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Can we PLEASE just get one PvP-camapaign with all sets enabled?

Title says it all.
I was gonna come up with a long list on why not all so-called „proc-sets“ are bad.
But I think the most important reason is that we should get the choice how we want to play. Like CP/noCP, with or without alliance lock.
So please Zos, just give us one camapaign where all sets are enabled so everyone can play the game the way they enjoy it.

  • Redguards_Revenge
    Hmm, I can see multiple points here.

    #1 There are the people who have skill and don't want sets to rule pvp
    #2 There are people who aren't as skillful and want sets they paid for to carry them in pvp.
    #3 There are the people who have skill and want the sets they paid for to carry them and turn them into god.
    #4 There are the majority of players who aren't skillful with assortment of non meta sets who get farmed left and right.

    It left PvP in a state or "buy in or die" I was a Stamina Templar. I got by pretty well, then a new whatever came out. I was somehow matched with a buddy in battleground pvp and they were killing and surviving 8 people at once. I then asked them to pvp me. After a while I told them I will be taking a long break from ESO.

    I was a stamina templar and they were a warden. They were also skillful. I tried all sorts of things and realized that I would never beat that build. They then told me that the only way I could possibly beat it was to get weapons behind a paywall in the new DLCs. That's when I told them. I can't do it I quit.

    No amount of skill could overcome that combination set. A tanky build that's able to output a high amount of damage and sacrifices nothing.

    That was when I realized game IS broken.

    So anyways to your point. I am all for SPLITTING PVP into those who pay to use the best sets skills or not and to those who want to use purely skills.

    As it stands, I will never play PVP with proc sets enabled.

    So the choices would be

    CP + Proc Sets

    No CP + Proc Sets

    CP+ No Proc Sets

    No CP + No Proc Sets (What I would play)

    The diversity in my eyes comes by the skills you build not by the sets you equip.
  • AuraNebula
    I agree, let all the people who want no proc sets have their own campagin. Instead of forcing everyone to commit to their idea of fun, let everyone else enjoy the game they way they want.
  • Kadraeus
    Hmm, I can see multiple points here.

    #1 There are the people who have skill and don't want sets to rule pvp
    #2 There are people who aren't as skillful and want sets they paid for to carry them in pvp.
    #3 There are the people who have skill and want the sets they paid for to carry them and turn them into god.
    #4 There are the majority of players who aren't skillful with assortment of non meta sets who get farmed left and right.

    It left PvP in a state or "buy in or die" I was a Stamina Templar. I got by pretty well, then a new whatever came out. I was somehow matched with a buddy in battleground pvp and they were killing and surviving 8 people at once. I then asked them to pvp me. After a while I told them I will be taking a long break from ESO.

    I was a stamina templar and they were a warden. They were also skillful. I tried all sorts of things and realized that I would never beat that build. They then told me that the only way I could possibly beat it was to get weapons behind a paywall in the new DLCs. That's when I told them. I can't do it I quit.

    No amount of skill could overcome that combination set. A tanky build that's able to output a high amount of damage and sacrifices nothing.

    That was when I realized game IS broken.

    So anyways to your point. I am all for SPLITTING PVP into those who pay to use the best sets skills or not and to those who want to use purely skills.

    As it stands, I will never play PVP with proc sets enabled.

    So the choices would be

    CP + Proc Sets

    No CP + Proc Sets

    CP+ No Proc Sets

    No CP + No Proc Sets (What I would play)

    The diversity in my eyes comes by the skills you build not by the sets you equip.

    [Quoted post was removed]

    It isn't about laziness... There's no real incentive to keep playing PvP to "git gud" when proc sets are enabled because you can't even kill anyone who has those sets unless you get super lucky. Why would you want to play a game where you can't kill anyone unless you spend hours grinding for certain gear? That's why I've just decided to stick to PvE. From what I've read in other threads, removing "proc sets" seemed to make PvP more about skill than what gear you have (as it should be). Having better gear to make you stronger in PvE is fine, but I don't really see how it's fair in PvP when not everyone will have that gear.

    There shouldn't be unkillable players in a mode where you're meant to kill other players. Players with better gear or are more experienced should be harder to kill for newer players but not impossible to kill. In other words, if you're getting killed in 2-3 hits and it takes you 20 hits to kill the other person, I see that as a balancing issue. In other PvP games, people aren't better because they have more health and stronger weapons. It's because they might have a quicker reaction speed or they understand their abilities more.

    Also, accusing another person of being lazy contributes absolutely nothing to the discussion. I for one have better things to do than spending hours grinding for gear in a game.
    Edited by ZOS_ConnorG on March 6, 2021 5:59PM
  • DoccEff
    Ok here are some reasons because someone seems to intentionally misunderstand my point:
    - most sets that got deactivated were not even considered „proc-sets“ before since they have no Rng-component
    - Basically all sets that are not useful for PvE will now be 100% useless. Before they could still be used for some (niche) PvP-builds.
    - Even with rng-based sets eliminated, there is skill rng in the game: skills, cp, even crit-chance itself
    - There is no more 5- set that provides stam-regen/cost reduction
    - Sets can be a tie-breaker in certain situations. If two players have the exact same skill level, none cann kill each other. With all sets available, the one who spend more time and effort on planing their set-up gets an advantage
    - If there is no way to have sets like seducer re-enabled and sets like crimson disabled, then for gods sake just give us back both
    - Like I said in the OP, we already got the chance to choose the prefered game mode with other controversial topics like CP and alliance-lock in the past, so why not herr too. If a vast majority, like some people claim, likes the changes, they can keep on playing their no-proc-set campaign while the others switch back to standard.

  • AuraNebula
    Kadraeus wrote: »
    Hmm, I can see multiple points here.

    #1 There are the people who have skill and don't want sets to rule pvp
    #2 There are people who aren't as skillful and want sets they paid for to carry them in pvp.
    #3 There are the people who have skill and want the sets they paid for to carry them and turn them into god.
    #4 There are the majority of players who aren't skillful with assortment of non meta sets who get farmed left and right.

    It left PvP in a state or "buy in or die" I was a Stamina Templar. I got by pretty well, then a new whatever came out. I was somehow matched with a buddy in battleground pvp and they were killing and surviving 8 people at once. I then asked them to pvp me. After a while I told them I will be taking a long break from ESO.

    I was a stamina templar and they were a warden. They were also skillful. I tried all sorts of things and realized that I would never beat that build. They then told me that the only way I could possibly beat it was to get weapons behind a paywall in the new DLCs. That's when I told them. I can't do it I quit.

    No amount of skill could overcome that combination set. A tanky build that's able to output a high amount of damage and sacrifices nothing.

    That was when I realized game IS broken.

    So anyways to your point. I am all for SPLITTING PVP into those who pay to use the best sets skills or not and to those who want to use purely skills.

    As it stands, I will never play PVP with proc sets enabled.

    So the choices would be

    CP + Proc Sets

    No CP + Proc Sets

    CP+ No Proc Sets

    No CP + No Proc Sets (What I would play)

    The diversity in my eyes comes by the skills you build not by the sets you equip.

    [Quoted post was removed]

    It isn't about laziness... There's no real incentive to keep playing PvP to "git gud" when proc sets are enabled because you can't even kill anyone who has those sets unless you get super lucky. Why would you want to play a game where you can't kill anyone unless you spend hours grinding for certain gear? That's why I've just decided to stick to PvE.

    There shouldn't be unkillable players in a mode where you're meant to kill other players. Players with better gear or are more experienced should be harder to kill for newer players but not impossible to kill. In other words, if you're getting killed in 2-3 hits and it takes you 20 hits to kill the other person, I see that as a balancing issue. In other PvP games, people aren't better because they have more health and stronger weapons. It's because they might have a quicker reaction speed or they understand their abilities more.

    Also, accusing another person of being lazy contributes absolutely nothing to the discussion. I for one have better things to do than spending hours grinding for gear in a game.

    So in PvE players should just be able to go into VaS HM with some random overland gear they found and be able to smash through it? They don't have to stop and farm gear so they can complete the hardest content in the game because it is not fair?

    If your getting killed in 2 to 3 hits it because you have not put in the effort to learn to play. Again you are saying you do not want to put in effort, you want to just kill people and have it be super easy. Yeah actually being lazy does have everything to do with it. I work, I go to college, I have a family, and i still have time to devote to grinding out gear.

    Maybe that means for a couple days I can't pvp because I have farming to do. That's okay it encourages me to play more of the game. You just want a game where you can pop in and be OP after one day. You clearly don't pvp as you have stated you just play pve because you can't be bothered to do what every other pvp player has done.

    Not everyone in pvp is running the same sets. Few sets are over performing so they get rid of basically everything? Let's do the same in PvE so people can't use proc sets to make trials too easy.
    Edited by ZOS_ConnorG on March 6, 2021 5:59PM
  • DoccEff
    My point is that none of the arguments for or against „proc-sets“ would matter if we just got an additional campaign. It would be the best compromise.
  • nukk3r
    Hmm, I can see multiple points here.

    #1 There are the people who have skill and don't want sets to rule pvp
    #2 There are people who aren't as skillful and want sets they paid for to carry them in pvp.
    #3 There are the people who have skill and want the sets they paid for to carry them and turn them into god.
    #4 There are the majority of players who aren't skillful with assortment of non meta sets who get farmed left and right.

    It left PvP in a state or "buy in or die" I was a Stamina Templar. I got by pretty well, then a new whatever came out. I was somehow matched with a buddy in battleground pvp and they were killing and surviving 8 people at once. I then asked them to pvp me. After a while I told them I will be taking a long break from ESO.

    I was a stamina templar and they were a warden. They were also skillful. I tried all sorts of things and realized that I would never beat that build. They then told me that the only way I could possibly beat it was to get weapons behind a paywall in the new DLCs. That's when I told them. I can't do it I quit.

    No amount of skill could overcome that combination set. A tanky build that's able to output a high amount of damage and sacrifices nothing.

    That was when I realized game IS broken.

    So anyways to your point. I am all for SPLITTING PVP into those who pay to use the best sets skills or not and to those who want to use purely skills.

    As it stands, I will never play PVP with proc sets enabled.

    So the choices would be

    CP + Proc Sets

    No CP + Proc Sets

    CP+ No Proc Sets

    No CP + No Proc Sets (What I would play)

    The diversity in my eyes comes by the skills you build not by the sets you equip.

    [Quoted post was removed]

    [snip] Any player has a right to play the game the way they want without getting harassed about it and it works both ways. Someone may not have the funds to buy the newest DLC, someone may have some sort of an aversion towards some sets, any reason is valid.

    [snip] unkillable builds that need the combined pressure of 8 other players to bring them down. And they have the nerve to say "L2P zerglings". This is essentially an anti-PvP behavior. What's wrong with the natural wish to play on equal terms without the need to get the same OP gear?

    If you play a magblade, you stand no chance against a stamden. [snip] Like how do you even burst down a 60k HP target with unlimited sustain and heals? [snip]

    [Edited to remove Baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_ConnorG on March 6, 2021 6:01PM
  • AuraNebula
    DoccEff wrote: »
    My point is that none of the arguments for or against „proc-sets“ would matter if we just got an additional campaign. It would be the best compromise.

    I agree this would be the best compromise. They want their own non proc land they should have it, but not at the expense of the majority of the player base that does not want this change.
  • AuraNebula
    nukk3r wrote: »
    Hmm, I can see multiple points here.

    #1 There are the people who have skill and don't want sets to rule pvp
    #2 There are people who aren't as skillful and want sets they paid for to carry them in pvp.
    #3 There are the people who have skill and want the sets they paid for to carry them and turn them into god.
    #4 There are the majority of players who aren't skillful with assortment of non meta sets who get farmed left and right.

    It left PvP in a state or "buy in or die" I was a Stamina Templar. I got by pretty well, then a new whatever came out. I was somehow matched with a buddy in battleground pvp and they were killing and surviving 8 people at once. I then asked them to pvp me. After a while I told them I will be taking a long break from ESO.

    I was a stamina templar and they were a warden. They were also skillful. I tried all sorts of things and realized that I would never beat that build. They then told me that the only way I could possibly beat it was to get weapons behind a paywall in the new DLCs. That's when I told them. I can't do it I quit.

    No amount of skill could overcome that combination set. A tanky build that's able to output a high amount of damage and sacrifices nothing.

    That was when I realized game IS broken.

    So anyways to your point. I am all for SPLITTING PVP into those who pay to use the best sets skills or not and to those who want to use purely skills.

    As it stands, I will never play PVP with proc sets enabled.

    So the choices would be

    CP + Proc Sets

    No CP + Proc Sets

    CP+ No Proc Sets

    No CP + No Proc Sets (What I would play)

    The diversity in my eyes comes by the skills you build not by the sets you equip.

    [Quoted post was removed]

    [snip] Any player has a right to play the game the way they want without getting harassed about it and it works both ways. Someone may not have the funds to buy the newest DLC, someone may have some sort of an aversion towards some sets, any reason is valid.

    [snip] unkillable builds that need the combined pressure of 8 other players to bring them down. And they have the nerve to say "L2P zerglings". This is essentially an anti-PvP behavior. What's wrong with the natural wish to play on equal terms without the need to get the same OP gear?

    If you play a magblade, you stand no chance against a stamden. [snip] Like how do you even burst down a 60k HP target with unlimited sustain and heals? [snip]

    I do play a magblade lol. This is not a personal attack. I mainly play solo or in small scale. If any player has a right to play the game as they choose then why is this being forced upon the entire pvp playerbase? Because a few people say it is unfair because a few sets are over performing?

    Is every single set except these 19 sets over performing? No they are not. So why is basically every single set being looped into this?

    If you want to kill the hardest trial boss in the game you have to have a dedicated group wearing specific sets to kill them. Should people go in an kill some of the best players in the game because they cant be bothered to farm the correct gear?

    You're not going to be able to kill everyone. Not everyone is able to kill you.

    Fix the sets that need to be fixed and leave the rest alone. Don't make people conform to what a select few want.
    Edited by ZOS_ConnorG on March 6, 2021 6:02PM
  • ZOS_ConnorG
    Greetings all,

    After review we have had to edit or remove several posts for rule violations, mostly Baiting. Ensure when engaging in a discussion that you keep said discussion civil, constructive, and within the rules. If you see a post that is baiting in nature do not engage it with further hostility and instead report it for the moderators to review.

    You are welcome to review the Community Rules here.
    Staff Post
  • Augustus67
    I watched 3 EP Werewolves(Necro and Warden)take on an entire DC zerg(some AD as well) for over 2 hours,not dying once.
    They were all wearing Crimson and by the looks of it,Eternal Vigor. How is that fun?
    Does it remind them of school when they'd lay in a fetal position on the playground while all the cool kids wailed on them and take pride in not passing out?
    Five 70k hp Harbinger Necros surrounding an EP keep take force,basically taking down an entire DC defense team,wtf?
    I don't mind proc sets because they level the field for the non elite players with little free time.But in the hands of no-lifers,the abuse is real.
  • Katheriah
    Maybe it would help against baiting if someone from ZOS can actually explain what the flying fish they were thinking when they decided to keep hundreds of our sets out of your biggest PvP zone, you remember the Three Banner War? It's gonna be a Three Player War in a couple of weeks. And how does that add up to the "play how you want" story we're getting with the next update.

    Have you seen this post about the new CP system? If you're too lazy to read, the summary is: play how you want.

    But we don't even get at least 1 server where we can use the stuff we farmed.

    [snip] Great way to manage your community.

    [Edited to remove Bashing and Discussing Disciplinary Actions]
    Edited by ZOS_ConnorG on March 8, 2021 11:10AM
  • YandereGirlfriend
    DoccEff wrote: »
    because someone seems to intentionally misunderstand my point

    This is the primary tactic of the anti-proc crowd, it seems - being willfully obtuse and intentionally misunderstanding basic concepts.

    You can say to them: "But why ban NMA or War Maiden, both of them are literally stat sets indistinguishable from Hundings or Julianos?"

    And they will counter with something evasive like: "They have a logic check, so they're still proc sets, gotta ban 'em!"

    To which you respond: "So then you concede that they're not actually OP or 'carry sets' at all, you're simply hiding behind the technicality of the logic check?"

    Which, inevitably, leads to: "Cry more about your OP carry sets!"

    And then we're straight back to the beginning as they completely fail to engage with the actual merits of the argument - that most of the banned sets are not, in fact, "carry sets" or "crutches" at all - that they were simply swept up in any overly expansive reading of "proc set" due to the technical means of their implementation (which, incidentally, did nothing to actually improve performance...).

    TLDR; Most of the anti-proc "arguments" are made in bad faith because their proponents know that engaging with the actual substance of arguments would make their position completely untenable.
    Edited by YandereGirlfriend on March 6, 2021 7:23PM
  • tsaescishoeshiner
    From the dev's post about extending the proc set ban:
    "To that end, we’ll be leaving proc sets disabled until Update 31 launches in Q3. At that point, we will have implemented some new code so we can have more flexibility to campaign rulesets as it applies to proc sets."

    This sounds pretty unambiguously like they're considering a proc set campaign and a no proc set campaign—or maybe at least banning certain sets.

    Until then, we'll have to settle for IC for CP-enabled procapalooza
    in-game: @tsaescishoeshiner
  • SeaArcanist
    actually, i agree. Having a proc server vs non proc server. then evaluating the population. will give accurate evidence of what the PvP community wants.
  • UntouchableHunter
    I strongly agree give us this campaign with proc and another without proc sets. Easy solution and will make everybody happy.
    Edited by UntouchableHunter on March 6, 2021 10:52PM
  • merevie
    There was never any consultation with players about not using proc sets.

    Someone made an assumption who had a lot of power and possibly a different agenda that led to their choice to end 'play as you want' in pvp.

    I'm sure they're very aware, based on the 100% refusal to engage with any of the actual player feedback on this forum, that this is not what players want.

    What we need to do is figure out what that agenda is, so that we can get some traction on being able to solve this issue.

    There is a reason they don't want proc sets in game at this time. There is no chance they'll allow it on a diff pvp server.

    To state the obvious, they have a lot of problems after new content is delivered. It's likely that someone has stuffed up majorly and this will be one way to cover that up while a fix is reached.
    Edited by merevie on March 6, 2021 9:39PM
  • MirelaUmbrella
    Katheriah wrote: »
    Maybe it would help against baiting if someone from ZOS can actually explain what the flying fish they were thinking when they decided to keep hundreds of our sets out of your biggest PvP zone, you remember the Three Banner War? It's gonna be a Three Player War in a couple of weeks. And how does that add up to the "play how you want" story we're getting with the next update.

    Have you seen this post about the new CP system? If you're too lazy to read, the summary is: play how you want.

    But we don't even get at least 1 server where we can use the stuff we farmed.

    [snip] Great way to manage your community.

    Classic ZOS tactic of dropping a nuke on the Friday before the update goes live on the Monday

    "Woops guys, weren't at work over the weekend so we didn't see this backlash and we already pushed the update to live. Sorry guys, there's not much we can do now"
    Edited by ZOS_ConnorG on March 8, 2021 11:11AM
  • UntouchableHunter
    merevie wrote: »
    There was never any consultation with players about not using proc sets.

    Someone made an assumption who had a lot of power and possibly a different agenda that led to their choice to end 'play as you want' in pvp.

    I'm sure they're very aware, based on the 100% refusal to engage with any of the actual player feedback on this forum, that this is not what players want.

    What we need to do is figure out what that agenda is, so that we can get some traction on being able to solve this issue.

    There is a reason they don't want proc sets in game at this time. There is no chance they'll allow it on a diff pvp server.

    To state the obvious, they have a lot of problems after new content is delivered. It's likely that someone has stuffed up majorly and this will be one way to cover that up while a fix is reached.

    It is a hard decision but I'm going to cancel my plus.

    They will start to hear us if we stop to give them our money.
  • zaria
    Katheriah wrote: »
    Maybe it would help against baiting if someone from ZOS can actually explain what the flying fish they were thinking when they decided to keep hundreds of our sets out of your biggest PvP zone, you remember the Three Banner War? It's gonna be a Three Player War in a couple of weeks. And how does that add up to the "play how you want" story we're getting with the next update.

    Have you seen this post about the new CP system? If you're too lazy to read, the summary is: play how you want.

    But we don't even get at least 1 server where we can use the stuff we farmed.

    [snip] Great way to manage your community.

    Classic ZOS tactic of dropping a nuke on the Friday before the update goes live on the Monday

    "Woops guys, weren't at work over the weekend so we didn't see this backlash and we already pushed the update to live. Sorry guys, there's not much we can do now"
    Well asking for close in air support from the death star is bad for your health.
    So is asking ZoS for nerfs, its my signature :)

    Edited by ZOS_ConnorG on March 8, 2021 11:11AM
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • merevie
    On the Steam ESO forum last night, and all these fresh young things are asking, "should I pvp?" "is it a good time to start?". "Should I buy the game?". And we're all like... oh boy, do we have a story for you...
    Edited by merevie on March 7, 2021 7:45PM
  • Gilvoth
    i hope this happens.
  • Abyssmol
    Hmm, I can see multiple points here.

    #1 There are the people who have skill and don't want sets to rule pvp
    #2 There are people who aren't as skillful and want sets they paid for to carry them in pvp.
    #3 There are the people who have skill and want the sets they paid for to carry them and turn them into god.
    #4 There are the majority of players who aren't skillful with assortment of non meta sets who get farmed left and right.

    It left PvP in a state or "buy in or die" I was a Stamina Templar. I got by pretty well, then a new whatever came out. I was somehow matched with a buddy in battleground pvp and they were killing and surviving 8 people at once. I then asked them to pvp me. After a while I told them I will be taking a long break from ESO.

    I was a stamina templar and they were a warden. They were also skillful. I tried all sorts of things and realized that I would never beat that build. They then told me that the only way I could possibly beat it was to get weapons behind a paywall in the new DLCs. That's when I told them. I can't do it I quit.

    No amount of skill could overcome that combination set. A tanky build that's able to output a high amount of damage and sacrifices nothing.

    That was when I realized game IS broken.

    So anyways to your point. I am all for SPLITTING PVP into those who pay to use the best sets skills or not and to those who want to use purely skills.

    As it stands, I will never play PVP with proc sets enabled.

    So the choices would be

    CP + Proc Sets

    No CP + Proc Sets

    CP+ No Proc Sets

    No CP + No Proc Sets (What I would play)

    The diversity in my eyes comes by the skills you build not by the sets you equip.

    You forgot

    #5 there are the people who play stamina class or magicka sorc that have enough advantage over all other magicka classes and they want to keep it like that.

    #6 there are the people that play the 2 pay to win classes that don't mind having an advantage over all other classes. And, if you don't know which two stamina classes are pay-to-win at the moment then you have been away for a long time.

  • YandereGirlfriend
    I should probably write my Steam review as well.

    New players ought to know what they're getting into.
  • Abyssmol
    nukk3r wrote: »
    Hmm, I can see multiple points here.

    #1 There are the people who have skill and don't want sets to rule pvp
    #2 There are people who aren't as skillful and want sets they paid for to carry them in pvp.
    #3 There are the people who have skill and want the sets they paid for to carry them and turn them into god.
    #4 There are the majority of players who aren't skillful with assortment of non meta sets who get farmed left and right.

    It left PvP in a state or "buy in or die" I was a Stamina Templar. I got by pretty well, then a new whatever came out. I was somehow matched with a buddy in battleground pvp and they were killing and surviving 8 people at once. I then asked them to pvp me. After a while I told them I will be taking a long break from ESO.

    I was a stamina templar and they were a warden. They were also skillful. I tried all sorts of things and realized that I would never beat that build. They then told me that the only way I could possibly beat it was to get weapons behind a paywall in the new DLCs. That's when I told them. I can't do it I quit.

    No amount of skill could overcome that combination set. A tanky build that's able to output a high amount of damage and sacrifices nothing.

    That was when I realized game IS broken.

    So anyways to your point. I am all for SPLITTING PVP into those who pay to use the best sets skills or not and to those who want to use purely skills.

    As it stands, I will never play PVP with proc sets enabled.

    So the choices would be

    CP + Proc Sets

    No CP + Proc Sets

    CP+ No Proc Sets

    No CP + No Proc Sets (What I would play)

    The diversity in my eyes comes by the skills you build not by the sets you equip.

    [Quoted post was removed]

    [snip] Any player has a right to play the game the way they want without getting harassed about it and it works both ways. Someone may not have the funds to buy the newest DLC, someone may have some sort of an aversion towards some sets, any reason is valid.

    [snip] unkillable builds that need the combined pressure of 8 other players to bring them down. And they have the nerve to say "L2P zerglings". This is essentially an anti-PvP behavior. What's wrong with the natural wish to play on equal terms without the need to get the same OP gear?

    If you play a magblade, you stand no chance against a stamden. [snip] Like how do you even burst down a 60k HP target with unlimited sustain and heals? [snip]

    I do play a magblade lol. This is not a personal attack. I mainly play solo or in small scale. If any player has a right to play the game as they choose then why is this being forced upon the entire pvp playerbase? Because a few people say it is unfair because a few sets are over performing?

    Is every single set except these 19 sets over performing? No they are not. So why is basically every single set being looped into this?

    If you want to kill the hardest trial boss in the game you have to have a dedicated group wearing specific sets to kill them. Should people go in an kill some of the best players in the game because they cant be bothered to farm the correct gear?

    You're not going to be able to kill everyone. Not everyone is able to kill you.

    Fix the sets that need to be fixed and leave the rest alone. Don't make people conform to what a select few want.

    Standen, stancro, and magsorc are overperforming. Should those three classes be removed from pvp too?
  • fredthefrown
    Procs are removed because they cause problems, creating a server with procs enabled doesn’t fix any problems. It just creates a broken server for ZOS to deal with
  • DtOG
    Seems like the most logical thing to do. Open up a campaign. People paid with not just money but time to get all these sets. Give us a campaign with all sets enabled and everybody’s happy.
  • Nezyr_Jezz
    Procs are removed because they cause problems, creating a server with procs enabled doesn’t fix any problems. It just creates a broken server for ZOS to deal with

    That is a lie.

    They said themselves that the removal of proc sets didnt influenced the server effectiveness.

    The reasons servers are lagging are:
    1. They are outdated
    2. the combat system sends asks to a server and back about being in combat or not, and on top of that keeps you in combat if an opponent you fought entered another combat (so called combat bug). So for every second, anyone in combat, creates a "question" to a server about wheather that person is in combat or not - making a communication with it. Now multiply this by cyrodill number of players. This was supposed to be fixed in 2019 but it didn't.
    3. Overpopulation
    4. Cyrodiil event award calculation - as we all now, most of you get DC when your about to get a keep in a major battle. Well thats when server is calculating rewards for each individual participating in the "event". Those massive spikes are one of the key problems that exist when large group of individual accounts is getting those rewards. In short. The more players, the bigger spike, the better chance you will get a DC while a calculation is happening because (overpopulation, servers being outdated, code is problematic)
    5. Coding problems which are apparent

    Elaboration on "4":
    • Usually the development process is marked by investors who are setting so called "deadlines".
    • Coders need to meet the deadlines so the game will be released with a schedule called by investors
    • Coders implement coding hastingly making it harder to work with for further development teams
    • Coders, after release, are moving to another game development (all or most of them)
    • New developers (coders) are hired to maintain the game, which have no influence over how code was created and trying to make it right, but since it was implemented hastingly it takes sometimes years to discover a bug or a connection between seemingly unrelated issues in the game (Skill problems and CP being connected - which was already confirmed by development team - to name one)

    So no, proc sets are not the problem unless your speaking about their potency which is a whole another subject. But in terms of game coding they are FAR from being the top priority for fix.

    Removal of proc sets from cyrodill is like applying a bandate on the healthy leg while the other rots away from a festering wound.
    Edited by Nezyr_Jezz on March 8, 2021 12:59AM
  • Pauwer
    Will i be refunded for golded out gear that i can no longer use? Pls make it so that one gold sword will drop 8 gold mats. Would be only fair.
  • Nezyr_Jezz
    Pauwer wrote: »
    Will i be refunded for golded out gear that i can no longer use? Pls make it so that one gold sword will drop 8 gold mats. Would be only fair.

    You will get a "potatoe medal" for wasting time, and a distinctive and severe pain in the groin if your a magica based class thats not a sorc.
    Edited by Nezyr_Jezz on March 8, 2021 1:03AM
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