Thought on bow/bow after the new updates? I've always ran Tzogvin and it's getting a slight buff. But the new Kinras Wrath set looks great too.
Thought on bow/bow after the new updates? I've always ran Tzogvin and it's getting a slight buff. But the new Kinras Wrath set looks great too.
I have to say I'm not completely disappointed, but far from satisfied. On one hand DPS doesn't seem dramatically reduced (I'd say 1-2k but I couldn't do a complete parse at the time) and when you factor in my "823"CP that means that by 1200cp it could climb like from 80 to 83k I'd say, mid 80ies even, as another poster above suggested (long way to go for the actually big dps numbers). There's a number of factors that make bow feel a lot smoother to play but at the same time nothing actually gives any significant dps increase. The fact that your snipes channel at 0.8s makes target acquisition a lot faster and the whole rotation a lot smoother, as the DoTs come closer together and you can fit more complete snipe casts between them. That being said the actual damage hits seem gutted. Prenerf snipe felt like it did ~10-15k more damage on vet dung. mobs but I'll compare parse-sheets soon and i'll have definate numbers.
Again, it doesn't look like a nerf, but we still have a long way to the proper 100k dps classes (As ranged stamNBs).
Kinras could be interesting, it will mess up the classic tzogv/rele build tho cause you have to decide between returning to clunky lightweight trap (would never go barb, as it's for our melee friends) or losing the minor slayer in place of rele. (Imo 1 minor slayer set should be mandatory if you're looking for max PvE dps). There are other options I will be exploring but I will not name sets and combos still. Overall I'd say I'm thinking about opening a new post specifically for "ranged StamNB viability" because I realized that my biggest problem wasn't as much with bows (albeit underpowered), as it was with "NB can only do serious dmg with bows at melee range" >.< Which is a shame, cause it seemed like it was a trademark bow-using class. I mean, I could maybe guess the Warden as a choice (after he came out) but who could guess (aside ZoS) that the best archer class choices would be Necromancers and Sorcerers.