😯 I finally know your name. I had hear someone was close before but this is pretty amazing.
Side note is it true you can't queue after 1600 cp for dungeons?
That's fake. I have more than that and I had no issue queuing for dungeons, other than the usual ones, like having to click the queue button many times in order to make it work. People see the dungeon finder malfunctioning and blame it on things that have no influence whatsoever. In fact what happens when more people than usual queue, let's say at peak hours in the evenings and/or during double XP events the software that handles the queue and group matching gets overwhelmed and can't make groups fast enough. Or it outright bugs out and makes and unmakes them in short order. We've all seen the forming group -> instant confirmation fail -> queued again loop. And it's not only dungeons, but BGs as well, as they probably use the same module, or a similar one.