead option to vampirism, where alternative lycanthropy would be good options for Khaijiit (werelion), Argonians (werecroc), Orcs (wereboars), etc.

    Liches would be amazing maybe make it a permanent decision for the character to become a lich and gain like some op boon and skills but have some kinda weakness like less resistances a certain element weakness etc when ya become a liche they should let ya have access to lich skins variants of skeleton or zombie or mummified maybe make their run animation just hover over ground. That would be a spicy eso addition i would throw my damn wallet at.
  • VampireLordLover99
    Lephrel wrote: »
    First a decent looking vampire lord, then we can talk. :wink:

    Big agree here.

    As soon as vampires get a decent looking vampire lord form, by all means open up the flood gates for werewolf transformations.
  • Berdusk
    Lephrel wrote: »
    First a decent looking vampire lord, then we can talk. :wink:

    Big agree here.

    As soon as vampires get a decent looking vampire lord form, by all means open up the flood gates for werewolf transformations.

    Really, this is just a suggestion to allow us to have new skins for the Werewolf transformations. Maybe a Lich skill line with a unique transformation for that, too (assume the transformation is your true form and your regular character is just illusion magic). I don't really see them changing up the Vampire Lord Form any time soon, as that was basically carried over from Skyrim.
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    The Blood Scion looks fine as for being a Lich I doubt the Vestige could become one, the Vestige by their very nature is "immortal" which is why you could not become a Vampire naturally because a key component of becoming an undead creature is being dead first, you needed Lamae Bal to change your nymic into that of a Vampire just to become one, who is going to do the same thing to become a Lich?
  • Sephyr
    Berdusk wrote: »
    Lephrel wrote: »
    First a decent looking vampire lord, then we can talk. :wink:

    Big agree here.

    As soon as vampires get a decent looking vampire lord form, by all means open up the flood gates for werewolf transformations.

    Really, this is just a suggestion to allow us to have new skins for the Werewolf transformations. Maybe a Lich skill line with a unique transformation for that, too (assume the transformation is your true form and your regular character is just illusion magic). I don't really see them changing up the Vampire Lord Form any time soon, as that was basically carried over from Skyrim.

    If they're not changing stuff with VL, Warden bears, or ability reskins, they're not going to do it with werewolves by the same logic.
  • VDoom1
    Werewolves don't get much love, simple truth. :neutral:

    Players have been asking for more werewolf customizations for years. I'm all for it, I'd love if we just got some more fur options. Like some shade of brown, grey, dark grey, light grey, a bit of a grey brown mix maybe etc. There are lots of possibilities, however it seems the implementation is difficult or just quite time consuming.

    I'd like to hear what ZoS says about this. If this is something they are working on or have planned at all.
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  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    They even removed emotes from werewolves. They need some love.
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • Shewolf075
    In March of Sacrifices I would have thought ZoS had a chance to make werebeasts shine given it's in the Hunting Grounds but nope. We never got to see the true potential of the werebears might. There may be hope of having some skins but would like it better if werebeasts would have different animations and not have copy/paste skins.
  • WhereArtThouVampires
    Berdusk wrote: »
    Lephrel wrote: »
    First a decent looking vampire lord, then we can talk. :wink:

    Big agree here.

    As soon as vampires get a decent looking vampire lord form, by all means open up the flood gates for werewolf transformations.

    Really, this is just a suggestion to allow us to have new skins for the Werewolf transformations. Maybe a Lich skill line with a unique transformation for that, too (assume the transformation is your true form and your regular character is just illusion magic). I don't really see them changing up the Vampire Lord Form any time soon, as that was basically carried over from Skyrim. wasn't basically carried over from Skyrim. What we got is NOT a cool vampire lord transformation. It's a shameful bone goliath re skin that looks horrific in comparison to npc bloodknights and vamp lords
  • WhereArtThouVampires
    VDoom1 wrote: »
    Werewolves don't get much love, simple truth. :neutral:

    Players have been asking for more werewolf customizations for years. I'm all for it, I'd love if we just got some more fur options. Like some shade of brown, grey, dark grey, light grey, a bit of a grey brown mix maybe etc. There are lots of possibilities, however it seems the implementation is difficult or just quite time consuming.

    I'd like to hear what ZoS says about this. If this is something they are working on or have planned at all.

    Werewolves have been more viable than vampire across all content for a very long time.

    Don't you dare say they don't get any love when they are an actual proper play style Lol
  • Chaos2088
    Some more different types of Lycans would be cool.

    There are in the lore and land....why dont we have them....
    @Chaos2088 PC EU Server | AD-PvP
  • phantasmalD
    Fun fact: there are actually Werebats in the game, in southern Greenshade, around Shademist Moors.
  • WhereArtThouVampires
    Chaos2088 wrote: »
    Some more different types of Lycans would be cool.

    There are in the lore and land....why dont we have them....

    Same for why we don't have different bloodlines for vamps.

    We should have both new lycan forms and vamp lines tbh
  • Berdusk
    Fun fact: there are actually Werebats in the game, in southern Greenshade, around Shademist Moors.

    Yes. These are undead creatures, according to a ~pedia I stumbled across last night. Good catch! :)

    I would love to see these, instead, though...

  • Radiance
    I do believe there should be a Were-Lion and Were-Croc or whatever for Kahjiit and Argonian and the WereBear bc it was in one of the ES games as well as Male/Female versions of the Transformation but if we go too far, it will be reminiscent of this movie called The Guyver or this game called Bloody Roar both of which feature these people that turn into Humanoid Animals. At what point are you just playing a completely different game?

    I must say I would not be opposed to this addition thought it will not likely happen.
  • phaneub17_ESO
    Radiance wrote: »
    it will be reminiscent of this movie called The Guyver

    The Manga and Anime are great, the Americanized movie was horrible. Now let's never mention it ever again.

    I would love to be a Werebear on my Stamina Warden, my only problem with that is it would be exclusive to the Ultimate Slot and the summoned Bear sits in that slot. It's a conflict between Bears, it would be nice to be a Werebear and have a summoned Bear at the same time.
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    Berdusk wrote: »
    Fun fact: there are actually Werebats in the game, in southern Greenshade, around Shademist Moors.

    Yes. These are undead creatures, according to a ~pedia I stumbled across last night. Good catch! :)

    I would love to see these, instead, though...
    @Berdusk No, they are a form of werebeast. Just like wereboars, werelions, werevultures etc.

    I'd also hate if the werebeast was race specific. For example, werelions are mostly common in Elsweyr, but that doesn't mean only khajiit are werelions.
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • Kalle_Demos
    Werebeasts are not race specific and shouldn't be. An Orc infected by a Werevulture will become a Werevulture. An Argonian infected by a Werelion will become a Werelion. And Wererats and Werebats are not a thing. They aren't children of Hircine and don't even seem to be shapeshifters. This Werebat inclusion in ESO is just one of many lore inaccuracies plaguing this specific game in regards to the rest of the series.

    "If I am to be Queen, I must look fear in the face and conquer it. How can I ask my people to have faith in me if I don't have faith in myself?" - Queen Ayrenn
  • Hollyniss
    Lephrel wrote: »
    First a decent looking vampire lord, then we can talk. :wink:

    I also wish they'd change the look of the vampires in humanoid form...and add fangs.
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