Joy_Division wrote: »
Sorcs have the highest % because of Endless Fury spammers. It's an "easy" class to play that has a pretty brainless mechanic for getting KBs. Easy = / = Too strong.
Trayyacakes wrote: »
sorcs both mag and stam have an amazing kit.
Trayyacakes wrote: »
I agree but we can’t deny when ignoring proc sets, which I think you should when focusing on class balance(procs should definitely also be balanced), sorcs both mag and stam have an amazing kit. I wouldn’t say op or too strong just that they are one of the better put together classes... I don’t think every class should play the same way though, but I do believe some classes are lacking when compared to a class like sorc.
colossalvoids wrote: »
You can definitely notice the difference. You also notice the difference when proc sets are disabled.
You also notice class skill kit imbalance and how past decisions by ZOS moved to using proc sets to offset those imbalances. Hopefully, outside the test parameters they're taking notes on what they can do to balance and identify each class.
I could argue persuasively on all the merits when you balance combat mechanics around PVP.
Trayyacakes wrote: »
What do they need? More reliable cloak? Reliable self burst heal? Ranged ultimate?
Joy_Division wrote: »
Sorcs have the highest % because of Endless Fury spammers. It's an "easy" class to play that has a pretty brainless mechanic for getting KBs. Easy = / = Too strong.
These tests have made Magicka classes slightly more viable but they're still outclassed by Stam classes damage, burst, healing and survivability. But it is nice to be slightly better in Cyro again even if it is just for 3 weeks. They need to buff Magicka classes to be on par with their Stam counterparts, buff Vamp and nerf Werewolf aka easy mode.