Chilly-McFreeze wrote: »Short question: does malacath's ring work during this test?
brandonv516 wrote: »Magicka NB are highly dependent on proc sets to even compete.
But it doesn't really provide an edge when our main defense in Cloak is nullified by DoTs and pets.
Waffennacht wrote: »Many have said that mag procs can close the gap on certain classes; and back before procs many threads were made about class imbalances (this is where the nerf sorc meme came from)
Its not procs inherently causing issues; its that their value (namely no CP) is so high (ESP paired with malacath)
Every class without burst and/or executes definitely feel it
Trayyacakes wrote: »... I also have to go vampire for mist to have any ability to kite and escape no win scenarios, which means increased susceptibility to dawn breakers and gankers who use snipe and shards combos... so I still need a larger health pool to deal with that, reducing damage farther.
This is a big red flag that something is not ok. RAT might be a better option, but you know your spec better than I ever will.
It would be great if the devs took this moment to look at and do something about specs that are gimped for PVP. And I mean solo and small-scale PVP, anybody can be just fine if they spend all their time in crown's pocket or only duel. I don't think they're unaware, they've just addressed it by adding monster sets and other gear, which is a crappy duct-tape and chicken wire way to leave things forever. But I get the impression they're running a 20 man show with 10 and that's how things go when that happens.
And soul tether should never have had a cast time. Again, I think they're well aware how much it screws with nightblades, they're just happy with that outcome. See also: five hundred ways to counter cloak.
UntouchableHunter wrote: »Magdk is dead without procs.
I don't wana be carried by procs on my magdk but it is impossible.
If you play with a same level player you can't win with magdk.
Some classes are really strong without procs but magdk and magnecro need procs to be CLOSE to this level.
Also next patch with so many health and health recovery magdk with dots, no burst and no execute will be useless.
Trayyacakes wrote: »
I unfortunately think this is true... What in your mind is it that is contributing? The mobility? The sustain? No execute?
I think vamp solves the mobility but it hurts sustain... I feel like if I could invest more into spell damage without having severe resource issues I'd be ok without an execute.
Waffennacht wrote: »Many have said that mag procs can close the gap on certain classes; and back before procs many threads were made about class imbalances (this is where the nerf sorc meme came from)
Its not procs inherently causing issues; its that their value (namely no CP) is so high (ESP paired with malacath)
Every class without burst and/or executes definitely feel it
exeeter702 wrote: »Magblade sucks
Trayyacakes wrote: »
What do they need? More reliable cloak? Reliable self burst heal? Ranged ultimate?
exeeter702 wrote: »
Give siphoning attacks a magicka scaling buff to light and heavy melee attacks.
Urzigurumash wrote: »I'm not hating on MagSorcs, it's not their fault, but if anybody is surprised that they're at the top of the pack without proc sets then they must be new to the game, let's be real
A skills meta enforces skill imbalance
A sets meta enforces set imbalance
We want no meta
Trayyacakes wrote: »I've played solely on my magdk during the event and the sustain issues of the class are very apparent. I have to invest a large amount(2 reduced cost jewelry glyphs, atro mundus and 2 recovery set bonuses) into sustain to feel good about resource management. This leaves me in a place where getting quick kills is not really possible and I have to wear down my opponents slowly... This isn't necessarily a bad thing but it is disadvantageous when there are other classes with much better burst options... I also have to go vampire for mist to have any ability to kite and escape no win scenarios, which means increased susceptibility to dawn breakers and gankers who use snipe and shards combos... so I still need a larger health pool to deal with that, reducing damage farther.
I'm not sure what race you are, but race can help or hurt sustain issues.
I'm mainly playing a Magplar right now. I'm a Breton, so it helps with sustain. But I have to be careful about physical mitigation, stamina, and damage. A high elf would help with stamina and damage. But I then would lose out on sustain some.
I am currently playing with around 28.5k health, 41k magicka, 15.5k stamina. I use Bewtiched food. I use Atro. So I am sitting at a little over 1800 magicka recovery. But I also have Ele drain and Channeled Focus to help as well. And a resto staff for heavy attacking.
I do not use cost reduction glyphs. It's full infused spell dmg. I think fully buffed, I was over 3300 spell dmg. I get spell pen through light armor, Ele drain, destro staff, and cps. I am pretty satisfied with the dmg, though evasion has always been terrible for sweeps.
Mitigation is around 31,000 spell, 26,000 physical in light armor.
I tried to use Mist. It's great mitigation. But the slow speed just drives me nuts. And I do not want to get speed from somewhere else and give up sustain or damage. A vampire is also going to eat into your sustain. So I have gone back to RAT. And I find that RAT benefits my play style more.
I don't know if any of this helps. But thought I'd share.
I'm not sure what race you are, but race can help or hurt sustain issues.
I'm mainly playing a Magplar right now. I'm a Breton, so it helps with sustain. But I have to be careful about physical mitigation, stamina, and damage. A high elf would help with stamina and damage. But I then would lose out on sustain some.
I am currently playing with around 28.5k health, 41k magicka, 15.5k stamina. I use Bewtiched food. I use Atro. So I am sitting at a little over 1800 magicka recovery. But I also have Ele drain and Channeled Focus to help as well. And a resto staff for heavy attacking.
I do not use cost reduction glyphs. It's full infused spell dmg. I think fully buffed, I was over 3300 spell dmg. I get spell pen through light armor, Ele drain, destro staff, and cps. I am pretty satisfied with the dmg, though evasion has always been terrible for sweeps.
Mitigation is around 31,000 spell, 26,000 physical in light armor.
I tried to use Mist. It's great mitigation. But the slow speed just drives me nuts. And I do not want to get speed from somewhere else and give up sustain or damage. A vampire is also going to eat into your sustain. So I have gone back to RAT. And I find that RAT benefits my play style more.
I don't know if any of this helps. But thought I'd share.
I assume that your deaths are simply counting the killing blow, and not any other metric(s)? If that is indeed the case, remember that Mag Sorc numbers can be skewed just because of their execute. Then there's the fact that, since you're on a Stam Sorc, they're one of the only things that has a snowball's chance in Hades of actually chasing and killing you when/if you decide to disengage.As you can see there is a huge unbalance of 13.1% between the total number of Sorcs and their kills against me, which is the highest unbalance, positive or negative of all classes.
Which leads to the "conclusion", that Magsorcs are definitely the strongest class to play during those tests in CP campaigns as far as my Stamsorc is concerned, if you say that the number of players in percent should equal the kills in percent in a perfectly balanced game.
exeeter702 wrote: »
What sets are you using?
If I take all my kills and deaths of my Stamsorc the last 3 days together, the classes are roughly divided as follows:
24.47% DKs; 14.55% of my deaths, mainly against Stamina
21.45% Sorcs; 34.55% of my deaths, mainly against Magicka
18.55% Templar; 9.09% of my deaths, mainly against Stamina
15.66% Nightblades; 14.55% of my deaths, even
12.76% Wardens; 18.18% of my deaths, mainly against Stamina
6.45% Necros; 1.82% of my deaths, mainly against Stamina
Total enemies killed: 810
Total deaths: 55
K/D: 14.73
As you can see there is a huge unbalance of 13.1% between the total number of Sorcs and their kills against me, which is the highest unbalance, positive or negative of all classes.
Which leads to the "conclusion", that Magsorcs are definitely the strongest class to play during those tests in CP campaigns as far as my Stamsorc is concerned, if you say that the number of players in percent should equal the kills in percent in a perfectly balanced game.