Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Can we PLEASE just get one PvP-camapaign with all sets enabled?

  • ccfeeling
    ZOS requires the BIG LIVE data to confirm the next moves , it's really important to all of us in the future .
    ZOS has to make sure what's the root cause of LAG , yes , I believe they don't know exactly at this moment :p

    If ZOS provides proc and non-proc sets campaign choices for players , it will affect the test performance absolutely .
  • VoidCommander
    Hmm, I can see multiple points here.

    #1 There are the people who have skill and don't want sets to rule pvp
    #2 There are people who aren't as skillful and want sets they paid for to carry them in pvp.
    #3 There are the people who have skill and want the sets they paid for to carry them and turn them into god.
    #4 There are the majority of players who aren't skillful with assortment of non meta sets who get farmed left and right.

    It left PvP in a state or "buy in or die" I was a Stamina Templar. I got by pretty well, then a new whatever came out. I was somehow matched with a buddy in battleground pvp and they were killing and surviving 8 people at once. I then asked them to pvp me. After a while I told them I will be taking a long break from ESO.

    I was a stamina templar and they were a warden. They were also skillful. I tried all sorts of things and realized that I would never beat that build. They then told me that the only way I could possibly beat it was to get weapons behind a paywall in the new DLCs. That's when I told them. I can't do it I quit.

    No amount of skill could overcome that combination set. A tanky build that's able to output a high amount of damage and sacrifices nothing.

    That was when I realized game IS broken.

    So anyways to your point. I am all for SPLITTING PVP into those who pay to use the best sets skills or not and to those who want to use purely skills.

    As it stands, I will never play PVP with proc sets enabled.

    So the choices would be

    CP + Proc Sets

    No CP + Proc Sets

    CP+ No Proc Sets

    No CP + No Proc Sets (What I would play)

    The diversity in my eyes comes by the skills you build not by the sets you equip.

    Your post is very inspirational, and I like the points you bring up about leveling the playing field between vanilla players and ESO+ subscribers. While having no proc sets does bring THAT particular gap, there is still an enormous disparity between the power of a stamplar's pvp kit, and a magsorc's pvp kit. If they do choose to go this route for the long run, I hope they spend the time and resources to really upgrade some of the non-meta classes in PvP.
  • MrDenimChicken
    I agree. I probably won't be able to gank on my magblade without caluurion's....which is gonna essentially force my hand to either convert the magblade to stamblade, or just play my other classes. And honestly I just love the magblade gank playstyle, so it's really disappointing that I won't be able to play that way pretty soon here (on console).
  • katanagirl1
    actually, i agree. Having a proc server vs non proc server. then evaluating the population. will give accurate evidence of what the PvP community wants.

    I honestly don’t think that on my console and server that there are enough PvP players left to keep two different campaigns going.

    We have been really hurting with the Tribunal event going on, can’t even get 3 bars.
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP

    PS5 NA

  • Knockmaker
    In my opinion, the proc sets have gotten way out of hand and I support re-tuning the procs. However, coming up one day all of a sudden, saying "hey we decided to disable proc sets for 6 more months. cya!" is not a nice way of doing things either.

    I don't want procs sets as they are now in pvp, but for those who wish to fight hopelessly against ww packs with crimson sets, or those who enjoy 1-skill-only pvp, it would be a good move to start a temporary campaign with proc set to keep both parties contend. At least, till something is done about proc sets.
    Edited by Knockmaker on March 8, 2021 7:58AM
  • propertyOfUndefined
    I think the no-proc change makes the game extremely dull. The variety of sets is the main thing that keeps things interesting for people like me who like to spend their time dreaming up new and interesting ways to play a class. I understand disabling the sets for performance testing, but not bringing them back now that testing is done seems unfair.
  • Jaraal
    merevie wrote: »
    There is a reason they don't want proc sets in game at this time. There is no chance they'll allow it on a diff pvp server.

    To state the obvious, they have a lot of problems after new content is delivered. It's likely that someone has stuffed up majorly and this will be one way to cover that up while a fix is reached.

    You know darn well there will be a ton of "Oops, we weren't expecting that to happen" moments when they scrap hundreds of CP conditions and add in a completely new setup. As soon as players figure out what combinations are ridiculously overpowered, they will grind those until ZOS pulls the plug on it.

    My guess is that they realized that these outliers could be synergistically exacerbated by armor and weapon proc effects. It wouldn't be a huge deal in PvE, as I doubt the monsters would stop what they are doing and run screaming to ZOS about how they are now dying 10 times as fast since the update. But wouldn't something like disabling procs in PvP limit any inadvertantly imbalanced side effects to say, 19 easily analyzed gear sets?

    Edited by Jaraal on March 8, 2021 7:42AM
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • virtus753
    DtOG wrote: »
    Seems like the most logical thing to do. Open up a campaign. People paid with not just money but time to get all these sets. Give us a campaign with all sets enabled and everybody’s happy.

    They can't split the campaigns like that, apparently:


    They are working on getting a proc and no-proc campaign set up for Cyro, IC, and BGs. It will take them until Q3.
  • regime211
    Augustus67 wrote: »
    I watched 3 EP Werewolves(Necro and Warden)take on an entire DC zerg(some AD as well) for over 2 hours,not dying once.
    They were all wearing Crimson and by the looks of it,Eternal Vigor. How is that fun?
    Does it remind them of school when they'd lay in a fetal position on the playground while all the cool kids wailed on them and take pride in not passing out?
    Five 70k hp Harbinger Necros surrounding an EP keep take force,basically taking down an entire DC defense team,wtf?
    I don't mind proc sets because they level the field for the non elite players with little free time.But in the hands of no-lifers,the abuse is real.

    That's just WW being broken. The sets just give it added sauce.
  • grimscalrwb17_ESO
    The game still lags. Mostly when a hord of red turn up. im AD.
    Not being able to use most of the sets in the game for 6 months in PvP is really just stupid.
    I mostly play PvP, done the PvE stuff to death. I have played since release.

    I did not log on one day and find a bunch of proc sets in the bank, I worked to get them.
    This makes me feel like Zoz just stole a big chunk of my time and are giving nothing for it.

    To be clear, I dont think any of there testing has done a thing for the game.
    Something in PVP is burning up the bandwidth, usualy the more players there are in a given zone the worce it gets.
    But not always. Some times you can play without much lag in a really big fight, while others in my guild are getting lagged out of the game with dropped connection.

    To me it looks like a time wasting error in the way the game moves data witch become more likely the more players there are.
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